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DC Comics Reboot

My 6 year son loves the old Static Shock cartoons so I picked up Static Shock #1. His immediate complaint when he say the cover was that the costume was all wrong. I know it is explained why he has a new costume a few pages into the comic but he just couldn't handle to costume change. Then instead of a glowing round disc, Static was flying around NYC on a ring of six hexagons. This was also wrong in countless ways.

In fact he feigned disinterest to the whole comic as I read it to him until the final page "shocker". Now he gets to learn what waiting a month between comics is like.

Spoiler for anyone curious about the final page shocker:
Static is attacked by a new enemy and his left forearm appears to have been completely separated from his upper arm around the elbow by a flying disc of energy.

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Storm Watch is by far the one thatt I have reread the most,

this week I picked up GLC witch was a agood story, but I felt was a little too gorey for no reason (7 out of 10)

I then got Captian Atom...and it felt like it wasn't really cap atom at all, but Dr Manhatten from watchmen and firestorm had a kid... it wasn't bad, but I am un sure if I like such a radicle new take...and heck, he says his powers are from an accedent... in my mind he got nuked in an alien shell. (5 out of 10)

I then got Supergirl it was a good re tread of the most recent orign, and becuse she was clothed I didn't feel weird like a dirty old man like back in sup/bat... (6 out of 10)

:devil: then came Red Hood and the Outlaws...I saw this as my outsider book. I went into it expecting none of what I got...but I liked most of what I read (even if I feel dirty thinking of starfire). I can say that every moment I felt like Jason todd and Roy harper were old drinking buddies... I want to rate it low for starfire, but I can't I even enjoyed her more this way then as the "ow wowe is me dick doesn't love me" starfire.... and I keep thinking she is just messing with the two moreons... all in all (7 out of 10)

I really want to see what comes next, this week:

• All Star Western #1 3.99
• Aquaman #1 2.99
• Batman The Dark Knight #1 2.99
• Blackhawks #1 2.99
• Flash #1 2.99
• Fury Of Firestorm #1 2.99
• Green Lantern New Guardians #1 2.99
• I Vampire #1 2.99
• Justice League Dark #1 2.99
• Savage Hawkman #1 2.99
• Superman #1 2.99
• Teen Titans #1 2.99
• Voodoo #1 2.99
Firestorm, Green Lantern, JLD, and Titans are on my pull list, Superman, Blackhawks, and I Vampires are maybe...and I will flip through Flash and Voodoo but I doubt I will pick eaither up...


Brother (Doctor) Voodoo gets the reboot love? Nice! As for Aquaman, I am worried... After what I heard of Starfire's treatment, I fully expect to see Aquaman in a mankini.

edit: See what happens when I post before coffee? I get Marvel in my DC! ;) To be fair, I stopped collecting in 1993 or thereabouts.
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Walking Dad

First Post
Brother / Doctor Voodoo is a Marvel character AFAIK, the reboot is about the Wild CATS character named Voodoo (exotic dancer who discovered she is a half-alien).

So this week was good.

I got Superman 1, and it was a great superman story, I felt it hit all of the main points... I do fear that it was not the right way to go for an issue 1 though. 8 out of 10

Next up was Titans, and I was blown away...much like kid flash. I liked Tim as red robin, the fact that he is meeting "Dont call me wonder girl" confirms this is a new world... 7 out of 10

then came GL New guardians... it read too quick, and didn't really intro the group well. I have no better idea after issue 1 what is going on then I did before. The retcon to Kyles origan also left some :erm: When was it and was it parralax/hal that blew the core up? 4 out of 10

Firestorm... good relaunch, like titans forget the old. I like the idea of multi firestorms, and fury looks odd, but has me intrigued. I wonder how smart Jason is, and if he and Ronnie can become friends... a good jump on and a good story, although overly gore (still looking for a book to share with my preteen nephew and his younger sister. 7 out of 10

Black hawks was a disapointment. I was expecting GI Joe Meets Shield with some batman thrown in... I got a weird story that I still don't get...but I will be sticking around for issue 2. 5 out of 10.

JL DARK... OK great story, and points for having 4 JL memebers in a book and not have them over shine the main cast or be treated like idiots...COnstintine and Zatana seam fine, and deadman still is hanging out with Dove. It was adult with out being over the top... 8 out of 10... it is the only book this week that might unseat storm watch as my fav #1


World of Kulan DM
Okay, so last week I picked up these... Batman, Blue Beetle, Catwoman, Green Lantern Corp, Legion of Super-Heroes, [Nightwing], and Red Hood and the Outlaws.

this week I picked up GLC, which was a a good story, but I felt was a little too gorey for no reason (7 out of 10)
This is the only Green Lantern comic I've bought. I prefer Guy and john to the other 'human' lanterns. I loved the old JLA cartoon and I learned to dig Guy from Batman: The Brave and the Bold.

