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Dragons of the Elven Nights


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All About Undead

The ghast and ghouls snuck up on the rest of the unsuspecting party.

They singled Vilinius out, as he was the closest to them. The ghouls launched into a fierce attack. Vilinius’ cry of pain awakened the rest of the party. Vilinius was paralyzed, but the rest made short work of them. (Again, Taunus was the culprit. Showing that a raging barbarian, armed with a magical greatsword, is not something to be laughed at. But then, ghouls were never known for their sense of humour. The main damage dealers were Stark and Taunus, with Durgan moving about at combat expertise full to provide flanking and aiding. This has become the party’s modus operandi.)

After the ghast had fallen, Durgan looked about worriedly. “Where’s Mand?”


Stark found the mutilated corpse of Mand in a crumpled heap in the woods.

The party decided to burn the bodies of Mand, the ghast and the ghouls, after being warned by Karavas that Mand might return as a ghoul. As Karavas did not have the components necessary to ast protection from evil on Mand’s corpse, this was thought to be the best way. (The party was lucky, I had a rolled a percentile die and the resident dragon with a lair nearby was asleep. In their state, a they would have been dragon fodder.)

After Karavas had performed the appropriate last rites, Taunus promptly ransacked Mand’s inventory and took what he wanted. (Greatsword keen, starmetal chainshirt +1, Buckler +1) To the barbarian, Mand probably died valiantly fighting off larger odds, as good a way to go as any.

The party also discovered a bracer of armour +2 on the body of the ghast.

As they sat about discussing the next step, they heard the sound of something trampling through the undergrowth.

The party leapt to their feet and drew their arms. A rather lost looking dwarf crashed through the undergrowth into sight.


Debra Stonaxe (Fighter 4) hails from Thorbardin. She had been one of the dwarves who actively aided the Qualinesti elves in their flight to freedom. After escorting the elves to relative safety in the Plains of Dust, she decided that she needed to learn more about the world. She is a supporter of the High Thane, Tarn Bellowgranite, who believes that the dwarves should not isolate themselves from the world.

Debra and other young dwarves had decided that they would offer their services to the Knights of Solamnia for pay and to see the world. The party had found themselves in the Southern Darkwoods, when a dire bear had attacked them. They had split up and fled after losing 3 of their number to the beast. Debra was lucky to have escaped with only scratches as the bear pursued an unlucky companion.

Introductions were made and after finding out that Durgan was an auxiliary in the Knights, she decided to join them.


The party made it’s way to a pool, whose surface was totally covered with green algae, making viewing anything below the surface practically impossible. (By now, paranoia had set in and none of them wanted to touch or otherwise disturb the water.) In the middle of the pool, there was a small shrine which had already collapsed into rubble. There were no bridges or footpaths to get across to the shrine without swimming through the pool.

Then they heard a sound from the pool. They turned to see a mummy rise up from the water. It was a foul sight and the film of algae that enveloped it only served to enhance its gruesome look. Stark and Durgan despaired at the sight of the mummy.

The fight was fierce as the mummy concentrated on Durgan. Two other mummies rose out of the water one at a time, trying to drive the rest into despair. The mummies had another trick up their sleeve. Mummy Rot, which caused your skin and flesh to peel, then fall off.

Stark had been struck thrice with the affliction. Durgan, but once. (I ruled that for every Fort safe failed, the lethality of the disease get higher, as more of your body starts rotting simultaneously.)

The fight was long and hard, not least because of the toughness of the mummies. Despite flying into a rage and dealing out respectable damage, Taunus was nearly brought low by the undead. The party eventually prevailed, thanks to the healing arts of Karavas. (The man is like the Duracell bunny of positive energy.)

Karavas inspected their wounds and gravely announce that he could not cure it. They would need to find a healer to remove the disease fast. (Stark would be taking 3d6 of Cha damage a day.) Meanwhile, he would use a lesser restoration spell to keep the disease at bay. He could cast the spell four times a day, which was a bit dicey (pardon the pun) since they would take 3 days to reach the village of Ulstad.

