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Droid101's Story Hour, "Of Gods and Devils" Updated 10/12!


First Post
The Loot-a-rific Post!

Here’s all the loot the party obtained from the Xvim-ascension pedestals:

Full Plate of Lightning Resistance (20) +5
Staff of Size Alteration, 20 charges
Sylvan Scimitar +3
Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds
Scroll, Arcane: Stone Shape, Persistent Image, Domination, Grasping Hand, Reverse Gravity, Spell Turning
Rapier +3
Wand of Lightning Bolt
Figurine of Power; Serpentine Owl
Dagger +5
Large Steel Shield of Spell Resistance (13) +3
The Oathbow
Flaming Scimitar +2
Halberd +1
Large Steel Shield of Blinding +1
Heavy Mace +1
50 Crossbow Bolts +1
Defending Dwarven Waraxe +1
Mantle of Spell Resistance (21)
Iron Bands of Billaro
Two Potions of Strength

In addition to this, The Necromancer agreed, in principle, to pay off his debt to the Heroes (for helping them in the battle against the devils) by imbuing Ogrim’s Orc-Killer axe to be an Orcbane Battleaxe +3.

Items that lost their power in the battle, drained to help Xvim ascend:

Eltharion’s Sickle of Spell Storing +1
All of the party’s potions (CLW, CMW, Jumping)
Bink’s Wand of Charm Person
Ogrim’s scroll of Shillelah, Detect Evil, and Lesser Restoration

Pedestal items that lost enchantment:
Scroll, Arcane: Finger of Death, Cloudkill, Transmute Rock to Mud, Wall of Iron, Flesh to Stone
Wand of Darkness, 40 charges
Ring of Protection +3
Rod of Security
Wand of Magic Missiles, two missiles, 41 charges
Longsword +3
Rod of Rulership
Scroll, Divine: Invisibility Purge, Remove Blindness/Deafness, Cure Critical Wounds, Tongues
Heavy Crossbow +3
Scroll, Arcane: Shadow Conjuration
Large Steel Shield +4
Greataxe of mighty cleaving +3
Rod of Enemy Detection
Manual of Bodily Health +5 (ouch)
Chain Shirt of Heavy Fortification +3
Cloak of Resistance +5

I rolled up randomly every single item listed thus far. When the battle was going on, 0-2 items per round on pedestals lost their enchantment, completely at random. Any item not on a pedestal (in someone’s possession or on the ground) had a 10% chance of losing enchantment each round.

Eltharion procured both scimitars, and the mantle of spell resistance. All arcane scrolls were split between the Necromancer and Bink. Ogrim got the shield of spell resistance. Bink picked up the wands and staff, and the crossbow bolts. The halberd and full plate went to Jezda. The dagger and potions of strength went to Grog (he never asks for anything). Everything else was sold. Half the money from the sales went to raising Jezda. The other half, along with a lot that they had been saving up, went into storage in the stronghold, at Ogrim’s family’s dwelling. Almost 30,000 gold is stored.

While all the treasure was being divvied up, Ogrim trained under his father to become a Defender. The Necromancer worked on Ogrim’s axe. The other Generals thought about what they could do to repay the Heroes. The Heroes, likewise, wanted to befriend the Generals best they could.

And no, they did not stop Xvim from ascending. Though, the impact of them taking away the magic and their own souls to keep them from Xvim may have caused a less than optimal transition.

Next time… the dark elves are coming(?). What is the Dark Tide? Eltharion: captured!?
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First Post
Thus ends Part 1: Iyachtu Xvim and a Lackluster Ascension

And Part 2 begins: Intro to the Dark Tides

Ogrim visits his father frequently. The Necromancer is busy enchanting Ogrim’s Orc-Killer axe. Damaré, Trek-Donal and Senman talk to the Heroes. Grog and Jezda train. Eltharion commissions to have a breastplate made out of rare Darkwood. The world finally seemed… at peace.

But not for long. An advisor to the king of the dwarves calls a meeting with the Heroes after about two weeks. He is an almost unusually short dwarf.

“I am Stiggle. Please be seated.” The small dwarf enunciates perfectly. The Heroes and the Generals take their seats around a large stone table.

“No doubt you have heard that our continent is in bad shape.” Stiggle begins.

“Yes, we heard the king of Brunswick, Wallace, talking about some thing were all these evil races were joining together. Giants, dark elves, et cetera,” Bink states.

“That is exactly right. It has been called the ‘Dark Tides.’ All the races of evil will band together for their foul purpose of taking over. It has been recorded in many prophecies. All of them speak of it in different forms, but they all have the same conclusion: the forces of evil coming together for a dark purpose. Many reports from our outlying trade teams have confirmed this. On the small island to the east, many giant tribes have been growing in strength. They have begun construction of a huge bridge that would cross the ravine that separates them from the mainland. This could be the precursor to an attack.” Stiggle pauses. “Also, from the east, we have been getting reports of a massing of cult members, seemingly of evil purpose.”

“Xvim…” the party groans.

“Actually, I don’t believe they are related to the Xvim cult. Supposedly they are amassing at a large temple complex called ‘Tovag Baragu’ in the salt flats.” Stiggle corrects.

“Oh, I think I read about that when I was researching Xvim, trying to find their main temple. Didn’t find out much about it, though.” Bink states.

“Lastly, but most definitely not least, the dark elves are becoming aggressive. Usually, they stay away from us and we avoid them. But lately, they have been testing out defenses. More and more deep tunnels are getting attacked. More guards have been posted, but we are still lacking in a few key areas. The reason I have called you here, is to ask if you would assist in guard duty in one of the more frequently attacked areas.” Stiggle asks bluntly.

“We will do our part.” Ogrim answers for the party.

