• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!



First Post
Andrew Ward, HP:2

Andrew answer to his friends. "Calm down Jack! I know he is stressed. The team was not really at his best during last game. Don't fear, I will talk to him. I'll try to calm him, so it will be a bit less rough at the training.

And Bobby, with our great performance, I doubt we will be able to escape it that time, but I'll try to make the coach shorten it to the essentiel, so you won't have the time to sleep. If I were you, I would drink two coffee before going to the training, or the coach may decide to choose you as his target of the day.

But the course are starting soon. So you go both to your course like big boys, and I'll have a walk with a lovely girl, and during next break, I'll go see the coach. See ya you two."

Andrew offer his arm to Catherine "It seems I will have to mend the broken pots with the coach this morning. I'll see with the coach, but he may call an extra prectice after our last performance. As soon as I know which night I am free, I suggest we take one to us. No football, no Jake or Bobby, simply the two of us. I think the week will be tough and you earn at least that attention."
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kid A

First Post
Eleyna Robertson

As Gabe was sharing in the pride of his friends new ride he noticed Eleyna Robertson walking across the parking lot. Eleyna had a nice car she had always used to cart all of her friends around to different events. Since her time off of school and her change in attitude she didn’t carry as many friends around and didn’t bother to park in the parking lot to socialize. No, for the past few weeks Eleyna had taken to parking on the road in back of the school and walking in as the crowd died down. As she made her way towards the building she looked over and saw Zo, Gabe, Zack and Chris all getting excited over the flashy silver car.

Eleyna got out of her car, reaching back in for her bag and purse before she closed the door. She had sat in the car almost 20 minutes this morning, waiting for the crowds to thin. Her abdomen was still clenched from her attack this morning... the pain had been enough to wake her, although truth to tell, she hadn't been sleeping well (if at all) since the end of junior year. Usually she was able to show up right before the bell, avoiding all but the final stragglers dragging themselves to class. But this morning there was no way she was going to sleep again after her attack. Instead, she got up and studied for her psych exam, which was seriously stressing her out. Probably what caused the attack this morning. Clutching her stomach, she headed toward the main building.

As she walked, she noticed that most of the remaining kids were congregated around a car. She saw a few of her friends there. Gabe was looking at her. She flashed a faint smile, hoping it was enough to mask the pain she was feeling, and pulled her hand away from her abdomen. A year ago, she would have walked over to see what was happening, to say 'hi' to her friends, but she tried to keep to herself now. She didn't want anyone else to have to somehow suffer for her problems. She looked toward the school as she walked, wishing that normal aspirin or ibuprofin could take the pain away.
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First Post
Italics = thinking to self

"Well another day late for class. My parents
are going to kill me!! I have got to stop staying up
pirating so late; so early too! I can't believe I got up at 5am
to finish the key gen for Kyle. But, money is money."

"Shot, that chick took my spot again. I'm gonna have to say something
one of these days. If she didn't look like such a train wreck in pysch class,
she's looks like she's got enough to worry about, or I would have already said somethin'. I'm not even old enough to drive, if my parents find out I'm driving
this car they bought me for my up comin' 16th birthday I can kiss it
and my good mood good-bye."

"Just missed the bell!! (sorting through the miscellanious CD's
and disks in his bag) "Lets see game, game, no,no,... (oh, sweet CD was in
the back, can never be in the front) I'll just finish my
breakfast...(being a marlboro light) and make my sale."

Looking across the parking lot Sammy sees a small crowd of people
around a car he didn't recognize.

"Wonder what all those 'meatheads' are gathered around there..oh yeah, I remember overhearing Chris in practice saying something about getting his parents talked into a new car. Speaking of which,practice is going to suck after loosing that last game. Man, I just know
coach is gonna be p*&&ed. If it wasn't for the Donaldson's wanting
me to play and the hard hitting, I wouldn't even bother with sports."

Remebering the bell has already sounded Sammy pickes up to pace.

"Apparently, when you're a upper class men the bell don't pertain to your attendance. O.K. Sammy, stop haten' you'll be there someday. As long as I can make it from being suspended again.
That kid was askin' for it, he shouldn't of been running his mouth
about where he got all those games from. Thats all I need is to get
suspended again because some amature wants to play HALO on the schools
network and direct every freshmen to were to get a copy and serial

"Anyway, I've gotta find Kyle. He said he needed this software for his
PDA by today!"

