Dragon Gods (Aasterinian, Chronepsis, and Faluzure)


Creature Cataloguer
i may give wish to chronny, but not to the other 2. the other changes, i will consider though. :)

did you like how i laid out the harp? i will finalize it at the same time i finalize the sorcerer spells.

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Creature Cataloguer
ok, here's what i'm going with for the sorcerer spells and harp. who knows, maybe we can even finish these three off today (dare to dream!) ;)

Sorcerer Spells Known: (6/9/9/9/9/8/8/8/8/7; base DC = 22 + spell level): 0 - arcane mark, dancing lights, detect magic, detect poison, flare, ghost sound, mage hand, light, prestidigitation; 1st - alarm, hypnotism, magic missile, message, true strike; 2nd - detect thoughts, knock, locate object, Tasha's hideous laughter, whispering wind; 3rd - blink, displacement, fireball, haste; 4th - arcane eye, charm monster, emotion, improved invisibility; 5th - dream, feeblemind, mind fog, telekinesis; 6th - analyze dweomer antimagic field, legend lore; 7th - banishment, limited wish, prismatic spray; 8th - mass charm, Otto's irresistible dance, power word blind; 9th - freedom, meteor swarm, prismatic sphere.

Sorcerer Spells Known: (6/10/10/9/9/9/9/8/8/8; base DC = 24 + spell level): 0 - arcane mark, detect magic, detect poison, disrupt undead, ghost sound, light, mage hand, mending, prestidigitation; 1st - alarm, chill touch, detect undead, magic missile, true strike; 2nd - knock, levitate, locate object shatter, spectral hand; 3rd - displacement, halt undead, haste, nondetection; 4th - arcane eye, dimensional anchor, improved invisibility, locate creature; 5th - cloudkill, dismissal, feeblemind, telekinesis; 6th - analyze dweomer, circle of death, Otiluke's flaming sphere; 7th - control undead, finger of death, prismatic spray; 8th - horrid wilting, symbol, trap the soul; 9th - power word kill, soul bind, wish.

Sorcerer Spells Known: (6/10/9/9/9/9/8/8/8/8; base DC = 23 + spell level): 0 - arcane mark, dancing lights, daze, detect magic, ghost sound, mage hand, mending, open/close, prestidigitation; 1st - alarm, chill touch, magic missile, ray of enfeeblement, true strike; 2nd - detect thoughts, ghoul touch, knock, locate object, spectral hand; 3rd - displacement, haste, nondetection, vampiric touch; 4th - arcane eye, confusion, contagion, improved invisibility; 5th - cone of cold, feeblemind, magic jar, telekinesis; 6th - analyze dweomer, circle of death, disintegrate; 7th - finger of death, insanity, prismatic spray; 8th - horrid wilting, maze, trap the soul; 9th - soul bind, time stop, weird.

Chron’s Harp:
Possessions: A magical brass harp continually hovers several feet above Chronepsis’s head. The harp plays at the will of Chronepsis, and bestows a +5 insight bonus to his Armor Class and Saving Throws while playing. The harp can create any of the following effects, in a 50-foot radius around Chronepsis, as a 20th-level sorcerer (base DC = 24 + spell level): calm emotions, greater dispelling, magic circle against chaos, magic circle against evil, magic circle against good, magic circle against law, Mordenkainen's disjunction, persuasion (as symbol), spell turning, wall of force.
Caster Level: 25th; Weight: weightless.


First Post
O.K. That harp just plain rocks! And the spells aren't bad either, although I still disagree with the Wish spell, but hey, I can allways change it for my campaign... :D

I have a CN rog/sor/psi/drd/ftr (don't ask) worshipper of Chronepsis who is about to meet his deity...

This particullar PC is interresting in the way that he is the descendant of a half-dragon (sapphire) paladin, and thus a descenant of a dragon. Only his sapphire eyes betray his heritage. And he is practically (well at least in spirit) more dragon than human. He loves shiny objects and magical trinkets of all sorts. (This guy owns a wand of summoning that has been cursed by juiblex, it would be an artifact if it was actually useful...)



Creature Cataloguer
about the only thing i have left to do on these three guys is the Portfolio Sense, Automatic Actions, and Create Magic Items section (and a few details on the avatars, but i'll get that part). don't have the time to do it today, but your suggestions will help me get to it tomorrow. :)


First Post
For Aasternian, I have no idea.

Chronepsis: Ability to create any non-artifact object with a cost less than 200,000 gp. As for automatic actions, I have no Idea.

Falazure: Any non-artifact energy draining, cursed, or necromantic object with a cost of less than 30000 gp. As for automatic actions, I haven't got a bunny of an idea... :D

The cost levels for created objects are on page 28 of Deities and Demigods.



Creature Cataloguer
For Aasterinian, how about: simple or martial magic weapons, armor, and items related to communication, movement, or travel.

For Faluzure, how about adding items that cause effects similar to sleep or ray of enfeeblement (know of any?)

For automatic actions, how about:
Aasty – Gather Information, Innuendo, any of her Knowledge skills, Sense Motive
Chronny – Diplomacy, Intimidate, any of his Knowledge skills, Spellcraft
Fallzy – Bluff, Knowledge (arcana, undead), Move Silently


Creature Cataloguer
Well, the file got to big to post individually, so... i had to break them up a bit. :) so first, here is Aasterinian!


  • gods of dragons - aasterinian.doc
    33.5 KB · Views: 212

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