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Dromus Characters

Tux the Penguin

First Post
Stephen Coldshadow

Male Human

Human Wizard 5 / Bonded Summoner 3

True Neutral

Size: M (5’5”, 135 lbs)

HD: 5d4+20 plus 3d4+12

HP: 54

Init: +3

Spd: 30 ft.

AC: 14 (+3 Dex, +1 Ring of Protection)

BAB: +3



Str: 8 (-1) [0 pts]

Dex: 16 (+3) [8 pts. + 4th level]

Con: 18 (+4) [8 pts + 8th level + Amulet of Health +2]

Int: 20 (+5) [16 pts + Headband of Intellect +2]

Wis: 12 (+2) [4 pts.]

Cha: 10 (+0) [2 pts.]


+1 Light Crossbow +8 ranged (1d6+1, x2)


Fort: +8 (+2 base)

Ref: +7 (+2 base)

Will: +10 (+7 base)


Concentration +16 (11 C)

Control +16 (11 C)

Decipher Script +10 (5 C)

Knowledge (Arcana) +16 (11 C)

Knowledge (The Planes) +16 (11 C)

Planar Geometry +18 (11 C)

Speak Language (Auran, Ignan, Terran, Aquan, Celestial, Infernal)

Spellcraft +18 (11 C)


Planar Touchstone (Air Home) (Bonus)

Scribe Scrolls (Bonus)

Spell Focus (Conjuration) (1st level)

Augment Summoning (Human Bonus)

Stalwart Planar Ally (Elemental Plane of Air) (3rd level)

Eschew Materials (5th level bonus feat)

Practiced Spellcaster (6th level)

Class Abilities (Wizard):

Spellcasting level 6th (caster level 8th)


Class Abilities (Bonded Summoner):

Air Elemental Companion (Large)

Cold Resistance 10

Racial Abilities:

Bonus Feat at 1st level

4 extra skills points at 1st level

1 extra skill point at every level after 1st













Equipment (magical):

Amulet of Health +2 (4,000)

Headband of Intellect +2 (4,000)

+1 Crossbow (4,300)

Cloak of Resistance +2 (4,000)

Ring of Sustenance (2,500)

Ring of Protection +1 (2,000)

Equipment (mundane):

Light blue robe with silver cuffing

Cream colored breaches

Black Tunic with silver cuffing

Leather belt

Leather Boots


Spell component pouch



Blanket, Winter

5 Scroll Cases

Small Steel Mirror

Silver Mug

Parchment (50 sheets)

Ink (10 1 oz. vials)


Sealing Wax

Signet Ring



1st level


Mage Armor

Summon Monster I

True Strike

Shocking Grasp

Magic Missile

Disguise Self

2nd level

Protection from Arrows

Summon Monster II

Touch of Idiocy

Scorching Ray



Mirror Image

Augment Familiar

3rd level

Dispel Magic

Summon Monster III



Ray of Exhaustion


Stephen is an unassuming man when encountered alone or he would be if he ever was. A man of small stature and even smaller frame, his small size is made up for my the power of his intellect. While not good with words himself, he prefers to be silent and let others talk instead of him. They are not, however, talking for him. Dressed in blues and blacks, cuffed with silver, Stephen rarely shows his head on sunny days, leaving it under the cowl of his robe. When the cowl is down, his black hair and dark blue eyes can be seen, as can his dark complexion.


Born in Balefire, the self-declared “capital” of the Plane of Shadow, Stephen was raised from an early age in the art of magic, especially summoning. He would take trips with his tutor to various other planes where he would be taught about the locals and the geography of the planes themselves.

When Balefire was attacked by other factions on the Plane of Shadow, Stephen and his family fled to the furthest reaches of the multiverse, to a backwater plane whose largest city was named Dromus. While not as well off as they were in Balefire, they were able to make their place as sort of guides through the tangled web of planes that surround the city. Stephen grew up doing this, but never really enjoyed being a “tour guide” as he called it.

Finally leaving his parent’s business to pursue his own goals, Stephen began working his way back across the planes, usually bumming rides off of others. This journey led him to dozens of planes and their many peoples, finally stopping for some years on a plane called he called “Airhome.” A plane of infinite size which was rooted into the Elemental Plane of Air, Stephen began working as a ship mage in the air ships that were the dominant mode of travel and war there. However, his studies did not lack while there. He used this rare opportunity to study the Elemental Plane, eventually meeting a being whose name roughly translated into “Gale Oceanbreeze” from the native Auran. The being, an air elemental, helped Stephen travel throughout Airhome and learn of how it interacted with the Elemental Plane. However, this time of study and work quickly ended when he learned of his mother’s death.