Flicking his cigarette away before entering the school Sammy ajusts his bag, taps his pocket to double check he still had possesion of the CD, exhailed deeply in preparation for the day, dealing with both being extremely tired and
taking that pysch test today.
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Rogue Warrior
Intro #4: Jennifer Allen and Corey Vinyard

The First Bell rang and sent students all over the school rushing off to their classes.

Corey Vinyard walked into the gym in no real hurry. Coach Shelton was pretty cool about showing up for gym, especially since they had time to get ready during morning announcements. Corey's, "just another day" attitude quickly evaporated as he watched several men in blue jump suits carting electronics components into the gymnasium. A few more of the men were assembling the electronics and 3 guys in jet black suits walked around watching it all. One of them was on a cell phone. And there was no sign of Coach Shelton or any other teachers. After he looked around for a few seconds he finally realized there were 8 other students standing off to the side. They all looked every bit as confused as he felt.

Jennifer Allen was having a great morning and she knew there was nothing, and no one, in the entire school that could ruin that. Then she walked into the gym and directly into Corey Vinyard, who for some unknown reason had stopped directly inside the gymnasium doors. "What do you think.." She stopped in mid sentence as Corey stepped to the side and she saw the construction taking place. "Is there some kind of school assembly today?" No, she would have heard about it if there was. Really, she would be part of it if there was. Something was not right. "Where's Coach Shelton?" She asked to no one in particular as she was drawn into the confusion like the rest of the students.

As Kyle walked back into the gym, to cut across the school to his locker, he saw that the rest of his first period gym class had showed up. Two more students walked in and almost walked directly into each other as they stared at the odd events taking place in their school gym. Kyle could not believe the progress the workers were making. He had only been out of the gym for a few minutes and they were already assembling a huge cylinder of electronics in the middle of the gym. These guys meant business!

Almost the entire class stood assembled in a corner of the gym, unnoticed by the workers. The all mumbled softly, wondering where their teacher was and what was happening to their gym, but no one had any answers. The man in the suit who was still talking on his cell phone, finally noticed the group of kids and started looking around the room like he had suddenly lost something very important. He continued to talk on his phone, his muffled words lost in the echo of the gym.

As the side door to the gym slowly opened, all eyes under the age of 18 watched it expectantly. Most of the class held their breathe, unknowingly, as they anticipated Coach Shelton stepping and explaining this whole event. They were disappointed at best when Sammy Donaldson walked in. "What the hell is this $h!+!!"

Kyle Graham Hp: 2/2

Kyle walks over to join his class mates, tripping a bit as he sees Jennifer. "Hey guys, seems some suits have taken over the gym today, coach was all like.. " he drops his voice to do a fairly good imitation of the coach. "You need to get going Graham, and none of your shinanegens today.." waves a finger in a tut tut fashion at the others. "so, I figured I'd stop by my locker, put away my stuff.. and I don't know." grins wildly. "commit some shinanegens.. after I look up the word of course."


First Post

The hallway vacuum caused by air flow from the long corridors of Whitmyer high combined with the outside air gave off a cold firm breeze when Sammy flung open the door to the school. As usual the air caused his hair to need slight adjustments in order to maintain its already, 'I just woke up and I'm running extremely late look.' Taking a quick glance through the entrance way and straight ahead to the gymnasium, pity runs through Sammy mind.

Kyle has gym first on Mondays, and he's never ready before announcements. Only he's lucky enough to get gym class first period on a Monday, Laughing to himself.

The only fitness I want at 8 am is lifting my soda and cigarette, especially on Monday.

Making his way to the gym door he hears what sounds like the bleachers being taken down from inside the walls were they're stored. Nothing to unusual. Probably another lame assembly or 'special announcement.'

Why does this school LOVE special announcements?
Every five minutes there has to be something 'special' going on....

As Sammy enters the gym its obvious this announcement is special and without warning. Usually there is a hundred and ten rumors flying around about what’s going on and we know before it even happens. This....this was under the radar.....

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS $h+t!!", ranted Sammy. Taking notice that it was said loud enough for the small group of students, all which were congregating in a corner looking at him as if he was the one who dropped that pass to loss last Friday’s game.