The party promptly about-turned, with Debra and Taunus bearing Stark in a makeshift litter. Karavas fervently hoped that his healing would prove sufficient.

After three days of hard travel, they reached the Solamnic village of Ulstad. The local clerics of Chislev and Kiri Jolith treated the festering body of Stark (her Cha was down to 1, a close call indeed) and the somewhat gangrenous right arm of Durgan.

Now feeling rested and bereft of her Cloak of Charisma +2 (Stark traded it in for the healing of the whole party’s condition), Stark was simply glad to be alive. It had been a close shave.

Still the task was not done, they had to return…

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What's Dragonlance without Dragons?

Wrinesti had spied the adventurers coming from a distance. The young green dragon was also known as Green Death. She would wait till they came into the open.

She swooped down upon the party with a flyby attack, unleashing a breath attack upon them. As acid spewed out upon Taunus, Debra and Durgan, the party drew their bows and launched their arrows at the dragon.

Durgan screamed, “Pull back! Pull back!”

Vilinius had already turned invisible and was swiftly making tracks, back to the cover of the woods.

The party started pulling back.

Wrinesti arrogantly assumed that she had won the day, and was sure that the party was already in disarray. Then she saw the sharp features, graceful movements, and the pointed ears poking out of raven-black hair. An elf!

Wrinesti snarled in hatred. An elven raiding party had killed her parents.

She circled and started her incantations for a True Strike spell. The spell casted, she dove down upon Stark and power attacked full (power attack +14). Stark cried out in pain as the dragon’s maw ripped into her body. The dragon landed upon the ground, her flapping wings raising the dust about her. The rest of the party charged at the dragon. Karavas, ignoring the pain from a claw attack, went to heal Stark.

A melee ensued with Vilinius firing sonic Scorching Rays at the dragon.

The dragon felt its breath returning, a familiar feeling in its belly. An enraged Taunus, dropped Burning Rage and drew Sharp Edge. Screaming a curse, Taunus held the sword the sword above him and drove it down with all his might. The sword cut through the tough dragon scale like butter and found its mark. The dragon’s beating heart was cut in twain. (Taunus critted and scored 53 pts of damage, dragon had only 50 hp left. Taunus was becoming quite a kill stealer.)


After healing up, the party discovered a ruined tower that appeared to be the dragon’s lair. There, they found several scrolls of magic and some gold. The strangest find was an elven musical box with no apparent magic on it. Was this the artefact they had been sent to find? Had they been deceived?

Only one way to find out. The party started to make their way back to Ulstad.
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First Post
The First Conclave was held on a deserted hill somewhere in Nightlund. A tent had been erected in the middle of a plateau at the top. No banners or streamers marked it.

Three brass dragons and two silvers circled overhead. In the forests encircling the hill, four greens sat on their haunches, restlessly beating their wings now and then. Near a lake in the forest, a lone red nervously circled. Two blues, bearing dragonriders, were staying up an orbit away from the metallic dragons, but still within sight of the tent.


The assembled cabal consisted of twelve of the most powerful wizards and sorcerers on Ansalon.

Representing the White Robes were:
Solamn Uth Irid – A Solamnic Auxiliary who counsels Lord Erhling.
Noneyes – A half elven member of the former Academy of Sorcery.
Gaston Emercrest – A barrel chested wizard with a greataxe strapped to his back.
Krester The Young – A sprightly old man with twinkling blue eyes.

The Red Robes made up of:
Jenna the Red – Daughter of the former head of the Red Robes.
Rikker Durnblade – Known to be a supporter of the Legion of Steel.
Saliant Evon – A sorcerer of little renown, who true strength has not been tested.
Utha the Blind – A blind (of course lah) seer who skills as a diviner are much renowned.

Chosen for the Black Robes were:
Dalamar the Dark – Former apprentice to Raistlin Majere.
Kirith Naylor – Formerly part of the Knights of Neraka.
Erwin Cort – A sorcerer known more for his wealth and extravagance than for his magic.
Insla the Damned – An infamous neocromancer. Destroyed an entire Que tribe as punishment for stealing a magical artefact.