Traveling with Gale back to Dromus, he arrived three years after his mother’s death, and two years after his father died. Inheriting little, he began to work in odd-jobs around the city as a bodyguard, waiting for opportunity to arise.


Stephen is a quiet man, who speaks very carefully and deliberately. Slow to anger and slower to make friends, Gale is one of the few who he trusts completely.

His slow and deliberate actions lead to his true neutral alignment. While he tends to look out for himself (and Gale by extension) due to his upbringing on the Plane of Shadow, Stephen generally does not wish to hurt those around him unless needed. Likewise, he also does not generally seek to help those unless they truly needed which makes him seem cold at times.


Above all, Gale is the key to any combat that Stephen joins. An large air elemental himself, Gale can stand up in most fights well enough, and Stephen enhances this through the use of his spells and wards. This, however, does not mean that Gale goes into combat heedlessly. To “lose” Gale drains much from Stephen and it takes time to resummon the companion, so Gale is typically slow to engage the enemy, instead protecting Stephen while he bombards his enemies from range.

Gale (Large Air Elemental)

Hit Dice: 8d6+48 (84 hp)

Init: +13

Speed: Fly 100 ft. (perfect)

Armor Class: 25 (-1 size, +8 Dex, +4 natural, +4 bonus), touch 16, flat-footed 13

Base Attack: +6/+12

Attack: Slam +13 melee (2d6+4)

Full Attack: 2 slams +13 melee (2d6+4)

Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.

SA: Air mastery, whirlwind

SQ: Damage Reduction 5/--, darkvision 60 ft., elemental traits

Saves: Fort +10, Ref +18, Will +6

Abilities: Str 20, Dex 27, Con 22, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11

Skills: Listen +5, Spot +6

Feats: Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Flyby Attack, Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse

Familiar Abilities: Deliever touch spells, devotion, empathic link, improved evasion, share spells

Abilities: +2 pts to all stats (12 total), +2 pts to Dex and Con

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First Post
Male Human (vampire bloodline)
Sorcerer 8

Size: M (5'3", 132lbs)
Hit Dice: 8d8 + 8
HP: 43
Init: +0 (+0 Dex)
Speed: 30ft
AC: 13 (+2 armor, +0 Dex, +1 natural) [Touch attack 10 (+0 Dex)]
ACP: 0
BAB/Grapple: +6/+9
XP: 28,000 / 36,000 for level 9

Region: Caeldwyste
Age: 27


Str: 17 (+3) [6 points, +1 racial, +2 gauntlets]
Dex: 10 (+0) [2 points]
Con: 12 (+1) [4 points]
Int: 14 (+2) [6 points]
Wis: 16 (+3) [10 points]
Cha: 20 (+5) [10 points, +2 level, +2 headband]

Ghosthammer +10/+5 (1d8+5/x3, +1 ghost touch heavy mace)
MW cold iron dagger +7 (1d4+3/19-20/x2/10 ft range, dagger)

Melee Attack Modifier: +9 (+6 BAB, +3 Str)
Ranged Attack Modifer: +6 (+6 BAB, +0 Dex)
Parry: +6 (+6 BAB, +0 Dex)

Fortitude: +3 [+2 base, +1 Con]
Reflex: +2 [+2 base, +0 Dex]
Will: +11 [+6 base, +3 Wis, +2 Iron Will]

Skills (traded in Craft and Profession for Move Silently)
Bluff +16 [11 ranks, +5 Cha]
Climb +5 [0 ranks, +3 Str, +2 racial]
Concentration +12 [11 ranks, +1 Con]
Hide +2 [0 ranks, +0 Dex, +2 Stealthy]
Knowledge (arcana) +13 [11 ranks, +2 Int]
Knowledge (religion) +7 [11cc ranks, +2 Int]
Move Silently +13 [11 ranks, +0 Dex, + 2 Stealthy]
Search +4 [0 ranks, +2 Int, +2 racial]
Spellcraft +15 [11 ranks, +2 Int, +2 synergy]

Planar Touchstone [Caeldwyste] (bonus)
Eschew Materials (human bonus)
Iron Will (1st level)
Combat Casting (3rd level)
Spell Penetration (6th level)

Class Abilities
Arcane spells, simple weapon proficiency, major bloodline for free.

