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Daunton's Dead Shadow (DM:Ukingsken, Judge:????)


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Grakk races to another chain. Looking at Slardazial as he begins to raise his sword to strike at another chain, Grakk states "The deaths of the innocent will be avenged! We are coming for you...fallen cleric!" He swings, breaking another chain support. "Vrrsk't!" Grakk calls across the pit. "Break a chain!"

minor: none
movement: move to H16
attack: attack chain: to hit roll: 19 another chain breaks

Vrrsk't hears the words of the goliath and goes for a nearby chain. His weapon connects, weakening three links to the chain, but the chain still holds. "If someone can hit this chain right here, the chain will snap!"

[sblock=Vrrsk't's action]
minor: none
movement: move to r11
attack: attack chain: 1d20+7 vs chain AC: 14 for 1d10+5=8

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Morvannon looks over at Vrrsk't, then shouts, "Magnus! Help him out! I'm going to go give Vixo a hand with that shapeshifter!" Maybe I just need to get closer to her...him?...it? whatever... Taking a few steps towards the pair, Morvannon concentrates and sends forth another bolt of energy. This one slams into his target in a burst of purple and green light, and he lets out a shout of satisfaction.

[sblock=Actions]Move: Walk to R-19, retaining concealment from Shadow Walk
Standard: Attack doppleganger with Eldritch Blast. Hits Reflex 25 for 18 damage.[/sblock]

Magnus acknowledges Morvannon with an absent wave of his hand, and with a gesture from his staff the ball of flame swirls towards the weakened chain, causing the links to soften and fall apart.

[sblock=Actions]Minor: Sustain Flaming Sphere
Move: Move Flaming Sphere to Q-13
standard: Attack chain with Flaming Sphere. Hits Reflex 13 for 13 fire damage. That should destroy the chain.[/sblock]

[sblock="Mini stat"]Morvannon Rinael - Level 2 Half-Elf Warlock
Passive Perception: 12, Passive Insight: 19, Initiative: +1 Senses: Low-light
AC: 16, Fortitude: 13, Reflex: 15, Will: 16 -- Speed: 6, Size: Medium
HP: 30/32, Bloodied 16, Surge Value 8, Surges left 6/8
Action Points: 0, Second Wind: not used
Powers -
Eldritch Blast
Warlock's Curse (minor)
Misty Step (Warlock Pact Boon)

Scorching Burst (Dilettante power)
Thunderwave (Arcane Initiate feat)
Caiphon's Leap (Utility)

Curse of the Dark Dream[/sblock]


Morvannon's blast kills the doppelganger. Magnus succeeds in parting a fourth chain. The other chains are creaking, and the platform is wobbling ominously now. Breaking one more chain should bring it down.


First Post
Seeing the platform sway, Kamotz springs toward the nearest still attached chain, laching out with divine might! Divine light shone around his weapon, waiting to be absorbed by allies in need.


Move to nearest chain

Standard Healing Strike on chain, 19 vs AC (without penalties if running), for 20 radiant damage, breaks chain. Someone who needs a surge +4 within 5 of Kamotz can spend it.

Sorry about the vague actions, not sure if Kamotz is attacking chain at Q15, or O9...



First Post
Vixo senses the final showdown about to begin and takes a moment to fortify himself

Standard: Second Wind for 9 hp, bringing him to 22/38

[sblock="Mini stat"]Vixo - Level 3 Kobold Rogue
Passive Perception: 17, Passive Insight: 12, Initiative: +5 Senses: Normal
AC: 17, Fortitude: 14, Reflex: 17, Will: 12-- Speed: 6, Size: Small
HP: 22/38, Bloodied 19, Surge Value 9, Surges left 6/9
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: used
Powers -
Deft Strike
Riposte Strike

Dazing Strike
Student of the Sword (Multiclass Fighter)
Sneak in the Attack
Nasty Backswing

Blinding Barrage
Duelist's Dagger Daily Power


First Post

I live...again!


I have real internet once more. It seems Magnus has been handled well in my absence, thanks so much. I'll jump back in when the new round comes around, since Magnus has already gone this time to good result.




ooc: welcome back, Oni. :)

Round 6

Grakk, Vrrsk't, and Magnus combine to break two more chains, while Morvannon finishes off the hapless doppelganger. Kamotz breaks another chain, the fifth, with a ferocious blow. His weapon glows with a blinding divine light as it strikes, bringing some color back to Magnus' hollow cheeks.

