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Dinner at Li's


Metagame Commentary: Regardless of how Keldorn's thing turns out, I think it safe to assume Keldorn will not be travelling with the group much longer. After all, he has asked to go elsewhere. I'll leave the other thread for Keldorn to answer Lord Tannerson's questions and we will skip forward to stuff the entire group can worry about.

Before Li leaves Lord Tannerson's Manor, Lord Tannerson will once again speak with him.

"Li, it is growing increasingly obvious that you and your companions are not well suited to mundane tasks. Daily patrols and guard duty are a waste of your talents and will not keep your attention. I would like to have a meeting with your companions so we might all discuss what it is that you want to do next? Could we arrange a dinner in the next evening or two? I don't think you have arranged for much in the way of staff yet, so if you need some cooks, or people to help clean up a bit, I can certainly arrange that.

Hmm, speaking of which, I have heard of your offer to help Marla and Conlan. If you are serious, you might see if Marla wishes to assist with your estate in some manner. It would put you in closer contact with Conlan when you are in the area."

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"Certainly, Lord Tannerson, it would be a pleasure to have you for dinner, and your offer for help would be much appreciated."

Li will arrange for a nice dinner, with plenty to eat. li will have Lord Tannerson's cokks handle most of that, since he isn't exactly skilled in the culinary arts.

As for Marla and Conlan, Li will certainly offer them a place in the manor. He would be very happy to have Marla as a head housekeeper (since eventaully I bet we'll get more staff), and Li will make a point of training Conlan in whatever the boy has an interest in as often as possible, if they come to the manson. Li will either pay Marla out of his own money, or ask Lord Tannnerson for a little money for her. She will fo course enjoy free room and board at the manor, if she so chooses.


Lord Tannerson arrives in the late afternoon and takes a tour of the estate, and the neighboring pond. He has brought a barrel of wine as a manor-warming gift for Li. Soon, everyone is gathered inside, around the table.

The table is still stout and has been polished up to wipe away the neglect of the last few years. A pair of hens has been baked and set on the table. Fresh bread is placed in several small baskets and a platter of rosemary potatoes steams from the center of the table. It is a modest feast, but smells good. Lord Tannerson looks around the bare walls of the hall as wine is poured.

"You need some tapestrys Li. You should put a little effort into making this look like home, whatever type of home suits your needs. Otherwise, people will feel a little uncomfortable when they visit you." Lord Tannerson smiles broadly. "Not that anyone is likely to visit you in the immediate future, unless you invite them. This is a relatively remote area and if somebody show up here unannounced, then you should question their reasons."

Lord Tannerson tears into the meal before encouraging everyone else to join him. Later into the meal, he sits back and looks over each person keenly. Finally, he speaks.

"It is increasingly apparent to me that the group of you is restless. Mundane tasks such as guard patrols are lost on you. Your interests, and your talents, lie beyond such things. So, I am curious what it is that the group of you want to do next?"

Lord Tannerson looks at Li.

"Your new friend, Wu Cho, will be returning to Stormhaven soon. Perhpas you would like to accompany him?"

Looking back around the table, Lord Tannerson continues.

"Is there anything that any of you would like to do? What are your plans, your goals, concerns? At the rate you are going, I can't help but think you will soon attract the attention of Lady Valoria and you need to choose to honor her, or not."


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After eating his fill, Li will sit back a bit and respond to Lord Tannerson.

"Indeed, we have been discussing what we would like to do next, and we were hoping that you might be willing to allow us a little input into what task you set before us next.

We have thought about a number of things that we heard about during the Festival. I myself would like to head South to challenge the gnolls. Going to Stormhaven is also a possibility, and we have even considered seeking the path to the gods.

I think that now is as good a time as any to choose our mission of choice. I would favor fighting gnolls for now, with going to Stormhaven as a second choice, and the intention of going with Wu Cho in the long run. What say you, friends? Felix, Ceru, Tormal, what are your opinions? Ayla? Oceas?"


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Brother Oceas takes a deep swig from his mug and replies to Li's question.
" I myself find the gnoll and giant situation to be the most grave for this area. I would like to find an answer to the murders but do not know where to start and it appears that I would only be in the way of those properly investigating it now. I trust Stormhaven to handle itself for now but if a call to arms goes out then I would like to return there to protect my brothers at the temple and those who would seek our aid. The soul gem is interesting but with all the danger about I feel it can wait for someone to find it. I have my god and see no need to tread the path to find another. Disturbing powers of that magnitude can only lead to trouble for us. My vote is to handle the gnolls and then move on to the giants.


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After finishing off his plate Tormal sits back and and stretches in his chair. He nods to Li as a reply to his question. As he finishes swollowing a mouth full of food he grabs his water and downs the remaning bit. Finally he begins speaking.