Racial Abilities
Free feat at first level, +4 skill points at level one, +1 skill point each additional level
+2 on Climb checks, Stealthy feat, Strength +1, Resistance to cold 5, vampire affinity +2, +1 natural armor, +2 on Search checks, Resistance to electricity 5.
Planar Touchstone
-Base ability - You gain cold resistance 6.
-Higher-order ability - Drawing on the power of Caeldwyste and the self-confidence taking down (very) large prey inspires, you may invoke the effects of a righteous might spell as a 10th-level Cleric once per day, except that the damage reduction is bypassed by cold iron instead of an aligned weapon. 3 higher-order uses.
Recharge Condition: Participate in a successful Odensjakt hunt. This entails hunting one of the mighty beasts of the tundra, alone or in a group of no more than 7, and claiming the kill for the people of Caeldwyste.


Spells Known
Save DC +5 - Slots: 4/6/5/4/2
0th – acid splash, dancing lights, detect magic, disrupt undead, ghost sound, mage hand, message, read magic
1st – charm person, chill touch, expeditious retreat, magic missile, shocking grasp
2nd – blur, mirror image, summon swarm
3rd – lightning bolt, vampiric touch
4th – greater invisibility


Ghosthammer (+1 ghost touch heavy mace[/I]) (8,612 gp) [8 lbs.]
2 masterwork cold iron daggers (608 gp) [2 lbs.]
Bracers of armor +2 (4,000 gp)
Cloak of resistance +2 (4,000 gp)

Headband of Charisma +2 (4,000 gp) [- lbs.]
Gauntlets of ogre power (4,000 gp)
Wand of magic weapon (2nd level caster) (1,500gp)
Traveler’s outfit [Worn, no weight]
Belt pouch (1 gp) [1/2 lb.]
Everburning torch (110gp) [1 lb.]
Potion of cat’s grace (300gp)
Backpack (2 gp) [2 lbs.]
~Bedroll (5 sp) [5 lbs.]
~Waterskin (1 gp) [4 lbs.]
~Trail rations (20 days worth) (10 gp) [20 lbs.]
~Winter blanket (5 sp) [3 lbs]
~4 sacks (4 sp) [2 lbs.]
~Tent (10 gp) [20 lbs.]

Carrying – 67.5 lbs., light load.

135gp, 6sp

Appearance: Skaith's appearance is unnerving. He is so pale that at first glance, he looks more dead than alive and meticiously shaves his body daily, fastidiously removing all traces of hair. His pale skin is covered, from head to toe, with very, very tiny marks - symbols of his clan and history, written into his living flesh so that he will never forget the past. His teeth have all been filed to sharp, glittering points and his nails (which stick out of the ends of his large, bulky leather gauntlets are sharpened into talon-like points. His eyes are an ice-blue color that is so pale that they appear completely colorless, and like his thin, paper-like skin, show the veins and blood vessels beneath.

Skaith prefers pale brown colored clothing, accentutated by creme-colored shirts, scarves and dark brown leather accessories. These tend to be more on the side of fashion than functionality, but the man is not a fool - he knows a lifesaving tool or device when he sees one. His headband of charisma is one such tool, and the silver band, inlaid with ivory and tan jade is worn, like a thin line, above his hairless brows.

Personality: Skaith is a confusing dichotomy. A mixture of sadist and innocent child, a combination of acidic sarcasm and blissful ignorance, the man is, at best, difficult to understand and be around. So far this unusual nature has kept him a loner (not to mention his penchant for drinking blodd from time to time), however deep down Skaith desires companionship - complete and trusting friendship. Secretly, in his heart of hearts, he dreams to believe, like a fairy tale, that if he finds this perfect and truthful friendship that it might redeem his black and soiled soul.

The magic and the curse that runs through his veins, however, eternally pushes him towards taking the lives of others, so day after day, he continues struggling to resist. Occasionally, just to defy the monster within himself, he will use his magic to enhance himself and fight physically on the side of all that is good and just in order to resist the lure of his “tainted” magic as well as to "make a statement to his darker side".