“I think we’ll sit this one out. We have things to attend to. Once the Necromancer finishes your axe, we’ll be going our own way.” Senman states, speaking for the Generals.

“Fair enough.” Ogrim answers.

“But remember, if ever there is a great task where you need our help, we’ll be there.” Trek-Donal says.

“We’ll come looking for you if that day ever arises,” Eltharion answers.

The next two days are mostly boring. Ogrim stands stalwart guard at an ordinary looking tunnel. Eltharion, Bink, Grog and Jezda goof off most of the time, not straying too far from Ogrim. After two days, The Necromancer finishes Ogrim’s axe, and the Generals bid them all farewell as they are to escorted back to the surface. Eltharion’s darkwood breastplate is likewise finished.

The next day, guard duty continues. Eltharion gets bored and begins to go scouting away from Ogrim and the others. He sneaks down a corridor. He makes turn after turn, and soon he is pretty lost. He thinks he spots some humanoid tracks, and begins to follow them. He follows them for a good 30 minutes when get sees a bunch of moving forms in a small open cavern. Faerie Fire lights up parts of the cavern, and Eltharion sees three dark elves. One wearing shoddy tattered clothing with unkempt hair. One female with shiny plate armor and a writing snake flail. One is dressed in a cloak and looking rather mean, studying a book. There are several goblins sitting (cowering) in a corner, seemingly ready to take some orders if they are given.

Eltharion feels a sharp pain on his arm. He looks down and sees a small dart poking out. He feels drowsy, unable to stay standing. He falls over; the poison taking effect quickly.

Meanwhile, back at the guard post…

“Where is that elf? Probably getting into trouble,” Ogrim shakes his head.

“Who knows… he probably got lost,” Bink answers.

“We should find him, maybe?” Grog asks.

“He’ll find his own way back…” Ogrim grumbles, and that is that.

Eltharion opens his eyes. His arms are behind his back held in place by some manacles. His weapons still on his back. If only he could reach…

“Stand up, elf,” the condescending tone is apparent. A female voice, deep and sultry.

Eltharion stood up, his eyes narrowed as he looked upon the drow priestess.

“Come along. You’re going to be present when your friends die. I want you to watch them screaming in pain. Then, I’m going to kill you… slowly,” she sounds serious. Her snake flail writhes in anticipation at her words.

A small force, ten or so goblins and the three dark elves walk down the tunnel. Eltharion is pushed along in their midst, in between the goblins.

Gotta warn the others, Eltharion thinks to himself. He looks around quickly. When they reach a bit of a larger tunnel, he shapeshifts into a leopard and bolts. The manacles slide off during the change, and some of the goblins try to grab him, but he’s too fast. He runs down the tunnel. Once out of range of the dark elves, he follows his own trail back to his friends.

“They’re coming!” Eltharion shifts into human form just as Jezda was about to jump on him.

“You’re not a cat, I’m confused,” Jezda starts, but nobody takes the time to explain.

“Who is coming?” Bink asks.

“Three dark elves and a bunch of goblins. Take defensive positions,” Eltharion hides behind a nearby rock. Bink magically climbs up to the ceiling. He magically lights up a few stones and throws them randomly around the tunnel they are in. Grog, Jezda and Ogrim get ready to flank whatever comes their way.

They wait in relative silence for a while. Minutes pass. Goblins charge. Ten goblins come charging down the tunnel. Grog and Jezda meet them head on, killing a few. Ogrim likewise charges them, taking one down with his newly enchanted axe. Eltharion stays concealed, moving around the rock.

A huge wall of flames leaps up right on top of Grog, Jezda and Ogrim. Grog dives past it, drawing a few strikes from goblins. The flames only harm him slightly. Jezda and Ogrim were not so lucky. The burnt flesh and hair can be smelled and they quickly get out of the fire. Several of the goblins get burned and fall to the ground. Four reddish magic missiles fly from down the passage, out of sight. They strike Grog hard, and he feels his pulse rise. His eyes glaze over red and he charges into the darkness.

Bink crawls over the wall of flames, which doesn’t quite reach the ceiling. Eltharion sneaks down a side passage, trying to circumvent the wall. He is met by the armored dark elf priest and her three-headed snake flail. It flails at him and all three heads bite into him. He feels the burning as the poison settles in, his muscles weakening considerably. He manages a combination with his new flaming and sylvan scimitars. He connects on two hits, drawing blood from beneath her armor, and a scorching burn to her arm.

Jezda cleaves through the last of the goblins. Ogrim protects them both from flames, and they jump through the wall, taking only minimal burns. They run the same direction Grog did. A lightning bolt streaks from the wall and strikes both Grog and Jezda. Jezda’s armor protects him, but Grog isn’t so lucky. The burns are serious, but he hardly notices. Bink casts an area dispel, revealing the shabby-dressed dark elf clinging to the side of the wall. Near him on the ground is the black-cloaked elf. Ogrim charges, and the elf turns to run. Grog gets close and slams him in the back with his katana. Some unnatural magical force stops his blade somewhat, but he presses through and draws a wound and a scream from the elf.

Bink attempts to stall the escape by throwing up a lightning bolt at the wizard. The spell fizzles out and doesn’t affect him. About ten writhing black tentacles spring up from the ground behind the spellcaster, covering his escape. Grog, Ogrim, and Jezda are in the area with the tentacles. Grog and Ogrim are able to get out of the way, but Jezda isn’t so lucky. Several of the tentacles grab him and hold him immobile. The two spellcasters are nowhere to be seen. They hear the clanging of metal on metal nearby the wall of flames. Grog runs back to see Eltharion taking one final snake bite to the neck and collapse. Grog’s eyes are still bloodshot and crazy, and he charges. The elf woman chuckles and fades into the nearby wall, disappearing from view. Grog collapses from exhaustion. Ogrim helps Jezda escape the tentacles. Everybody gathers around Eltharion.

