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[d20 Cthulhu] What Rough Beast... (Part II)

The Crimster

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Stephen and Alex leave from the Pickman house and head over to UCLA. On the car ride over to UCLA they catch up on each other's lives, but yesterday's events seems to be a far more interesting topic, at least to Stephen. Traffic is surprisingly light, and within a half-hour they are pulling into a parking space in one of the many parking lots.

The campus is filled with people, most hurrying to their classes or cars. Alex, who has been here before (he shivers at the thought of that horrific art history class he once took here), leads the way. Within a matter of minutes, they are standing in a hallway in the mathematics building, just outside an office door. An elderly man in a gray jumpsuit is working on the door with a small razor-like tool. He appears to be scraping away the black lettering that says, "Office of Professor Pickman". He is whistling in tune with a small radio set into the hall ("We Didn't Start The Fire" by Billy Joel). He turns to the two and smiles broadly.

"Good afternoon, gentlemen." He then turns back to his work, and continues to whistle.

OOC: It's a nice cheery day at UCLA. Won't you all come out and play?

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Alex smiles. "Good morning to you too! I'm sorry - We need to get in there for a moment and retrieve some files. Would it be all right if we passed through for a moment?"

Stephen, on his part, is looking a little bored, glancing at the walls and ceilings with a disinterested eye.

The Crimster

First Post
The old worker straightens out, and smiles again.

"Sure, sure. They're cleanin' the place out, though. I think the unclaimed papers pile is in there somewheres, but you can check with the secretary. She'll help you out." He opens the door for you, and smiles graciously once more.

Peeking inside, you can see it is a two room office. The first room is obviously for the secretary, and contains a desk, chairs, and a couple of filing cabinets. A woman in beige suit is on her hands and knees, pulling together a pile of paper into a single stack. Her back is to you, and it appears she does not notice you.

The second room has it's door mostly closed, but you can see and hear people inside of it.

Billy Joel continues to sing about a great fire, and how it's always been here.


First Post
Steven glances at Alex. "I'll take the back room - I'm good at fast talking academic-types. You deal with the secretary."

Alex looks at Steven incredulously. "Steven, we're claiming old notes, not robbing a bank."
"Right, right."

They step in, and Alex enters the rear room, as Alex looks down to the secretary. "Hi there. I'm Alex - an old friend of Alan. I'm here to pick up some old belonging's of his..."


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Randy Morrison

Randy Goes to his car after informing Alex of the student at the college that was there when Alan died, and asks him so see if the kid noticed anything strange about the professors death.

Randy will first visit Tracey Kemper, at the mental hospital, so see if she knows anything that could be helpful.
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Isida Kep'Tukari

The Crimster said:
After a few moments, Ray hears a scratching at his office door. It sounds as if a rather large rat is trying to get in. Before he can react, the door knob turns, revealing the pale face that he saw at the funeral just yesterday. Alister.

He looks the same as when you saw him last - disheveled, dirty, and somewhat dazed looking. He slides into the office, quietly closing the door behind him.

"Hello Alister." Ray says. "How did--"

"Your friends." Alister interrupts before Ray can go any further. "You friends are going to die Dr. Silver." Alister is looking down as he says this, seemingly unable to meet Ray's eyes. "The biggest integer of all is going to kill them. Crush them beneath it's bulk. Numbers are heavy, know what I mean? I just thought you should know." He takes a seat in one of the leather office chairs and begins to look glumly at his hands. Ray, you can't help but notice crusted dirt all over Alister's clothes. He must have been almost rolling in mud last night.

"How - ," Ray starts uncertainly, "exactly are they going to die? I don't know that much about numbers, I'm afraid, never did. It took Alan's help just to pass college math; so I never got into the theoretical numbers thing..." Ray trails off, and looks hard at Alister, hoping that mentioning Alan's name will get a more solid reaction out of him. His patience for riddles is about shot after last night.

The Crimster

First Post
Stephen walks past the secretary and pushes open the door that leads into Professor Pickman's former office. There are four men in this room, all wearing coveralls and painting hats. The office is a shambles - it looks like they are trying to expand the room or connect it to a nearby office. The men are literally tearing apart the walls with picks and axes, and the air is thick with the smell of plaster.

One of them steps forward and wipes caked dirt off of his forehead with a rag. "Sorry, kid. Teacher's not here." The look on his face is that of someone who has nothing but contempt for college-kids. The other workers look on at the exchange with equal amounts of scowling and snickering.

