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Dawnforge: Heroes of Legend - Game Restart


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Male Lizardfolk Rgr1; Size M; HD 1d10+4; hp 15; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Spd 30 ft, Sw 40 ft.; AC 14 (+2 leather armor, +1 Dex, +1 natural); BAB +1; Grp +5; Atk +5 melee (scimitar, 1d6, crit 18-20x2, 4 lb., one-handed, slashing OR light flail, 1d8, crit x2, 5 lbs., bludgeoning OR degger, 1d4/1d6, crit 19-20x2, 2 lbs., piercing), +2 ranged (returner, 1d4/1d6, crit x2, 20ft., 1 lb., bludgeoning and piercing); Full Atk as Atk; SA See below; SQ See below; AL CN; SV Fort +6, Ref +1, Will -1; Str 18 (+4), Dex 12 (+1), Con 18 (+4), Int 12 (+1), Wis 8 (-1), Cha 6 (-2).

Skills and Feats: Climb 4 (0 ranks, +4 Str), Heal 5 (3 ranks, -1 Wis, +3 Racial Talent), Jump 4 (0 ranks, +4 Str), Knowledge (nature) 11 (8 ranks, +1 Int, +2 Lizardfolk), Survival 12 (9 ranks -1 Wis, +2 Lizardfolk, +2 Racial Talent), Swim 12 (0 rank, +4 Str, +8 Lizardfolk); Toughness (+3 hp), Track (ranger bonus).

Lizardfolk Traits: Natural Armor Bonus: Lizardfolk have thick hides and gain a +1 natural armor bonus to Defense; Low-Light Vision: Lizardfolk can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. They retain the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions; +8 Swim to avoid hazards or perform special actions; Lizardfolk can always take 10 on Swim; Lizardfolk can use run action provided movement is in straight line while swimming; Lizardfolk receive a bonus of +2 Knowledge (nature) & Survival; Lizardfolk can hold breath three time Con score; Lizardfolk can never gain proficiency with Heavy Armor

Ranger Abilities: Rangers are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, light armor, medium armor, and shields; when wearing light armor or no armor, the ranger can fight with two weapons as if he had the feats Ambidexterity and Two-Weapon fighting (this is lost when wearing heavier armor or fighting with a double-headed weapon); rangers can cast divine spells at 4th level; rangers gain Track as a bonus feat; Favored Enemy: Vermin (+2 to Bluff,Listen,Sense Motive,Spot,Survival,+2 Damage vs. Vermin); Improved Two-Weapon fighting (BAB +9).

Racial Talent: Talent Skills: +3 to Heal, +2 to Survival (1st level)

Equipment: leather armor (adorned as below), scimitars (2), light flail (2), degger (2), returner (4), backpack [waterskin (full), caltrops, flint and steel, trail rations (2 days worth), hemp rope (50 ft.), grappling hook (bone), oil (3 flasks), empty sacks (2), whetstone, large chunk of half-eaten salted pork], 159 gp (in the form of various gemstones, kept in backpack) = Light load (41 lbs.)

XP: 0 xp / 1000 xp

Description and Personality: Sasskasa looks every bit the primitive, barbaric lizardman: his grey-green scaled hide is covered with pictograms and tattoos depicting crocodiles, snakes, and large birds of prey (they are actually vultures, but it is hard to tell) as well as other geometric patterns that mean little to those outside his race. He wears only his leather armor (made from the tanned hide of a crocodile and adorned with spike-like boar tusks, claws, bones, teeth and feathers of various animals. Over the whole of the affair lies a bamboo and colored shell mosaic of a large crocodile with it sun in its mouth and the moon held within a coiled tail, which is surprisingly well crafted and beautiful to behold.