“Is he… dead?” Jezda asks.

“No, just poisoned,” Ogrim states, inspecting the body. “He aint got no strength to stand. Let’s carry him back.” The Heroes take him back into the stronghold and report what happened. Guards are sent to bolster the defense while the Heroes rest.

The next morning, upon going downstairs at the inn they’re staying at, they see a terrible sight. The wall is covered with blood, spelling out a message that says:

Where is elf?​

The innkeeper’s body is nearby, obviously the ink for said grisly document. Outside, although hard rock, Eltharion can get a good read on the traces left behind of whoever did this.

“Let’s follow them, now!” Eltharion looks angry, but still pretty weakened.

“First, we go to the priest and have him restore some of yer strength,” Ogrim states, and they do so. They get back to the tracks and begin to follow them down into the tunnel they were guarding. The traces twist down a passage. They follow as the tracks then turn down another. They lead into yet another tunnel, but this one has dwarven runes carved into either side of the wall.

“They read ‘Dead end’,” Ogrim states, matter-of-factly.

“Great, the tracks lead to a dead end…” Eltharion says.

“It’s a trap,” Bink states. Everyone nods in agreement.

“I don’t care. I’m not scared,” Eltharion continues down the passage. The party follows. It turns gradually to the right and widens to about 40 feet across. The ceiling grows from 30 feet to about 80, as judged by Bink’s light rocks. The tracks end right at the end of the tunnel. Bink scatters a few light stones. Just then, about 80 feet back, a huge wall of ice blocks out the entire passage way.

“We are efficient. We would have easily breached your tunnel, had we our normal regimen. Now, everyone is together, plus Zik’Zin, a name you will hear echoing in your tortured eternity, as your souls feed the Spider Queen in the Abyss.” The words seem to come from the stone itself. Eltharion recognizes the voice as that of the dark elf priestess who had poisoned him earlier.

A spongy looking creature with long tentacles appears in the center of the now-enclosed chamber. Grog, Jezda, and Ogrim charge. Eltharion readies his weapons and looks up, seeing a form flying down at him, fast. Bink climbs a wall nearby, staying ready.

Another form appears, that of the ratty-clothed dark elf. He launches a lightning bolt at Jezda and Ogrim. Ogrim doesn’t dodge and takes some nasty burns. Jezda’s armor absorbs the lightning and doesn’t affect him. Jezda alters his course and charges this caster. The form above Eltharion swoops down, striking Eltharion as it lands next to him.

“I found you… elf,” the thing states.

A long cut on the arm quickly spills blood all around. The thing looks like a dark elf, but he has large bat wings and small horns protruding from his head. He is wielding a wicked longsword and a large mirrored shield. Eltharion lashes out. Four swings of his scimitars, and four expert blocks with the shield. Eltharion looks enraged.

Grog slams into the rubbery demon and draws some substance from a long katana wound. Ogrim stays back and blesses himself. Next to him, a shape steps out of the wall. It is the dark elf priest, who lashes at Ogrim with her snake-flail. One head bites into him, and he grits his teeth, his dwarven body fending off the poisons.

Jezda reaches the spellcaster and chops down with his greatsword, but to no avail. It slams into the caster, but draws no wound. The dark elf smiles wickedly. Bink launches a lightning bolt at the winged elf, which burns him pretty badly.

Ogrim lets out a series of axe-chops at the female and finally hits her through her tough adamantium armor. She growls in anger. Grog pounds the demon thing, which attacks him back a few times. Both trade blows, neither goes down. Eltharion tries his luck again, and after another combination of attacks, he only connects on one against the winged elf.

Suddenly, another wall appears. This one is made of iron. It separates Ogrim, Eltharion and Bink from Jezda and Grog. Ogrim steps back away from the priestess, and up to the wall. He pushes with all his might.

“Run away from the wall!” Ogrim yells, hoping Jezda and Grog can hear him. The wall teeters back… and forth… and finally… it falls. On Ogrim and the priestess. However, it doesn’t stop there. It crashes through the floor and everyone falls close to 50 feet to another passage below. The huge sheet of iron flips and flips again landing on something at the bottom of this new room, and draws an unearthly loud roar. It landed on a purplish dragon(!!!).

The Heroes land scattered around the room. Ogrim is severely injured. Grog and Jezda aren’t in good shape either. Eltharion lands next to a wand and a lot of gold, so his wounds don’t seem too bad. Bink was climbing when it collapsed, so he just feather falled down the rest of the way. The priestess was injured, as was the spellcaster. The winged elf flew down the huge hole. The blubbery demon landed next to the dragon as well. Chaos ensued…

Will the dragon eat everybody? How much does a wall of iron weigh? Will they ever have a fair fight against these rogue drow? This and more, next time!
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Br0kyn Sword

First Post
I like the Generals. Have you considered maybe writing a short excursion on their adventures? Maybe call it... Gods and Generals... haha. For some reason... they remind me of the generals from Mega Man X series. They're big and tough and evil and good at the same time. Keep up story!


First Post
Br0kyn Sword said:
Have you considered maybe writing a short excursion on their adventures? Maybe call it... Gods and Generals!
I have a sneaking suspicion that you haven't seen the last of them yet. ;) Worry not.


First Post
The purplish dragon lifted with all his might, and shed the heavy wall of iron from off his back. Many broken scales, a broken wing, and a downpouring of blood remained in it’s place. The wall of iron slammed down into his bed of gold coins with a loud smash.

