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drnuncheon's Freeport Story Hour - Book II: Inheritance

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And yet more proof that you should always go with your first inclination. Heh, Doc, I love how you make us (okay, me really) second-guess what is going on.

Are the members of the team NPC's, or did your player group expand?


Glad I caught at least some of you. Gotta keep you on your toes for the rest of the book. (I know I will be...like I told Dru and Di'Fier, this may be the most complex plot I've run yet.)

Boss, they're all NPCs - and will appear in the Rogues Gallery soon, maybe to keep up the daily posting. They'll take the place of the 'rotating gallery of cohorts' that showed up in Book One. Since, well, most of the ones in Book One ended up slightly dead (moment of silence for the cohorts - lost but not forgotten).

Hopefully this batch has greater survivability...otherwise Dru and Di'Fier are going to start to get a reputation.

...start to?

Jon Potter

First Post
drnuncheon said:

Quooral is the heaviest armored Watchman so far, with a breastplate. (I altered his equipment a bit, Jon...)

I sort of figured that you would. I was very light on the equipment with the NPC's I sent in, assuming that you would customize them as needed.

Speaking of which, I scanned a couple more pictures in - these ones are completely my fault, so they're pretty rough - and there's now a quickie 'art gallery' at http://www.io.com/~jeffj/freeportart.html. More to come as the pictures materialize on my computer desk.


I like the picture of Quooral. He looks quite a bit different from the pict that I did of him. He looked a bit more like the villain Darksied (sp?) from the old Superman comics in my own headshot. Maybe I'll scan it in and attach it to an e-mail. If you're interested in seeing it, that is.


Jon Potter said:
I like the picture of Quooral. He looks quite a bit different from the pict that I did of him. He looked a bit more like the villain Darksied (sp?) from the old Superman comics in my own headshot. Maybe I'll scan it in and attach it to an e-mail. If you're interested in seeing it, that is.

Please do! I'll stick it on the Freeport art page. If you've got one of Paden (pre-wall of fire, I hope) I'll put that one up as well. (And if anyone else cares to take a stab at any of the characters, I can only say 'have at it'! Turn down free artwork? Never!)

I always get Darkseid mixed up with Apokalyps, or however you spell it. (Isn't he a Marvel bad guy? Or is that where he's from? My comic knowledge is sorely out of date.)



I wanted to post after the before to the last update, because I guessed it was a kinf of exercice, and I didn't wanted to spoil the surprise. And I was right! I suppose this is the problem of reading too much story hours, sometimes you can almost predict what it will happen... ;)

Great great update! Book II looks really promising!
More soon, please!

BTW, I've just begun my own Story Hour, using the new superheroes supplement from Natural 20, Four Color to Fantasy:
Golden Apple Rescue Squad

If you have time, visit it, and drop a comment...
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Zarthon: (forgot to say this earlier) We've actually talked a lot about the characters, and Dru isn't likely to go bad as long as she's got Di'Fier around as a stabilizing influence. If something ever happened to him, though...I certainly wouldn't want to be around Dru.

Now consider the relative lifespans of elves and humans.

Horacio: I knew I wouldn't get everybody! But there isn't any more yet, I'm all caught up - you'll have to wait for us to play on Friday. In the meantime, everyone can check out the Rogue's Gallery for a look at a cat (not a dragon) and her wizard.


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