Dwarven Hall Maps (contd...)


A while ago I started a thread where I posted the beginnings of a few maps that could be used to represent an abandoned dwarf hall (or something similar). At the time I was basically asking my players what direction they were going to head next (at the end of each session), and then concentrating my time between games on the detailed maps for that area (and the area around it) - referring to a rough sketch map I had made of the overall layout.

Anyway, dragonlordofpoondari recently expressed an interest in some Moria style maps over in this thread:

...but rather than derail his thread any further, I thought I would post all the maps that I did (covering the route the PC's took, and the areas they might have ventured into) in a thread of their own.

So I'll start with those I already posted over in dragonlordofpoondari's original thread:

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And here's the rest.

If anyone's interested I could try and put a pdf together with them all included - and put colour coded arrows on the passages to show how they connected together.

Anyway, if you can get some use out of them in your own personal games ...then cool :)
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Kris said:
If anyone's interested I could try and put a pdf together with them all included - and put colour coded arrows on the passages to show how they connected together.

Anyway, if you can get some use out of them in your own personal games ...then cool :)

Thanks again, Kris! I will most certainly make use of these. If you have the time, it would be great to have the arrow guide. No rush, my friend! Take your time. :)


No problem :)

(oh... you might have to try the last one again, I posted the same link twice :\ but I have corrected it now :) ).


If anyone's interested I could try and put a pdf together with them all included - and put colour coded arrows on the passages to show how they connected together.
I've just put it together as a quick jpeg image for the time being ...but it should give you a rough idea.

Sometimes the shading will not match up (as in some cases I've butted two areas together that are actually on different levels - but it should be obvious that they are different levels as they are connected by stairs).


I hope that helps.


I second the request to know what you used to create the maps. :)

I'm looking to buy my first mapping software, and your maps have the "look" that I'm searching for.

Mean DM

These maps are fantastic, Kris. Just looking at what you have here makes me want to run a dwarven dungeon crawl. Absolutely great stuff!



Thanks for the kind words.

They are mostly drawn with photoshop.

I know that there are some dedicated map making tools and software packages out there ...but I kinda prefer drawing my own from scratch (even if it does take me way too long to get anything finished :heh: ).

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