Discussion of Scotley's upcoming 4e Swashbuckler Game


This thread is for discussion of my next game. More information to come soon. Priority for character slots will be given to players in my just ended Tomb of Horror's game and the Island Empire game which is just winding down as well as a few folks who I feel are up to the roleplaying challenge I have in mind for this one. Others are welcome to join depending on how many of my former players are interested.

In many ways the Swashbuckling game is going to be a test of 4e. Suposedly 4e is much easier to prep for. I'm going to test that out. I also was a verbose group of swashbucklers who can be trusted to keep the action or at least the witty reparte going for a couple/three days when I get busy and can't post. I'm looking to do something a little more colaborative. I want to lay out the world in broad strokes--a sort of psuedo-Europe of the 17th century with magic and a more 'points of light' feel where the civilized bits are kind of islands in a sea of dangerous wilds. The game will take place in a vaguely French inspired capital city with a weak king and a strong religious leader. The characters will all be members a of an organization with overtones of the musketeers and the foreign leagion. I'm thinking 4e edition at 4th level. The collaboration comes in when the players get to design whereever they are from. They can people the world with a few key npc's they could call upon in time of need. I hope to inspire the group to put these things into a wiki which I will of course modify as needed. I will put few limits on the players in terms of character choice, but they have to sell me and the group on why their character would fit into the organization. You can play a half-dragon undead Psion, but you have to have a damn good reason why such a person would be sworn to the throne. I hope most folks will opt for a more traditional role, but I've resigned myself to the fact that most players want to be circus freaks. Sound like fun?

Characters will be point buy with 25 points to work with. That's a little better than standard as you are Swashbuckling Heroes. Note that this is 4e point buy as found in Chapter 2 of the PH.

9 is -1 10 is 0 11 is 1
12 is 2 13 is 3 14 is 5
15 is 7 16 is 9 17 is 12
18 is 16
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First Post
I would love to play, Scotley. With my limited time and limited knowledge of 4E, though, I would probably need your assistance in creating a PC. A straight forward human swashbuckling type fighter sounds pretty good to me, and easy to fit into the game as well.

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
It does sound like fun - I'll likely want a spot. Now if I can just figure out a backstory for my Kalashtar Prescient Bard . . . (Is that too 'circus-freaky'?) Seems fairly mild to me.


I would love to play, Scotley. With my limited time and limited knowledge of 4E, though, I would probably need your assistance in creating a PC. A straight forward human swashbuckling type fighter sounds pretty good to me, and easy to fit into the game as well.

Excellent! I will be happy to assist.


It does sound like fun - I'll likely want a spot. Now if I can just figure out a backstory for my Kalashtar Prescient Bard . . . (Is that too 'circus-freaky'?) Seems fairly mild to me.

Well, I'm willing to make an exception for a player who is a circus freak. :D

No, not bad at all. I think. I know what a Kalashtar and a Bard are, but I'll have to figure out where Prescient comes in. PH3? Eberron?


First Post
Ahh, that's what this is! Excellent!

*reads the intro post*

Interesting! I like it! A few questions:

1) Firearms?

2) The role of magic. Is it considered good? Bad? A gift of the gods, or the tool of the devils? Or is it like fire and lightning...a force of nature that can be used for good or ill, but is in itself neither?

3) Religion! Traditional polytheism? Eberronic divine lassaiz-faire? Historical exclusive monotheist monopoly?

4) Social constraints! Is it the politically correct world devoid of sexism, racism and other 'isms'? (Unless you're an orc, or kobold or whatever) Or are there societal expectations placed on people based on their gender, social standing, race, and so on?
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It does sound like fun - I'll likely want a spot. Now if I can just figure out a backstory for my Kalashtar Prescient Bard . . . (Is that too 'circus-freaky'?) Seems fairly mild to me.

Keep in mind I'm expecting the players to have a strong say in the world design this time around. So in terms of backstory you are welcome to present not only the character's history, but a little something about his or her place of origin.

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