The Heads of each Order had been chosen, the wrangling over and done with. Rules and laws had been debated and settled. Now, only one task still remained. The Tower itself. They had all seen the scroll and memorised the ritual.

The mages assembled in a circle surrounded by strange and unfamiliar runes. A scroll lay unfolded upon a marble pesdestal in the centre of the room. In unison, they raised their hands and begin tracing indecipherable patterns in the air. Each tracing a different, and apparently haphazard line. They started chanting together. The same words of power issuing forth and echoing each others’.

Outside, the tent could no longer be seen. Those of a good heart saw a blinding light where the tent used to be. Dark hearts saw an impenetratable darkness that enshrouded and hid the tent from view. Even blindsight could not pierce the veil. Neutral beings would see a shimmering veil with shifting hues that misted and obscured the vision.

No one save the Gods saw what happened. The twelve collapsed, unconscious. The ritual had drained them both physically and mentally.

A discernable aura of power hung in the air. A tower had arisen. It seemed to be composed entirely of dragonmetal and stretched into the blue sky. The Orders of High Sorcery were reborn along with the new Tower.


First Post
A Promotion!

The party managed to find the horses that had been left with the village head. Along the way, they picked up another elven straggler. A dark elf going by the name of Windy, and a sorcerer by talent.

Windy had been cast out when he was experimenting with his powers and caused a minor conflagration in Silvanost due to an errant Scorching Ray.

The party headed on back to Elgarth Keep. The party took a moment to freshen themselves up and take a quick shower. They then promptly proceeded to Lord Gunthar’s office.

The party was warmly greeted by Lord Gunthar. The music box was inspected by Lord Gunthar. After a while, he set the box down. “I have reports of an elven enclave in the city of Pashin, north of Silvanesti. Perhaps there will be someone there with the knowledge of how to use this.”

Turning to Vilinius and Taunus, he signed and stamped his seal on a piece of parchment. “Your terms of service have been fulfilled. Take this paper down to the treasury; they will give you your pay. The Knights of Solamnia thank you for your efforts and we will note your help. Should you ever have need of us, we will endeavour to aid you in any way we may.”

Taking a small metallic disk from his drawer, he presented it to Durgan. “For your service to the Knighthood, you are hereby promoted to Third Sergeant. Keep this as a symbol of your rank. I hereby instruct you accompany Lady Soliante in her travels and to give her your aid in restoring Silvanesti. Go with pride, for you represent the Knights in your travels.” (I’ve decided to follow a military hierarchy for the Knight of Solamnia Auxiliaries.)

Durgan nodded and accepted the symbol silently. The pride could be seen shining from his eyes.

Lord Gunthar then accepted the aid of the dwarf, Debra Stoneaxe, to aid the party.

A rush of air was all the warning given as a man wielding a silver quarterstaff teleported into the room. Vilinius’ countenance immediately turned solemn as the rest of the party reached for their weapons. Lord Gunthar raised his hands and bowed slightly. “Magus Tronde, I did not expect you so soon.”

The mage turned and bowed to Lord Gunthar. “My apologies for the rude entrance. The Conclave has decreed that the Tests must begin immediately for those who are deemed ready. This has been deemed to be a most pressing matter. Vilinius must return with me now.”

Vilinius nodded and stepped forward. “I am ready.”

Taunus followed behind. “And I will go with him.” He glared at Tronde, as if daring him to challenge the decision.

Tronde nodded. “I am sure Vilinius has told you enough of the Test. You may come if you wish, warrior of the Que-shu.”

Windy called out. “Let me come along. I too wish instruction in the Art.”

Tronde narrowed his eyes, as if appraising the elf. “Very well then, you may yet make a fine apprentice.”

Bowing to Lord Gunthar, Vilinius and Taunus stood beside the white robed mage. Tronde muttered an incantation and seemingly only twitched. The four of them disappeared in a wink and a rush of air.

Handing a sheaf of papers to Durgan, Lord Gunthar stood and gave a Solamnic salute. “Your orders and instruction are herein. Lady Soliante, I wish you well in your quests.”

