[Death in Freeport] Any advice?

The Antra

First Post
I'm seriously considering running Green Ronin's Death in Freeport and if all goes well, the other two sequels too.

Anyone has DMed this? (Probably a lot of you) Any hints or advice for me?

I appreciate any help...

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Our DM ran us through the Trilogy and then part of Hell until we all quit his game for being an ass.

Its VERY VERY good. All the suspense and mysteries. We didnt use the snake men though. We used Ratmen (from the CC)


The Antra said:
I'm seriously considering running Green Ronin's Death in Freeport and if all goes well, the other two sequels too.

Anyone has DMed this? (Probably a lot of you) Any hints or advice for me?

Check my .sig to see how it worked for me!

DIF is pretty straightforward, although some people may get frustrated with the fact that you pretty much need to get attacked to get the information that you need to get to the next part. (It's kind of a running joke in my story hour.)


The Antra

First Post
Thanks, guys!

I'll take all that care...

It seems like a great trilogy. Are the other two as good as the first one?

Also, any characters that would not fit in the party? (i.e. monks, barbarians, druids...)


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When reading the adventure I did not realize how often the Lighthouse came up in conversations, questions etc. My players really wanted to check it out, they were convinced Lucius was in the light house. It took a lot of work to keep this from happening and I am sure you are aware, the more you try and stop a player the more they want to do it. It truely is a great adventure, just put some thought into adverting your players interest into the lighthouse just in case they get infatuated.


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If you are going to run your players through death in freeport you should seriously consider buying the rest. They kind of run together like one big adventure.


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I'd definitely suggest reading all three before starting.

You also might want to modify things a little if you have any big Mythos fans in your group. A couple things are a little obvious if anyone is.

I can't think of any problems with any of the core character classes.


First Post
warning spoilers
I ran all three, and enjoyed them. Here are the things I remember from those sessions.

First, get the next two modules before you start. You really need the info in the third one so that you can lay the groundwork for it while you run the first one. Such little details as the fact that the high priest of the God of knowledge, who is always out of the office in the first module, is only fourth level! A lot of thought needs to go into the setup of the temple of knowledge, as so much of the plot revolves around it. The third module gives you the political setup of the town, and knowing that beforehand helps a lot. There are also a few free downloads that are worth getting from their website. Be warned, If you use the map of the temple there, you need to adjust the attack on the temple as presented in the mods, as they don't quite match up.

Decide what the yellow sign is, what it looks like, and how much the PC's can find out about it. They will see it a lot.

Area 6 of the temple of the unspeakable one has a pool of water. In the later mods the snake people bring a lot of stuff out of that pool as it connects to something else. Decide what that something else is, or make sure the PC's can't go down it. One potion of water breathing can really be embarrassing. :( .

Decide what language the travel logs are written in.

On a related note:D , think up something for the turnips.

In the second module, page 18, the deathtrap. It is a real, oh-my-god deathtrap! Get clear in your head how it looks and operates, and consider changing it. I added 4 rounds to the length of the process, lowered the balance DC's, allowed a magic shield and magic mace to gum up the works for a round each, all on the fly, and still nearly killed the whole party.

Think up something nice to go with being awarded the Order of Drac. I made it being allowed to carry weapons in the Old City.

Thats all the stuff I remember wishing I had done when I ran them. Good luck.


First Post
Xandercrisp said:
warning spoilers
On a related note:D , think up something for the turnips.


Mine got way too hung up on the bookshelves to even bother with the turnips.

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