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[E&E] Goblin's Lair #1 - Red Hand Trail

Jack Daniel

Mayor Kemp interrupts to answer Fenn's question.

"We don't have anywhere near enough troops in the town militia to flush bandits, or goblins, or whatever out of the hills. The whole area is less than two leagues across, but the land is rugged, and passage is slow. Those hills have always been wild; I think nobody has ever explored them fully.

"The fact remains, isolated farmsteads throughout the area have been subjected to these foul, murderous raids, and we don't know what purpose -- if any -- lies behind their perpetrators. As Bedan says, there have been no survivors from the raids; not even bodies to recover and give due burial. But we have sent scouts out into the fields around the town, and they've reported strange tracks leading east, right into the area where the Drache River flows through the Burning Hills. They estimate some twenty individuals in a raiding band, though nothing more can be learned except by following the trail.

"That's where you come in, brave and kind adventurers. Our militia-men aren't trained for this sort of mission. If it really is goblins in the hills, they'll have a cave of some sort, where they can hide from the sun. That means fighting in close quarters, underground, and possibly even traps to deal with. Thus, we have need of your skills. These raids cannot go unpunished! The people of this region must be protected!

"Ah, but if I were twenty years younger, I would go with you myself... as it stands, I can only equip your venture and send my best wishes along with you. But Mr. Bedan will be able to guide you to the hills. And... well, there you have it."
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Queen of Everything
Morgana raises an eyebrow at Thalion. "You brought me out here to go mucking around in a cave full of goblins?" She shakes her head.

"I suppose it would be kind of us to help you sir. You said you could help equip us? I know I didn't come prepared for goblin hunting."

Frozen Messiah

First Post
"I don't think that we should be worrying about the terrain, i think we should be worrying about home turf advantage." Biggums says to Thalion with a nod then continues "I'm not fond of cramped quarters, but where's the fun in something that is easy, I'm in and as an added bonus I won't request pay in advance. Well I think the groups in agreement on this so we might as well be off, if things go smoothly we may e able to be back before supper, and i like my supper" Biggums finishes with a devilish smile and a wink to the Mayor.

Jack Daniel

The burgomaster "harrumphs" and mutters, "Yes, well and good... here we are..." He leaves his desk and ambles over to a side-door, throwing it open. Beyond is a trophy-room of sorts, really more of an armory collection: a fine suit of articulated jousting-plate stands between two painted dummies, each one sporting a long hauberk of chainmail with a matching head-coif. Above a fireplace on the far wall, two hunting rifles are mounted between two ivory powder-horns. Along the other walls hang swords, spears, pikes, halberds, and shields. And filling the room itself, on racks and stands and short pillars, there are axes, picks, flanged maces and flails, all manner of ancient weapons. The room is a veritable museum of medieval violence and death.

"I could, um, lend you the armor and a weapon or two," says Kemp, "although we've no blacksmith in Kleine, so adjusting the suit-armor to fit one of you might be difficult." He gazes wistfully at the suit of plate armor for a few moments, and then he turns back to the lot of you. "And whatever else you need, I'll see that you get it. Whatever supplies, equipment, provisions you might ask for. Except for animals, that is. I'm afraid that horses and beasts of burden are in rather short supply at the moment."

He gazes over the lot of you, fixing his eyes on each member of the party in turn. He seems to be reading you, judging some quality of your character with the practiced ease of an old politician. "You may, of course, keep whatever you recover in the hills. And, when you return successfully -- as you must, for we're all counting on you -- you'll also be suitably rewarded for your efforts. From the town coffers, of course."

Frozen Messiah

First Post
"Bloody Hell, mate. You got enough stuff here that it would probably would be hard for you to noticeif something went missing...but your giving it to us so there is no need for that." Biggums says with a devilish smile as he checks a rifle that he grabbed after sliding into the room moments after it was opened. He listens half-heartedly as he checks other weapons. he only perks up after he hears the word 'rewarded'. "Now that my friends is what I like to hear." Biggums says as he slings the hunting rifle over his shoulder and gives it a little pat almost affectionately "I think I might take this for a spin with some goblins for target practice and don't worry about this gun it will be coming back to you. The Niper family don't like to use anybody elses guns other than their own, unless a better gun presents itself then we may borrow it for a while."


Queen of Everything
Morgana looked down her nose but tried not to be snooty about it. "I have my own weapons so that won't be necessary for me, thank you. I suppose we'll need food for the trip. What will we sleep in, tents?" Her brows furrowed together as she pondered that thought. "Do they make portable beds or some sort? Do you have one around here?"

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