"What?", he said, smirking arrogantly. Paying mind that the students were not the only ones to hear his semi-rhetorical question. As the workers, who were at first busy piecing this large cylinder together, along with hand-held scanners, and what looked like para/or actual gen-military equipment; (only kinda resembling airport metal detectors, but on a more grand scale, and obviously more complex.) stoppped production for a brief moment, the
workers all uniformed in blue jumpsuits, let him know with a unified dirty look, they heard him. Looking back at the discombobulated stares of his fellow students, and not able to be made to look like an idiot even if he's the one responsible for doing so. Sammy points outnthe only man not in a jumpsuit. "Hey, Agent Smith, yeah you, what the hell is goin' on? We're supposed to have gym class!" Sam questioned in a defying voice. "Are we having some kinda rave or game tourne?"

Thinking to himself, Wow, you couldn't of come up with anything
better than that?"

While Sammy had waited for an answer he walked over to the crowd of students. Acknowledging them all with a universal, "Whad up, guys....ladies?"

"So Jennifer, you're like the main stream guru of organized events here correct?" "What's all this about?" As to half pay attention to her while shaking a green slim jewel case with a CD in the direction of Kyle with pride, handing it to him. (It always gave Sammy a sense of pride knowing he could always be one step ahead of Kyle with coding software. Even if he was better than him at the hacking and cracking aspect of the game.)
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First Post
Corey Vinyard

"Oh, uh, sorry Jennifer." Corey will mumble when she bumps into him. C'mon Corey, pull yourself together. That's Jennifer Allen you just walked into. I've spacing out ever since someone yelled at me to beat up Dennis again at lunch yesterday. How'd that get out? I didn't talk, I'm sure he didn't. Maybe someone noticed he stopped bugging me when he got that bump and guessed. "Um, do you know what that thing is?" Corey asks in Jennifer's general direction without really looking at her.

Once Sam comes in, Corey will be glad to not be in the spotlight anymore, and will attempt to slide himself into the group of students.


First Post
Jennifer Allen

Jen crosses the hall with wide stirdes, afterall she is still trying to find the perfect way to make that new coat fly back and still look good at it.
It's working and she smiles as she imagines the old and cheesy Batman theme acompanying her entrance.
Somehow she just can't get herself to like the idea of gym this morning so she's still trying to decide if she will go at all.

On her way through the hall she looks for Lorenzo. He was allways up for skipping a class and the mere fact that he didn't care what the girl his age thought about him hanging out with her earned him a few notches of respect.

Since she didn't meet him she finally enters the gym, sure that there will be some kind of solution and stops dead in her tracks then she sees the ruckus the guys in jumpsuits are making.
And there it is.
So much for sports, she guesses.

Unicron818 said:
While Sammy had waited for an answer he walked over to the crowd of students. Acknowledging them all with a universal, "Whad up, guys....ladies?"

"Jennifer, right?"

Attempting to be courteous, picking her out due to the fact he's only seen her picture with every school club available, in every yearbook ever made since the begin of their high school careers.

"I'm Sammy, listen... you're like the main stream guru of organized events here correct? What's all this about?"

Quickly drawing his attention back to Jennifer, along with the rest of the group waiting for a sure answer. If any of them had the in's on whats happening 'special event' wise, he was sure she knew. Which seemed unanimous by the reaction of the group; they seemed to be thinking along the same lines.

Jen is just taking a breath to answer then she is interupted by er bump with Corey.

Kangaxx said:
"Oh, uh, sorry Jennifer." Corey will mumble when she bumps into him. C'mon Corey, pull yourself together. That's Jennifer Allen you just walked into. I've spacing out ever since someone yelled at me to beat up Dennis again at lunch yesterday. How'd that get out? I didn't talk, I'm sure he didn't. Maybe someone noticed he stopped bugging me when he got that bump and guessed. "Um, do you know what that thing is?" Corey asks in Jennifer's general direction without really looking at her.

She gives him a grin that tells him he's forgiven for the bump. Of course it was her who ran into him but that's beside the point.
Now if she could just remember his name but it's that guy who allways sneaks around alone. No wonder she didn't see him...

"Hi there Sammy. I have no idea what that's about but it looks like gym is cancelled to me."