Recognising the cue for dismissal, Durgan ushered the party out. Reading through the papers, they nervously discussed the next steps.

The party were to travel by horse to the city of Port O’ Call, where they were to liaise with a Captain Thorbridge. They will travel to the Citadel of Light on the island of Schallsea. Riding on the SV Indomitable under the command of Captain Thorbridge, they will look for Lady Camillia Weoledge, the commander of the Citadel Guard. The mystics there will assist the party as needed.

The party decided to spend some downtime getting equipment. Durgan traded in his longsword with the quartermaster, for a rapier and proceeded to take some lessons on the fine art of fencing from one of the garrisoned auxiliaries. (To spend a level on Swashbuckler.) Karavas could not contain his excitement at finally getting to the Citadel of Light. (His player wants to get the Citadel Mystic prestige class.) Stark brooded and Debra proceeded to the mess, where she proceeded to quaff down copious amounts of ale and out-drinking just about everyone else. Both were destined for headaches in the mornings. ;)
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First Post
Water, water everywhere, but not a single drop to drink.

The party arrived at Port O’ Call and had little trouble locating the SV Indomitable.

She was a 3 masted schooner. One of the fastest in the Solamnic fleet, on a good day, she could outrun the best of the Minotaur navy.

The bow was decorated with the naked, muscular upper body of some unspecified man. His face was handsome and crowned with a helm which sprouted wings. His left arm bore a round shield and his right lifted a trident. Of particular note was the crown, which had been crafted out of Thanoi ivory. When asked about it, Captain Thorbridge would only grin and remark, “Ain’t he a pretty boy? He sure fits her.” Rumours abounded from it being an illegitimate son from a tryst with an elf, to the figure representing some egotistical version of his self. Whoever, it is, Captain Thorbridge would lend no clue.

The raised stern of the ship bore the shield and crest of the Knights of Solamnia proudly. Below it, the heraldry of the Thorbridge family and the gilded words “SV Indomitable”.

Captain Thorbridge welcomed the party aboard and provided them with bunks.

Debra was making no effort to hide her discomfort at being aboard a ship. Travelling above ground, out of Thorbardin, was bad enough. And now, this. Debra regretted volunteering for the mission. She swore that she never wanted to see the sky or sea again, after she gets home. If, she got home. She decided that her first priority would be to get drunk as soon as possible.

Stark disdainfully ignored the curious looks of the sailors as they prepared the ship to leave. Never had they taken such strange guests on board. Many had never seen an elf or dwarf in the flesh before. She looked up at the crow’s nest, 60 feet above the deck. A good place for an archer.

Karavas was seemingly getting more lively and excited. No one knew why, heck, no one even bothered. Who can be bothered to understand that man?

The preparations completed, the SV Indomitable pulled out of port and set sail for the Ciatdel of Light.


4 days had passed without event. Debra was either getting drunk or seasick. She contemplated tying herself to a mast in the vain hope of relieving the rolling motions of the ship. Trying that for an hour, it only made things worse.

Meanwhile, Stark was attempting her first try at seamanship. She was going to scale up the main mast to reach the crow’s nest.

First try, climb to 20”, then failed, and fell. Karavas went to her aid.

Second try, climbs to 60”, nearly makes it before slipping again. Karavas went to her aid.

Third try, climbs to 30”, before landing on the deck with a thump. Karavas went to her aid again.

Karavas headed aft again, when he was sure that Stark wouldn’t attempt suicide again. “She’s like a bloody overgrown kender.” He muttered, as Thorbridge and the rest of the crew tried to hide their guffaws or pretend to look away. Stark stamped her foot, her face red. She turned on her heels and went below deck.


The setting sun reflected off the calm and tranquil waters. A stiff breeze cooled the party as they admired the magnificent sunset. The wind caressed the sweating bodies of the sailors.

Which is why the party was understandably confused when the ship suddenly rocked to port. To the starboard side, a giant squid rose from beneath the waves, it’s tentacles swiftly reaching out to grab the hapless sailors.

