Dwimmermount IC:

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Muntburg Gatehouse

This dwarf nods grimly at that... "You figure the Fists found something and THAT'S why they went back home so quick?" he ponders in a half-drunken sort of way, refiling the corporal's mug. "Or are they getting a thing ta blast those skeleton's good maybe?"

That's what THEY'D do, him and Gargrim. He grins: well, Gargrim mostly, unless the smell of clinking GOLD was in the air.

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Jimmy Disco T

First Post
Jimi nods in agreement. "The Alchemist's Door... yes, as good a place as any to begin. I will discuss this idea with my fellows and mayhaps we could meet here again tomorrow morning before setting off?"

He clinks his tankard with Climent one final time before the mage leaves, before leisurely finishing the remainder of his meal. He wonders what information those Dwarves and Klyman have wrangled out of the guardsmen, and what they would think of his proposed addition to their party... but there would be time enough to discuss that when they return.


Danthan shrugs "Did they find somethin? Haven't the foggiest... It be strikin' me that they was more goin' back to Adamas wit their tails tween their legs rather than lookin' for a parade so I suspect it's more than likely the second case. Any-which-way's I should be getting goin'. I gotta do a round o' the walls before callin it a night so you be having to excuse me. Best o' luck with Dimmermount though. You seem like good folks, I'd be hatin to see you get kilt by somethin'.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Danthan shrugs "Did they find somethin? Haven't the foggiest... It be strikin' me that they was more goin' back to Adamas wit their tails tween their legs rather than lookin' for a parade so I suspect it's more than likely the second case."
"Well, here's hoping they gotta few golds out of it a' least," wishes Midgrim with a pull on his ale.

If nothing else he's a generous soul when drunk -- especially with other people's coins.

"Any-which-way's I should be getting goin'. I gotta do a round o' the walls before callin it a night so you be having to excuse me. Best o' luck with Dimmermount though. You seem like good folks, I'd be hatin to see you get kilt by somethin'.
"Keep yer eyes closed," jokes back the big-boned dwarf, "that's what *I* do. And I haven't gotten kilt yet!"

Uh, maybe he HAS been drinking a bit though?

He shakes that thought away: "But yar right, and I was panning- planning ta visit my fellow dwarves tonight too. Gemcutters and that fellow that guards for tha moneylender... What did ya say the name of the dwarf with the Fists was?"

OOC: If he knows and tells him, does Midgrim know anything about him?

Piston Honda

First Post
Gargrim listened carefully, Common just sounded so funny sometimes, and he had to pick out what was names and what was what. But he understood people trying to get in, and didn’t like it. Why, not before him and Midgrim, they are Goldhammers, Dwimmermount is their calling. He hoped so anyway. A sense of danger wasn’t lost in confidence at least.

As Danthan began to depart he stood next to Midgrim and spoke quietly in Dwarven. “Why was he talkin’ about them skeletons forearms like they was somethin’ special? Gossigan Goldhammer smashed plenty of skeletons in his day and their forearms didn’t make a lick of difference in the songs.”

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"They dinna have FOUR of them though, brother," chuckles Midgrim, drunkenly amused at the mix-up, before getting a bit more serious: "Our way'll prob not go through those rooms anyways." And if it does, well their party'll get through them anyhow: by axe, hook OR crook!

(Alcohol-fuelled confidence is a wonderful thing, isn't it?)


As he gets up to leave Corporal Danthan pauses for a moment "What was his name... Yarin... Yurain, somethin' like that. He had the look of a sellsword about him."

You don't recall hearing that name before. There are quite a few dwarves who take up the mantel of mercenaries though. It can be good pay, and dwarves are always popular hires because they tend to be highly professional and loyal as long as their employer upholds his end of the bargain.

As you leave into the darkness you make your way over to the gemcutters home. Banging on the door you are greeted with silence for a moment. Then the tread of booted feet, and the scraping sound of a chair or stool being moved, before a small barred window opens at Klyman's eye level. "We be closed! what do ya want?"

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
As he gets up to leave Corporal Danthan pauses for a moment "What was his name... Yarin... Yurain, somethin' like that. He had the look of a sellsword about him."
"Never met him," confirms Midgrim, "but yee have a good watch, Corporal, and thanks for the comp'ny! Let's do this again when we get back!"

A pause, and then: "To the gemcutter's!"

Banging on the door you are greeted with silence for a moment. Then the tread of booted feet, and the scraping sound of a chair or stool being moved, before a small barred window opens at Klyman's eye level. "We be closed! what do ya want?"
"We be-" grandly begins Midgrim before closing his bearded mouth with a snap, and then drukenly looking at the other two, scratching his braided head: "We need ta come up with a name for our party, don't we... How'bout the Iron Defenders?"

OOC: I was thinking of having him call it quits for the night, but this is good too. :)

Jimmy Disco T

First Post
Having ordered his third tankard of some unusually strong ale, Jimi is in high spirits. Buoyed by the addition of a potent magic-user to his group, and with a gift and blessings from a high ranking servant of Tyche, he feels certain they will meet with success.

Now, what to call themselves... Jimi thinks back to the stories he used to hear from the temple elders of brave adventuring bands for inspiration.

The Dwimmermount Delvers? Too twee. Tyche's Favoured? Hmm... not sure if the Dwarves would go for that. The Lightbringers? Getting better...

What about 'The Company of Fortune'? Yes... it had a certain ring to it. A subtle nod to his deity's sphere of influence, and a greater nod to the acquisition of gold and glory. They are going to love this one...

[OOC: Or 'Iron Defenders' is good too. I'm not going to argue with two heavily armed and possibly intoxicated Dwarves :D]


Klyman Sylar

"Yes, yes, yes, Iron Defenders sounds just grand, but let's not discuss it in depth right now, when we've just awakened the noble gemcutter! Tell the good man our business!"

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