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Dwimmermount IC:

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Vindar's blank eyes drink in the scene. He doesn't know it yet, but he's learning some of the most important lessons of his new life.

The fat dwarf went in there expecting the monsters to be reasonable, to be sane, to value their own interests and to respond to his market-tricks (like two merchants arguing over a case of wine in Adamas!). But monsters are none of those things: they're mad, insane, no more in control of their emotions than lowly beasts. Evil.

And life... His unfocused eyes drift down to his leg. Life is horrible. Gods who suffer the world to be like this are not worthy of worship... There HAS to be a better way.

Vindar looks up and locks gaze with the nearest spear, dropped in the scuffle with Sigur's Orcs.

OOC: Vindar will drag himself over and start crafting himself a 'peg-leg' with three sections of spears (cut with Rethar's axe), lashed together and to his leg with orcish bow strings. He'll use another spear as a crutch as he attempts to stand.

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As Vindar struggles to his feet he feels a hand grasp his arm to help him pull himself upright. Glancing over he sees Climent looking just as shell shocked beside him.

"We have to get out of here" he points towards the intersection to the west, away from the direction Sigur went. "This seems like an entrance hall, and we know that the exit is that way. It's not following Pieter's map, but it is in the opposite direction of those damn orcs."

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
The crippled man works his jaw in response but no sounds come out -- like a dying fish on some blasted shore.

That's... not right.

In his distress, his eyes somehow instinctively drift to Gargrim's stocky form, the last surviving member of the original party, begging for guidance, for reassurance... What do we DO?

Deuce Traveler

OOC: Does Gargrim have a chance to catch up to the fleeing orcs? If so, he makes the attempt. Otherwise, he's turning back in an attempt to get the survivors out of here as fast as possible.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Vindar's mouth is open again.

There is tremendous effort, throat contracting.

And then noise squeezes out, FINALLY! "Whaaaay..." Triumph! He tries again: "Where d-d, d-d...?" Immediately covered over in confusion. What's wrong with him? Why can't he-?

"Where d-d-Do. We gggGO?"

The near-naked man is breathing hard now, and every word is a spiny, horrible thing that catches in his throat. But it can wait until AFTER they've survived!

Fearful eyes dart about, uncertain. Back the way they came? Down the right corridor? (Running, running FROM there, horror at their heels!) Down the left path? (Dark, unknown? Terrifying! Who knows what lies there?)

OOC: is it just me or is the dwarven prisoner bleeding all over the place right now? (That was a major artery right there). Or is Pieter taking care of it?


Vindar feels a tug on his arm as Climent half carries, half drags him along down the wide corridor to the north. Pieter is following, dragging Klyman's body along, while the injured dwarf and Gargrim do the same with Midgrim's rotund form.

"This way. Pieter's map leads us all over the place from here, but I think the closest route to the red doors must be this way."

As you pass a pedestal in the center of the intersection you see that it is a 12 foot tall marble statue of a man in armour welding a shield and a long old Thulian style sword. The body is obviously that of Mavor's the Thulian god of warfare, but the head looks like it has been replaced by the bearded visage of Turms Termax.

Reaching the doors a the end of the corridor they have been barred from the side that you were on. Climent strains against the heavy oak bar for a moment before wiggling it free and pulling the door open leading you to a room with more, smaller statues. These seem to represent different Thulian gods, Caint, Dorn, Tenen, Typhon and Tyche, but like Mavor's in the central hallway each has had their head replaced with Termax.

It would appear that Climent was right however, a set of stairs lead up to the red doors, and within a moment you find yourself standing outside, as the last rays of sunlight bathe the mountains in twilight looking down the great stairs that will eventually take you to Muntburg.

As soon as the clear mountain air hits your nostrels Climent almost collapses from the weight of helping to carry Vindar. Turning to him he claps him on his shoulder, an almost manic grin of relief appearing across his face as he gasps for breath. "You can speak my friend." before hugging him


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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
During the escape: Vindar moans in pain each time his improvised leg hits the ground with a wooden *thack*, but he bravely soldiers on, teeth tight.

As soon as the clear mountain air hits your nostrels Climent almost collapses from the weight of helping to carry Vindar. Turning to him he claps him on his shoulder, an almost manic grin of relief appearing across his face as he gasps for breath. "You can speak my friend." before hugging him
OOC: I'm going to assume you mean "Pieter" here, since Vindar and Climent don't know each other from before that I know of?

Vindar looks confused, but let's himself be hugged. Everything is chaos in his head right now.

Beyond the priest's shoulder, he looks up (and up) at the Red Doors behind them...

OCC: What do these look like, Imperialus? What are they made of and how do they close/lock? (Should we want to get back inside from here on our next trip.)
OOC: Did Gargrim leave the three sleeping orcs to their sleep, Deuce?


Before heading back down the mountain towards Muntburg you take a moment to examine the doors. They are constructed of Areonite, an Eldrich metal, sometimes called Red Brass. They are completely unadorned, with no decorative motif's or symbols on them. You know that they were originally placed by the Eld, and remain one of the few pieces of Eldrich architecture on the level, most everything else having been replaced by the Thulians. There is no locking mechanism, but the door can be barred from the inside. Very likely it originally had an Areonite bar, but this is missing, and the rotting reminants of an iron bound oak bar can be seen just inside the entrance.

Returning to Muntburg you approach the gate. It is well past dark, but Corporal Danthan is on duty, and when he recognizes you he raises the portculus and meets you on the other side of the wall.

"Sirs! What happened upon the mountain? Have the barriers around Dwimmermount truly fallen? Where is Master Midgrim?

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
That's... one of the two he watched die in fire, right?

The trip down has been hard on Vindar. He'd thought the impacts from the peg on stone floor was painful. Ah! Stumbling, sometimes tripping on devilishly irregular footing, THAT's painful! His left arm desperately clutches Pieter's shoulder for support: he's not sure he's even able to let go at this point, clammy with pain-sweat, his breathing extra labored.

"H-He.. Healer," he called out in the following, prolonged silence, even the other dwarves remaining oddly (stubbornly?) mute, closed up...

Is it a grieving thing for them?

OOC: He'll actually request the Tyche priestess if asked, not feeling up to facing Typhon clergy right now.
OOC: So what did we recuperate from Klyman and Midgrim's gear, Imperialus? I'm guessing the silver box is back at the library or in the corridor. What else...? Or are we still dragging their bodies?

Voidrunner's Codex

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