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drnuncheon's Freeport Story Hour presents: Monte Cook's QUEEN OF LIES


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Maybe some script writters will see this Story hour and they will say wow this is good they will read freeport story hour 1 and 2 and say lets use these stories for the next D&D movie. We already have a sequal written. It will be way better than that last attempt that we made at a D&D movie.

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Just caught up on the story, I like the new format (very visual).
Anyway Im working out of town at the moment so I can only get on line on the weekends when Im home, and this story is one of the this I look forward too. :)



[DRU is looking out the window as the countryside moves past: mountains and rocky fields. DI'FIER has his feet propped up on the opposite seat and is paging through a battered leather-bound journal. Both are dressed in their finest clothes.]

DI'FIER (mostly to himself): I can't believe that my parents never told me about all of this.

DRU (dryly): I know the feeling. [She pauses.] About what?

DI'FIER: Uncle Jardek. I've been translating his notes. He left Freeport when the High Wizard discovered he'd been consorting with demons, but you'll never guess why.

DRU (not really paying attention): Why?

DI'FIER: Ley lines. [He waits for a reaction, then forges on when he doesn't get one.] Remember Kenzil? He was researching them as well. In fact, they were rivals. Jardek was summoning the demons to get ahead of Kenzil's research. [He chuckles.] You should read some of the names he calls him.

DRU (now looking at DI'FIER a bit suspiciously): You're not thinking of trying any of those spells.

[DI'FIER looks utterly astonished at the very idea, but before he can answer there is a rap on the panel beside his head. He reaches up and slides it aside, revealing the COACHMAN looking in through a wooden lattice. DI'FIER cranes his neck to look at the man.]

COACHMAN (touching his hat): We're almost at the city gates, m'lord. Where would you like to be taken?

DI'FIER: Ah, thank you. The Temple of Knowledge, please.

DRU (impressed and yet offended): They never ask me that.

DI'FIER: I think it comes with the title. I'll probably have to give him a large tip.

[Outside the coach we see the gates of the city pass by. The camera moves forward,out of the carriage, and then rises up into the air, the buildings shrinking below as the view moves across the crowded streets to the Temple District and the Temple of Knowledge.]


[The temple by day looks much the same, except for the masses of people present: uniformed GUARDS are on the steps, and there is a crowd of ONLOOKERS in the street. With some reluctance, they give way before the carriage. On the steps, we see a bespectacled blonde man dressed in civilian clothes, his hair pulled back into a severe ponytail - DETECTIVE ENNIS. He is speaking with a uniformed GUARD CAPTAIN.]

ENNIS (looking over at the carriage pushing through the people) What in the gods' names are they doing?

[LONG SHOT as ENNIS and the CAPTAIN begin walking towards the carriage. The camera moves forward and in through the carriage window, where DRU and DI'FIER look out at the crowds.]

DI'FIER: I didn't think it was supposed to be such a big event.

[ENNIS appears at the carriage window and looks inside. His eyes fix on DRU.]

ENNIS: Drusilia Naïlo?

DRU: Yes?

[ENNIS opens the door to the carriage and flips down the steps. Behind him, we see GUARDS easing into position. DRU climbs down the stairs, and DI'FIER begins to emerge from the carriage. DRU registers the guards and stops.]

ENNIS: Detective Ennis of the Bluffside Regulars. I'd like to ask you a few questions.

[DRU's hand goes to the hilt of her blade. The GUARDS heft their polearms and move in. DRU starts to draw, but DI'FIER stops her arm.]

DI'FIER: Let's find out just why he wants to talk to you.

ENNIS (glances at DI'FIER with a nod, then back at DRU): Can you account for your whereabouts for the past three days?

DRU (eyes narrowed, suspicious): I was out of town. Delivering a message to my friend. (indicates DI'FIER)

ENNIS (looks at DI'FIER): And you are, sir?

DI'FIER: Di'Fier Anton (he pauses significantly) Lord Threehills.

ENNIS (bows): My apologies, my lord. If you and Miss Naïlo would please come with me?