The surprise wore off quickly, as the sailors grabbed javelins and threw them at the beast. The party started firing with their ranged weapons. Thorbridge shouted a curse as he pulled out his bow. As the arrow flew, it sizzled and sparked with electrical energy, leaving a trail of ionised air.

Karavas was grabbed and lifted. Unable to break free from the tight and painful grip of the tentacles, he could only envision himself getting crushed to death. Thorbridge bellowed and unleashed a flurry of arrows, severing the tentacle.

The squid had grabbed a good number of sailors for lunch, but its greed was its undoing. As it tried to take more from the buffet table of a ship, the blessings of Zeboim seemed to suddenly descend upon the crew as a good number of javelins, arrows and bolts penetrated into its soft flesh. Small as the brain was, an arrow even managed to find it and mangle it.

And so the beast did not have the chance to return to the depths and enjoy the fruits of its labour. Instead, it was hauled onto the deck and Stark started cutting it into strips for sunning. She had decided that the strips would make for some money as well as feed the surviving crew and party. She didn’t want any herself though. Stark was a strict vegetarian.

The dead sailors were given a mariner’s rest, with their bodies committed to the deep. Captain Thorbridge conducted a brief ceremony and gravely promised to see to it that the kin of the dead were taken care of.

On the sixth day, the SV Indomitable docked at a little port on Schallsea. The ship had arrived at the Citadel of Light, minus 9 crew members.
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First Post

The party is ushered into the office of Lady Camillia Weoledge, the commander of the Citadel Guards. A veteran, who has seen much action, and survived an attack by the green Dragon Overlord Beryl.

The Knight of the Sword was unsmiling and gazed upon the party sternly. “What has gotten into the head of Lord Gunthar to send you on such suicidal mission.”

Stark took out the music box. “Because of this.”

Camillia asked unsmilingly, “What do you know of this artefact?”

“It is rumoured to address the balance between good and evil.”

Camilllia narrowed her eyes. “Really now? I see. And how is it supposed to do that?”

Durgan intervened. “We do not know yet. That is what we are trying to ascertain as well, milady.”

Camillia looked intently at all of them. “I do not know if Lord Gunthar has briefed you fully on what to expect, or if he even knows what to expect. Pashin has a garrison of Dark Knights that own the city. The elves have not been heard from since they were scattered from their homes. The elven enclave that you speak of might even have been rooted out and killed by the Darks and their erstwhile bovine allies. You may only be going to your own hopefully short deaths.”

The party was slightly taken aback by her outburst, but they did not seem fazed.

Lady Camillia let a satisfied smile show through before dismissing them. “You will find accommodation at the barracks. The Citadel is open to you. Wander as you wish. I will arrange safe travel for you to Pashin and a meeting with the Mistress of Light tomorrow. Until then…”

The party was shown the door.


Karavas could not sleep. He walked out and wandered about. Unthinkingly, he found himself coming to the Hedge Maze, a magical grove bestowed by the elves and created by their Woodshapers. He went in.

As he wandered about the maze, the symbols of the Gods of Good seemed to materialise and when he blinked again, they were gone. Each symbol brought with it an aspect of the Gods. Karavas felt the strength of Kiri Jolith, positive energy flooding forth from Mishakal, the power of the mind of Majere, Branchala’s divine music and the felling of being at one with nature, courtesy of Habbakuk.

He had experienced something profound, and his previously atheistic philosophy was now being questioned.

The bushes continued to lead him on, parting for him when he came to a dead end and closing up behind him. They seemed to be opening up a path to the Silver Stairs, which Karavas had caught a glimpse of earlier.

Then it was dark. Karavas spun wildly, seeking the reason for it. An enormous dragon was circling overhead, blotting out the moonlight. The pathway ahead opened, showing an unlikely group. 2 Ogres, 2 humans and 2 elves were staring up in fear. The dragon dove down upon them and unleashed a fiery breath that left them all, but an ogre, lying in a field of charred grass. Karavas could only watch in horror as he stayed rooted to the ground with dragonfear.

