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Day #6 Smoke-Free


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You deserve that treat. Let me add myself to the list of people offering congrats!
You have so far succeeded where many have failed.

My bit of advice:
When I tried to give up overeating I literally imagined a switch in my head that went from "eat the junk" to "I don't need it". When tempation hit (which was everytime I walked into a grocery store) I used that switch as a mental barrier that allowed me to walk past the chips section to the veggies section. It kept the urge on the peripheral of my awareness rather than right in my face so to speak.
Many people fail in giving up their addictions because they spend too much energy mentally struggling with it. Try not to let it get to the point of a mental struggle - get your mind off of it somehow. My way was to take a walk or play a video game.

As a side note and assuming that your girlfriend doesn't smoke you should keep in mind that you now taste and smell much better to her. Many smokers either don't realize or don't want to realize how repulsive the smoke and tar smell really is to someone who doesn't smoke. Imagine that repulsive aunt who wears way too much perfume - now replace the perfume smell with that of a burning tire.

Congratulations Mojo - and keep looking at that program of yours. Thats a great idea. If only they made one to keep track of the calories I haven't eaten.

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MojoGM said:
Thanks for the encouragement everyone!

Day 16 and I'm still smoke-free. I've never gone this long before without having even a single cigarette. It must be the patch.

I run a program on my desk-top that keeps track, and this morning the stats read:

I have been quit for 2 Weeks, 2 Days, 11 hours, 19 minutes and 17 seconds (16 days). I have saved $90.59 by not smoking 329 cigarettes. I have saved 1 Day, 3 hours and 25 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 12/31/2006 9:30 PM

I may just need to treat myself to something soon...

Way to go.

Now feed your other addiction: need for rpg products...:D


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I'll add my congrats - Congrats! :D Smoking always seems to me to be one of the toughest things you can do (being 17, I've never smoked before in my life, and hope to not start - ever).
I find when I'm trying to do something (such as revision, etc), I find a treat always helps. For example, I'll do 2 hours revision, then treat myself to a half-hour of TV, Internet, or some other activity.

I'm aiming to stop biting my nails, personally. Minor in comparison, I know, but an annoying habit I want to kick.

But again, congrats! Keep up the good work, and keep us informed. It's a horrible habit.

Evil Monkey

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MojoGM said:
I run a program on my desk-top that keeps track, and this morning the stats read:

I have been quit for 2 Weeks, 2 Days, 11 hours, 19 minutes and 17 seconds (16 days). I have saved $90.59 by not smoking 329 cigarettes. I have saved 1 Day, 3 hours and 25 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 12/31/2006 9:30 PM

Firstly, congrats on quitting!

Secondly, is this a program you wrote yourself, or something that other people could get somewhere?


First Post
So? Still free of devil-smoke?

I am, and man, I never realized food would tste so damned good. It's a good thing I start work on my second New Year's resolution (excercise more) On February 1st, or I'd be in trouble.

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