Background: Skaith belongs to one of the oldest clans in all of Caeldwyste - a clan whose origins reach back nearly as far as anyone can remember. For reasons truly unknown, but widely speculated (and believed to be survival from the cold of the plane), one of Skaith's forefathers made a dark pact and lay with a vampiress. This act forever cursed his seed and lineage to bear the burden of the hunger for the blood of others in exchange for survival against the brutal environment of their home.

Whatever the reason and whoever was at fault, Skaith now bears the brunt of this curse, and eternally hungers for the blood of sentients. He has learned to slate his thirst by taking the blood of non-sentients, but this only works for a time before the hammering in his mind, ears, and soul becomes too much to bear.

The taking of life holds mixed emotions for Skaith - on one hand, he loves the power and the trill and the magical influx he gains from the blood, but on the other, he despises being controlled by anyone or anything. It was, in fact, this hatred of control which led him to spurn his clan and leave Caeldwyste for a life of random adventuring and exploration. Ironically and unintentionally, Skaith soon discovered that in this lifestyle, he had uncovered another weapon to use against his eternal thirst. Curisoity, it seemed, of a mystery unsolved, or of a horizon unwandered, could hold off the urges of his unholy hunger far longer than anything that he had ever tried or encountered.

And so, Skaith wanders, always thirsting and running from the shadows behind him, but always looking for something unknown. Luckily, there are many things that lie in the shadows before him.

4 contacts


First Post
Jannebarum Tyndra Spooksong Banilor

Female Gnome
Bard 8
Chaotic Good

Size: S (3’3” 41 lbs.)
HD: 8d6
HP: 37
Initiative: +3
Speed: 20 ft.
AC: 18 (+4 Dex, +3 Leather [+1ench], +1 Size)
BAB: +6/+1
XP: 28,000 / 36,000 for level 8


Str: 10 [+0] (4 pts, -2 racial mod)
Dex: 18 [+4] (8 pts, 4th lvl, Gloves of Dex +2)
Con: 10 [+0] (+2 racial mod)
Int: 13 [+1] (5 pts)
Wis: 13 [+1] (5 pts)
Cha: 21 [+5] (16 pts, 8th lvl, Cloak of Cha +2)


Left Hand – Main Attack
Gnome Quickrazor +12/+7 (1d3+1, 19-20/x2)
- +1 enchantment
- Exceptional Balance (+1 to Attack)
- Wicked Edge (+1 to Damage)
- Easily Concealed (+2 Sleight of Hand)

Right Hand – Off Hand
Gnome Quickrazor +12 (1d3+1, 19-20/x2)
- +1 enchantment
- Exceptional Balance (+1 to Attack)
- Wicked Edge (+1 to Damage)
- Easily Concealed (+2 Sleight of Hand)

Vest of Resistance +2
Fort: +4 (+2 base)
Ref: +12 (+6 base)
Will: +9 (+6 base)


Bluff: +11 (6 C)
Diplomacy +7 (0 C)
Gather Information: +13 (6 C)
Hide: +15 (7 C, size bonus)
Intimidate +3 (0 cc)
Knowledge (Local): +6 (5 C)
Knowledge (Politics) +6 (5 C)
Knowledge (Nobility) +9 (5 C, Touchstone +3)
Knowledge (Psychology) +6 (5 C)
Knowledge (Lore) +4 (3 C)
Knowledge (History) +6 (5 C)
Move Silently +11 (7 C)
Perception: +3 (racial mod + Wis mod)
Perform (wind instruments) +16 (11 C)
Sense Motive +10 (9 C)
Sleight of Hand +13 (7 C)
Tumble +8 (4 C)


Two Weapon Fighting (1st Level)
Exotic Weapon Prof – Gnome Quickrazor (3rd Level)
Weapon Finesse – Gnome Quickrazor (6th level)

Class Abilities:

Bardic music 8/day
Bardic knowledge +11
Inspire Courage +2
Inspire Competence
Phantasmal Song – Gnome bard substitution level 6 from “Races of Stone”

Spells (6/4/4/3 known, 3/4/4/2 per day):

0th Level: DC 14
Detect Magic
Mage Hand
Read Magic

1st Level: DC 15
Cause Fear
Miser’s Envy
Tasha’s Hideous Laughter
Lesser Confusion