The large red then began to steadily beat its wings, and climbed for the stars. After what seemed like eternity, the dragon disappeared to a dot and then from sight.

What followed next was almost comedic. The unfortunate six were in various stages of injury. The frightened and surprised ogre immediately pounced on Karavas as the summoner of the dragons. Karavas had to convince him not to attack, while he went about healing the most injured. He had to endure the blows of the ogres while claiming innocence, saving the elves, humans and lone ogres. Then he had to intervene to stop the elves and ogres from coming to blows. He had to himself a few times, but he finally got the matter sorted out. The humans and elves gratefully thanked him and the ogres grumbled as they ambled away. Shaking his head at the strange events, Karavas continued for the centre of the Maze.

After a while, Karavas arrives at the foot of the Silver Stairs.

The moonlight from Solinari seemed to be spotlight on the Stairs. The railings and steps made up of twinkling starlight that cause sections of it to wink out of sight and back again. The sparkling column rose up into the night sky, the end lost to even Karavas’ keen vision.

Karavas walked up to the Stairs in reverence. He had heard so much about the Citadel and all its wonders. He could barely contain his excitement as he started ascending.

The climb was long and hard. Karavas had stop and catch his breath his breath a few times. He was young and strong, yet the stairs seemed to go on forever. Finally, reaching the top, where the stairs ended in a small platform surrounded by railings made out of some luminous crystal, Karavas peered down.

The entire Citadel was laid out before him. He could spot the barracks where his companions would be sleeping. The Hedge Maze was arranged in patterns where he could again make out the symbols of the Gods of Good.

Suddenly, his knees when weak and his vision swam. Karavas grabbed the railings tightly and closed his eyes. After a while, he felt better and opened his eyes to horror all about. There were uncountable skeletons lying all around the stairs. Where the Citadel and the Maze once stood was a barren land of orange clay. Uncountable skeletal remains of humanoids, giants, strange beasts and even dragons lay scattered densely on the ground. Every direction he looked showed only more death. The ranks of remains seem to carry on beyond his vision. The sense of grief and loss was overwhelming. Karavas cursed his elvensight, for it only showed him more clearly this horrific scene. As he wept, Karavas staggered back.

He fell to his haunches and looked up to the heavens.

There, another sight astounded him. There were uncountable legions of blessed creatures. There were winged humanoids with perfect faces, strange beings with the faces of beasts on humanoid bodies, beings that seemed wrapped in cocoon of blinding light that prevented Karavas from piercing their veils and seeing their true shapes. Metallic dragons of every type circled and swooped amongst the blessed celestial host. The host seemed to fill the sky with their numbers and there was no doubting their goodness.

Their aura of goodness was so overwhelming that Karavas could not help but gape in awe at them. The purity of each and every Virtue came unfiltered and every sin that Karavas could remember was instantly regretted and repented.

Karavas was still struggling to take in the Vision that he was seeing when a sudden drowsiness overcame him. He struggled manfully to overcome the sleep that he felt was coming over. The Vision was changing again, he wanted to see what else might be shown. Alas, his heavy eyelids would not respond to the weak commands of his brain, and as his eyes closed, so did his mind.

Karavas fell into peaceful slumber.

(The visions I had prepared were of the past, the present and the future. The past showed the many dead that had served the gods of good. The present showed the servants that remained, i.e. the dragons; and the new servants created by the gods to replace their lost children’ i.e. the archons, and planetars. As these are not native to Dragonlance, I decided that this was an appropriate manner in which to insert them. Metallic dragons used to be the servants of the good Gods. The loss of many good dragons in the War of the Lance, The Chaos War and The War of Souls had finally taken its toll on their numbers. The Gods needed to create new servants to supplement their lost strength. I imposed a DC 23 check against extraordinary sleep. Yes, I know how elves are immune, but I considered this an advanced spell. The vision of the future shall now never be known. Grins)


First Post
Black Bard said:
It's good to see DragonLance here on the boards!!