Vixo, sensing the battle to come, takes a moment to steady himself and shake off the pain.

The remaining three chains only support the platform on one side, and cannot hold it aloft any longer. With a great squishing sound, the platform lurches to the side and sinks several feet into the pit, coming to rest on the bottom. The bound girl screams again, but stops when the platform comes to rest, thankfully upright.

Slardazial barely keeps his feet at the sudden movement. Infuriated, he stops chanting and turns, eyes glowing with hate. Immediately the oppressive feeling in the room lifts, and you all breathe slightly easier. The pool still seethes with palpable evil, but whatever the foul ritual was, its power is broken for now.

Still, there is Slardazial himself to deal with. He draws a large, black-bladed sword and leaps into the fetid pool, ignoring the life-destroying effect of its touch but still slowed by its sluggish viscosity. Thus hindered, he charges past Vrrsk't to strike at Magnus with long arms of withered flesh. Magnus blocks the blow with his staff, but the force of it batters him, leaving him bruised and shaking.

[sblock=ooc]Grakk breaks another chain. 5 left.

Vrrsk't moves and damages a chain, but doesn't break it.

Morvannon kills the doppelganger, maintaining concealment.

Magnus moves the sphere and breaks the chain Vrrsk't started on. 4 left.

Kamotz uses Healing Strike to break another chain and heal... who? Only Magnus is both damaged and within 5 of Kamotz, so I guess he gets the heal for 11. With only three chains, the platform falls, interrupting the ritual.

Vixo uses second wind.

Slardazial turns to the attack. This triggers an adrenaline surge! I'm stealing this mechanic from Mal Malenkirk, slightly changed. You get one of the following:
  • one use of one encounter power back, or
  • your AP back, or
  • your second wind back
This is a one-time deal; there won't be any more of these in this fight. So choose wisely. Let me know what you pick.

Slardazial walks off the platform into the goo, which attacks him. It hits. He resists all the damage, but is slowed (se). Since he has already moved 2 squares, that ends his move. He charges Magnus: 27 vs. AC hits for 10 damage.

I'm still not able to upload maps from work. I'll do it when I get home. If you can't wait that long, Slardazial is in P10-Q11.

[sblock=status and initiative]

  • Kamotz 20/31 hp, 7/9 surges, regen 2 while bloodied, +2 to damage rolls until unconscious
  • Vrrsk't 35/35 hp +2 temp hp, 8/12 surges
  • Vixo 22/38 hp, 6/9 surges, +2 def tsnt
  • Morvannon 22/32 hp, 6/8 surges
  • Magnus 17/29 hp, 5/8 surges
  • Grakk 7/44 hp, 9/12 surges, bloodhunt rage, bloodied
  • Wight dead
  • Grave Drake 1 dead
  • Grave Drake 2 dead
  • Maw dead
  • Doppelganger dead
  • Rotter 1 dead
  • Rotter 2 dead
  • Rotter 3 dead
  • Rotter 4 dead
  • Rotter 5 dead
  • Rotter 6 dead
  • Rotter 7 dead
  • Rotter 8 dead
  • Rotter 9 dead
  • Rotter 10 dead
  • Rotter 11 dead
  • Rotter 12 dead
  • Slardazial +91 above bloodied, cursed

Resources used:
  • Grakk: AP, bloodhunt rage, Stone's Endurance, Avalanche Strike, Bloodclaw weapon
  • Magnus: AP, flaming sphere, Grasping Shadows, second wind
  • Morvannon: AP, Witchfire, scorching burst
  • Kamotz: AP, Beacon of Hope, channel divinity, healing word x2, second wind, healing strike
  • Vixo: AP, Blinding Barrage, Duelist's dagger, Dazing strike, Nasty backswing
  • Vrrsk't: AP, Lay on hands x1


[sblock=Enemy stats]
Slardazial HP ??, AC 18, Fort 22, Reflex 18, Will 20.

Pit of Unspeakable Filth
When a creature enters or starts it turn in the filth, it makes an attack: +7 vs Fort, 1d10 necrotic damage, and the target is slowed and takes 5 ongoing necrotic (save ends both)

Chains: 15 HP each, AC 8, Fort 8, Ref 8, Will N/A
Chains have +12 to all defenses against ranged attacks from non-adjacent squares.


[sblock=map and terrain notes]

The pit's surface is 5' below ground level. Climbing out takes a DC 10 athletics check.


First Post

Anyone have any notions how I might retrieve Magnus' old character sheet, or is it lost forever?


Voidrunner's Codex

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