2nd Level: DC 16
Ice Darts

3rd Level: DC 17
Deep Slumber
Cushing Despair

Racial Abilities:

Low-light visions 60 ft
+2 save against Illusions
+1 to DC of Illusion spells
+1 Attack vs Kobolds/Goblinoids
+4 Dodge vs Giants
+2 Perception
1/day – speak w/ burrowing animals (1 minute)
1/day – dancing lights, ghost sound, prestidigitation



[2] Gnome Quickrazor (90 gp, + 1800/weapon for masterwork qualities, +4,000
enchantments [+1]) [2 lbs]
Leather (10 gp, +1,000 enchantment) [7.5 lbs.]
Pipes of Haunting (6,000 gp)
Cloak of Charisma +2 (4,000 gp)
Vest of Resistance +2 (4,000 gp)
Gloves of Dexterity +2 (4,000 gp)

Traveler’s Outfit (1 gp) [1 lb.]
Entertainer’s Outfit (3 gp) [1 lb.]
Cold Weather Outfit (8 gp) [2 lbs.]
Panpipes (5 gp) [1 lb.]
Tent (10 gp) [5 lbs.]
Backpack (2 gp) [0.5 lb.]
Bedroll (1 sp) [1 lb.]
Winter Blanket (5 sp) [1 lb.]
[2] Common Lamp (2 sp) [2 lbs.]
[2] Oil – 1 pint flask (2 sp) [2 lbs.]
[20] Ration/day (2 gp, 5 sp) [5 lbs.]

32.0 lbs. carried / 33.0 lbs. light load

[1] Information – Jaroo Abren, 5th lvl Expert/1st lvl Bard
Jaroo, or Roo to his friends, has made a life out of memorizing the exact details of every folktale, story, or legend he has ever come in contact with. His sharp mind is acute at making connections where others cannot by pulling information from his vast store of knowledge. He currently lives with his twin sister, Kasma, and Balto Terrick in Dromus, where he is assimilating the information of the new cultures.

[1] Skill – Balto Terrick, 5th lvl Warrior/1st lvl Fighter
Balto is, for a lack of a better term, Tyndra’s lover. Having been trained in the martial ways, Balto is a swordsman with a fair amount of skill. Unable to accompany Tyndra on her quests due to his growing business, Balto is content with keeping peace in their cottage on the outskirts of the capital, which they share with their two friends Jaroo and Kasma Abren. Balto is a blacksmith as well, and can repair weapons and tools, as well as some armors.

[1] Influence – Unknown, though possibly someone from her days as a politician-in-training


Jannebarum Tyndra Spooksong Banilor (known as Tyndra to her companions) tends to stand out in crowds. Her 3’3” stature does not distinguish her, but it is her fair hair and dark blue eyes set against tanned skin that gives her an exotic beauty that attracts attention. Surprisingly, Tyndra has an uncanny ability to go unseen if she desires, but most often she can be found entertaining locals in pubs or in the very streets.


Jannebarum was born in the small Gnome village of Illihara. The first – and only – child of Gnomish nobles, Jannebarum was orphaned almost the day she was born by political rivals of her parents. Her uncle, who was the Doyen for the neighboring province, had her brought to live with him and his wife. She grew up very well-off, practically given everything she asked. As she matured, her uncle, who had no children of his own, began grooming her to take his position when he retired.

But Jannebarum hated her position in society. She never fit in with her upper class acquaintances, who had always seen themselves as superior to everyone else. Instead, Jannebarum desired to learn more of the world in which she lived. Despite her uncle’s disapproval, she often ventured out into the smaller towns of the province, meeting and socializing with the commoners. Because of this, she had grown quite popular among the middle and lower classes.

When news reached her uncle’s ears of her exploits and contacts, her uncle was very pleased. He told her that as long as she maintained her course, she would be Sachem in no time. But Jannebarum’s adventures into the world had opened her eyes to wonders she couldn’t fathom. Denouncing her intent to succeed her uncle, she gathered all of her belongings and began her journey into the world. To further herself from her old life, she took her mother’s name, Tyndra, as her own and only used her given name if influence was absolutely necessary. With the little money she had, she began roaming her own land, ready to assimilate any information she could.

