Death in Freeport


Here's the start of Dogrynn I need to flesh out the character more than I have above, but the stats are almost finished.

Dogrynn the Reaver;
sibeccai gestalt weaponmaster anima 1;
medium humaniod (sibeccai);
Alignment: Neutral
Init +0; Senses Listen +1, Spot +1; Low-light Vision
Languages: Common, Giant
AC 16, flatfooted 16, touch 10;
HP 13 (HD 1d10+3)
Fort +5, Ref +0, Will -1;
Spd 20';
Melee: scimitar +6 (1d6+3/18-20/x2);
Ranged: javelin +1 (1d6+1/20/x2/30');
Base Atk +1, Grapple +4;
Anima Powers: 4AP
Infuse Lightning 1AP (+2 Str)
Infuse Life 1AP (+2 Con)
Infuse Force 1AP (+1 to hit)
Move Space 1AP (10' teleport)
Weaponmaster Abilities: Favored Weapon (Scimitar), Weapon Style (Critical Strike)
Abilities: Str 16, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 8, Wis 8, Cha 10.
XP: 0
Feats: Weapon Focus - Scimitar 1 (+1 to hit)
Skills: Listen +1 [2 ranks, -1 Wis], Spot +1 [2 ranks, -1 Wis], Balance +2 [2 ranks, +0 Dex], Profession (sailor) +1 [2 ranks, -1 Wis], Swim +5 [2 ranks, +3 Str], Tumble +2 [2 ranks, +0 Dex], Gather Info +2 [0 ranks, +2 race], Handle Animal +2 [0 ranks, +2 race], Move Silently +2 [0 ranks, +2 race], Hide +2 [0 ranks, +2 race]
Possessions: Scimitar (15gp), scale mail (50gp), heavy wooden shield (7gp), backpack (2gp), waterskin (1gp), explorer's outfit (0gp)
Money: 35gp, 0sp.
Encumbrance: 0lbs; Load: Light (33lbs)



History: tba
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Guest 11456

Voadam said:
Remember the flavor text from the races section: half-templates do not result from cross-breeding. So you have to decide on a backstory such as divinely being infused by a draconic deity, magical infusion by a sorcerer into an orc bloodline (there is one in the past who did this with many orcs to create different warrior subraces), or something different you come up with. Also whether it happened to a bloodline you belong to or is character specific.

Also note I would allow dragon HD as a PC class option for the orc Half dragon. (1/1 BAB, d12 HD, all good saves, 6 base skill points).

Sounds good. I'll go with Concept 2:
Half-Orc / Half-Dragon (start with Orc and add Half-Dragon Template) Option six 8 point buy: LA +3. So would dragon be his class then, if I chose the dragon HD as a PC class option?


GROK: For as long as Grok could remember he had been in the service of the wizard Alazon. Alazon had treated him well as long as he didn’t break anything. When he had been younger this proved to be an easy task. But as he grew to adulthood it became increasingly difficult. One day when Grok was cleaning up the wizard’s lab he broke a whole table full of beakers and flasks full of stuff. That is when Grok stopped being a servant and started being a test subject. No matter how he tried he could not discern what it was the wizard was working on. He did enjoy talking with the little copper dragon that was in a cage near his own, though.

CUPRIM: Cuprim had just barely hatched when he was scooped up from his nest. He never got the chance to meet his mother. Apparently she had died just before he had hatched. He had two hatch-mates that were captured at the same time as him, but he never saw them again. He had been put into a small cage and transported a great distance. Apparently he was sold to the Alazon the wizard. The wizard seemed to be doing some sort of arcane research and for some unknown reason needed him for his experiments. He spent much of his day conversing with the orc in a nearby cage. The wizard did not seem to want to talk.

ALAZON: From his must early years in the academy, Alazon promised himself that he would improve his teleport spell. He believed that a longer range was possible, he just needed to find the right combination of regents. To that end he had dedicated his life to that pursuit and spent long hours pouring over ancient tomes and mixing powerful concoctions.


ALAZON: Alazon was in the middle of a great experiment when a mishap occurred. The orc and copper dragon got teleported into the same space, along with a number of potions and regents. The result was the merging of the two creatures into a new creation. This new creature sprang toward the wizard and ripped at his throat. Barely able to form the syllables into the correct words, Alazon cast a teleport spell to teleport the beast away. As the creature vanished from sight, the wizard dropped to the floor. The wizard quickly lost consciousness and died of lost of blood. The wizard never knew that his life’s work was a success, as he was able to teleport the hybrid creature many miles away.

GROK-CUPRIM: As the merging takes place the pain of the process causes the new creature great pain. It’s only thoughts in those first few moments are to stop the pain. It instincts are to lash out at anything nearby. It is able to regain control of its actions as the wizard teleports it away. It appears before a man surrounded by four other men. It seems to think the man is caged in and a familiar thought surfaces. Before it can think it has attacked and felled the four attackers and earned the eternal gratitude of the man, Brother Egil.


