Discussion - General Discussion Thread '09


Perhaps the forum display option is being overruled by the 'default thread age cut off' option in the user control panel. It has a 'use forum default' setting, which might be the problem.

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First Post
In the futur reference, you can also look at my signature.

Just a note to DMs, I have Opale (lvl8 Illusionist) and Ridik (lvl8 cleric of Russna) who are avalaible to go in adventure.

Rae ArdGaoth

There's also Nars (fighter/rogue 9), Persephone (caster 10), Razh (fighter 8), and Ogrin (fighter/rogue 7, on the cusp of 8). With Ridik (cleric 8), that's the makings of a fine team of adventurers.


First Post
Great to see such a fine crowd in the RDI. Very exciting. I must admit, my DnD PbP motivation has really declined over the past 10 months. I don't know why. But it was a real boost today seeing those posts. I'll try to get more on the ball here. I need to resubmit Percy for 10 th level approval...


In case someone needs a nudge of inspiration...

I personally would enjoy very much playing through the liberation of Razh's clan hold, if anyone feels up to the task =) I seem to remember brother E promising to help out at some point during S3, and he's in the Inn as well as Ogrin and Razh.


LEW Judge
In case someone needs a nudge of inspiration...

I personally would enjoy very much playing through the liberation of Razh's clan hold, if anyone feels up to the task =) I seem to remember brother E promising to help out at some point during S3, and he's in the Inn as well as Ogrin and Razh.

I could see Nurlan going along with that. He's recently regressed to another phase of denial about being an adventurer, but given that Rasereit has been his comrade in one episode it's the kind of hook that would get him back in.


First Post
Do we have any active players around 1st level? >.>

Elsewise I think I may need to beg a DM to run me through a small solo adventure or something, so I can get tall enough to ride the fun rides. ;)

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