Unfortunately, her home plane was not conducive to one so chaotic. The Imperium Mechanus, with its methodical and precise law, held no place for Tyndra’s ideal disorderly life. Returning to her home province, she was found by Maester Owadalen, the leader of the Euphonic Order. Tyndra soon learned of places beyond the Imperium in song and story, and was soon inducted as an apprentice.

There she met Jaroo and Kasma Abren, fraternal twins. As journeymen under maester Owadalen, the twins helped Tyndra acclimate to life in the Order. Soon, the three were inseparable, and they could captivate audiences for hours, Tyndra on the pipes with Kasma playing the lyre while Jaroo told a tantalizing tale of adventure and romance.

But along with play, Tyndra knew the importance of study. She perused her maester’s books and journals, learning of the other planes and worlds. During her exploration, she came upon a man named Malesacar, an illusionist who subdued his enemies by subjecting them to their own fears. As she researched more, she became fascinated by the man. After conferring with Owadalen, she gained permission to begin schooling in the arcane arts. With the help of her fellow Order members, she grew into a talented, knowledgeable young woman.

She learned, through text and teaching, how to manipulate her music to affect the world around her. How a simple note could inspire one moment, and despair the next. Taking all she could from Malesacar’s tomes, she adapted his macabre art to her own phantasmal melodies.

Among her vast musical and arcane studies, she found time to merely sit in the taverns and social gatherings, watching people. One afternoon, as she sat in the inn pouring over her research, a young man joined her at the table. At first, she was prepared to ignore him, but when he struck up a conversation, she was forced to be polite. The young gnome, most obviously of the Champions’ Society, showed the persistence that suited him to be a warrior, and Tyndra soon found her free time otherwise occupied by Balto Terrick. Many lazy afternoons were spent in the country, Tyndra playing an enchanting melody while Balto practiced his martial drills.

As time grew closer for Tyndra to leave her schooling, she began telling him of her dreams of adventuring. But listening to her, Balto grew increasingly worried for her safety. Knowing she would not outwardly carry a sword or bow, Balto began helping her learn the exotic art of the Gnome Quickrazor. Using the agility in her wrists rather than the strength of her forearms, she picked up the intricate art quickly.

Finally, Owadalen proclaimed her ready to begin her journey. Because of her persistent and exclusive focus, he bestowed upon her a special name – a name fit for her specialty. Jannebarum Tyndra Spooksong Banilor was recognized as a member in good standing of the Euphonic Order, and was given as her Initiate Tribute a set of special pipes – the Pipes of Haunting. After the ceremony, Balto, who had recently completed his training as well, presented her with two customized Gnome Quickrazors, precisely balanced and enhanced to fit Tyndra’s fighting style.

Jaroo and Kasma joined them later, and after a lot of deliberation, they decided to set out together. Owadalen told them to seek out an old friend of his, and gave them enough gold to pay for passage to Dromus. There, he told them, they would realize their dreams.

So the four young gnomes made their way to the capital city of Gilferrus. Upon finding and paying the wizened man, he took them across the planes to Dromus, where they began their new lives.

Balto took up smithing, and spends his days crafting weapons and armor for the smaller residents of Dromus. Tyndra joined a traveler’s guard, accompanying merchants and messengers across the more dangerous terrains of her new home. The twins, deciding to go into business together, began a small school for young artists. The four moved into a cottage on the edge of the major metropolis of Dromus.


Though her name means “Child Destined for Greatness,” Jannebarum has long-since decided to make her own destiny. Throwing off the obligations thrust upon her by her unyielding relatives, she left her uncle’s strict home and embraced her traditional Gnomish heritage of art and music. She still retains the aspects of her political teachings, but her ideals fit more with the chaotic lifestyle of the bard. She tends to adopt a rather “Robin Hood” approach whenever she sees injustices, and sometimes this can get her into sticky situations.

With those she considers her friends, Tyndra is as playful as the music she plays on her panpipes. When it comes to adventuring and traveling with a group, she takes on the diplomatic role she was brought up in. Having had few friends growing up, Tyndra tends to be fiercely loyal to those she has now.


Violence is always Tyndra’s last resort, preferring diplomacy to solve situations; although she is not above using her phantasmal abilities to influence the outcome of some situations. She spends her days traveling on short journeys, accompanying travelers for entertainment and/or protection – though the latter she usually leaves up to the rest of her party, as she fills a more indirect support role.
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