(Discussion) General Part III

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Erekose13: Well, shadow walk is Brd 5 because it lets you move up to 1000 miles with no danger of failure, unlike teleport, and gives you perfect accuracy +/- a few hundred feet. Rope trick, on the other hand, is altering the fabric of reality at level 2 already. The real problem with the Tumble spell, though, would be that you've now effectively avoided all attacks of opportunity altogether, though you need to be moving half-speed while doing so. That's a whole nother spell, and not particularly flavorful.

Velmont: While I like the idea, your spell, like the Tumble spell, is very much a different spell from the one I had in mind. I don't think it's too strong, though; it's basically blur only while you're moving, which sets it nicely at a single level below blur, and displacement with a double move, and normally you don't tend to take as many AoOs with a double move, since you have another six squares that lets you move around creatures to get where you need to go.

Maybe if stutterstep just plain made you insubstantial and invisible during parts of the move? Technically, though, you'd still be doing the same thing, only with the Ethereal Plane instead of the Plane of Shadow.

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WizWrm said:
Maybe if stutterstep just plain made you insubstantial and invisible during parts of the move? Technically, though, you'd still be doing the same thing, only with the Ethereal Plane instead of the Plane of Shadow.

Ooh, that gives me a really great idea. How about something like this?

Tenebrous Form
Lvl: Brd 1, Sor/Wiz 1
Components: V,S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 round/level (D)

You infuse yourself with the essence of shadow,
causing your body ripple between material and
shadowstuff. This rippling becomes more pronounced
as you move, causing AOO's against you to suffer
a 50% miss chance unless the weapon can strike
both material and incorporeal targets. (i.e. Ghost

A little different than your original design, but still preserves a lot
of the flavor and feels a bit more balanced for a 1st level spell. Instead
of giving you total protection for half your move, instead this grants 50%
protection for all your movement.


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Just a quick post:

Spoke with Uriel, He is having a little problem with his server. He will be back again by tomorrow night barring any further mishaps.


First Post
WizWrm said:
it's basically blur only while you're moving, which sets it nicely at a single level below blur, and displacement with a double move, and normally you don't tend to take as many AoOs with a double move, since you have another six squares that lets you move around creatures to get where you need to go.

Yeah, but as I stated, the bonus remain until your next initiative, so it is not only usefull against AoOs, but it could be usefull against any attack folliwing a move, including ranged attack. If you want to be usefull only against AoOs, I would suggest maybe to raise a bit the cover. (Could be 10% for 5fts, 30% on single moves, 50% ongreatre than single moves, but bonus applied ONLY during the movement).


Hi, I was wondering what could be considered within the remit of feats invented by characters, I really wanted to be a bit of an artificer and spell creator and as there is no such SRD prestige class thta performs this role I suppose I would have to try and invent feats to achieve effects that make me a specialist at item creation. (Unless a group was set up to allow for the authorisation of of non SRD prestige classes in which case I'd try and get something together to be evaluated until considered balanced).

Of course there would be a problem if it was decided feats can achieve effects like this anyway, what do people think?

Jack Haggerty

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For those of you who are interested (and especially the judges), I've posted a rough draft of a Halfling Sneak racial PrC in the House Rules forum. I hope to submit it for LEW approval once its ready...

Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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Another Notice...

Uriel will be off boards for mayhap a couple of days....
He had a smallish runnin with a couple of muggers, He is ok just a little shaken and may need some time to get his head straightened out.

Jack Haggerty

First Post
ferretguy said:
Another Notice...

Uriel will be off boards for mayhap a couple of days....
He had a smallish runnin with a couple of muggers, He is ok just a little shaken and may need some time to get his head straightened out.

He didn't get hurt, did he?

Good Luck, Uriel. Take care.


Living EN World Judge
Im back online and actually heading into the hospital for X-rays. The muggers trashed my knee pretty badly (as well as putting a rather tacky looking pistol in my face...). I'll tryu to get online when Iget home.

Thanks ahead of time for the well-wishers


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