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Eadric et. al. (The Paladin and his Friends).


What's the game effect of the Web of Motes? Is it written up, or just a plot device? I notice it ended up in the hands of another NPC, so either is possible. Also, are there spells connected with Jovol's Dreaming other than the obvious 5th level message-sending one?

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Note that this information has been collected from many scattered notes: I haven't yet checked it for typos, consistency etc. By request, two of the four templates that I use have been included. The third (Paragon) is in an already published source. I will add the fourth (Perfect) later. And, yes, 'angelology' really is a word.


The organization of the Celestial Host in the Wyre campaign has changed over time – notably, with the release of various supplements, which have demanded an ongoing modification and retroengineering of game statistics.

The need to rationalize the various orders with regard to a) each other; b) fiends and arch-fiends as presented in the various supplements; and c) the classical typology of angels, has necessitated a number of changes.

There have been several driving concerns in detailing the celestials:

* The most powerful celestials should be greater than the most powerful fiends, excepting the Adversary himself.
* Zoomorphism was to be avoided in celestials. Although there is angelological precedence for it, it is not consistent with Oronthonianism.
* The idea of uniformity within celestial orders should be much more apparent than with fiends. This is not to say that no variation exists, because celestials need to fulfill a number of different roles. But as servants of a single deity, who have no ego concerns, no desire to establish their own goals – in fact no purpose other than to act out their god’s will – celestials should on on some level have a ‘vanilla’ quality. There are shining exceptions, of course – notably those who are particualrly favoured – ‘exemplar’ and ‘exalted’ celestials.

Another issue was that of class levels. I have a general uneasiness about assigning them to outsiders, but one which is particularly marked with celestials. This is a largely philosophical objection – celestials are ‘Created,’ and are embodiments of Oronthon’s power. They are dependant wholly upon him. They do not grow in power, and there is a kind of ‘static’ or ‘unchanging’ quality about them – note that detractors would use words such as ‘stagnant’ or ‘atrophied.’ Class levels imply the idea of ‘becoming’ and celestials are more about ‘being.’

A solar with 30HD has not ‘grown’ from a solar with 22 HD – it was simply created that way, more powerful than its peers. It’s designed to demonstrate both the idea that individuation really isn’t what celestials are all about, and one of the principal dualities in the game mythos – that demons and devils, by rejecting Oronthon’s law have embraced individualism, whereas celestials, by submitting willingly to it, have overcome the desire for change. Of course, fiends have paid a heavy price for their rebellion. Devils have ultimately been denied what they originally sought – they are locked into a regime far more rigid and oppressive than the one they originally sought release from. And demons, although totally liberated, have lost all desire for everything except gratification – preferably of the immediate type – through pain, lust, anger and violence.

Perhaps these failures are indicative of the fact that it is not within the Original Nature of a celestial to exert individual will, to choose a course of action – to do anything, in fact, which is contrary to the Will of Oronthon. If they try, they are as doomed to failure as a human who jumps from a cliff and hopes to fly. Of course, others would characterize the Bright God as a vengeful, vindictive despot, who hates to see his creations assume responsibility for themselves. Either, both, or neither may be true, depending on the observer.

Powerful Celestials: Enitharmon as a Baseline

Enitharmon is regarded as the greatest of all celestials. As Marshal of the celestial host, he is unique – a member of the highest choir, who is also highly proactive in cosmic events. Perhaps there are other celestials who are more powerful than him, but if there are, their names are not known, and they remain always in the presence of Oronthon. For our purposes, even if they exist, they are irrelevant.

Enitharmon is greater than any fiend, save the Adversary only: this can be inferred from the fact that although he triumphed over many of the proto-fiends during the rebellion, it was only after he was both perfected and nine times magnified that he could expel their chief from Heaven.

My original intention with Enitharmon was to place him at 66HD – the maximum possible technical advancement for a Solar. I decided against it for four reasons:

1) The idea of a possible 16 HD range above Enitharmon, where perhaps other solars, unknown to all, exist – I liked the ambiguity it afforded.
2) 50 HD places him well above my final versions of the archfiends, and he squarely outclasses them when the ‘exalted’ template is applied to him.
3) Aesthetics. 50HD is a nice, round number. And an exalted solar with 66HD just has too many hitpoints.
4) Once a 50HD exalted solar has had the ‘perfected’ template applied to it, and nine divine ranks, I was satisfied that it could put the smack down on anything short of a greater deity.

No Zoomorphism, and the Need for Uniformity

Animal-headed celestials were a big no-no in the Wyre campaign for flavour reasons. Solars, planetars, ghaele, trumpet archons, and devas (monadic, movanic and astral) are all humanoid in visage, although their beauty is far greater than any mortal.