Sasskasa carries little in the ways of personal effects, but everything that he does carry is festooned with some form of dangling talisman, adornment or decoration – all of which have some form of meaning to the haughty lizardman. His twin scimitars, which he calls “Asp” and “Boa” are stylistically crafted and engraved to look like their namesakes – large snakes (the blade of Asp is made to look like a curving forked tongue and the blade of Boa makes up the bulk of the snake’s thick body). Likewise, his other weapons take on totem-like qualities: his fails look like colorful jungle frogs with their tongues distended, his deggers like barbed and jagged lizards, while his returners all display bird-of-prey motifs. All that he owns he carries on his back, and frankly, he seems to prefer it that way; never weighing himself down with things he deems unnecessary.

Sasskasa is painfully haughty and crass. He feels that all other races are naturally lesser than his kind, and rarely hesitates to let them know as much. However, he is very good at what he does, despite still being a very young lizardman, and so other races that hire him as a guide or tracker tend to willingly bear the brunt of his barbs. Sasskasa is also frightfully independent, having been on his own for as long as he could remember; he does not take orders well, although he will go along with a group decision if it suits him (at that moment). While he has yet to make any true friends, this desire is one of the most powerful driving forces in his psyche: he has been alone for as long as he can recall, and secretly desires companionship (even though he would likely not admit this verbally even under the threat of death) of those lesser races which he looks down upon.

Height, Weight, Age: 6 ft. 7 in., 285 lbs., 19 years old.
Region of Origin: Tamerland, headwaters of the Caracasa River
Languages: Common, Draconic

Background: Sasskasa has spent his whole life wandering – he hails from a remote village near the headwaters of the Caracasa River, deep in the jungle of the same name. However, he has not been near his home for many a year – no one knows what happened to his tribe, or even if they still exist. The headstrong and taciturn lizardman will not speak of them; so it is likely that only a journey into the depths of the Caracasa Jungle will reveal the truth.
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Lady Shatterstone

First Post
Kyna Moonfire
Female Night Elf/ Shaper
Character level: 1
Alignment: Chaotic Good
City:The Morningstar Mountains
Height: 4' 5''
Weight: 100 lbs
Hair: White
Eyes: Deep Red
Age: 130yrs

Str: 12 +1 (4 points)
Dex: 16 +3 (6 points, +2 Racial)
Con: 12 +1 (6 points, -2 Racial)
Int: 14 +2 (6 points)
Wis: 14 +2 (6 points)
Cha: 15 +2 (8 points)

Class and Racial Abilities
Racial: +2 Dex –2 Con; Low-light Vision, +2 racial bonus on saves versus spells and spell like abilities; 1/day dancing lights; faerie fire Caster Level = Character Level; Racial Talent; Unusual Stealth

Class: Divine Spells; Divine Focuses (Vitality – Life; Power - Strength);
Focus Granted Abilities: Endurance, Toughness, and Martial Weapon Proficiency feat

Hit Dice: 1d8 +1 (Toughness)
HP: 14
AC: 15 (Armor +2, Dex +3)
Init: +3
Speed: 30ft

Fortitude +1 [+0 base, +1 Con]
Reflex +3 [+0 base, +3 Dex]
Will +4 [+2 base, +2 Wis]

BAB: +0
Melee Atk: +1
Ranged Atk: +3

Concentration +5 [4 Ranks, Con + 1]
Diplomacy +5 [3 Ranks, Cha + 2]
Gather Information +5 [3 Ranks, Cha + 2]
Hide +5 [0 Ranks, Dex +3, Stealthy]
Knowledge: Arcane +5 [3 Ranks, Int + 2]
Knowledge: Dungeoneering +5 [3 Ranks, Int + 2]
Listen +5 [3 Ranks, Wis + 2]
Move Silently +5 [0 Ranks, Dex +3, Stealthy]
Search +4 [2 Ranks, Int + 2]
Spellcraft +5 [3 Ranks, Int + 2]

Endurance (Focus)
Toughness (Focus)
Rapier (Focus)

Focuses:Power- Strength, Vitality-Life

Languages: Common, Elven, Anderlar, Sylvan

Divine Spells Per Day: 0th – 4. 1st – 2
Spells Known
0 Level: Cure Minor Wounds, Resistance, Virtue, Guidance
1st Level: Cure Light Wounds, Shield Of Faith


