Deuce Traveler's Six Nights to Yearsend (Ptolus one-shot)


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Hi everyone. Today was the big day for big daddy. I just had my third child - a healthy boy.
It's been hectic around here for the past 2 days, and more to come as my wife is still in hospital for a few more days after the Caesarean. I'm going to lay low for a while until things come back to normal. If someone wants to play Kareus for a while they are more than welcome, as I won't have the time to do so. I'll look in from time to time.

Have fun without me (for now),

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Congrats, Wysiwig!

Deuce - I'm enjoying the game. Most D&D games I've played don't get beyond 6th level or so; seeing this higher level combat play out is interesting. However, it's kind of frustrating playing in a party that's at least half NPCs. Interacting with the other characters is a large part of the fun for me. Since it looks like we've got one dead party member, and perhaps more before this fight is over, I was thinking we might go recruit some additional help at Delver's Square before we go poking around the Necropolis (or wherever we decide to head next). As a player, I'd really like to have one or two more active players in the group. Plus having a spell slinger around could be handy. Since we're in the adventuring capital of the world, it's pretty easy to justify mid-game recruitment in character. What do you think?

Deuce Traveler

Both groups are having similar problems, so I am currently mopping the floor with some PCs more than others. When the smoke clears, Team A should have about 3.5 active players (wysiwyg will be on a much deserved time off... Congrats wysiwyg!) and Team B will have 3. I can have the two parties meet and combine if everyone is interested. At this point Team B probably has some suspicion that Team A may be innocent. The only problem is that both teams pure spellcasters have stopped posting.
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Well think of it this way, you both lost a friend. His friend was dear to him too, so you both are pretty pissed off. I forgot your characters name (sorry), but he did come in with an attitude. I mean, you spoke one word and ur posture was far from friendly. Davian didn't expect those who would come in to be best friends with them, but he did expect fairness. He simply doesn't want his group to be dominated or intimidated by anyone. We will get along eventually lol. I hope!

**edit** I'm subtly hinting at the elven guard to put a momentary end to our little argument lol.

Oh, and what makes him hypocritical? Just curious. He met your character insult for insult. He's alot like Tagret personality wise, except Tagret would probably have moved toward you. Btw, I think we are both playing A$$holes lol :)
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What makes him hypocritical? Verosh pointed this out in character - speaking of manners and insulting him in the same breath. But a little intraparty conflict makes for livelier posts :)

Would those of you who haven't done so mind posting your character sheets to the rogue's gallery thread? I haven't paid much attention to Group A's activities, and I don't even know what class some of you are. Searching through 17 pages of this thread, especially given the often exceptionally long load times on ENWorld, isn't something I look forward too.


I should have been clearer with Verosh's attitude - he isn't a badass or anything. He's a very emotional guy who has just seen 3 of his friends butchered and had one of his close friends murdered (by, he reckons, Tagrat and co). I think he's pretty justified in being close-mouthed with suspected killers.

But anyway, the calming aura of Glau seems to have smoothed over that unpleasantness. :D

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