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DARK•HERITAGE -- 16 installments to date, updated April 20th


Herder of monkies
Joshua Dyal said:
Thanks! Are you thinking of using miniatures on that game? I know your group is somewhat famous for elaborate miniatures usage.

I had thought of picking up a Warmaching steamjack, snipping and filing off the head, and putting a plastic head from the Warhammer zombie regiment in its place.

However, I think I'd actually be better off making the creature just a little more svelt after all, and using a Warmaching Bane thrall to represent it. Then the only converting I'd have to do is remove the big ole axe.
Oh yes. I already have a small stable of Warmachine stuff along with a few other manufacturers for the 'Necrotechnikas' (tm :) ) as I like to call 'em. Started assembly and spraying a while back, but havent gotten around to getting any paint on them yet. I've also picked up a few lots of Foundry and other Victorian minis and painted a couple so far. The Steve Jackson Steampunk set is very, very cool if you can find it. I also have a small bits box full of pieces and ideas for sawing up things and whatnot; between some GW bits and some old minis I have a few frightening things in the pipe for the future. I've gotten quite froggy with a saw and putty lately. I just *love* the minis in that IK Warmachine line, especially the new 'heroic' minis meant for the adventurer types. Fludogg (Joe Empire/Hank's player from our Story Hours) and I have been putting together ideas for building airships, and Fludogg has a base for one almost put together now. We have a system worked out so that we can have them 'flying' without using table bases that can easily get knocked over, and we've got a nice collection of sailing ships already.

Dark Age makes some very nice undead/techie looking things that I've picked up a couple of also, there is a tortured-looking construct/man ensemble that I'd like to get.

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Well, I've only recently started using relatively fancy minis to represent in the game, and what I've found is that by doing so, I'm more likely to find some monster stats that can represent the mini, rather than the other way around. Just recently, I tossed my converted rat ogre at the PCs in, what I think turned out as a pretty decent fight, but I would never have even thought of it if I didn't have a rat ogre mini that I quite liked the conversion and paint job I had done.

Not that I'm really all that good at either, but y'know. I'll try to get a decent picture of that and post it here as we get closer to that session.


Since the campaign itself is on hiatus until after the Detroit Gameday in early December, I will BUMP this thread back to the top of the Story Hour page in the hopes we can get a few more sessions worth of action posted...

That's my hope; get all the way up to date on the Story Hour before we actually have our next session again sometime in December. I can probably do it in two or three more updates.
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:lol: Actually, the PCs haven't made a Sanity check in the last two sessions or so. After the strong horror vibe of the first "module" I decided to tone it down temporarily and play up the swashbuckling nature of the setting more.

Luckily, they've decided on a course of action where I can give them both moving forward...


Joshua Dyal said:
:lol: Actually, the PCs haven't made a Sanity check in the last two sessions or so. After the strong horror vibe of the first "module" I decided to tone it down temporarily and play up the swashbuckling nature of the setting more.

Luckily, they've decided on a course of action where I can give them both moving forward...

Are you threatening me? :cool:


Joshua Dyal said:
Well, yeah. You'll have that shiny new list of spells to choose from; how can Rosham possibly resist? :p

Nope, not a chance. Nonetheless he shall prevail by thwarting your plans to leave him lying shivering and naked...oh wait, that's already happened. Well in any event he will NOT perish.

Voidrunner's Codex

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