Deuce Traveler's Six Nights to Yearsend (Ptolus one-shot)

Deuce Traveler

This will be a short Ptolus campaign. For those not familiar with the background of Ptolus, please look here where you can gain some information and find directions for downloading a free copy of the Player's Guide: I want 4-6 players, but if there are more I can run two different teams simultaneously.

I am looking for 10th-level characters, and I am allowing players to roll their stats at home relying on the honor system. Please roll three columns of stats using 4D6, dropping the lowest (keeping the three highest for each roll), and re-rolling 1s. After you roll three columns of six ability scores, pick the column you wish to keep. You may assign stats to any ability. If someone's stats are too high to be realisitc I will ask them to re-roll the three columns again or simply not choose their character for the game.

Characters are allowed max hit points for their first level and 3/4ths of the max possible dice roll for each succeeding level, rounding up. So a wizard with normal con would have 4 hit points for his first level and three hit points for each of his next levels. A fighter with average con would have 10 hit points for his first level and 8 hps for each of his next levels.

For background, the characters will be from the capital of Tarsis, so they will not be so famous that they can be easily recognized, but will be known well enough in Ptolus that they will have contacts so feel free to mention connections to any organization or NPC, but keep it to three contacts max. This will allow the characters to move more in a more clandestine fashion if the party prefers that style of play. The background of the story is that the Ptolus equivalent of New Years Eve (Yearsend Day in Ptolus) is coming in six days. This day is known to be an evil day historically, since it is believed that all the good luck of the year has been drained by this point and dark things have been known to happen.

Something bad is going to happen and the characters are dropped right in the middle of it...

Starting gold and equipment:

Starting gold will be 49,000gp and so buy any magical items and equipment with this. Characters for Group A will have a comfortable two-story house that they are renting (for use during their frequent trips to Ptolus) as a base of operations in the southwestern corner of Midtown, near where the South Market district begins. The party funds have gone into the house, and they have six months of rent paid off, as well as enough food supplies for the next few weeks. They have two servants who have been hired on for the two months, one an elderly human maid named Mertle who takes care of the maintenance and cleanliness of the home and the other a halfing cook named Gornio with a cold disposition, but a quick wit and true passion for the culinary arts. I'll update the original post to include this. Characters for Group B will live in a spacious two-story home that has been bought and paid for in North Market. Although living in a larger and more expensive home than Group A, Group B only has one servant since they are often home and perform much of their own maintenance. Their servant is a half-elf named Rufius, who handles their shopping and errands, helps with the occasional cooking, and ensures that their garden is taken care of.

Both Group A and Group B are Master-level members of the Delver's Guild. This grants them access to guild information, 10% discount at Ebbert's Outfitters, access to the guild library, access to the maproom (for Ptolus and dungeons underneath), access to waystations (supply depots in certain parts of the dungeons), voting privileges in regards to guild actions and elections for Guildmaster, and retrieval insurance in which each player character has currently paid for the retrieval of his or her body in case of character death, but not the 5,450 gps for a raise dead spell.

Info on what Ebbert's Outfitter's sells:
Ebbert's Outfitters sells only equipment and not weapons or armor. For your characters, Ebbert sells any piece of non-magical, non-weapon, non-armor equipment found in the PHB for 10% off (Pages 128-129 of the Player's Handbook. Stuff like rope, clothing, torches, etc. This includes masterwork versions). Also he sells the following, all but the last two of which are the chubby dwarf's own inventions (prices below are from the Ptolus book and do not include your 10% discount, so please do the math):

Collapsible Ten-Foot Pole: A 10-foot pole that can collapse to fit in a hand but otherwise weighs and acts the same as a normal 10' pole. 35gp.

Multiflask: A flask that has two sides with two stoppers and that can hold two quantities of potions. Weighs twice as much as a normal flask, but allows a character to use a single move action to draw the potion, a standard action to drink, and then another standard action to drink again. 3gp.

Rat Harness: Fits around a rat and either makes it so that the rat can walk, or pushes the rat into a little ball. Also keeps the rat from being able to bite. Helpful to walk the rat or toss the rat into an area to look for traps. 1/2 lb, 1gp.

Trapfinder Ball: A large rubber ball useful in looking for the occasional trap. 1 lb, 5gp.

Wand Sheath: This sheath wraps around the forearm of a wand user and can hold up to six different wands. This allows the user to draw a wand as part of a move action as a fighter would draw a weapon as he moved. Putting the wand away is still a move action. 1lb, 5gp.

Wand Sheath (Spring Action): This is like a normal wand sheath, but the user can draw one wand as a free action once a round. 2 lb, 125gp.

Breather Mask: Leather and metal mask that fits over users lower face, and gives a +2 circumstance bonus to saving throws against gas attacks. 1 lb, 5gp.

Dark Goggles: Dark-tinted goggles, that give the wearer a +2 circumstance bonus to saving throws to blinding effects, and a +1 circumstance bonus to other vision attacks. 1lb, 12gp.