The flying dark elf flew up to the top of the chamber, and then back down, carrying another, dark cloaked elf. He landed next to the shabbily dressed spellcaster, and the dark cloaked one invoked a spell, and all three vanished. Eltharion was busy picking up every item he could find. Bink crawled down and found a passageway out of the dragon’s den. The dark elf priestess stepped back into the wall, leaving the blob tentacle demon to fight off the dragon. Grog and Jezda staggered to their feet and made a break for it, as did Ogrim. All three ran (limped) to the passageway and out.

The dragon lashed out with a lethal combination at the demon. The demon, still barely standing, flapped back at the dragon with its tentacles. The Heroes were long gone.

They didn’t stop running for at least 15 minutes. They hadn’t been more frightened in their whole life.

“At least it wasn’t a total waste…” Eltharion managed, gasping for breath. He showed everyone the items he stashed into a sack. A ring, a wand, and a pair of leather gloves, and two potions.

“You stole from a dragon? Once he sees that stuff is missing, he’s going to come after us,” Bink reasons.

“He just got a giant slab of metal dropped on him from 100 feet. I think he’s going to cut his losses for today and take a nap,” Eltharion reasons right back.

“True enough,” Bink agrees.

They continue walking, not even thinking about stopping to rest. They stop for a minute or so here and there to get Eltharion to heal everybody as best he can. They continue through the dark and winding tunnel. Eltharion’s flaming scimitar is providing the only light.

“Any ideas on how we’re going to get back to the dwarves?” Eltharion asks.

“We’re not going back to the dragon, that much I know,” Bink states.

“I guess we’re just going to keep on down this tunnel…” Eltharion says, deflated.

And so they do. After almost an hour of a simple twisting tunnel with no offshoots, it finally opens into a large room. It extends as far as they can see. The pathway on the ground is about ten feet wide, and a ten foot drop off on either side. The room beyond is filled with large stalactites and stalagmites. They cross the bridge-like pathway slowly and cautiously, weapons drawn.

They did right being cautious, as five thin tentacles fly in from their left, attempting to strike each of them at the same time. Only Grog is ensnared, the tentacle burning and quickly weakening him. He is dragged off the path and lands on the ground below with a thud. Everyone else quickly jumps down and runs toward the tentacles. Eltharion stays with Grog and tries to pull him free.

The tentacles grab out at everyone again, this time one strikes Bink, who resists the painful burning and retains his strength. He maneuvers out of the tentacle’s grasp. Bink, Jezda and Ogrim reach a stalagmite… with a mouth? Without question the all lay into it heavily with their weapons. Ogrim chops back and forth. Jezda swings his greatsword over his head. Bink slashes it with his brilliant energy falchion. The thing’s tentacles stop moving.

Bink identifies one of the potions they just found as lesser restoration, so they administer it to Grog, who regains his strength and feels much better.

“Whew, that wasn’t so bad,” Bink says.

“Don’t speak too soon. We’re still stuck down here,” Eltharion reasons.

“It’s just a little cave,” Ogrim is stern.

They continue on. They reach the end of this huge open room, and quickly they’re inside a small passage again, with no offshoot tunnels. Bink gets a funny feeling.

“We’re being watched,” Bink points above them.

“I don’t see nothin’,” Ogrim grunts.

“It’s invisible. Somebody is scrying us from afar. Someone is spying on us,” Bink looks uneasy.

“Is there anything we can do about it??” Eltharion is frantic.

“Nope, we can only be prepared for the worst…” Bink states. Everyone grips their weapons a little tighter.

A faint blue light surrounds Ogrim.

“What do I do…” Ogrim asks, calmly.

“Resist!” everyone shouts in unison. The light slowly fades.

“Can they hurt us, whoever’s watching us?” Grog asks.

“I don’t know… I don’t think so. Whatever that is, if they’re doing it, is very strong magic,” Bink explains. The party moves on. Everyone feels uneasy.

“Damn drow… quit watching me!” Eltharion yells, extending an inappropriate hand gesture toward the invisible scrying window.

The Heroes are being watched… What can this mean? Is their doom near? Can they escape the endless winding tunnels?? This and more, next update!


First Post
They continue wearily down the tunnel. All of their healing magic has been expended, and everyone looks tired. Spirits are wearing thin.

“Should we stop to rest?” Eltharion asks, many make-shift bandages covering several wounds.

“I don’t know…” Bink starts.

“Whoever is watching us may get the jump on us if we stop. We should keep going.” Ogrim reasons. Nobody disagrees, but nobody is thrilled either.

“My feet hurt,” this is the first complaint they’ve ever heard Grog make; even when his entrails were hanging out from the vicious claws of the spider-demon, he didn’t make a peep.

“We can’t keep running into stuff. Eventually we’re going to go down…” Jezda explains.

“We have no choice friend. Let’s just watch each other’s backs, and move on,” Bink says, drawing a bit of a smile from everyone.

They continue down the tunnel. The corridor seems more and more squared off here; worked, perhaps? They pay little heed, pressing on, not wanting to stop to let anything sneak up on them or get a good read on them. The nagging feeling of someone watching them via magical means remains.

A shower of rock from above splits up the party. A huge beast thumps down in between the Heroes, slamming a huge fist into Eltharion’s head. Eltharion sees stars, but shakes it off quickly.

A large (wide) insect-like creature stands before them, on two legs, having burrowed out of the ceiling and surprise attacking them. Eltharion quickly staggers back away from the creature, taking a few steps down the passage to relative safety. He doesn’t find it.

Another one of these creatures smashes out of a wall, blocking off Eltharion’s path. Eltharion draws his twin scimitars and advances. Grog and Jezda are behind the first one, and both slash into it with their blades. Ogrim is on the other side of it, and he blocks it from moving with his shield. Bink stands in between Ogrim and Eltharion, and another insect creature is on the other side of Eltharion. Bink blasts it with his last lightning bolt.