She turns around on her heels with her coat flapping back in a move so perfectly timed it could have been on a movie and walks out with a shrug.

"So who's up for coffee?"

Some girl is whispering something about her having tried to walk like that in front of a mirror and indeed most boys notice that she somehow allways manages to keep her coat falpping back far enough to make sure it doesn't cover her legs.
Or should I go for white? So many decisions. Another bet won, I knew I could go for the tough superheroine look and still make it work. And Tamara still thinks mainstream skirts are the only way to cut it. There's the challenge in that?


Rogue Warrior
Eleyna noticed the boys glance over at her and did her best to act like she had not. It wasn't that she didn't want to be a part of things any more, she just wasn't sure how. She moved quickly towards the doors and let out a small sigh as she entered the building. Of course that was just as some rude underclassman shoved his way past her in a hurry to make it to class. She held onto her books and threw Sammy Donaldson an angry stare that he was oblivious to.

Zack noticed the time and Chris started locking up his new car, checking everything 3 or 4 times before walking away. Chris and Zack were having a good time laughing with Lorenzo while Gabe tired to stay a step behind. He loved his buddies but this just was not the best morning for him. Gabe cautiously rubbed his forehead trying to ease the headache that was working it's way into his head. Felt like it was from lack of sleep and eating. When had he last ate, anyway.

Eleyna turned down the empty hall planning out her route to class. The downside to the student parking entrance was that it was on the backside to the school. It ran past the gym and around to the front of the school and aside from cutting through the gym, there was no shortcut into the main part of the building. Eleyna glanced towards Coach Shelton's office, mostly because she could hear an argument and could not decipher who would be fighting with such a friendly teacher. As she got closer she saw a man in a black suit, pretty much in the Coach's face.

"You will continue to follow the requests of my team, Shelton. I have no idea what you are trying to get out of this. Everything happening here is for the benefit of the children and the community, admit it!"

Coach Shelton closed the gap between the two men. "This is my school and these are my kids. I work with them and educate them and train them for their future, every single day. Don't you even dream of telling me what is best for them! What are you planning on telling the parents when you drag one of these kids out of here to one of your Internment Camps! That it's best for the school?"

"We deal with this situation constantly. This is nothing new to us. Your position within the school will not be challenged. We are here by Federal Order and the school Principal accepts that. So why don't you stop trying to act scarry, go smile at the kids and we can all get on with this."

Coach Shelton adjusted his faded blue baseball hat, the one with the white star on it, and did his best to deescalate. He knew he could not win this argument and was upset with himself for even getting into it. "Go ahead out and join your men, I'll be out in a minute. I have to grab my class rosters." The two men continued to stare at each other for what seemed like minutes. Then the tall man in the suit smiled and walked back into the gym. Coach Shelton turned and violently punched a locker behind him. The locker door popped open from the tremendous dent left in it. He continued to stand there, unmoving.

Zo, Gabe, Zack and Chris all heard the sound of someone hitting a locker as they walked in the door. Four teenage boys in high school knew the sound well. The surprising part was that the only person the could see around was Eleyna Robertson, standing in the hall facing the Coach's office.

Kyle Graham HP: 2/2

Kyle nods to Sammy and pockets the small case with a practiced florish. Got to give the guy props, he knows how to find the stuff better than me.

Kyle glanced again at Jen as she settled in with the crowd but forced himself NOT to linger too long. Don't think about that girl's BOD.. DON'T DON'T DON'T DON'T DON'T.. Just.. DO NOT.He thought loudly to himself as he slipped out the gym and headed quickly to his locker, already plotting how he'd drop the datalink in the old janitor's locker, now one of the school network hubs, and maybe drop a squib or two by the Cafeteria, old lunch ladies tend to worry about loud noises a bit since last years exploding casserole fiasco. Funny he'd never found out who did that one, and he wanted to.. gotta give props for stuff like that.

When the inevitable firealarm went up, he'd pull a fade and try to download the principals email from out in town. He was in a mood for a triple chocolate smoothy anyway.

(OOC: Going to use another Datalink courtesy of his Gadget power to hack the principals account, then after that try and make a distraction in the caferia with a small noise maker, then try and ditch school like coach suggested.. he's just doing what his elders told him.. really :] )
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