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Demon Hunters of Karameikos


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Sydney raises an eyebrow at the woman's effort to cast a spell, and he tries to identify what she had started to cast. He then proceeds to speak to her as if there weren't a half-dozen guards restraining her.

"M'lady, if you'd be so kind as to wait a few minutes for us we could speak with you. Our first priority currently is to speak with Lord Lutescu, as Solomon said before," he reiterates.

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As the situation gets worse Janos steps forward and tries to calm things down. "Stop this madness! I sense no evil in this woman nor do I see any reason, why we shouldn't at least hear what she has to say. Do not let tell-tales and prejudice control your actions, can't you see a troubled old woman pleading for help? Show some respect to elders instead of insults."

Looking at the now restrained old woman. "And you, Griselda, won't help your cause by threatening these guards. Let them do their job. Like my friend Solomon already said, if the local lords won't help you, fear not, we shall do so." Janos meets the woman's gaze holding his right hand on the symbol of the Sun God on his chest. "You have my word as a servant of Pelor, that I will not let any sincere plea for help remain unheard."

And finally turning to Piotr with a stern look. "You should learn to choose your words better, young man. If you have no proof to your accusations, it would be best to remain silent."


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Prestel observes the situation alertly but does nothing particularly aggressive. He'd prefer that everyone settle down, but he has no particular sympathy with a witch who threatened to turn him into a toad and has no quarrel with Piotr. Prestel looks around to see who's coming, from where, etc.


Mustar stands placidly, showing no sign of his anger at Piotr for interupting Griselda and moving in to back up Janos says, nodding deliberatly and forcefully at the part about respecting ones elders.

Looking at the now restrained old woman. "And you, Griselda, won't help your cause by threatening these guards. Let them do their job. Like my friend Solomon already said, if the local lords won't help you, fear not, we shall do so." Janos meets the woman's gaze holding his right hand on the symbol of the Sun God on his chest. "You have my word as a servant of Pelor, that I will not let any sincere plea for help remain unheard."

<Hmm, he promises that which he cannot deliver. I shall be pledged by no man. However, it can stand for now.>


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The guards reacted too quickly, making it difficult for any of the spellcasters to discern the spell Griselda was intending.

Chastised by Janos, Piotr lowers his eyes and falls silent. As the reinforcements arrive, the young priest raises his arms and addresses them. "Hold fast, men. All is well. Detain this woman but do her no harm. These Hunters would have words with her after their appointment with our Lord."

The guards encircle the crone. Lars turns to Solomon. "We will not harm her sir till you return, I swear."

Griselda, her mouth covered by Lar's hand, cackles a muffled laugh.

Piotr opens the door to the Temple, and all follow until moments later they arrive in the audience chamber. Lord Lutescu is upon his throne there, with Dargo at his right hand. A third man, tall with tawny hair and beard stands nearby.

"Welcome Hunters, " Lutescu says warmly. "I hope you have found the supplies you need. I am at your disposal if you require any further information about your task, or if you require anything else."

Lutescu motions to the third man in the chamber. "I took the liberty of inviting the master of your transport. May I introduce Bellus, trader with the Thyatian Guild of Trade. His vessel, the Kestrel is preparing to travel to Kova to conduct the annual fur trade and he has agreed to take you as passengers." The tawny haired man, well dressed in a dark blue damask tunic, steps forward and bows at the introduction.

"I have also had a meal made ready," Lutescu adds,"but that can wait- what may I do for you?"
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driver8 said:
"Welcome Hunters, " Lutescu says warmly. "I hope you have found the supplies you need. I am at your disposal if you require any further information about your task, or if you require anything else."

Lutescu motions to the third man in the chamber. "I took the liberty of inviting the master of your transport. May I introduce Bellus, trader with the Thyatian Guild of Trade. His vessel, the Kestrel is preparing to travel to Kova to conduct the annual fur trade and he has agreed to take you as passengers." The tawny haired man, well dressed in a dark blue damask tunic, steps forward and bows at the introduction.

"I have also had a meal made ready," Lutescu adds,"but that can wait- what may I do for you?"
Janos greets Bellus by nodding to him and then adresses Lord Lutescu. "My Lord, I thank you for these arrangements. I'm sure they will aid us greatly."

Janos pauses to collect his thoughts. "There is indeed one thing I ask you, My Lord, a small favor. But first, let me inform you about another possible danger, which is related to my request."

"Before returning here we met a old woman outside the temple, who wishes to speak to you, but was restrained by the guards. She warned about gnolls roaming by the river and told her forest home was taken by them. She seems to have magical talent, but I believe, is no threat and genuinely pleading for help. Would you not grant her an audience, My Lord? Her knowledge about the forest could be useful. Maybe she has seen something, which can aid us. Wouldn't it be better to have her speak here than shouting dire warnings among local peasantry?"

(OOC: Diplomacy +9)


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"My..my Lord!" Piotr exclaims, "you cannot allow this! This old woman has identified herself as Griselda. She is one of the Dymrak Witches that the elderfolk speak of. To allow her in the Temple would be a sacrilege. Her and her sisters have been the doom of many good folk, and I fear she now wishes to decieve us."

Piotr turns to the Hunters,"Even her attempts to decieve us are thwarted by her own lies. She claims gnolls are on the river-no gnolls dwell in the Dymrak; no gnolls dwell in the Duchy at all. My Lord, please.."

Lutescu raises his hand."Quiet yourself Piotr. I am aware of the tales of the Witches, they are indeed said to be evil and malign creatures. Griselda is a name spoken of in bedtime stories to frighten children. But I do not doubt the Witches exist. However, if she has information, especially at this dark time, I would wish to hear it. Janos is right in this, and I believe all of us can defend ourselves against one old woman."

Dargo rises and exits the chamber. A few moments later, Griselda enters, accompanied by 7 guards. The old womans hands have been bound by rope.

"Speak" Lord Lutescu commands, "Are you Griselda called the Witch of Dymrak by some?"

Griselda half bows stiffly. "I thank thee Lord for receiving me. Methinks these strangers have a hand in me seeing ye." The old crone squints over at Piotr, causing the young man to flinch. "I be Griselda, indeed called by some a Witch. In me younger days indeed, I confess, I may have done ill deeds, but me memory and power no longer are what they once were. I mean none here no harm now."

Griselda frowns. "I bring news- a warning- gnolls be lurking by the narrows of the river, not a days journey from here. They be watching the river. Theyve taken me cottage and captured me ogre Thog. I request aid to gain me home back, I be offering a reward to any that help me. All night I flew here to gain thy aid, not to be taken prisoner. "

The crone turns away from Lutescu and looks at each of the Hunters with her squinted eye as if challenging those around her to question her veracity.
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Solomon Kreel

"Is this the same river which we will sail on to get to Kova? If so, is it on the way?"

"Gnolls are beastmen of sorts, no? Perhaps this is related to the reports of Demons. But tell us, Griselda, an ogre? You have an ogre? Are there other suffering from these attacking gnolls, or just you and your ogre?"


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Sydney takes off his glasses and cleans them with a cloth from one of his pockets.

"I'm sorry to interupt at this point but I feel there is something I should enlighten you to," he holds the glasses up, making sure they're clean, before looking back to Lord Lutescu, "The small clawed creatures, not unlike in resemblance to dead gnomes, are known as Jovocs. They are often used as frontline troops by demon armies, which at first made me suspicious. I fear the gnoll presence may be a coordinated effort with a possible demon invasion force to cut off reinforcements to the beleagured town. This is just what I've determined with the information available though, it could simply be an inconveniant coincidence."

He puts the glasses back on, and waits for the response.
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