Hmm... in fact, it's probably the first GL comic I've ever bought.

:devil: then came Red Hood and the Outlaws...I saw this as my outsider book. I went into it expecting none of what I got...but I liked most of what I read (even if I feel dirty thinking of starfire). I can say that every moment I felt like Jason todd and Roy harper were old drinking buddies... I want to rate it low for starfire, but I can't I even enjoyed her more this way then as the "ow wowe is me dick doesn't love me" starfire.... and I keep thinking she is just messing with the two moreons... all in all (7 out of 10)
Before I bought it, I was forewarned about Starfire's 'behavior' by the owner of the comic store I now buy most of my 'geek' purchases. He wasn't thrilled about how they portrayed her. I understood his reasoning but at least it wasn't as graphic as Catwoman #1.

:confused: :erm: :p

I don't think I'll be buying that one again. But I liked Red Hood.

Blue Beetle #1 was fun. Batman #1 was good. LoSH #1 taught me a lot in one comic. When it comes to the DC Universe, I know the iconic characters well and the rest, hardly at all.
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Walking Dad

First Post

Hmm... in fact, it's probably the first GL comic I've ever bought.


Mine was one at the time when Hal Jordan was forbidden to visit earth... memories...

All in all I liked the New 52 this far. I don't like Wonder Woman's art and the storyline was... unimpressive.

I really like the new take on Aquaman and Teen Titans looks like it shapes up nicely (there was even a pic of Miss Martian and I am a Martian Manhunter + fan) and it is connected to Superboy.


World of Kulan DM
So this week was good.

I got Superman 1, and it was a great superman story, I felt it hit all of the main points... I do fear that it was not the right way to go for an issue 1 though. 8 out of 10
Whoa! I completely forgot about this one. Either that, or they were out. Regardless, it completely flaked out of my mind.

I picked up Batman: The Dark Knight #1, Blackhawks #1, Justice League Dark #1, and Teen Titans #1. (HHC still had copies of Batman and Robin #1, so I decided to get that one too.)

The Dark Knight title is good. However, I'm not sure having so many 'Batman' titles is such a good thing. I mean, we have Detective Comics, Batman and Robin, Batman, and Batman: The Dark Knight. That might be too much Batman every month, even for me.

I might have to pick just one. And it won't be Batman and Robin. His son is a little snot! (And, yes, I know who his mother and grandfather are.)

Next up was Titans, and I was blown away...much like kid flash. I liked Tim as red robin, the fact that he is meeting "Dont call me wonder girl" confirms this is a new world... 7 out of 10
I have to agree. This is one of my favorites so far. Right up there with JLA #1. (I was a huge fan of of the Teen Titans cartoon.) This is going on my 'must read' list.

Black hawks was a disapointment. I was expecting GI Joe Meets Shield with some batman thrown in... I got a weird story that I still don't get...but I will be sticking around for issue 2. 5 out of 10.
Different strokes for different folks. I loved it! I like the concept and will definitely be following this one through the first story arc, and maybe more.

JL DARK... OK great story, and points for having 4 JL memebers in a book and not have them over shine the main cast or be treated like idiots...COnstintine and Zatana seam fine, and deadman still is hanging out with Dove. It was adult with out being over the top... 8 out of 10... it is the only book this week that might unseat storm watch as my fav #1
I was very interested in this one, but it didn't grab me as much as JLI or the Legion titles did.

Okay, so here is my list of #1's (so far)...

Aug. 31
Justice League :hmm:

Sept. 7
Action Comics :)
Detective Comics :] :)
Justice League International :cool:
Men of War :D
Stormwatch :erm:

I still feel like I should have got Hawk and Dove #1.

Sept. 14
Batman and Robin :rant:
Deathstroke :devil:
Grifter :hmm:
Legion Lost :p
Resurrection Man :D
Suicide Squad :cool:

I hope I won't need to follow the Superboy title to truly enjoy TT.

Sept. 21
Batman :)
Blue Beetle :)
Catwoman :( :-S
Green Lantern Corps :cool:
Legion of Super-Heroes :D
Nightwing (*) :D
Red Hood and the Outlaws ;)

*Doh! I forgot to list Nightwing in my previous post. I liked it a lot. Hell, I liked it more than the four main Batman titles!

Sept. 28
Batman: The Dark Knight :)
Blackhawks :D
Justice League Dark :hmm:
Teen Titans :cool:

Okay, Superman #1 will definitely be added to this list. I won't be getting The Flash #1 because it isn't Wally West. I thought about All-Star Western #1 but decided against it.

I'd like it if someone could explain The Fury of Firestorm to me.
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World of Kulan DM
Others of the New 52 I might take a look at if they are still available next week...

Hawk and Dove, Swamp Thing; Red Lanterns; Birds of Prey; All-Star Western, Voodoo.

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