Meanwhile, Alex steps into the front office, the door closing behind him. He looks down at the crouching secretary. "Hi there. I'm Alex - an old friend of Alan's. I'm here to pick up some old belonging's of his..." As the secretary rises to greet him, Alan begins to suddenly feel... odd. It is almost as if he can feel his brain pulsing. There is a sharp pain at the front of his forehead for a brief second, and then it is gone. And in it's place... something else...

The secretary stands and looks at Alex with a quirky smile. She is young and willowy, perhaps 18 or so, her hair done in a pitch black that is obviously dyed. Her clothing attire however is pure business, accentuating a perhaps too-thin body. Cute, perhaps except for the dark shadows underneath her eyes. And the bizarre slug-like creature that seemingly floats about her as if it were a pet!

It is almost translucent, and reminds Alex of nothing less than a barracuda - A 2 and 1/2 foot long strip of mottled flesh capped by a row of razor sharp teeth. But not like normal teeth - each one looks like a sharpened needle, or syringe. The creature seemingly swims through the air, and constantly seems to be grinding it's teeth as if hungry. The girl seems oblivious to it.

Alex steps back, in horror - momentarily stunned. The secretary gives a brief high pitched giggle and smiles. "Are you ok? Anything I can help you with?"


Randy hops in his car and begins the long drive to the asylum. Care Facility, he reminds himself. Whatever you want to call it in the age of political correctness, it's still the place where you store the loons.

As he's driving up, he remembers what Julia said - it may require a bit of work to be allowed in to see the girl. Normally when a patient is really bad off, only relatives or doctors can get in to see them. And usually only with supervision. Which probably won't do for the things I need to ask her... Randy looks down at his cell phone and ponders what to do.


"How - ," Ray starts uncertainly, "exactly are they going to die? I don't know that much about numbers, I'm afraid, never did. It took Alan's help just to pass college math; so I never got into the theoretical numbers thing..." Ray trails off, and looks hard at Alister, hoping that mentioning Alan's name will get a more solid reaction out of him. His patience for riddles is about shot after last night.

Alister looks at Ray with a mixture of sadness and sympathy. "It's ok, Doc Silver. Knowing math isn't all it's cracked up to be, ask Alan." Alister grabs a marble bookend from Ray's desk and begins to examine it close-up, unmindful of the books that begin to fall, domino-like, to the floor.

"I mean they're going to die, Doc." says Alister, before Ray can say anything about the books. "They're going to get pierced, shot, cut, stabbed, stepped-on, and then one of them is going to have their brains sucked out through the back of their skull." He continues to inspect the bookend with total fascination. His lips continue to move, however.

"I've seen it, because the path of numbers is a doorway to both the past and the future. Alan was the greatest of us, and the best at keeping it together. It was a gift for destroying God. He means well, Doc. He wants God to come back. But if he is successful, if it works - if he finds what is lost - every single digit ever rolls back to zero. Trust me on this one, Doc." Alister looks up and sets down the bookend. He looks at the fallen group of books as if utterly surprised.

Ray, you can clearly see a host of small insects - probably mites - writhing in and out of Alister's hair. Some even stray into his face, but as usual he does not notice.
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Stephen and Alex

Stephen curls his lips in irritation. "Whatever. I'm just looking for some of Dr. Pickman's old papers, on behalf of his widow, Julia Pickman. I'll stay out of the way as much as I can." He goes through whatever cabinets are accessible and Searches for any papers regarding the Incident with the i Society, or ANYTHING regarding the i Society, the Scarlet King or Queen, or freaky demon bees, all while doing his best to avoid getting in the way of construction.

Alex, on his part, isn't doing quite as well. He stares at the barracuda thing for a good three seconds before he realizes that she can't see it. Finally he manages to make eye contact. "Sorry, I - There was a huge, huge fly buzzing around your head, and I'm deathly afraid of insects. Anyway, I'm looking for some old papers that used to belong to Dr. Pickman... Do you think you could help me find them?" He continues to glance at the barracuda thing whenever she isn't looking directly at him. If she's really not paying attention he might even take a swipe at it to see what happens.

Isida Kep'Tukari

*Ray blinks, disturbed by Alister's words as well as the callous treatment of his books*

"Is there any way we can protect outselves then Alister? Anyway we can prevent others from finding this 'what is lost,' if it's so dangerous?"

*Maybe if I humor him...*

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