The creatures then attack. Seeing the largest foe near it, the first one attacks Jezda with a lethal combination. Its eyes dance in Jezda’s head, who becomes even more confused than normal. Two fists slam hard into his chest and face, and he finds himself slipping into unconsciousness. He hits the ground with a loud clank. Right after he falls, a blue light surrounds him, much like the one that had surrounded Ogrim before. But being unconscious, he couldn’t resist, and Jezda’s form disappeared from view.

“Damn you drow, give back our… cheesecake?” Eltharion’s statement is jumbled as he catches a glimpse of the insect creature’s eyes, becoming confused at the sight. The hulking insect takes the opportunity to pummel Eltharion, who dodges meekly, but takes another heavy fist to the gut. He feels his world spinning.

Ogrim grits his teeth and slams into the first creature with a hard-pressed axe combination, splintering chitin with each blow. Grog takes the opportunity to finish that one; distracted by the dwarf’s axe, Grog spins his katana over his head, his eyes filling with blood and his muscles expanding, he chops down, cracking through exoskeleton and brain matter. The insect collapses. Bink shoots off a set of magic missiles at the insect fighting Eltharion. It is weakened considerably from the bolt and missiles, but stays standing.

It takes one final punch to send Eltharion to the ground; a hit to the head spills blood over his face, and he collapses in a heap. It takes a few quick steps to engage Bink. The blue light surrounds Eltharion, and his body vanishes.

“You bastards! Kickin’ us while we’re down!” Ogrim grunts, pushes Bink out of the way and engages the insect-creature. Two quick swipes of the axe, and it staggered to it’s knees. Bink delivered the finishing blow with his trusty falchion. Grog stabbed it again for good measure.

“So, someone is kidnapping us while we can’t resist their spell…” Bink surmises, feeling around the locations where Jezda and Eltharion disappeared. “They tried it on you, Ogrim, while you were still awake, but it didn’t work. I guess it’s easier to affect someone who can’t really think.”

“When I find who did this, they’re gonna pay,” Ogrim sums it up. Grog nods in agreement. Ogrim says a quick prayer to Moradin, and the party continues on down the tunnel. A few minutes more, and the passage seems to split off in three directions. They go straight, and see that it splits again.

“Looks very formulaic, like someone dug a bunch of cris-crossing tunnels. Strange.” Bink surmises.

They decide to just walk straight, ignoring all the passages leading left and right. Grog runs down a passage to the right while Ogrim and Bink continue forward. Grog emerges from the next right-offshoot.

“They’re all connected.” Grog states. Everyone readies their weapons.

“This is just too strange. And I can still feel someone watching us…” Bink says, gripping his falchion; his knuckles turning white from the tension.

After a minute, they come to a statue. It is a large statue of a half-man, half-spider type creature. It is extremely finely crafted, a look of fear on the creature’s face.

“A drider. Been turned to stone, aint nobody carves this good,” Ogrim states, and nobody disagrees. They look around, a bit more tense.

After another few seconds of walking, they see another two statues. They are two elves, one is looking menacing with a sword, and the other one is turning away, almost as if it were running. The detail, again, is extremely fine.

“Be on your guard. If you hear anything, close your eyes,” Bink states, his blinding energy falchion providing a little light.

A few more steps… another statue set. Looks like two dwarves. One is pointing at something, the other is kneeling by the wall, digging with a pick-axe. A few more steps, and they see a fairly large lizard-like creature, with eight legs that has been turned to stone.

“Um, if I’m not mistaken, that’s a basilisk. Which turns things to stone,” Bink looks puzzled. “Why is it made out of stone?”

The sound of hooves is heard in the distance. The cris-crossing tunnels make it impossible to determine the direction it is coming from.

“Get against the wall!” Bink yells, and they take up a defensive position, ready to surround whatever comes near them. They all close their eyes.

The hooves get closer and closer, and finally they hear them round the closest corner. Grog jumps at the sound swiping his katana blindly. He strikes the stone wall. Ogrim steps toward the sound too, chopping down with his axe. He hits something that gives a little, almost a clang of metal on metal, but then the tearing of flesh is felt.

Bink steps in and swipes, but misses entirely. They hear the thing breath in deeply, and then exhale. A strange smelling air passes over them.

Grog’s muscles bulge and he yells out. With his eyes still clamped shut, he swings vigorously at the creature. One of his swings connects, ripping into the things flesh. A guttural grunt emits from the thing. Ogrim chops again, missing his mark entirely.

Another deep breath, and another exhale. The air smells strangely sweet, almost inviting.

Ogrim grits his teeth and opens his eyes. He sees a statue of Bink next to him with a blue light surrounding it. Quickly it winks out of existence. A statue of Grog is nearby also. A big, metallic, bull-like creature stands before him, with two glowing green eyes, and two fairly large wounds already present in its flank.

“By the Hand of Moradin, you shall be struck down!” Ogrim raises his axe and chops down hard; almost too hard. It embeds in the thing’s head. It takes some effort to pull it out. The bull-creature collapses.

The statue of Grog is surrounded by the blue light shortly after. Ogrim drops his axe and grabs onto the statue, holding on tight.

“Yer not takin all of ‘em!” Ogrim holds tight, but the statue vanishes from his grasp.

He sits down next to the wall and puts away his weapon. He delivers a kick to the metal bull from his sitting position. He can still feel the scrying eyes, prying from a distant location.

“Come and get me! And when I appear, ye’ll get an axe in the gut fer yer trouble!” Ogrim stands, axe and shield ready. A blue light surrounds him… and his world is twisted in two…

What horror awaits Ogrim, alone, axe and shield ready? Can he alone fight off the hordes of evil that await him? Are there enough dwarven curses for his current predicament!? (Probably.) All this, and more; next time!


