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Can't wait for the next session.

My poor, poor players.

Set in the FR.

My players live in the city of Thentia on the Moonsea, which has been taken over by a large force of Zhents and Melvauntians loyal to a Banite priest named Grundlin (a 20th level rakshasa sorcerer with the Shade Template!). The Zhent forces overran the city, but with the PC's considerable efforts, "the Resistence" has been slowly taking back the city. Grundlin, being desperate, plans a last ditch effort to kill off his enemies.

He has ordered an innocent citizen of the city to be killed every 5 minutes until the PC's are given over as prisoners of war to his captain. Knowing the PC's and the rest of the resistence will refuse, and they likely will storm their stronghold in the City, he has begun casting the 9th level corrupt spell "Apocolypse from the Sky" to kill most of the cities inhabitants. After all, undead are easier to control than the living...hehehe.

The PC's will have an approximate 10% chance to stop this from happening. Possible, but not likely. Then again, they have surprised me before.

At this point, the pc's will be devastated that their city is ruins, even though Grundlin killed most of his forces in the process. At that point, the local Red Wizard, Azzadar Kasul, who has his own personal agenda against Grundlin will tell the PC's that this is their ONE chance to kill Grundlin, being weakened considerably from casting the corrupt spell. Grundlin will had teleported back into his unholy temple to Bane under the deepest catacomb in Zhentil Keep and will be guarded by his favorite pet/ bodyguard, Genreva (a Blackdirge special! Tauric Medusa/Gorgon monster of Legend). Azzadar has been able to manipulate a flaw in the arcane defenses of the catacomb and is willing to transport the PC's via a teleport spell directly to the lair of Grundlin. In return, they must bring back his head, at which point, they will be instantly brought back to Thentia. The PC's must decaptitate Grundlin in his lair, while holding back the ridiclous amount of forces stationed outside his lair. Good luck, my silly little PC's.

<Adult themes coming up>
To make sure all is successful, Azzdar will send along his own personal cohort, the disgusting Thayan Knight, Savron Dynn to assist the PC's. Savron Dynn is one of the arch enemies of the PC's and a suspected child molester. In the past, Savron murdered a child by the name of Andrea, who has returned as a Banshee, killing Red Wizards in the name of vengeance. In response to the killings, Azzadar had completely sequestered his enclave, both in a physical and an arcane manner. When the PC's return with Grundlin's head, they will be transported back to the city but not directly into the Red Wizard enclave. As they and Savron Dynn transport the head back to the enclave, Andrea the banshee will see its greatest chance for revenge against her murderer and defiler and will attack Savron. The Pc's will then be forced to make a decision either way, help Andrea the Banshee, Savron Dynn the Thayan Knight or stay out of the fight altogether.

I think I am going to like this session quite a bit! A lot of loose ends are going to be tied, as the campaign is starting to reach its conclusion.



First Post
Depends what my PCs (L17) value. They might choose to solve a series of assassinations of important politicians by a lone, powerful batman-like assassin, go check out a book at a library in Hell, investigate their growing suspicions about the Mayor and the police, or go out to face the evil Titan Chronos and his fleet which is ravaging island kingdoms by surrounding them and using some sort of time/propobability control weapon to swap entire areas with an alternate reality or time in which settlements never existed there.


The PC's in my Eberron game (Warforged Monk, Aasimar Druid, Shifter Wilderness Rogue, Changeling Fighter / Diviner, Human Wizard and Human Swashbuckler) will find themselves battling a babau atop a giantish bridge over a pit of lava, in the hangar of a giantish war machine (a Stone Colossus, to be exact). When they get past that, they'll face the two Emerald Claw mercenaries (who have acheived their goal of subverting the controls of the construct so the BBEG can use his power over unintelligent constructs to remotely control it as if it were his own body).

The fight will be made more interesting by the fact that it'll be inside the heart room of the colossus, as it's animated, tearing free to head towards Sharn to reenact a kaiju movie. Hopefully, if they figure out that the Dusk Hag was talking about the big sphere of red metal when she said they needed to 'break it's heart', they'll stop the Colossus by breaking the heart, releasing the elder Fire Elemental inside, which will immediately break loose and escape, depriving the colossus of power.

The antagonists (a human hexblade and warforged artificer) may or may not escape--they certainly intend to try if it becomes hopeless, and may become recurring foes, but they can get killed at this juncture without damaging the plot any.

After that, they will probably head back to Sharn to have a word with the Enquirer about it's reporting of their role in the incident of the athach skeleton and dragonflesh golem rampaging through Morgrave University. They probably won't be reporting the whole truth to the man who sent them on this mission--after reading his thoughts and gleaning that he was working for a group called the Chamber, they don't fully trust him. And after that, it's off to the Mournland.
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