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Destiny of the Valenar (Calling Tyrlaan!)

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First Post
Well, one step at a time. I figured I'd get you guys comfortable with the run-of-the mill, "the worst that can happen is you get NO information" rituals before I hook you one the "Get phenomenal power at the possible expense of your (or other people's) souls."

Coming of Age-the Gateway ritual.

Ave Rage

First Post
Quord Amakiir

Here is my Elf Swash Buckler, Quord Amakiir

[SBLOCK]Quord Amakiir
Age: 109
Hight: 5’5
Weight: 90 lbs
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Stats: (w/o racial modifiers)
Str 10
Int 14

HP 10
AC 13
BAB: +1

F +2
W -1
R +3

weapon finesse (swash)
combat expertise (1st level)

Balance +7 [4ranks+3dex]
Bluff +5 [4 ranks + 1cha]
Diplomacy +5 [4 ranks +1 cha]
Escape Artist +7 [4 ranks +3 dex]
Swim +2 [2 ranks +0 str]
Use Rope +7 [4 ranks + 3dex]
Perform (String instruments ) +3 [2ranks + 1 cha] (cc)

GP: 6d4 , maxed 24
Not sure on how much I get to spend but a rapier is 20 gold so that’s all I have listed.
Items: Rapier

Description: Quord has always had an easy time fitting in but never has he felt like he belonged to any group. Drifting from crowd to crowd he picked up on how to use his words to play people against each other as well as how to escape when he overstepped his boundries. While he doesn’t enjoy hurting people, Quord doesn’t mind spicing the evening up either is always on the look out for a good time.

Patron Ancestor: Aervisal the Enchantress. Some say Sook the Magnificent wasn’t such a graceful and dashing character that the stories make him out to be but for the younger elves that don’t look too hard for facts his tales still make for a good listen. While there are several supposedly larger than life adventures, one that is constantly retold is how Sook planned to strike a heavily fortified town that had been sending out disguised raiding parties to attack nearby villages. While most of his men hid, the charismatic leader stood atop a shoddily crafted stage and with some more of his talented crew, took the guise of a small traveling act and got everyone in town, but most importantly the gate guards, to come to gather together to enjoy the unexpected show. Before anyone could question whether the main gate remained guarded, the rest of Sook’s men made their way unhampered into town and sacked the place. It is said that while his men continued to fight and strip the town of its ill gotten gains, Sook continued his performance in the town center.

Garnet Schist

First Post
Aff Fyierd, the elven rogue

[SBLOCK]Aff Fyierd
Age: 99
Hight: 4’5
Weight: 70 lbs
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Str 10
Dex17 (+2 elf)
Con11 (-2 elf)
Int 14

HP 6
AC 15
BAB: +0

F +0
W -1
R +5


Appraise +3 [2 ranks+1 Int]
Disable Device +7 [4 ranks+3 Dex]
Forgery +3 [2 ranks+1 Int]
Hide +7 [4 ranks+3dex]
Listen +3 [4 ranks – 1 Wisdom]
Move Silently +7 [4 ranks+3 dex]
Open Lock +7 [4 ranks+3 dex]
Search +5 [4ranks+1 Int]
Spot +3 [4 ranks – 1 Wis]
Tumble +7 [4 ranks+ 3 dex]
Use Magic Device +5 [4 ranks +1 cha]

Sneak Attack 1d6

GP: 4d4 , maxed 16
Items: Scimitar, dagger, Leather Armor, sling X5 (shoelaces, wrists, pocket)
12 gp and adventures kit.


Description: Rukama is as normal an elf as you’re going to see. Aside from his short height, and primarily because of it, he’ll never stick out, or above, in a crowd. The greatest feat he has never been identified as doing is stealing the town’s historical necklace the night before his family was scheduled to leave for a season long trip. By the time the town had realized they were guarding a forgery, Rukama was as far away on land as he was in their minds. Glory bids him speak his tongue, but cowardice squelches it.

Patron Ancestor: No one can actually recall the true name of Looligan the Treasure Guide, but they do recall the legend of the trickster elf who lead many to their untimely demise. Promising fortunes to those able enough to follow him into the depths of a near-by “temple of seasonal evil,” Looligan would seal the fates of many would-be greedy adventures. The lesson of Looligan is, in a room 20X20 feet, only the one laying in the pre-chiseled groove with a wand of fireballs rules king.


I'm still interested. I was just hoping someone else would start things off - I kind of feel like I'm doing too much of the talking.



First Post
So, Haven, what should we do here? We have three players who have apparently forgotten about the game as there has been a post up for over a week that was very open ended-anyone could have taken action-and no one did anything. I wanna keep DMing...

Should I open the game up and give the characters over to other players?

If there is no action from the other three by friday, I think I'll start a thread offering the characters to other players.


Hey, I'm still interested. Sorry, things got incredibly hectic at work for a bit. I'm up for continuing if you're up for having me.


First Post
Okay, a new post will be up on Monday, one way or another. I really like Eliseri and enjoy her back-story, so, MistaCollins, you posting IG or OOG before monday 10 eastern will have a large effect on what happens with the post, weather or not you stay in the game. If you aren't interested, that's fine, life is hectic and I understand. I will be looking for a new PC to work into the party. No problem.

However, I hope you return to us!

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