First Post

Ragnar, Drax, Kain, Joseph and Faelean flee as fast as they can. Ragnar, being half-human, half-dwarf, doesn’t tire, but the rest of his party slows down.

“We can’t stop here, Dendybar is no doubt right behind us!” Ragnar yells, his well muscled Mul body running easily. He spins his gladius.

“Come on, we have enough of a head start. He’ll never catch us,” Joseph Blackshield states. His face mostly hidden by his closed helmet. Holy symbol to Torm bouncing on his chest.

“As much as I hate to say it, I agree with him, I’m walking,” Faelean Stormwind states. His frail grey-elven body already very tired from the run. His robes bear the symbol of Mystra prominently.

Drax, the lizardman gladiator and Kain, the wood-elven gladiator both stop as well.

“We’re almost to the svirfneblin city. We’ll be safe once inside,” Ragnar reasons, but the group has decided. They slow to a walk. They get inside without trouble, as they stopped by this city before they went into the dark elf city. There, they met up with Dendybar Retari and killed his cohort, an evil beholder named Blakirge. Dendybar was hot on their heels.

They are escorted to their contacts in the city, Drez and Zenziez, the high priest and personal wizard, respectively, to the gnomish king. Drez greets them with a huge smile.

“We have perfected the use of the device! We can teleport you home!” Drez says excitedly.

“Good, just in time, too. We had a run in with a deadly assassin, who is probably still chasing us,” Ragnar explains.

“Whenever you’re ready, we can try it out,” Drez states, and the group prepares. They follow Drez into their laboratory.

The contraption is strange and exotic. Small blue crystalline rods protrude from a complex metal form. Handles, or some other protrusions are on either side of it. A larger glowing blue crystal sits in the center of it. Drez and Zenziez each grab the two handles and concentrate hard.

“We have scryed the location you wish to go, Brunswick Castle. Hopefully, the machine works,” Drez concentrates, fiddling with the handles at the same time as Zenziez.

A bright blue light flashes from it, engulfing the room, practically blinding the group.

The room looks the same. Drax looks at Ragnar.

“We didn’t go nowhere,” Drax looks annoyed, if a lizard’s face can look such a way.

“I don’t understand it… it should have worked…” Drez shakes his head slowly. The door to the laboratory opens, and an armored human (!?) guard walks in. He bears the crest of Brunswick.

“Don’t move, any of you!” He brandishes his longsword. “Get reinforcements, we’re under attack!”

“No no, we aren’t attacking… let me explain. It seems that we have teleported our entire chamber here to Brunswick Castle… how extremely odd.” Drez looks perplexed.

After much discussion and yelling, King Wallace Brunswick comes into the room, greeting the group.

“I understand completely. I was an adventurer once as well. I know how… strange things can happen. You are welcome to stay as long as you need. Drez, you two can study this machine until you feel you can successfully transport yourselves home,” Wallace is very understanding. The group thanks the king for his kindness. They also, in turn, thank Drez for his help.

“You have done us a great service, Drez. We would surely have been stuck underground for a very long time if it weren’t for you. Thank you,” Ragnar expresses his thanks.

“Yeah, thanks,” Faelean was always abrupt.

“I hope you all learn the secrets of this machine and put it to good use,” Joseph states.

“We will do what we can to help, of course.”

Next post will be in about an hour, so wait up! Things will all make sense shortly!


First Post
Ogrim’s vision is blurred. The world around him fades into a grey mist. Just as abruptly, the mist fades away and he’s in a well-lit worked-stone room; looks like a laboratory. To his right, Jezda and Eltharion sit, conscious and tending their wounds. Next to them is a large silvery mirror, the image of the metal-bull creature is slowly fading away. On the other side he sees a strange contraption. Two black-skinned gnomes are operating it, concentrating on blue crystalline rods and protrusions. They turn to face Ogrim right away, offering smiles, not swords.

“Hope you are well, Ogrim Oakenshield,” the taller of the two robed gnomes speaks.

“Who… deep gnomes? Why?” Ogrim manages.

“I am Drez, and this is Zenziez. We hail from deep underneath the earth. A large Svirfneblin city,” Drez explains.

“Are we underground now?” Ogrim asks.

“No no, we are in Brunswick Castle,” Drez responds.

“Deep gnomes have taken over Brunswick Castle?” Ogrim demands answers.

“No no no… you don’t under stand. Let me explain. A long time ago, while excavating a passage deep under our city, we found this artifact,” Drez points to the crystal and metal contraption. “For years Zenziez and I studied it. Finally, we felt we had a good grasp on it. Our first test came when a group of adventurers was fleeing a nearby dark-elven city. They implored us to save them, so we decided to try the machine out. It’s a teleportation device. When we concentrate on it, we can teleport large groups of people to different places. We haven’t perfected it yet, as you may have guessed, or we wouldn’t be here in the castle. We tried to teleport the group to the castle, but the entire room we were all in went along for the ride. We don’t want to try to teleport the machine itself again, not knowing if we’d be able to get it back. So we’ll stay here until we can study it further.”

“Goodness.” Ogrim grunts.

“Please, the king and his guards have been informed of your arrival. Make yourselves at home. Zenziez and I must prepare spells to transform your friends back from stone,” Drez and Zenziez sit down at a nearby table. Drez prays silently, and Zenziez reads a book.

“You okay?” Ogrim asks Jezda and Eltharion.

“Yeah, right when we arrived, Drez there healed us both. He says it’s lucky he got us in time. Let me tell you, I’d agree with him,” Eltharion rubs his head a little.

“What happened after we left?” Jezda asked. Ogrim explained the statues and the petrifying breath of the metallic-bull creature.

“Guess we didn’t miss much,” Eltharion reasons. They all nod in agreement.