Avorals, on the other hand are a little too avian as detailed in the Monster Manual. For the purposes of the Wyre campaign, although their game stats are largely unchanged, their appearance is decidedly more human: their talons are gone, and they possess arms as well as wings. Natural attacks are replaced by a +1 greatsword (Attack: +10/+5). Other abilities remain unchanged, except where noted for celestials in general.

Most among the faithful – lacking detailed knowledge of such matters – will not be able to distinguish between the various kinds of celestials based on appearance alone. Obviously, members of the church hierarchy are more educated in the function and disposition of the celestial orders, as are many wizards, artists and iconographers. But as far as the majority of the population is concerned, a celestial is a celestial is a celestial. Their manifestation is always significant, and indicates – to them – that Oronthon has taken a personal interest in matters.

Celestial Qualities

All celestials possess the following attributes in common. These are somewhat modified from the official qualities as detailed in the Monster Manual.

Universal Qualities:

* Tongues (Su): All celestials can speak with any creature which possesses a language, as though using a tongues spell cast by a 14th level sorcerer. This ability is always active.
* Immunities (Ex): All celestials are immune to electricity, poison and petrification attacks. They are immune to all diseases, except those of supernatural origin. They do not breathe, and hence are not subject to suffocation or drowning. Celestials require no sustenance or sleep, and are immune to sleep effects. They are immortal.
* Keen Vision (Ex): All celestials have low-light vision and 60-foot darkvision.
* Plane Shift (Sp): All celestials may use this ability at will to move between Oronthon’s Heaven, the Material Plane, the Elemental and Energy Planes, the Astral and Ethereal Planes, and the Region of Dreams. Treat it as the spell as cast by a sorcerer of a level equal to the celestial’s hit dice where appropriate, except that the creature can only plane shift itself and up to 50 pounds of objects.
* Teleport without Error (Sp): All celestials may use this ability at will: treat it as the spell as cast by a sorcerer of a level equal to the celestial’s hit dice where appropriate, except that the creature can only transport itself and up to 50 pounds of objects.

Specific Qualities:

These remain unchanged. Trumpet archons retain their aura of menace and magic circle against evil; and ghaeles, devas, planetars and solars their protective aura abilities. Devas, planetars and solars are immune to cold and acid and have fire resistance 20; avorals and ghaeles have cold and acid resistance 20.

Parallels with the Nine Choirs in Classical Angelology

At times, during the campaign, references have been made to the classical typology of angels as it appears in Christian literature. This is partly out of the familiarity that the parallel affords, and partly because the names of the nine choirs are so evocative. To speak of a seraph holds more gravitas than ‘powerful solar’ or even ‘exemplar solar.’

Whether other orders, with more obscure names exist besides the nine is one of those areas as yet unexplored in Oronthonian belief. Previously heretical groups certainly maintain that the Orthodox classification is either incomplete or entirely flawed: they include Aeons, Flames, Innocents, Sovereignties and many more – the list is long.

The list presented below describes the function of celestials in general terms only. There is, in fact, considerable variation and in their appointed tasks – particularly amongst the lower orders of celestials. It should be seen as an overview, and nothing more.

1) Great Solars (Seraphim): The highest of the choirs, they surround the throne of Oronthon, closest to his presence. In game terms, they are represented by powerful advanced solars (35+HD) who are exemplars or exalted far above the rest of the celestial host. Their numbers vary according to different sources, but are probably not more than a thousand. The Irrenites, preoccupied with numerolgical significances, place the original number of seraphs at 343 – i.e. 7 x 7 x 7. If this is true, and 169 of them fell from grace, that would leave a total of one hundred and seventy-four seraphs. It would also indicate that almost half of the highest choir followed the Adversary’s call to rebel. As has been noted, aside from Enitharmon, seraphs seldom concern themselves with earthly affairs.

2) Lesser Solars (Cherubim): The second choir is composed of solars of less dignity and power (22-35HD), but more active in the world and the conflict between heaven and hell. Although great warriors, the second choir is also concerned with the transmission and preservation of knowledge, and the wrathful aspect encountered by mortals is only one facet of their existence. Because of both their relentless pursuit of evil and desire to preserve truth, of all the choirs they are the most feared by the fiends. They probably number in the tens of thousands. When the ninth host descended at Khu, they were led by several hundred cherubim.

3) Planetars (Thrones (Erelim, Merkabah)): The third choir consists primarily of planetars, whose role is justice, inspiring confidence in Oronthon and his power, and the judgement of souls petitioning for entry into Heaven. They are eager warriors, but their humility is such that they are often used in a context which allows Oronthon’s will to shine directly through them – Urthoon, who mediates between mortals and Oronthon, and Rintrah, who brings revelation are two examples.

