D&D 5E Dungeon Master's Guild: The Long Term


First Post
WotC could just make that clearer and say it outright.

I find it hard to believe that they wouldn't be honest about it. "Can you please change the title of your product?" would have done the trick without anyone's product being removed from the guild.

I wouldn't be surprised if there were more to it.

@Giant: Did you use stuff you found on the forums as inspiration?

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Yeah I never really considered that. I may have read more into this whole situation than I should have.
I am sending them another E-mail asking if the name is the issue. If that is all it is then I really don't have any issues with how they handle things at all.

I think you would still have an issue, they should have contacted you and made it clear what the issue was.


First Post
That's too bad. I purchased and was looking for to an update and more from you. That product (and its popularity) gave me the urge to put my "epic" options up in the Guild. That being said, I think in the long run the system will improve rather than collapse. It is only 2 weeks old, they are still getting a grasp of the monster they created.

If there is demand, I am happy to keep updating it and just hosting it elsewhere.
Before all of this happened I did have some plans for future updates but wasn't really planning on implementing them for a while. I was working on another homebrew that was taking a long time to complete because writing it was intensely boring. I have now abandoned that second homebrew, so I could get back to work on the Epic Level Handbook.

Will Doyle

As the program grows, I think it could benefit from a curator system, similar to Steam. Anybody could create a curator account and create a recommended list of products, but OneBookShelf or Wizards would periodically officiate curators, displaying their lists prominently on the website, and awarding store credit. Users could follow curators to receive mail notifications when they update their lists. Curator reviews would have an official badge next to them. Content creators could also reach out to curators with free copies of their work, in the hope of gaining good reviews.


Naked and living in a barrel
I find it hard to believe that they wouldn't be honest about it. "Can you please change the title of your product?" would have done the trick without anyone's product being removed from the guild.

I wouldn't be surprised if there were more to it.

@Giant: Did you use stuff you found on the forums as inspiration?

There is definately info missing here. Giant might have missed something or hide something, but bad service can happen even in a good compagnie or it could be the start of a bad trend. WotC/Hasbro is more protective of its IP than it needs to be and products being removed for no clear reason could happen often.


First Post
I find it hard to believe that they wouldn't be honest about it. "Can you please change the title of your product?" would have done the trick without anyone's product being removed from the guild.

I wouldn't be surprised if there were more to it.

Well I sent them another e-mail that was just blatantly asking if I misunderstood the entire situation, so if I get a response I will let you know.
I am kind of inclined to think that there is more to it too as originally my cover had DnD and Wizards logos on it - rather than pulling the product they sent me a message and specifically cited those as issues that needed to be fixed. So I fixed them and everything was fine.
So I doubt that something so similar may have happened a couple of weeks later without that same sort of notice being applied.

@Giant: Did you use stuff you found on the forums as inspiration?

No but my latest 2.0 version took a lot of inspiration from the epic level feats from the Neverwinter Nights 2 game. That happened within a day of it being pulled, so that might be the issue. I'm not even sure how I never actually considered that as a possibility until now.


If there is demand, I am happy to keep updating it and just hosting it elsewhere.
Before all of this happened I did have some plans for future updates but wasn't really planning on implementing them for a while. I was working on another homebrew that was taking a long time to complete because writing it was intensely boring. I have now abandoned that second homebrew, so I could get back to work on the Epic Level Handbook.

I would be interested. I'm currently making a bunch of epic threats and allies http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?468639-5e-EPIC-MONSTER-UPDATES with plans to do epic level (immortal really) characters too: http://http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?469018-5e-Epic-Character-Updates

Your system was different than my approach to characters, but I found it interesting and I thought about referencing it in my work for additional advancement options or at least inspiration.

On a side note, you commented that when you updated the product it sent out emails to everyone who downloaded it. I don't know if I did something wrong, or I purchased it after your last update (I bought it just over a week ago), but I have never received and email about an update. I wonder if it has to do with how I set up my account? I noticed when I left a review it said my name was withheld and I didn't intend it to be either. Probably some issue on my end.


First Post
On a side note, you commented that when you updated the product it sent out emails to everyone who downloaded it. I don't know if I did something wrong, or I purchased it after your last update (I bought it just over a week ago), but I have never received and email about an update. I wonder if it has to do with how I set up my account? I noticed when I left a review it said my name was withheld and I didn't intend it to be either. Probably some issue on my end.
My most recent update was a couple of days ago, so you should have got the updates.
Although I'm not sure the fact that you didn't was a result of something you did - I think the site was getting a little wonky. The first few times I updated it it had a box that had some generic message in it that was to be sent to everyone regarding the update. I could edit the message and write actual specifics about what the update included.
The last few times I updated it, that box was either mysteriously missing or deformed and tiny with no generic message within it. I thought the generic message was still probably being sent even if it looked weird on my end, but now I am thinking that it just wasn't sending out any notice at all.


Well I sent them another e-mail that was just blatantly asking if I misunderstood the entire situation, so if I get a response I will let you know.
I am kind of inclined to think that there is more to it too as originally my cover had DnD and Wizards logos on it - rather than pulling the product they sent me a message and specifically cited those as issues that needed to be fixed. So I fixed them and everything was fine.
So I doubt that something so similar may have happened a couple of weeks later without that same sort of notice being applied.

No but my latest 2.0 version took a lot of inspiration from the epic level feats from the Neverwinter Nights 2 game. That happened within a day of it being pulled, so that might be the issue. I'm not even sure how I never actually considered that as a possibility until now.

Even in the DMsG you can't use WotC or D&D logo's AFAIK, those are trademarked and have to be vigorously defended.

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