Everyone is given a beautiful stateroom. Bink and Grog are restored and disoriented, but they quickly get over it. Butlers cater to (nearly) their every whim. Grog and Jezda get turned down for some roasted badger, but that’s about it. They are given nice silk clothes to wear while in the castle (wielding weapons and armor is technically illegal inside, but the king is pretty lenient).

“This stuff feels nice. I’m gonna wear it everywhere now,” Grog’s statement brings a collective groan from the party.

They are bathed and fed, and soon a runner summons them to a large meeting chamber. A big circular table is inside, and the Heroes take their seats around the King and some other people they haven’t seen.

“Let me formally introduce my personal knights. This is Adlai Stormseal, my knight-wizard. Felix Stromdak, sharpshooter extraordinaire. Brolin Flystrigth, master of the bow. Grunge Hacker, the brawn. And finally, Gordon McDale, the leader of the knights.” Wallace points to each one in succession. Adlai is a half-elf, pretty built, long brownish hair. Felix is a tall human, with short black hair. Brolin is shorter, and more wiry. Grunge is huge, muscled, and imposing. Gordon looks very suave and handsome.

“Good to meet you all. I’m Bink, this is Grog, Jezda, Eltharion and Ogrim,” Bink states. “We’ve heard your names before. You’re council members of the Adventurer’s Guildhall, aren’t you?”

“Yes, we are,” Adlai says. “There’s a few things that you need to know about, that’s why we’ve called you here. I’m going to be going over current events and the Dark Tides.”

“We’ve heard of that too…” the party groans.

“First, I’m going to help clarify some things for you. A few months back, Drez, Zenziez and a bunch of adventurers showed up in the castle via that teleporting device. The gnomes elected to stay here and study the machine, helping us whenever they could. The adventurers ended up uncovering that our house wizard was actually evil. They all went their own ways shortly after. The paladin of the group went to slay some evil green dragon down in the Tormyr forest, named Drelhornsdrathdin. A priest, lizardman, and elf went off west to attend to his church. The half-dwarf; mul, is what it’s called, went to train under a great weaponmaster. We hear he was killed.” Adlai pauses briefly.

“We… saw his body. Dendybar Retari, the assassin, killed him,” Bink stated.

“Anyway, we held a great meeting, calling in people from all over the continent to talk about the Dark Tide. I don’t know exactly what you already know about it, but here it is in a nutshell: evil is banding together. We have to work to stop it. We have heard about a large cult gathering at a temple to the east. But, more pressing, on an island off the eastern coast, all manner of giants have teamed up. They are building a massive bridge across the gorge, obviously with plans to use it to mount an attack.” Adlai says. He continues, “Attacking the bridge would do no good, as they could rebuild. We need to hit them where it hurts. They have a stronghold in the mountains, and I believe, with yours and the gnomes’ help, we can get you all in, attack them, and get out. That’s why we teleported you here.” Adlai nods, proud of his plan.

“You want us to take on a whole stronghold full of giants?” Eltharion looks skeptical. Grog looks nervous. Ogrim looks excited.

“Let’s break some kneecaps!” Ogrim nods.

“All right…” the rest of the party reluctantly agrees.

“Wow, a decision that soon? You don’t have to decide right away, if you don’t want to. Think about it,” Adlai, the king, and the others excuse themselves. “Make yourselves at home!”

The Heroes go back to the common area near their rooms.

“Can we handle all those giants?” Eltharion asks.

“Sure we can,” Ogrim states.

“Hey, I’ve got an idea. Trek, The Necromancer, Senman and Damaré owe us. They said that if we ever needed them, they’d be here for us. Well, why don’t we call in the favor, and have them help us siege the giants?” Bink’s idea brings a few wicked smiles from the group.

“With them, I believe we’d be able to handle the giants,” Eltharion grins.

The party talks to the deep gnomes.

“We need you to teleport a few more people here. Can you do it?” Bink asks.

“Sure, just give us a good description of each one so that I can scry them, then we can get them here,” Drez answers.

After a lot of scrying, blue light flashing, teleporting, explaining, raised voices, interrupted meals, and other such chaos, the four generals are present. Bink explains their plan to them.

“You want us to help you kill a bunch of giants? That’s a lot of huge corpses…” The Necromancer grins with glee.

“Sure, we’ll help you. But this will count as your debt repaid,” Damaré states.

“Fine by us. We’re definitely going to need the help,” Bink replies.

The party prepares for a few days, getting everything in order and training. They gather in the laboratory, filling up the now-cramped space.

“Okay, we’re going to teleport all nine of you to somewhere outside this giant stronghold. Take these,” Drez hands out a simple iron ring to everyone. “Once per day, you can use this to send me a message. Please do so only if you need me to teleport you all home. Are you ready?”

“Just do it already,” Grog is psyching himself up.

“All right, hold still,” Drez and Zenziez begin to concentrate on the device, manipulating the handles. A blue light flashes from the center crystal, and the Heroes’ vision fades into the ethereal realm; misty and grey. Finally, their vision snaps back into view.

What do they see? Where are they, exactly? How many giant zombies can one man control? Stay frosty everyone, more posts on the way!


First Post
In a flash of bright blue light, they are outdoors. The sun is bright. It’s been a while since any of them had actually seen it. They look around. Only Eltharion, Ogrim, The Necromancer and Damaré are present. About 20 feet away on the open grasslands, they see the body of a large reptilian creature. Next to it is a huge, 40 foot tall lizard-thing standing on two legs, with a big head, razor teeth, and little arms. There are four humans around it with primitive looking spears. The big lizard leans down and bites down onto one of the humans, lifting him into the air and shaking his body back and forth violently. Ogrim, Eltharion and Damaré charge. The Necromancer blasts the thing with a lightning bolt, scorching its leathery skin.