Leather Armor 10gp
Wristblade 20gp (+10 on rolls to avoid disarming)
Wrist Sheath 20gp
Wristbolts (5) 5gp
Dagger (2) 4gp
Rapier 20gp
Bedroll 1sp
Backpack 2gp
Waterskin (2) 2gp
Explorer’s Outfit 10gp
Sack 1sp
Flint and Steel 1gp
Blanket 5sp
Scroll case 1gp

Cure Minor wounds 12gp, 5sp
Purify Food and Drink 12gp. 5sp
Cure Light Wounds 25gp
Sanctuary 25gp

46gp, 3sp


With ashen skin and thin limbs Kyna is a delicate and frail flower of a woman, though what Kyna lacks in strength she makes up for in speed and agility. She stands about the same height as a human child and weights about as much.

Kyna’s slight figure is clothed in a long, black skirt with a matching top. Her skirt is ankle length with a sliver knot work pattern along the hem and up both slits. Each side of the skirt is slit to her hip to allow full movement. The waist of the skirt sits on top of her hips and has two sheaths sewn on to the inside of the skirt at the small of her back for her daggers. Kyna’s top is sleeveless with a low cut V-neck. The bottom hem sits just below her rib cage, showing off her stomach and navel. The top is also trimmed with the same delicate silver knot work. Across her back, hidden under her hair is her rapier. Upon each wrist is a sheath. The right sheath holds her favored wristblade and the left holds throwing bolts.

Kyna has large deep red eyes, a tiny nose, and full lips. She keeps the wealth of her snow white hair hung loose. The ends of it glide across the ground as she walks. When she sets her ashen clock about her shoulder she is indistinguishable from the shadows

Kyna is distrusting of most people. She has been looked down upon for most of her life and treated as unworthy. All though she is reserved in her judgment of others and strangers, she is polite and courteous. Kyna does not make friends easily, but when she does she is fiercely loyal; standing by them through anything

Kyna was raised in a small cave at the southern end of the Morningstar Mountains where she lived with a family that was not her own. Her parents and brother were killed in a raid against the Dawn Elves when she was very young, because of this she has almost no memory of them. Though the Moonstone family took her in and raised her she was never fully accepted but they did treated her civilly. They did not agree with the ideas of fighting the Dawn Elves for their throne when the Night Elves could just as easily make one of their own. The family viewed Kyna as a savage. When her 110th birthday arrived she set out in search of a place she could call home.

Kyna traveled most of Ambria in her search. She started in Sildanyr and fanned out from there, spending an extended time in The Pale Forest. She found many isolated places in The Stormfells where she came close to making her home until a trip to The During Highlands brought her within hearing distance of the sea’s call. That was when she decided the coast was for her. She spent the next few years exploring the coastline of The Sunset Reach. When Kyna ranged too far inland the sea would call her back, Kyna decided the best thing for her was to travel to the near by Dreaming Isles. She bought passage on a cargo boat headed for Seagraden.

The trip was pleasant giving her high hopes for her future. When she arrived no one paid much attention to her. Kyna was able to find a path from the city to an isolated beach with caves along the bottom of the cliff. At the end of the beach was a cave large enough to make a home out of it.

Kyna is able to come and go as she pleases with no trouble from anyone. She goes into Seagraden at night for supplies and to gather information. To anyone who is not supposed to see her she is just a whisper of wind in the shadows.


Guest 11456

Game Status

Ashy said:
TS, what's our status?

We are waiting on people to recuperate from Gen Con and waiting on several characters. Also waiting on Sado to make the jump to this thread. Teflon Billy and Brother Shatterstone please post race and class choices in case there is a slot.


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Cool - TS, do you have any recommendations/hints for a good racial enemy for my ranger? I would hate to pick something that we're not gonna be coming in contact with... :p


First Post
Sorry guys, I have looked all over for a copy of the rules and I have failed to secure a set.

I think rather than waiting another week or two I will drop out and open a spot for one of the alternates. Have fun

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