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DC Gameday VII -- October 9th and 10th, 2010

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I've decided. I'm running M&M 2e. Same game I ran at Gen Con -- but with two fewer players. If I am blessed with huge amounts of time, I *may* try to convert the game to M&M 3e.

Me too. I am going with DC Adventures and my all Ladies ICONS game.

I don't think I will have enough time to get my Dresden Files game ready between ENnies reading, Boston Gameday, and my husband's birthday party to plan.

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Just an FYI / new policy / whatever. Figure better to announce this now and not have it come into play than surprise folks later on.

I don't think it will be an issue, but we're in the single big-ish room instead of the several medium sized rooms again, which limits us to around 6 GM slots per session (maybe 7, if we stick someone out in the hallway). It looks like we've got a lot of people interested in running games this time, so if push comes to shove and we've got more people wanting to run games in a slot that we have space for, tables will be allocated as follows:

1. Games with 5-6 open slots, eg, not already half-full with reserved slots, ladies-only games, existing gaming groups, etc. If we do a kids-only session, that will be given priority, however.

2. Games with 5-6 slots, with some reserved or otherwise restricted.

3. Games with less than 5 slots, reserved or otherwise.

Ties go to folks that have a good track record of showing up and running games at past gamedays and games that provide some diversity of playstyles, genres, etc.

Feed back welcome.

Just an FYI / new policy / whatever. Figure better to announce this now and not have it come into play than surprise folks later on.

I don't think it will be an issue, but we're in the single big-ish room instead of the several medium sized rooms again, which limits us to around 6 GM slots per session (maybe 7, if we stick someone out in the hallway). It looks like we've got a lot of people interested in running games this time, so if push comes to shove and we've got more people wanting to run games in a slot that we have space for, tables will be allocated as follows:

1. Games with 5-6 open slots, eg, not already half-full with reserved slots, ladies-only games, existing gaming groups, etc. If we do a kids-only session, that will be given priority, however.

2. Games with 5-6 slots, with some reserved or otherwise restricted.

3. Games with less than 5 slots, reserved or otherwise.

Ties go to folks that have a good track record of showing up and running games at past gamedays and games that provide some diversity of playstyles, genres, etc.

Feed back welcome.

Sounds ok to me. :D I will be running with 6 open slots and do not have any dibs yet. (If I don't run an all ladies game. It's no worries, just something I always wanted to do.)


First Post
Unless we simply have more people and GM's combined than the space allows I don't see a problem. :)
Based on last year's attendance, and doing a rough on-the-napkin calculation based on what I've read here, we'll be running close and snug to capacity in the smaller conference room -- assuming 6 games of 6 each, with 6 GMs, that's 42 peeps per session accommodated, and last year we were in the mid-to-high 40's for attendance on Day One.

We'll have a table or two outside the room for a spillover game, and for peeps not playing to sit at and chat, and we have one last emergency spillover room on another floor (sub-optimal, sure, but we do have it).

We *should* be OK -- and Serendipity might intervene and grant us the larger room, in which case, we're golden.


First Post
Me too. I am going with DC Adventures and my all Ladies ICONS game.

I don't think I will have enough time to get my Dresden Files game ready between ENnies reading, Boston Gameday, and my husband's birthday party to plan.
What's the gist of your DC adventures game going to be?

What's the gist of your DC adventures game going to be?

Here is the write up for Boston Gameday:

Crisis... Just Crisis! - DC Adventures- Princesskeyblade

Infinate Crisis... Final Crisis.... Crisis on Two Worlds... It seems like everyone is having a crisis lately and the League of Assassins lead by Talia and Ra's Al Ghoul want to end everyones suffering.... by taking over the world and becoming supreme overlords... with the help of some good friends of course.

Can Batman, Robin, Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Arrow, and Speedy save the day? Tune in to find out.... Same Bat time, same Bat gameday!

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