“Get back!” Eltharion yells at the humans, who look a little confused, but back away defensively as the Heroes charge. The lizard bends down and bites into Ogrim, crunching his shield and fine mithril armor (give to him by the dwarves). He is lifted up into the air, as the beast chomps down on him several times. Blood sprays everywhere.

“No!” Eltharion lays into the lizard with a fast four-hit combination with his flaming and sylvan scimitars, each hit drawing a line of blood from the thing’s legs. Damaré does a flip, extending his chain in a somersault pattern, slamming it into the creature’s upper leg and raking it back.

The Necromancer hastes himself and turns himself invisible. The great lizard chomps on Ogrim some more, who desperately tries to escape the thing’s massive jaws. The razor-sharp teeth dig into Ogrim at a dozen angles. Eltharion and Damaré dig into the things legs some more, both dealing massive damage, but not enough to bring the thing down.

Ogrim, battered and bloody, is getting nowhere trying to pry himself from the jaws of the beast. He pulls out a dagger and jams it into the roof of its mouth. The beast roars loudly and drops him to the ground… 30 feet down.

Chanting can be heard, the voice of The Necromancer. An evil rash boils to the surface on the lizards head, and it roars in pain. Eltharion and Damaré successfully flank the beast, dealing another combination of effective attacks. Ogrim staggers to his feet, takes up the ancient dwarven defensive stalwart stance, and hacks into the lizard with his Orc-Killer axe. He severs the thing’s ankle tendon, sending it face first into the grass with a loud thump. Eltharion jumps on top of its head, stabbing down into its eyes and brain, splintering the skull and drawing a spray of blood. Eltharion sheathes his weapons and summons some healing power to cure Ogrim. Ogrim tries to heal himself, but doesn’t feel the presence of Moradin.

“Something’s not right,” Ogrim states, concerned.

“What is it?” Eltharion asked. Damaré was cleaning off his chain, and The Necromancer appeared nearby.

“I don’t feel Moradin. I don’t feel me God,” he was shaking his head slowly. Eltharion patted him on the back.

“We’ll figure it out. Hey, you!” Eltharion yelled out to the humans who, after staying back, had closed in on the beast and were skinning it. “Where are we?”

The humans looked at each other for a moment, and then one spoke. “Trib i nrerbi.” He pointed off in one direction.

“What?” Eltharion asked.

“I think he said that their tribe is nearby,” The Necromancer points out. The humans go about their business skinning the two beasts.

“So, where is everybody else, do you think?” Damaré asks.

“I hope they’re not too far away. You think these people know where the giant’s stronghold is?” Eltharion asks back.

“Hm… why would Ogrim’s connection to Moradin be severed all of a sudden?” The Necromancer questions, mostly to himself.

The men are still skinning, when Eltharion joins them. He is skilled in the ways of survival, and skins effectively and efficiently. They get the meat chopped up and load it onto grass-like mats with ropes attached, to be pulled back to their village.

“Oo con wirth os?” one of the men asks.

“Huh?” Eltharion doesn’t understand.

“He’s asking if we would like to go with him, back to his village, I presume,” The Necromancer translates. The Heroes nod, and help the men carry the meat back to the village, which is almost a half day’s travel away. The sun is blisteringly hot, and the terrain is open grasslands. Finally, they reach the village and are escorted to the center of it. An older man with elaborate necklaces and deeply tanned skin approaches. The Necromancer translates what the other Heroes can’t understand. (For simplicity.)

“Welcome to our tribe. We are called the Dizgurds. What is your business, strangers?” he asks.

“We have come in search of giant men. Large men, like three of me,” Eltharion says.

“More like four…” Damaré quips, drawing a frown from Eltharion.

The chief takes a moment to try to understand what Eltharion said. He does, and nods his head.

“Giant men live at base of mountain,” he points, and a small range of mountains can be seen off in the distance. “But your task, more important. You are the tribe that shines.”

“Tribe that what?” Eltharion is confused. He looks at everyone. The Necromancer’s staff is glowing. Eltharion’s scimitars are glowing green/aflame, and Ogrim’s axe is glowing. “Oh, yeah, we have magical items. Magic, you know?”

“I don’t know that word, but you shine, as our prophecy states,” the man says, directing them to his tent. Inside, a large slab is in the corner. It reads, in the primitive common tongue:

When the tribe that shines arrives, they will place three pieces of the glow on the ancient pedestal atop the peak of the sky. Paradise will come true.

“We’re supposed to do what now?” Eltharion asks.

“You must take the Glow to the Peak of the Sky,” the chief once again points to the mountain.

“What’s ‘The Glow’?” Eltharion asks.

“Strange stones.”

“Where are they?”

“Giants have one. Snake men have one. One is in insect forest,” the chief points off in the distance again, south of the mountains.

“Okay… well, if it’s okay with you, we would like to camp near your tribe. We can offer protection from those beasts,” Eltharion says. The chief agrees, and the Heroes find a nice spot away from the tents.

“So, do we hit the giants?” Eltharion asks.

“I’m not so sure about this place. Something seems off,” The Necromancer replies.

“I’m using the ring,” Damaré says, using the ring that Drez had given him. “I get nothing. No response. Didn’t he say that he’d respond, or teleport us home?”

“Obviously, he can’t, for some reason,” The Necromancer shakes his head.

“How about we go south to that forest of insects, then to the snake people, then to the giants, and finally, climb the peak?” Eltharion’s plan of action seems as good as any.

“Fine by me. Let’s get a move on. Hopefully we’ll run into the rest of the group when we get to the giants,” The Necromancer says.

They camp out under the stars that night, and awake early in the morning, ready for action.

Why can’t people talk right? What do they mean by snake people? What’s so scary about a bunch of insects? This and more, next update.

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