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Right how I'm in a total sci-fi mode. Star Trek specifically (FASA's version fron the 1980s, a total nostalgia trip for me)

I've been in total fantasy modes, too - hell, I've been such a big D&D fan that I've run a big fan site for it for the last 12 years! Some might even say the biggest fan site!

Do you switch between fandoms, or do you maintain them simultaneously? Not that I'm saying one switches off in favour of others, but that various ones comes to the fore for a period. In my case, Star Trek style sci-fi, but it might be superheroes or pirates or westerns or what-have-you.

Do you switch between them for periods of time like me? And if so, why? Is is in response to stimulating examples in the media tha grab your attention, or peer pressure, or disappointment in current offerings? What causes it?

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Wild Gazebo

I definitely have streaks of favorites.

I think it is a matter of over-feeding the fix. I tend to burnout and look for the new an shiny...and sometimes the new and shiny is actually the old and moldy under a different shade of light.


I'm actually trying to combine to 2 in a sort of mythic sci fi. Taking inspiration from star wars, star trek and phantasy star online along with common fantasy tropes. It's incredibly hard to get the feel I want, but it's nearly there. I'm using the Archmage engine for it. Already have about 100 pages or so.


I definitely switch modes: both genre and medium. Maybe it has to do with being a parent and not having so much free time, but I can only usually stand to have one geekdom active at a time. It could be general like video games or fantasy, or something very specific (Tolkien, Star Wars,etc...). The only real danger is that it usually encompasses whatever creative project -- game design, novel, etc... -- I am involved inso I have to stay focused long enough to finish said thing. That almost never happens.


First Post
With regards to gaming, no. I am a player rather than games master and tend to end up participating in whatever is on offer at the moment. And, at the extreme if the game does not interest me, I opt out. But that has generally been more related to friction with other members than game periods or settings.

However, when it comes to my own time, either recreational reading (novels) or game reading, I will have runs if favourites. For example, currently reading a lot of Conspiracy X stuff since the Conspiracies Kickstarter is coming to fruition. But, rather than time periods, I go through genres....... Sci Fi, fantasy, post apocalyptic, conspiracies......etc

However, I have to admit, my attention span, according to the wife, is notoriously short, so these runs of favourites changes constantly.


there was a Steve Jackson game, Chez Dork, which was based on Chez Geek rules, and Dork Tower characters.

It had a rule mechanic for "Current Obsession" basically, what was the current topic the character was focussed on collecting points for to win.

The phrase grew in favor among our gaming area, and is apt here. Morrus's Current Obsession is FASA Star Trek RPG.

Water Bob

Right how I'm in a total sci-fi mode. Star Trek specifically (FASA's version fron the 1980s, a total nostalgia trip for me)

LOVED that game!

To date, no-one has matched how FASA integrated great Trek space combat with the players on the bridge. It was fantastic to play--just like the show and movies.

Do you switch between fandoms, or do you maintain them simultaneously? Not that I'm saying one switches off in favour of others, but that various ones comes to the fore for a period.

Absolutely, I do. So much so, that sometimes, it affects other parts of my life. For example, I'm coming out of a 3 year deep Conan phase. I was so into it, that I wasn't really interested in even watching films that were not sword & sorcery or fantasy. All I wanted to do was read Conan tales (I'm a voracious reader).

Recently, I got on this Star Wars bent--the first thing that's really busted me away from Conan.

Sometimes my "focus" will last for years. Sometimes it's months. Sometimes, I don't have a focus--it just depends.

But, when I'm really, really into something, I usually get consumed with it--at least for a while.


I generally prefer my sci-fi and fantasy separate, and have times when I prefer one over the other, particularly when it comes to reading. That said, though, I once ran a long D20 Modern campaign set 100 years into the future, which involved mutants, high-powered weapons, mecha, time travel, magic, demons, angels, a trip to Acheron and nuclear attacks.

Oh, and I love Star Wars, which I suppose counts as mixing sci-fi and fantasy.

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