Rikki Bone-sticks
Human Gestalt Witch/Rogue 1
HP 7

str 8 -1
dex 12 +1
con 8 -1
int 12 +1
wis 14 +2
cha 10

Skills - 36pts

Profession - fortune-telling 4
Sense Motive 4
Bluff 4
Concentration 2
Heal 2
Profession (herbalist) 2
Diplomacy 4
Intimidate 2
Gather Info 2
Knowledge (arcana) 2
Swim 2
Sleight of Hand 2


Fort +2
Ref +3
Will +4

Feats - Soothsay (Witch's Handbook)
Mind over Matter (WH)

Spells known -


1st Level
Cure light wounds


"The sticks never lie"
"I swear to ya, missus, honest"
"Nah, nah grandma, 's' alright, to you, free! Now don't go
buying that fish, alright? Won't do you no good!"
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Erekose13 said:
Voadam, I'm trying to figure out my last Anima power and leaning towards something activated like maybe Move Space (short range teleport) or Invoke Lightning. But as far as I can tell an Anima's activated powers will always require 2 full rounds to cast. They are not signature spells which reduce casting time to a standard action and there are no Gen enhancements that reduce casting time. I'd be okay with having to spend mana points on a Gen enhancement to eventually use the abilities a bit more frequently leaving them as 2 full rounds at 1st. But if that wont work, I'm leaning towards picking up another enduring power like Abjure Nature or something like that.

Anima powers can either be activated or enduring.
Activated effects are cast like spell like abilities, and can be
used five times per day. Enduring effects are centered on
the anima, and have a permanent duration. They cannot
be dispelled, but can be suppressed by antimagic. The
anima can turn her enduring powers on or off as a move

Anima activated powers are cast like spell like abilities and not cast like normal EoM spells so they can be cast as a standard action.
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Sibeccai have a +2 con and -2 int, you got +2 con and +2 str from animae powers, so that leaves 6 points for str, 2 for dex, 4 for con, 2 for int = 14 point buy. I think you have 2 point buy points still to spend on attributes.


Sweet his 4th power will be the Move Space one that I've put in the character sheet.

EDIT: Oh excellent I'll add the other 2 point buy.
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I have decided to start with a 7 person party with those who have given definite character concepts. There is a good range of magic and combat oriented concepts and enough depth to continue on if some need to drop out later.

Blind Azathoth: Gestalt Expert Psion/Sorcerer
Shayuri: Beguiler
Erekose: Sibeccai Anima Weapon Master
Doghead: Lasserator? Barbarian?
Azgulor: Ghostly Buccaneer? Swashbuckler? Freebooter? Archivist?
Lorthanoth: Gestalt Witch/Rogue
Tailspinner: Orc Half-Dragon Dragon

I will need Blind Azathoth, Doghead, and Azgulor to decide on their specific concepts.

Everyone else please begin figuring out specifics for character sheets and backgrounds.

Each of the PCs should have either a connection to Brother Egil or to another PC that would get you to help out when Brother Egil asks some PCs for help.

Any setting or mechanics questions feel free to ask.


Guest 11456

[sblock]Name: Grockuprim
Gender: Male
Race: Half-Orc / Half-Dragon (Copper)
Class: Dragon
Level: 1
Age: 16
Height: 7’-2”
Weight: 375#

Str 26 (+8) {6, +4 race, +8 template}
Dex 10 (+0) {2}
Con 10 (+0) {0, +2 template}
Int 8 (-1) {0, -2 race, +2 template}
Wis 6 (-2) {0, -2 race}
Cha 8 (-1) {0, -2 race, +2 template}

AC: 15 (+0 Dex, +5 natural armor)
Touch: 10
Flatfooted: 15
Initiative: +0
Speed: 30 ft
ACP: +0
BAB: +1
Grapple: +9
HP: 12

Racial Abilities: Low-light Vision, Darkvision 60ft, Light Sensitivity, Two Claw Primary Natural Weapons, Bite Secondary Natural Weapon, Breath Weapon Special Attack (60ft. line of acid, 1/day, 6d8 damage, Reflex save DC 11 for half), Immunities (Sleep, Paralysis Effects & Acid).

Fort +2 (base 2, +0 Con)
Ref +2 (base 2, +0 Dex)
Will +0 (base 2, -2 Wis)

Claw +9 melee 1d4+8 dmg x2 S
Bite +9 melee 1d6+8 dmg x2 P
2-Claws +9 melee 1d4+8 dmg x2 S & Bite +4 melee 1d6+4 x2 P

Improved Natural Armor

Climb +12 (4 ranks, +8 Str)
Jump +12 (4 ranks, +8 Str)
Search +3 (4 ranks, -1 Int)
Sleight of Hand +4 (4 ranks, +0 Dex)
Swim +11 (3 ranks, +8 Str)

Languages Known: Goblin (Orcish dialect), Common (1 rank)

Belt Pouch (1gp, 0.5#, back)
Treasure (99gp, 2#, pouch)
Traveler’s Outfit (worn)
Total (100gp, 2.5#)[/sblock]
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Tailspinner, creature's that normally get common as a bonus secondary language do not do so in this game. You need to spend one of your skill points to have learned common from the wizard. (starting the game not knowing common is not an option).

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