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Dockside Diversion/Still Waters


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"My concerns are the same as the lady. What is expected of us, and what sort of payment could we expect for our services?" Syl wasn't quite sure he trusted this fellow, and wasn't ready to make a decision as to which offer to accept wtihout knowing all the details he could glean of both.

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Captain Galerius leans forward with an intensity that Zelena finds remarkably honest.

"I have served House Boraga since I was a boy. I am tired and I find the politics of the city becoming murkier with each passing year. My interest is to faithfully serve my House in one last expedition and in so doing secure for myself a comfortable and quiet retirement.

I would expect you to take every action to make this possible, both for House Boraga and myself. In addition, I find it extremely likely that enemies of the House have planted agents within my crew or within the crews of the other two ships of the expedition intent on seeing it fail. They must be prevented from working their mischief.

As for pay, each member of the expedition will receive a percentage of the profits. And, as an incentive, I can offer each of you a small sum of gold. As you say, loyalty cannot be bought. Neither can trust. Such sum as we agree upon will be held in reserve at a moneylender of your choice to be released upon your return."

He slaps his hands down on his knees.

"So, the decision is now yours. Decide quickly. I have twenty hours to finish loading supplies and then we sail."


Borric Hawkins, Male Human Fighter

Borric is about ready to spit on his palm and shake the Captain's hand to seal the deal.

But, he looks to take a cue from the gnome lass. Without Fury around to help keep him and Syl out of trouble, he doesn't want to risk offending Zelena too much by presuming to speak for her. The tasks before them will need her willing cooperation most likely, mageslayer is not the most useful tool at all times.

"Well, Captain, we might need a few moments to confer. Do you need an answer right now, or can we come back in a few hours to finalize the agreement?"

[sblock=Mini Stats]Initiative: +4
AC: 23 (26 with shield, 24 flat-footed, 13 Touch)
HP: 39 Current: 43
CMB: +7 CMD: 20 (22 vs. Trip/Disarm) Fort: +6 Reflex: +3 Will: +2 (+3 vs. Fear)
Conditions in Effect: none

Current Weapon in Hand: Wine goblet
Chakram: 2/2 MWK & 6/6 Cold Iron remaining
Light Hammers: 2/2 remaining[/sblock]___________________________

Borric Hawkins


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Nathan Tchanlach, human sorcerer

"Well, I can certainly understand ennui with local politics," Nathan offers up. "I only spent a brief period in the employ of House Gabbiano, and it was nearly the death of me.

"Then again, I've met one of the Jiragan natives, and if they're all like that one, I have to wonder what kind of riches are over there to claim. The soul I met smelled like he lived in a latrine, and he literally feared washing. Not the culture I'd expect to have vast riches for the trading."

Other than this commentary, Nathan remains noncommittal until he's heard from the others, and seems to agree with Borric's suggestion that they take leave of the boat to discuss things further before deciding, provided the captain is agreeable to same.


"We sail in the early morning. As long as you are on board by then all is well. Pending your positive decision, of course."

The captain quirks his brow upon Nathan's revelation that he has worked for House Gabbiano but chooses not to comment on that instead pointing out a quirk of the Jiragans.

"As for the Jiragan natives, they seem to have no conception of the value of gold. We'll be able to trade for it much to our advantage."

Captain Galerius stands and offers his hand.

"And should you choose to pursue other interests, it was a pleasure meeting you."


Zelena looks to the others and nods to Borric for his self restraint.

"Well then. We will take our leave and discuss the matter amongst ourselves. Should we agree, we will return later this evening. Thank you for your hospitality, Captain." She looks at the others, "Shall we gentleman?" The gnome makes for the gangplank.

If the others follow she walks down the docks a short ways... (if anyone notices, towards the Lizardman's boat.) She says in a low voice as not to carry to the boat they departed. "That was a most interesting offer. Exploration of new lands..." she looks up at her companions, "Would you all like to hear what Sekmum's offer is?"


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Nathan Tchanlach, human sorcerer

Nathan nods. "I'm all for looking at the options," he says, nodding in the direction that the lizardfolk left in.


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"Yes, let's look at all options before casting our lot in one particular direction. The lizard fellow might have an even better story to tell. And I bet there will be more free drink in it for our time," he says, smiling at the others.


Before heading down the docks Zelena removes a small cage... "Oh Waltor... yummies..." She reaches in and takes out a cricket... and waits for the scorpion to pop out.


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At hearing his name and the cricket chirp, Waltor pokes his head out of Syl's robe, and scurries down his arm, hopping over to the gnome. "Slow down, slugger," the witch laughs at his friend. "Thank you, Zelena. You know his favorite!"

Voidrunner's Codex

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