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Dead Legends


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Dizzy suddenly reappears inside the lodge, appearing slighty out of breath. "We have a problem. The town is currently on fire."

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Omega looks from Hanshu to Dizzy and says simply, "I do not understand how the town being on fire is 'our problem.' We neither live there, nor possess property there."


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"So the idea that the place where we reappeared that might hold some clues as to why we are here going up in smoke doesn't bother you at all?"


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"In the absence of applicable directives, I have determined my own course of action," Omega replies unflappably. "It is all the 'why' I require. Additional facts indicate that the occupants of the town are equally ignorant as we are as to the nature and purpose of our appearance there. I have already secured the assistance of the most knowledgeable of us in determining location and bearing to destination, making any navigational data within the town irrelevant."


Kayla turns swiftly, leaving her back open to the demoness, seemingly unaware of the tempting target she is presenting to the angry creature. Her concern is solely for the villagers at the moment. "They're still Innocent people - At least, as far as we know - And the timing makes it likely that it was OUR actions" Kayla looks at Shahaza and then the guard captain "That instigated the burning."

To Omega, she mentally adds "I've told you I"ll help you in whatever way I can with your quest. Mine is to find out WHY we're here, and to conatin the seemingly inevitable carnage from whatever brought us back. The deal I offer is that we help each other."

Kayla moves outside "Anybody who's wililng to help the villagers grab on." She gives a few seconds for anybody who's willing to join her, and then teleports back to the square they dissapeared from, realizing at the last second that she'd left the captain on the bed. "Well, if the demoness takes him, at least I'll know for certain where she stands" She thinks to herself, unwilling to risk the villagers lives for the possible personal gain to be had from him.


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Ishasha briefly ponders whether or not to help the villages. They're not her people, in fact she hasn't even met any. However, she does need Kayla's good will if she is ever to puzzle out what is going on. So she grabs hold of the tall woman and says "I'm in.".


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Darkness once again floods the lodge and spills from out in a door shape corridor of murky shadows. After a moment the darkness widens to encompass those outside, leaving the corridor of darkness only inside the lodge. "It could prove an opportunity to engender a bit of good will given the abduction of the captain, if nothing else. Perhaps we might even locate a more willing source of information if lives can be spared from the flame's kiss. By your leave my lady." Kayla feels a strong hand ever so lightly come to rest on her shoulder, but can't immediately pinpoint its owner.

OOC: Reactivating ring of sequestering and removing the tethered darkness coin to hang on the outside of his pouch.


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Omega hesitates, considering the bard's suggestion. It was perhaps a bit open-ended if interpreted literally. However that was of little concern to it. Time was something that happened to other people. With both its creators and targets all gone, delays were no longer relevant.

"Your terms are acceptable," it replied, and awkwardly held out a three-fingered metallic hand. It had seen other humanoids use such gestures when reaching mutual arrangements. It seemed appropriate now.


Kayla nodded to Omega and accepted the offered hand, shaking it once to 'seal the deal'. She takes a quick look around to see if everybody's ready, and then teleports back to the town square they came from.

Sorry if I cut anybody off, please just insert your post as happening when she looks around if you wished to come along.

Dharuhk Svahre

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OOC: Well, I was kinda hoping to see if Nephtys was gonna post as well, but its time to get this show on the road. I'm gonna have to assume he stays behind.

The group of adventurers teleport into the center of what used to be a town. Buildings smashed and torn apart, bodies scattered all about, and a raging fire consuming what little was left intact. massive footprints in the ground lead away from the village and to the west.

OOC: That will be a knowledge arcana check to see who can identify what made the footprints.

Voidrunner's Codex

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