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Dark Fairytale IC


The wolves quickly descend on the out of position ranger busy retrieving his rapier from a tree. At this distance it is clear one of the wolves is much larger and meaner than the others. A yelp flies out as one of the wolves is struck by a bolt but quickly shaken off as it continues its assault.
Kalveen is mauled by the smaller wolves as they work in unison to bring him down.

The larger wolf rushes towards Leo.

OOC: I'm sorry about this! But 4attacks with advantage and 2 came up crits...
Kalveen takes 45points of damage and must make. 5dc 11 str saving throws or fall prone.... oh wait.

Although you never said so [MENTION=24380]Neurotic[/MENTION] I'm assuming you backed away 30ft before shooting, so the dire wolf dashed to close the gap. If you didn't I'll edit in an attack. Also your attack can hit either Wolf or Dire wolf I shall let you pick. Next group is up.

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
OOC: I understand they were still some way off. Leonan backed away enough to not be easy target, not necessarily whole 30'
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
As the great beast charges at him, Leonan puts the crossbow away and faces the beast.
"So, you wanna bite? Yes?! Well BITE THIS!"

The volume of the shout inreases until wavefront forms in front of the sorcerer taking everything with it, small stones, storm of leaves, branches littering the forest floor and tugging at even big wolf-creature.

Move: within 10' of the beast
Action: Thunderwave damage to the big wolf: 2D8 = [4, 8] = 12;
surge check: 1D20+4 = [4]+4 = 8
- CON save DC 14 for the wolf or it is pushed 10' away from the sorcerer, on save: no push and only 6 thunder damage

Surge result: 1D10000 = [4391] = 4391

OOC: failed surge check second time!? What's with coyote roller these last few days. I have a priest that missed twice with under 10 total, a bard that missed saving throw with advantage, a monk that missed 2 out of 3 attacks...do you see a trend here?
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Kaleth watches as the wolves swarm Kalveen. The man will not live if something wasn't done. Knowing that talking is moot now he switches his focus to damaging the creatures. Kaleth lashes out with his mind at one of the wolves on Kalveen hoping to peel one of the creatures off the downed man.

[sblock=Action]Bonus: Switching psychic focus to Psychic Assault.
Action: Using Mind Thrust on one of the wolves. It must make a DC 15 INT save or take [roll0]
Movement: Moving 30' away from the pack of animals.[/sblock]


Colember handily fells a wolf his great sword making short work of an unamoured animal. A second wolf has blood pouring from its eyes and ears it begins to twitch and hits the ground.At the same moment the dire wolf flies backwards as Leo's voice booms like thunder.

The wolf rushes back towards its prey undeterred dealing Leo a savage bite to the hand. The remaining smaller wolves all focus on Colember, working in concert to bring the heavily armoured man down all snapping and snarling as each one darts in and bites at the helpless tin can.

Leonin 12+DC 13 str save or prone.
Colember 22 + 3x DC 11s tr saves.

So my "digi dice" be on fire lol either that or advantage is awesome lol.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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