Thanks for the encouragement. Me and a pal are fans of the Dragonlance series and we started on the world. Hope that we'll do it justice. ;)


First Post
Good Revelations and Bad Manners

The morning dawned early over the Citadel of Light. In a room within the barracks of the Citadel Guard, three adventurers dozed away. A sharp rap and a nasal voice hollering, “Breakfast will be served from now in the eating halls”, soon fixed all that.

The party awakened to find Karavas missing. Durgan and the dwarf, Debra, nonchalantly freshened up and proceeded on to the Grand Lyceum for breakfast in one of the communal eating halls. The ever-pragmatic dwarf and human deciding that nothing should be done on an empty stomach. Stark decided that she should go to look for Karavas.

Using her tracking skills, she followed his path through the Hedge Maze which magically parted for her whenever she reached a dead end when following the trail. Whereupon, arriving at the Silver Stairs, she found Karavas sleeping like a babe. To Stark’s eyes, the Silver Stairs appeared as nothing more than that; a stairway made up of silver and gilded with starmetal, leading up to a look out platform high in the sky. A pretty thing, but nothing more.

Frowning, she shook Karavas.

Karavas awoke with a start. For a brief moment, he saw the clouds form themselves into the symbol of Mishakal. He smiled and knew that the Gods were with him, though the source of his power was not divine.

Stark prodded him with her toe. Her face bearing a puzzled expression. Karavas ignored her and gathered his belongings, which were neatly laid down beside him. The elf shot him a disgruntled look and opened her mouth to give voice to her questions. They never came out as Karavas turned on his heels and left without a word. A furious Lady Stark Soliante, emissary of the elves to the Knights of Solamnia, stalked after him.

(Karavas was roleplaying his Charisma 8 handicap. Considering how important Charisma is to the Citadel Mystic PrC, he wanted to take a character to had to overcome this disadvantage. Quite cool, actually. Of course, his wisdom was still maxed out.)


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Breakfast of Champions Special

The party gathered in the main eating hall of the Grand Lyceum. Rows upon rows of tables which sat six on opposite benches filled the cavernous hall.

The whole place was filled with the bustle and hustle of serving maids who set new dishes upon a table as soon it was empty. All in all, it was estimated that twenty thousand could dine in relative comfort. A large sign was placed upon each table stating, “Please clean up after meals.” Many of the diners duly complied, with a few inconsiderate ones who left as soon as their stomachs were filled. The group after had to do their own clearing up. Any ideas of grumbles that could lead scuffles were put paid to by the conspicuous Citadel Guards, armed with saps and swords. The variety of dishes available was staggering. The mixed aromas of the food set mouths salivating. The food wasn’t gourmet fare, but it was good and hot. Much better than the insipid fare that some inns serve up. The party had to wait for a group of pilgrims to finish before they could start. There wasn’t a single table empty. Well expected when you arrive during peak periods. (This is, perhaps, the largest buffet eatery in all of Ansalon, no tips necessary too.) They produced tokens given to them by the Citadel Guards. (A whole day token would cost 1 steel piece. Quite a bargain really.)

As soon as they had finished a most satisfying and varied breakfast, a brown robed man who had been watching them, approached. His face was and had the look of a scholarly type. “Good morn, dear sirs and madams, I will escort you to the Audience hall for your appointment with the Mistress of Light.”

(Varied breakfast
Stark - Crispy vegetable salad, tossed with nuts, raisins and basil
Baguette-like bread with garlic, herbs and cheese
Fried mushrooms
Goat’s milk for strong bones, mixed in with hot chocolate.

Durgan - Goat’s milk for strong bones
Freshly caught catfish, barbecued with 11 secret herbs and spices
Salad, Waldorf style
Noodles with chicken in dark sauce

Karavas- Fried Mushrooms
Salad, Caesar’s style
Braised side of duck
Earl Grey Tea

Debra- Braised Side of Duck
Barbecued Freshly caught fish
Smoked Veal
Roasted Pig’s Trotters
Fried Chicken done to a nice golden colour
Noodles with shrimps in white sauce
Dwarven ale to wash down the fats
Dwarven spirits to complete that after-meal feel-good vibe)

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