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Dry Spell


"Oh no," shouts Belisha. "Be careful!" She is familiar with the Anhkeg. It is a creature that has proven unruly in its dealings with her folk. Her hands dart above her head and she brings forward a creature to help battle the insect-beast. Casts Summon Monster II, creature summoned to be placed right next to the Anhkeg, the top left-most square above the 'A'.
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Vigwyn the Unruly

First Post
OOC: Belisha, casting Summon Monster II is a full-round action. Using a Handle Animal check to command Rufus to use the Down trick is a move action. You can't do both this round. Please let me know which one you would prefer to do this round. If you choose Handle Animal, you can also make another standard action or move action. Also, you can't speak with the ankheg because that gnome ability only works with mammals. :eek:


First Post
Slyfen wants to move directly southwest for one move action (4 diagonal squares) and then fire another arrow at the ankheg.

Vigwyn the Unruly

First Post

OK, Belisha, you can choose the monster and the location right before your next turn (provided you are able to complete the spell), and the monster will enter the initiative order at that point (just before you).

BTW, I will just admit here that I totally hosed my handling of the ankheg's use of Improved Grab. I was going from the small blurb in the monster's description. Having read the full description in the glossary, it's now clear to me that I did it incorrectly. Since the hold attempt failed anyway, it didn't really matter, but I didn't want anybody to feel cheated in any way if the monster gets another chance on a subsequent turn and I do the attempt differently (hopefully correctly ;) ).


First Post
Eolan, seeing the terrible damage done to his horse, begins preparing to back off.

(Gonna do the 'withdraw' action on my initiative, going southeast in such a way that I can avoid any AOOs, and I can charge on round 3)

Vigwyn the Unruly

First Post
Ankheg Attack 2

Hardin can feel the power of Moradin connecting with him from the bedrock deep under the plains. He shouts and charges recklessly forward into the grass toward the ankheg. He brings down his warhammer two-handed in a vicious arc. But the ankheg is able to pull back at just the right moment, and Hardin lands a glancing blow that deals no damage through the creature’s tough shell.

Belisha, familiar with the danger the party now faces, begins to cast one of her most powerful spells. She lifts her hands above her head, moving them in an arcane pattern while speaking the mysterious words to the summoning spell. The power of her conjuration becomes apparent as light seems to gather into her grasp from the very air surrounding her.

Her faithful guard dog, Rufus, also senses the danger. As he is trained to defend her, he forces himself through his fear to move forward and attack the beast. Unfortunately, the tall grass slows his movement considerably, and he is unable to make it close enough to attack.

Round 2

Slyfen continues a movement that brings him diagonally back toward the ankheg, angling for a closer shot while maintaining the tactical advantage of concealment in the tall grass. He nocks another arrow and aims carefully to avoid hitting Eolan or Hardin. The elf realizes that he has overcorrected as he sees the arrow sail harmlessly off into the tall grass south of the brawl.

Eolan, alarmed at the bloody gash the ankheg has opened in his mount’s chest, carefully gallops away from the melee, moving first to the southeast, then curving back around to the southwest to set up a charge.

The ankheg bites back at the reckless dwarf, acid dripping sickeningly from its brown-black mandibles. But the fighting priest’s cunningly crafted plate armor holds up under the assault, and the ankheg finds no purchase in his flesh. The great beast adjusts its position once again so that it is now fully on the surface of the road.

OOC Notes:

Warhammer on charge misses (AC 18, Atk roll 7 + 7 = 14)
-2 to AC until beginning of your next round
Has limited concealment from the grass (10% miss chance)

Begins to cast
Summon Monster II as a full-round action

Moves closer to ankheg
Gains concealment from grass (20% miss chance)

Moves 30’
Bow shooting into melee misses (AC 18, Atk roll 5 + 6 - 4 = 7)
Arrow lost (50% chance, die result [1d100] 22)

Withdraws 100’
Move curves around to the southwest to set up charge next round

Bite misses (Hardin AC 15, Atk roll 1 + 7 = 8)
5’ step


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Belisha waits for the spell to finish. She will command the beetle to attack when it is able to.

"Rufus come back!" she shouts.

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