Demon Hunters of Karameikos


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Solomon Kreel

OOC: My shopping is done; I'll assume the same IC.
"I have purchased arrows of silver and cold iron, as well as this fine cold iron warhammer. These Jovacs sound fearsome indeed. I hope your guess is wrong. We can ask more when we meet again with the priest and the others.

OOC: I'm ready for the meeting.

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Sydney doesn't purchase anything, but he does take some time to sit down and double-check his scrolls for any innaccuracies. Obviously though, there aren't any.


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Shopping and other minor tasks completed, the Hunters return to the Temple to meet with Lutescu and Dargo.Piotr follows about as always, trailing behind the group close enough to be available while attempting to remain unseen.

The day is fine and clear as the heores walk through the village, with a salt tinged breeze coming off the sea. To the north, the hardwood forest of the Dymrak dominates the view, its newly sprouted spring mantle of green spreading out as far as the eye can see.

As the five arrive at the Temple they notice three pike armed guards in chain mail attempting to restrain a small woman. The woman, dressed in a ragged grey dress with a black hooded cape, curses the guards as they struggle to prevent her entry to the Temple.

"Pox upon all ye, all says I, " she spits, "if I weren younger, a spell I'd cast! Frogs, all ye would be frogs! I desire only to see the Master of this place, not his lackeys!"

One of the guards spies the Hunters. "My apologies, m'lords, Brother Piotr." he stammers, "Lord Lutescu awaits inside. Please go in. We'll deal with this crone."

"CRONE!" the woman hisses," she turns to face the five, and the group can see the woman looks very old and almost exquisitely ugly. She possessess a bulbous nose, blotched skin (with an enormous wart on her chin), and stringy grey hair. The woman is a little over 5 feet tall and stands stooped with what appears to be a hump. "Crone ye call me, no insults or curses do I cast upon thee, yet I am treated thusly?"

At the sight of the crone, Piotr instinctively recoils, and turns pale.

Another guard, his face florid from exertion, places a tight grip on the crones arms. "Quiet, witch! Lars, gag her before she casts a spell upon us. How she got into the village is beyond me, magic I 'll wager."

The woman studies the Hunters, and she ceases her struggling slightly. "Hmm, ye all are not of here. Strange visages all of you. "the old woman cranes her neck and squints her left eye, while opening her right eye wider. Her eyes are cloudy, opaque, and her pupils can barely be seen.

"Me sight is not as once it was ,but there what? A Half breed- yes I know ye kind, and a dweller of the deserts. Hmm an Aelf but with the look of the wyrm, and one who looks like a book worm." The crone cackles loudly at her jest. " Ahh.. and whats this- the Sun Gods symbol ye have there. Nicely rendered that."

"Ahh good sirs, listen to my plea, and not to these knaves,'' the crone moans, "Thog is captured, me home taken. Dreadful beasties them gnolls, lingering bout the river. Me homes new for new I am here, aid me strangers, aid an old woman!"
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Mustar gives a rather direct glance at Piotr, to treat an elder like this would ordinarily be disgracful, but they seem to fear her somehow, "You know this lady?"


First Post
Solomon Kreel

Solomon approaches the old woman and places a gentle (though large) hand upon her shoulder. "Fear not, old one. If Lutescu will not see you, we will. I merely ask that you use the gift of patience that age can bring. We have a meeting here. Afterwards, we will see you and you may speak your peace." Solomon turns to Piotr. "Is he waiting? Are we late, or do we have a few minutes?"


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Sydney, tagging along absent-mindedly, is brought back to reality when Nibbles (residing on his shoulder at the time) tugs on his ear and points out the situation with the old woman.

"Ah, many thanks friend," he replies to the ferret.

driver8 said:
"Pox upon all ye, all says I, " she spits, "if I weren younger, a spell I'd cast! Frogs, all ye would be frogs! I desire only to see the Master of this place, not his lackeys!"

Sydney's eyes light up with interest.

Most interesting, a spellcaster is she? Or simply a confused old woman?

driver8 said:
"Quiet, witch! Lars, gag her before she casts a spell upon us. How she got into the village is beyond me, magic I 'll wager."

Invisibility... I know that trick, but turning people into frogs? That's a fair way beyond my ability.

driver8 said:
"Me sight is not as once it was ,but there what? A Half breed- yes I know ye kind, and a dweller of the deserts. Hmm an Aelf but with the look of the wyrm, and one who looks like a book worm."

Sydney takes a little bow at the mention of book worm. This time Nibbles is prepared, and maintains his balance throughout.


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Watching a old woman being mistreated is not to Janos' liking, but the woman seems to have a foul mouth and a good dose of mean spirit in her. Before adressing her Janos wants make sure she has no evil intentions.

(OOC: Janos uses detect evil)


First Post
The old woman smiles a near-toothless smile at Solomon's words. The guards attempts to restrain the woman lessen at the half orcs actions.

Piotr raises his wide sleeved arm to his face, as if shielding himself from the old woman. "Lord Lutescu should be inside Master Solomon, it is noontide".

To Mustar he adds, "I believe I know OF her Master Mustar, though I do not know her- I suspect...."

The old woman interrupts growling, "Bah toad! I speak to these sirs not to ye. They be different, I have seen their like before, they be not like ye small minded commoners."

The woman looks to Mustar her tone softening, "I be Griselda, dweller of the forest, and I come here to seek aid and to warn the Master of this place of danger on the river..."

Piotr himself interrupts, quite animated, "I knew it! My lords, this woman is one of the Dymrak witches. She and her sisters are malign, dark hearted creatures. My grandfather told me stories of them-they were ancient when he was but a boy. He always said that her and her ilk dwelt in the north. Ignore her good sirs, do not tarry here with her. This is a trick I am sure; no doubt she is in league with the terrors that plague us now."

With a cruel look, and a shreik, the old woman steps toward Piotr. "Ye would compare me to my sisters! Dog! I bear no insult from a whelp like ye!" The crone begins to gesture as if to cast a spell, but the guards quickly grab her and Lars caps his meaty hand over her mouth. The woman struggles but to no avail.

For Janos:
You detect no presence of evil in the area.

From the east, a dozen more soldiers come running to reinforce their comrades.
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First Post
Solomon Kreel

Solomon shakes his head. "Be gentle with her, please." he says to the guards in his low but clear voice. "I would very much like to talk to her. She could have important information on the Task for which we were summoned by Lord Lutescu himself. He would not be pleased if this information were denied to us by excessive force on your part."

Solomon stays close to the struggle, in case it gets out of hand.

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