"I believe Oceas's plan is near identical to mine except for the fact that instead of returning for the Giants, if we do not have a plan afterwards, I would like to seek the Path of the Gods. It is not necessarily there to find a new god" He points out to Oceas "But it is a noteworthy task and something worth undertaking."

He leans back in his chair and continues

"I do not beleive seeking out the soul gem is worth our time. I do however believe the Gnolls pose a significant threat and their motives for expanding, they way they are executing that expansion and the dispair they are causing are all reasons to assist whatever force is opposing them. My vote is for the gnolls.... If that does not pass I will pass my second vote to assist the Durgon against the Giants. It seems that both the Giants and the Gnolls follow the same path and neither are worthy of support in any way. One way or another I want to oppose these evils."

He does stop and wait for any respones before finishing up

"Or perhaps there is something more yet? Does anyone have any other noteworthy tasks? .... The only thing I DO want is not to offend ... lady Valoria? Or whatever other names she goes by - in any way. I feel we need to act, in some way, soon."


Lord Tannerson leans back and studies the group for a few moments. Then, quietly, he says, "The Road to the Gods, or the Road of the Gods, whichever it is called, it is something I would like to see myself, one day. I do not know of many people that can claim to have travelled that road. But, the Shrine of Tranquility lies down that road, if stories are to be believed. Only those with a good heart can reach the Shrine. The stories say that if you meditate within those halls, if you open yourself up to whatever is there, then you can feel your soul being cleansed. You will be uplifted and all of your transgressions forgiven. The Gods created the Shrine. But, nobody knows exactly why. It is said that Crill and her companions once ventured there to retrieve Lord Greerson's sword. But, they were on a mission to retrieve, not to seek their own enlightenment. So, there is little said in the histories of what waits in the Shrine. Little except for the handful of people that claim to have journeyed down the road. If your hearts led you to seek that path, then I would not forbid it. Enlightenment is a noble course indeed."

Lord Tannerson sighs and looks to Brother Oceas.

"If you have any ideas to pursue in the hunt for whatever is murdering people, you would be welcome to contribute. Perhaps you have thought of something we have not? Otherwise, I think it better if the group of you pursue some other task. You have done well to show that you are not cold mercenaries, but these murders have made it easy for rumors to swirl around you. If you leave, and the murders continue, then those rumors will fade away. I think that would be a good thing since you are, at your heart, good people. Brusque perhaps, and a trifle confrontational at times, but still good. If there is not much you can do to help, then it might work better if you were not present and the target for rumor."

"The gnolls are hundreds of miles Southwest of here and do not easily pose a threat to any of our interests. We intend to send a small group to investigate what is happening there because the people of that area are scattered and poorly organized. If we can help them, then we will. If the group of you would like to volunteer for that task, it will be easy to arrange. As it is, most of our people are eager to volunteer to help the Thurgon against the Giants and it will be much harder to find a small group to volunteer to see what the gnolls are up to."

Lord Tannerson stops and smiles at Tormal.

"It is wise to avoid offending Lady Valoria. Besides stories, legends and myths, she also distributes power on behalf of the other Gods. Those that offend her often find the path to self-realization slower to tread. I remember when I first heard stories being told of myself. At the time it seemed a big thing and I was proud.

As for noteworthy tasks, that is an odd question. Strive to make your life noteworthy Tormal. If there is something you wish to accomplish, you must seek it out. Noteworthy tasks do not find you, they do not just happen. You must make them happen by creating and seizing opportunity. If you seek to placate Lady Valoria, then find something to do worthy of stories."

"As it is, it sounds that half of you are interested in volunteering to investigate the situation with the gnolls. If you are in agreement, I will arrange for you to serve Greerson's interests in that regard. How will Keldorn's departure affect your abilities? As I recall, you arrived in our land with a company of eight people. You have since lost two of them. Does this create a problem?"


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Oceas speaks up. " I believe we are diminished in capacity due to these losses and I respect the decision of those who made them. Each of us must follow our hearts else life has no real meaning or value. I would like to put word out in Greerson for any who wish to accompany us on our journeys. A quick hand, sharp mind and a willingness to give of oneself is all I ask. Perhaps there may be some here at the festival who wish to try their hand at adventure and the seeking of knowledge. Would you mind if I asked around to those still around"?


Lord Tannerson has no objections to Oceas' request. He thinks in terms of squad size and strength. As a squad, you guys are understaffed. There are some units that work just fine when understaffed, so if you are fine with that, so is he. I suppose it is more an issue with what the rest of the group is thinking. Does anybody object to bringing in replacements?


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Oceas asks Lord Tannerson if there would be any objections to his touring of the shrine of heroes. Oceas would like to study them a little and see if he can find any clues to their successes or any divine guidance from their spirits. Perhaps the gods of the fallen heroes of the past would bless this poor party with some insight and knowledge. Perhaps a prayer offered up to the ancestors/those who have gone before us couldn't hurt and might help.

Voidrunner's Codex

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