Since there is high interest, we will have two groups with competing goals. Group A will be from Tarsis, but have connections in Ptolus and will start first. Group B will be from Ptolus and quite well known. Interested players:

Group A:
Dekana playing Kaeso Drionus, Kaeso Drionus, LN Male Human, 10th level Fighter (checked and good to go)

Farmboy playing Mortimus "Morty" Price, the TN Male Human Conjurer 3rd/ Master Specialist 2nd/ Malconvoker 5th Level (checked and good to go)

OnlytheStrong playing Tagret Artalen, the LN Human Monk 10 (Arena Fighter) (Checked and good to go)

Wysiwyg playing Kareus d’Leonne, the NG Male Human, Rogue 8th / Fighter 2nd (checked and good to go)

Scotley playing Percival de Cluney, Male Human Duskblade 10th lvl (good to go)

Frukathka playing Luna Requiem, Female Wood Elf, Elf Paragon 1st, Martial Rogue 9th (good to go)

Group B:
Ilium playing Kantris, Arcane Caster with levels in Initiate of the Seven Veils (good to go)

Lorthanoth playing Verosh "the Foolish", son of Kala, Male CG Litorian Swashbuckler 3/Rogue 2/Fighter 4 (good to go)

Tailspinner playing Breeta Wolfswift, Female LG Human Paladin 7 / Knight of the Pale 3 (good to go)

Tychus playing Glau Ironbelly, Male Grailwarden Dwarf Bard 10 (checked, good to go)

Bedford playing Skrymer, the definition of tank, Male Human, werebear 1+2LA, barbarian 1, fighter 2, warshaper 4 (good to go)

Ethandrew: Bobbaros the Amazing Dancing Chimp (good to go)
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First Post
Hmm, I am intrigued by this game. I have the Player's Guide, and I'm curious: is this a 3.0 game or a 3.5 game? Is it core-only or are you allowing material from other books? I don't have the Ptolus core book, but I have quite a few D&D books I'd use.

Here are the three sets of stats I rolled (using actual dice for once!); I'll probably pick the second set.

Set 1: 14, 16, 13, 11, 13, 14
Set 2: 16, 13, 12, 17, 12, 13
Set 3: 13, 11, 13, 14, 12, 13

I can't guarantee anything yet, but I've been itching to be in a good game and a one-shot seems to be a good idea right now, so fingers crossed!


Set 1: 16 13 12 16 14 13 (rolled on invisiblecastle because my dice are in my truck lol)

Set 2: 9 13 15 16 16 14

Set 3: 9 16 11 13 11 15

First set was awesome compared to the rest lol. I downloaded the Ptolus players guide and will read it all over. I will probably play some kind of scout (just love em for some reason).


Guest 11456

I have the Ptolus book.

Set 1: 17, 15, 14, 14, 16, 11
Set 2: 12, 15, 16, 11, 16, 15
Set 3: 13, 14, 10, 14, 14, 13

Choosing set 1!
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What books are you allowing? I think I would like to play a human monk arenafighter. Of course, I will have to wait to see what you will allow before I go into too much thought about it.

Deuce Traveler

I just want to say thank all four of you for you interest and speed for getting those rolls done. If we continue to garner this much interest and get more than six people who want in, I may split this adventure into two competitive teams.

Farmboy: This will be a 3.5 game, and I am accepting any 3.5 book as long as I have the book myself that I can reference or you can send me an explanation of what the ability/spell/etc is that you want to use. If something looks overpowered I may deny it, however, but we can discuss it here until we get it worked out. I agree that the second set of stats look to be what you should go with.

OnlytheStrong: Definitely go with the first set, although the second isn't too shabby if you don't mind having a 9 in an ability score. Play what you want to play. This will be a thinking game and I'll try to set encounters to pose a challenge to the skill sets of the characters so that the tank and spell slinger aren't the show stealers.

Dekana: I very much enjoy it when I can get someone new to PbP games into one of my adventures, so welcome! Your first set of stats are the best, and would make a character that would be more of a jack-of-all-trades: good at everything, but excellent in nothing. If you are fine with that, stick with the first set. If not, go ahead and reroll three more arrays.

Tailspinner: Always glad to see you. You'll recognize some familiar faces in my adventure, but I have added some twists that will hopefully keep you on your toes.

Deuce Traveler

OnlytheStrong said:
What books are you allowing? I think I would like to play a human monk arenafighter. Of course, I will have to wait to see what you will allow before I go into too much thought about it.

What book is the arena fighter from? I have a lot of WOTC books but I don't remember which classes are in what.


Arenafighter is just a profession mention in the Ptolus book. It's under the Classes and Character section. Doesn't really mean anything but helps with a background.
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Deuce Traveler

OnlytheStrong said:
Arenafighter is just a profession mention in the Ptolus book. It's under the Classes and Character section. Doesn't really mean anything but helps with a background.

<Slaps forehead> Ah, ok. That's fine but let's say he or she is an arena fighter from Tarsis and has competed at times in Ptolus. It's important that the party have connections in Ptolus, but not be too well known so that they can be inconspicuous at times. Well, unless we have a lot of volunteers and go with two groups. In my mind, this possible second group would be more well known and from Ptolus.

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