DT's The Undiscovered Frontier


Queen of Everything
I'm still considering the familiar... I would take the feat next level and go with a Tressym, however; it might be odd to find a Tressym in the middle of the jungle. So, maybe not.

My feats are in, check them out when you have a chance. Finishing spells now.

Back to my other question, which is more a general question but I don't know the answer to, would I be able to speak with celestial creatures that I summon? I've never used the summon spells before and it would be fun but I don't want them to just fight. Like, if I can speak with them (and their intelligence isn't 0, lol) would I be able to get them to do simple tasks?

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Deuce Traveler

I just posted the overall goals for the first part of the story arc: get to the cache, climb the Life Tree, and free Gaia. I hope you like the scenario so far.

I'm ready for the action to pick up so I am going to be checking over the character sheets again today and tomorrow, so please make any finishing touches you haven't otherwise completed.


Okay, that last post of yours was awesome covered in awesome sauce. So exciting!! I'll work on finishing up my character today :)

edit: This is Queenie by the way! Darned sign in!

Deuce Traveler

Well, we are about to start combat. Looking at the character sheets, I realized you are all way to polite. No one claimed any of the battlefield items found, or if you did it wasn't updated on the sheets. As a reminder, these are available:

3 Girdles of Shield which act just like a Wand of Shield, but is worn around the waste. Each girdle has 50 charges. Any character who is normally unable to use wands, but has at least one skill point in Use Magic Device can make a skill check to activate the girdle properly and use one charge. Or else the character can announce that he will spend time using the girdle until he learns to use it without requiring further skill checks. He will use up a number of charges doing so, but will be able to use any other Girdle of Shield without skill checks in the future.

The party also finds a Club+1 of Electricity with 50 charges. This metal club has an electrified band on the top. The club functions as a club+1, but each strike removes a magical charge and inflicts an extra 1d10 points of electrical damage on its target. Once all the charges are spent, the club becomes a masterwork club that grants a +1 bonus to hit and damage.

The party also finds Acrobat Boots (similar to that found in 3.5E Magic Compendium). The boots have 30 charges left. A user can expend 1 to 3 charges in order to gain the following for one round:
1 charge = 10 foot move bonus
2 charges = 15 foot move bonus
3 charges = 20 foot move bonus

At the farthest end of the battlefield you find a number of several muscular serpent men. They have the lower bodies of snakes and lack feet. Something about them sparks a memory or recognition in your minds. They are called the Yuan-Ti and they seemed to have been surrounding and protecting a much smaller and thin serpent-like man. The appearance of the smaller serpent man fills you with sudden dread and foreboding.

You recognize the race as not only an enemy, but The Enemy. The Enemy seeks your races destruction and you have been at war for a long, long time. Unlike the larger Yuan-Ti, it is fully clothed in a uniform that seems to have melted into its skin. It wears a mask, also grafted from intense heat, and large oval-like goggles. Somehow two wands tied to its hip seemed to have survived. One is a Wand of Cure Light Wounds [level 1] with 50 charges and the other is a Wand of Melf's Acid Arrow. Like the girdles, if a PC's class cannot use one of these wands, but the PC has point in Use Magical Device, the PC can opt to expend some time and charges until he gains enough proficiency to use any such wand of the particular spell effect without making future skill checks.


Arkos picked up an undetermined bit of the stuff and told everyone else to grab some, to carry if nothing else. However, when I made up Arkos I neglected to put skill points in UMD. I'm not sure why unless I just forgot that bit of the conversation where you said we could take it as a class skill...

As for the stuff:
Girdle: I'll leave those for the others since I'd rather not waste charges just so my pc can figure them out.
Club: He could use this but I think he'd be more effective shapeshifted so I'll leave it for someone else.
Boots: Could use this too but has a better move than anyone else while shapeshifted so it should go to someone else.
Wands: Can't use acid arrow but could use cure light.


Queen of Everything
I just realized that neither Fenris or I told you we were headed out of town.

So, um, yeah, we went out of town. :eek: I'm back, Fenris will be back on Monday. Though he may have internet access here and there.

I'm terribly sorry for being so absent for the beginnings of this game!

As for the stuff - I think I am able to use the Girdle or and the Wand of Melf's.

I'd rather someone who was a front liner use the Girdle though. So I'll take the wand of Melf's for now. Is there info on it - charges and such?

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