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Do You Play Other Table Top Games?


We are gearing up to play Eclipse 2e (4X game) first weekend of June. I'm curious to see how it plays compared to Twilight Imperium 3e.

I have GMT's Samurai Battles Deluxe and Apocalypse Road which I have not played yet. Bought them in March and April of this year. Will probably play Apocalypse Road during the Canadian Formula One Grand Prix. It's a tradition to play a car race game during that weekend.

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I've a fairly extensive boardgame collection. On the historical wargame side there's stuff from the Operational Combat Series (MMP), Battalion Combat Series (MMP), Grand Operational Simulation Series (DG), Great Battles of History (GMT) as well as a range of stuff - from old Victory Games classic like Pacific War, Carrier, Vietnam and The Korean War, to modern classics like Napoleon's Triumph and WaW85.

The other half of the collection is a wild mix of beat-em-ups, dungeon crawlers and anything which looked like fun for the group - stuff like Too Many Bones and Burncycle, Street Masters, Direwild, Flash Point Fire Rescue, Venom Assault. We like co-ops (which all of those are).

For times when cut-throat brain burning competition is a must I've some 18xx and economic games: 1830, 1817, 1860, 1862, 1849, 1840 and a couple more I think, as well as games by Splotter and other stuff like High Frontier and Leaving Earth.


Scion of Murgen (He/Him)
In addition to D&D I own about a hundred or so other games; a mix of RPGs, miniature wargames, and some board games.

At present I'm playing in a Pendragon campaign and an intermittent game of Vampire: The Masquerade, in addition to the D&D games I'm in and the one I'm running.

I used to be a huge Warhammer and 40k tournament player, and have extensive armies for those. I played a great deal of 3rd through 6th editions of 40k, 6th and 7th of WHFB, and periodically still get in a 40k game in the newer editions, or Kings of War for my fantasy models. I have a decent-sized Cryx force painted for Warmachine as well, but haven't played that regularly since 1st edition. And armies for Stark and Lannister in the Song of Ice & Fire miniatures wargame from a few years ago. I was playing a lot of that for a while, though I haven't updated since the last revision.

My local gaming buddy who I most commonly play wargames with just jumped back into a Blood Bowl league at one of our FLGS', so I've just splurged on the current rulebook, a new pitch, and set of team cards for my main team from back in day (called Elven Union presently), and will presumably be getting in a few games of that soon.

I don't play any board games super-regularly, but there's a good community for them in my city, with a board game cafe/bar/restaurant right downtown on our main street, and I'm friends with a couple of groups of regular players. So every once in a while if schedule permits I can jump in there. Some of my other friends occasionally have (or had, prior to the pandemic, though hopefully we'll restart ere long) boardgaming days. Play some Lords of Waterdeep, Carcassonne, original DungeonQuest or Talisman from the 80s, Exploding Kittens, How Do You Meme?, etc.

I played Magic: The Gathering and a little Jyhad (now Vampire: The Eternal Struggle) back in the 90s, and got back into Magic in 2013, and occasionally play that. For a few years I was doing a lot of draft and sealed at local stores and tournaments, and keeping up with Standard for a bit (and dipped my toes into Modern), but I haven't really been buying or playing Magic in the last couple of years. I still keep up with it a bit watching streamers on Twitch in place of regular TV if I want to have something on at home.
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RPGs: Hero. I've just started a new campaign set in London in the 80s'.
Other games: Dune, Wingspan, Star Wars Outer Rim, Love Letter, Sentinels of the Multiverse, and Gloom have all been in rotation recently.


In addition to my RPG games, we play Root 2x a month, have an online board game group 2x a month, and play Stellaris (computer game) x2 a week.
Sometimes we have pick up board games and other computer games (Crusader Kings 3 for example).


I have my Sunday RPG group. I rotate with another player as GM but my campaigns tend to run longer. I primarily run Savage Worlds but change it up with other stuff (will be trying Blades in the Dark for my next one) and the other GM runs Pathfinder 1E.

I also have a Thursday board game group and there are a lot of different games we play but our most frequently played are probably some version of Risk, Lords of Waterdeep, Blood Rage, Star Wars Outer Rim, Pandemic and any number of Cthulhu games. One member of the group recently bought Scythe and I really enjoy it and would like to paly it more. We alternate playing between my place and a and a friends every week and real soon the night at my place with be primarily Gloomhaven. During the Halloween season we strictly play Betrayal at the House on the Hill. It's also not uncommon for us to break out a deck of some version of Fluxx when we are having drinks at a bar. Between all of us we easily have dozens of games with some still unplayed.

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