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Dark Deeds On White Mountain--Game Thread

Deuce Traveler

Lars is conflicted for a moment, his desire to save the dwarf by attacking the threatening beast offset by tales of the benevolent gold dragons and the Padre's warning.

He rushes forward, foolishly perhaps, right hand holding the haft of his great-axe near it's blade to act as a clumsy shield against an attack while he grabs the fallen dwarf by the back of his collar and tries to drag him to safety.

"Haakon, do you have a song to make that beastie shoo away or something?" Lars yells over his shoulder to his drinking buddy.

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Dentmus rushes over to the cave after saving the half-orc. "Hold! Hold! Do not slay the gold dragon! Come on Grunt! No I will not feed you to it. Well it might be a worthy sacrifice..." the druid says, clambering over, huffing and puffing.

Shouting at the top of his voice, Dentmus says in common, regretting that he never learnt Draconic, "Good dragon! We are here to aid, not kill! Pardon us for any intrusion! Yes, weregild if required, bacon a necessity," (Grunt grunts), "all can be resolved great wrym, treasured of the Gods! The dwarves must have angered thee, stealing your gold, or being so imbecilic as to fight you. Let us resolve this! I will h-heal thy wounds as much ability as I can!" continues Dentmus, slightly afraid.

Well either it'll forgive us or we'll just be dinner...

Diplomacy check: +4


First Post
A brief look of astonishment rolls across her face as she witnesses the injured Gold Dragon emerge from the cave. However she quickly recovers herself and replaces her surprised look by one that is battle hardened and ready.

“Easy Thunder… Easy” She says as she soothingly strokes Thunder’s black main. His twitching seems to subdue for the moment. By looking deep into the Dragon’s mad eyes Mist begins to get an uneasy feeling in the bottom of her gut. A feeling that she has, over time learned to trust, for it has saved her life more times than she would care to count. Locking her gaze onto the scene before her she speaks loud enough for all those that are around her to hear.

“Look at its eyes…” Says Mist, “I fear the Dragon is not its self…” She pauses for only a brief second in order to adjust Thunder’s position before speaking again. “Be ready to act when I do...” She says in a commanding voice. In a softer voice she then adds “… and may Woden forgive us…”

She waits, and readies Thunder to charge forward. Readjusting her lance, she aims for the creature’s heart, hoping to end its suffering by putting it down in a single blow. In her heart she hopes that the words of her allies can penetrate through the certain insanity inside the Dragon’s head. But her mind tells her otherwise.

Closing her eyes she concentrates breifly on her holy symbol. Reaching out with her mind she tries to determine if there is indeed evil within the Dragon.

Gray Shade said:
* * *
Bloodweaver1, feel free to give me an action for Mist for that round if you want)
OOC: No, you are good on the previous round. She is going to delay and see if the Dragon goes to kill the dwarf. If so, she will then charge in using one of her three Smite Evils ( only if there is indeed evil within the creature) and will also use full Power Attack on the charge.
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First Post
Have no idea if this'll work, but it might be worth half a shot...

With a quick word for Woden's help, the Padre once again invokes the power of their deity, directing his chant at the crazed dragon:

"Hugr ræðr hálfum sigri!"


OOC: Casting Remove Fear on it (a long shot :\ )

Gray Shade

First Post
A brief reprieve

Kah runs and ducks and dives and jigs. The dragon's wing slices through the air at her, but she rolls under it and comes up standing behind the creature, within the cave.

Haakon sheathes his sword and steps into the mine opening, trying to soothe the dragon. Looking at Haakon, it hesitates attacking the Dwarf, but as Lars moves, it strikes!

Its head fires forward snapping at Lars. His axe, however, gets in the way and its jaw glances off the flat side of the steel. Mist girds herself for the charge, but although she senses a great evil about the dragon, the evil does not seem to BE the dragon, a moment's more concentration may give her more information.

During her hesitation: enraged by the miss, the creature strikes with a claw as Lars pulls the Dwarf to cover. The claw tears through the flesh of Lars' leg but does not take the limb off or incapacitate it. From her vantage point, Mist is sure that the attack is weaker, slower than it should have been for so majestic a creature. It then turns its attention to Dentmus who runs up, huffing and puffing, trying to calm the dragon. It flails its broken wing, but doesn't even come close to hitting him. It's obvious to all that the wing is not an effective weapon right now anyway, but it is enough to cause Grunt to squeal and jump back behind Dentmus. The dragon huffs and pants at Dentmus, froth and spittle flinging at his boots and onto Grunt's hindquarters.

With a strong, if not confident, step The Padre moves in front of the dragon, near Dentmus and calls upon his soothing magics. The dragon's eyes are still unfocused, but the body, neck and head turn toward him and shudder. The mistlike black tendrils you first took to be smoke pulsate and become a shade lighter. The dragon's breathing slows and an expression of pain comes across its face, but it still says nothing, and its eyes do not focus. It does however sit still for the moment.

* * *

Deuce Traveler: Lars takes 11 points of damage.

Tailspinner: Kah will easily have the dragon flanked (sneak attack damage) if anyone else attacks it before you.
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Guest 11456


*Kah looks for a particularly vulnerable spot in the beast's flank and swings her longsword at the poor beast.*


First Post
This poor creature is under some evil hex - but we can't sit idly by as it rampages through the mine...

The Padre moves in a bit closer, readying a strike. If it doesn't calm down soon, he'll try along with the others to put it out of its misery.


Lazlow said:
This poor creature is under some evil hex - but we can't sit idly by as it rampages through the mine...

OOC: This is thought and not speech, correct Laz? Just want to make sure my ducks are in a row (no offense Krug)


First Post
Gray Shade said:
Mist girds herself for the charge, but although she senses a great evil about the dragon, the evil does not seem to BE the dragon, a moment's more concentration may give her more information.

OOC: Kind of confused here. Did she Detect Evil as a full round action or free action? If this was the result of a 'free action' then she would continue concentrating into a 'full round action' for better results. If this was a 'full round action' then she will continue concentrating into the next round. Also, is this a medium or large size dragon? Just curious. Thanks!

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