[ENNIS leads them up the stairs of the temple. The GUARDS follow unobtrusively. They reach the top and ENNIS pauses at the door, turning to look at the pair.]

DRU: Just what is all of this about?

[ENNIS pushes open the door.]


[We see the carnage inside the temple as the camera moves forward and rises into the air to looka tthe scene from above: half a dozen bodies are sprawled on the ground. The white marble floor and walls are liberally splattered with blood. GUARDS move carefully around the bodies, taking note of their condition and placement.]

ENNIS (vo): At midnight last night, the Temple of Knowledge was attacked by a group of unknown persons. Witnesses say that they saw lights all across the temple vanish at the same time. Over a dozen people were murdered - priest and laymen alike - and several more are missing.

DI'FIER (vo): Egil?

ENNIS (vo): Brother Egil was not present at the time of the attack. We've already taken a statement from him, and he is assisting us in the investigation.

[The camera slowly moves downward, now following DRU, DI'FIER, and ENNIS as they walk into a simply furnished office. ENNIS gestures them to a pair of chairs and sits down behind the desk.]

DRU: So what does all this have to do with me?

[ENNIS reaches into the desk and withdraws a metal box. He flips it open, rotates it so that the pair can see. Inside is a dagger, with the elven letter 'N' worked into the guard.]

ENNIS: This blade was found in the body of Tharivol Amakiir, an acolyte of the temple. Do you recognize it?

DRU (softly): Papa...
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First Post
Well, that's new.

Oh, yeah, I almost forgot.




Now, back to the new part. Of course, we all know it's not the bloody scene of grewsome murders. That's pritty common for Dru and Di'Fier. You'd think they'd start to question that after a while but in true action hero fashion they just accept their destany. Also, they work for the Watch. It's expected.

No, the new part is them not leading the investigation. I was really hoping they would start correcting a few guardsmen as they passed or pionting out clues Ace Ventura style. I mean, these guys worked in Freeport. How good can these killers be by comparision?

You rock Dr. N. And I really mean that. Get published or discovered or soemthing. Someone make a movie out of this guy's stuff.

Could someone please tell me why so many of the best writers work on these boards instead of making it mainstream? What's this world coming to anyway?


Lela said:
You'd think they'd start to question that after a while but in true action hero fashion they just accept their destany. Also, they work for the Watch. It's expected.

*cough* Well, not anymore. One's a Baron and the other's an aspiring crimelord. (Not that they're necessarily mutually exclusive in Freeport...)

Of course, Book III will plunge them once again into the seedy back alleys of Freeport as they attempt to unravel a bizarre series of crimes, but this time they'll be doing it unofficially.

Then again, that's not too different from how they usually operate, is it?


Drusilia Nailo

First Post
Unofficial investigations are always the best kind! You don't have to follow so many darned rules and protocol... though I guess we never really did that either. ;)

Jon Potter

First Post
drnuncheon said:
Of course, Book III will plunge them once again into the seedy back alleys of Freeport as they attempt to unravel a bizarre series of crimes, but this time they'll be doing it unofficially.

For goodness' sake, I hope that we finally get to find out who's behind the heart-stealing murders!

Or were they solved when I blinked?

If those are indeed the bizarre crimes to which you're referring, drnuncheon, then you deserve an award for having a three-book parabola on that particular story arc. :D

And if they're not the same crimes at all then let me be the next to say, "Who the heck's been stealing all the hearts?"


First Post
Jon Potter said:

For goodness' sake, I hope that we finally get to find out who's behind the heart-stealing murders!


"Who the heck's been stealing all the hearts?"

Yeah! I've been wondering that too.


Jon Potter said:

If those are indeed the bizarre crimes to which you're referring, drnuncheon, then you deserve an award for having a three-book parabola on that particular story arc.

*cough* Don't go giving any awards just yet. By which I mean to say, that plotline will in all likelihood thread through to Book IV...

Of course, the heart thief has been distressingly quiet as of late. Did they get what they wanted? Or have they just gotten better at hiding the evidence?

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