Dragons of Autumn Twilight


Thy wounds are healed!
And so it begins...

A vast chamber stretches before you. The circular room rises four stories to a cracked and broken translucent dome. Dim light filters through the mists above, spreading onto the center of the rotunda. There, a glossy black dragon straddles a pile of jewels, steel weapons, and intricate items.
The dragon speaks as the massive doors open inward. "Did you find them?" it asks as it turns to see Caramon and Sturm standing before her. "Wait your not -"

OOC: Roll INIT and everyone gets to go in a surprise round i.e one action. Good Luck, (flatfoot AC 24; Touch AC 10)


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Seeing the huge beast, Caramon gathers his courage and enters the room. Making his way to just out of range during the surpise. Moving in he attempts to finish this quickly.

OOC: Surprise action move 20' forward.
1st round Free action drop shield. AC 18
standard action step 5' forward and attack.
Furious two handed power attack vital strike.
+13 to hit 2d8 +11 dmg.
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So much for that.... Should have expected the dragon feces to show up.

OOC: I give up. If a character like Caramon can't overcome the die roller.
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Seeing the dragon, all Sturm can think of are the old legends of Huma. He does not hesitate to attack the dragon. Summoning all of his knighly valor, he inflicts a mighty blow on the creature.

OOC: Looks like the crappy init roll got all the bad numbers out of the die. Booyah!

That's how you attack a dragon, Caramon! :p
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OOC: Looks like the crappy init roll got all the bad numbers out of the die. Booyah!

That's how you attack a dragon, Caramon! :p

The problem isn't Caramon and the dragon. Its me and the die roller. If gives me impressive unimportant rolls, but when its important...

Looks like Caramon may be the one dying in our adventures, rather than Sturm.


First Post
Riverwind runs in to attack the dragon, shouting to Goldmoon as he does so "Keep out of the way darling and don't forget the legions of the dragon breath." So saying he rushes in as fast as he can hoping to close before the dragon can breath on him. Attacking as soon as he is within range he attacks. Unfortunately his sword slides off the dragons scales.


In Paladin's name ...
Tanis says as he sees the legendary beast, seeing his friends rush forward, Tanis nocks two arrows and shots, aiming to the dragon's neck.

OOC: *Quickdraw, rapid shot, precise shot, pointblank
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Walking Dad

First Post

Raistlin quickly casts an protective illusion on himself. Suddenly, there seems to be four red robed wizards in the tunnel.

Initiative (1d20+5=19)

surprise round:
cast Mirror Image
Number of mirror images (1d4+1=3)

First round:
move: to Z10
standard: Arcane Bolt vs dragon.

Active spells:
mage armor
mirror image (3 images)

HP: 46/46

Ini: +6 - AC: 16
CMB:+3 - CMD: 19
Fort: +1 - Reflex: +4 - Will: +9

Arcane Bolt: 6/7
ranged touch +6, 1d4+1 force damage, 30 ft

Sorcerer Spells Known: DC = 10 + spell level + 4 [Int]
L0 (5)- Ghost sound, Detect magic, Prestidigitation, Dancing Lights, Acid Splash
L1 (2)- Charm Person, Comprehend Languages

Wizard Spells Prepared: DC = 10 + spell level + 4 [Int]
L0 (4) - Read Magic, Disrupt Undead, Message, Open Slot
L1 (4) - Sleep, Mage Armor x2, Open Slot
L2 (3) - Invisibility, [/s]Mirror Image[/s], Web[/sblock]


Thy wounds are healed!
Tas moves quickly past Flint, "I wanna see. I wanna see the... <gulp> dragon." The kender stops in the doorway. "Wow it sure is black isn't it."

"Out of the way I need to help the other!" Flint screams as Tas stands in his way.

Sturm moves quickly forward and draws first blood and the beast roars in pain as the Brightblade slices down the creatures flank.

Tanis's arrow bounces of the thick hide, as three more Raistlin's squeeze into the corridor. Riverwind focused on the dragon barely notices Goldmoon slipping into the room quietly behind him.

Surprise Round:
Caramon - move
Raistlin - cast mirror image (3 images)
Sturm - charge (hit + crit) but re-rolling dmg MAX DMG Plus
2d6=5 dmg for dragon being Chaotic
Tanis - 5' step/attack (only one during surprise as attacking twice is a full round action)Miss
Flint - move
Tas - 5'step, total def
Goldmoon - move
Riverwind - move
Onyx - none

Round 1:
Tas - 25 attack, miss
Riverwind - 20a
Caramon - 20b
Raistlin - 19
Sturm - 18
Onyx - 15 (AC:24 HP:99/126) NOTE: Still FlatFooted till her INIT,
Goldmoon - 14
Tanis - 11
Flint - 7[/sblock]

OOC: Riverwind, Caramon, Raistlin, And Sturm are up.


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