4) Ghaele (Dominions (Kuriotetes, Hashmallim)): The fourth choir are represented by the ghaele eladrin. They are dispatched by Oronthon on urgent missions, often outside of the affairs of mortals, and typically work alone or in small groups. When they intervene in earthly affairs, it tends to be from behind the scenes – the virtuous are sometimes protected by ghaele whose existence they never suspect. They act as messengers to the lower orders of celestials, communicating the divine will to devas and avorals.

5) Trumpet Archons (Virtues (Malakim, Tarshishim)): The fifth choir, highly active as protectors of heroes and champions of good, present in the world as miracle-workers and bringers of grace. They act as heralds within the celestial host, proclaiming the arrival of Heaven’s generals and warriors, or signalling the impending judgement of Oronthon or his agents.

6) Astral Devas (Powers (Potentates)): The sixth choir, and Heaven’s most famous and uncompromising warriors. Guides to lost souls, indomitable foes of evil, and the celestials most frequently dispatched in a martial capacity, astral devas are deployed primarily upon the astral plane, where the war against the fiends is most fiercely fought.

7) Monadic Devas (Principalities): The seventh choir is detailed with the guarding and management of places within the Heavenly, Material, Ethereal or Elemental Planes. They bar access, or permit it. They guard sanctuaries, holy places, and sites of pilgrimage.

8) Movanic Devas (Archangels): The eighth choir, and commonly in command of groups of avorals, movanic devas are appointed as guardians of all good people who strive to remain virtuous. They provide inspiration, and exercise a particular protective love for innocents who would otherwise be corrupted and despoiled. Of all of the celestials appearing in Oronthonian iconography, movanic devas are the most commonly represented, bearing their characteristic flaming swords.

9) Avorals (Angels (Malakh)): The ninth and lowest choir, closest to humanity in terms of their power, but distinct from it in terms of their purity and goodness. Avorals work more closely with humans than any other choir, acting as teachers, mentors, dispensers of lore, and moral chaperones. Their presence is seldom felt in anything beyond gentle promptings, as they prefer to remain Ethereal or communicate in Dream, working to foster human growth in subtle and non-coercive ways.

Second half of this post: it was too long, otherwise.

Some of the flavour text is missing, but you get the idea...

Celestial Dignities

The Celestial Host is diverse, and many specialized niches exist within it. Within the nine classical orders which form the backbone of the Host, certain individuals stand above their peers in terms of power and prestige. According to Orthodoxy, there are five ‘dignities’ which can be accorded to celestials which elevates them above the rank and file. Two are permanent (exemplar and exalted), and two are granted by Oronthon on a temporary basis (paragon and perfect).

Either possessing such native strength as was granted them at their creation or, much more rarely, raised by merit, exemplars and exalted celestials shine more brightly than the others around them. A celestial may be either an exemplar or exalted, but not both – the templates are not designed to ‘stack’ with one another: in the case of ‘promotion,’ the exalted template replaces the existing exemplar template.

Likewise, the ‘paragon’ temporary template is not designed to stack with any other. It represents a different degree of amplification. Bestowal of this temporary dignity upon any celestial is considered a great gift and honour, and is usually reserved for members of the host who are suddenly confronted with difficult and important situations that they would otherwise be incapable of dealing with: when they are operating ‘in the field,’ so to speak.

It should be noted, however, that any permanent template is specifically designed to stack with the perfect template: hence it is possible to have a perfect exemplar or a perfect exalted celestial. In fact, only celestials who are already exemplars or exalted may be perfected. Perfection is the highest dignity generally granted to celestials.

The fifth dignity, magnified, is designed to stack with any and all other templates. In game terms, it is represented by the bestowal of one or more divine ranks. As such, it is incredibly rare, and reserved for Oronthon’s proxies.


"Exemplar" is a template that may be added to any celestial.

Of the two permanent dignities afforded to celestials, the exemplar is the lesser in power, but still sufficiently rare and wonderful to warrant enormous respect and prestige amongst both mortal petitioners and other celestials alike.

Exemplars are held up to be models of behaviour to members of their own orders within the celestial host. They represent the ideal towards which others strive. Many exemplars will be of advanced hit dice, making them even more formidable allies or foes.

Within the lower orders of celestials (avorals, and movanic and monadic devas), exemplars tend to be rare captains within the host, trusted messengers, standard-bearers, or advisors to higher-ranking celestials.

Among the middle ranking orders (astral devas, ghaele eladrin and trumpet archons) exemplars are assigned great responsibility: they deal regularly with powerful fiends (either in conflict or diplomacy), undertake difficult or onerous tasks, and act as guardians and protectors of those of particular holiness or note – mortal or celestial. Exemplar astral devas are often charged with meting out Oronthon’s justice and retribution; exemplar trumpet archons act as heralds to Heaven’s greatest generals; and exemplar ghaele as aides or nuncios to Seraphs of high degree.

Amongst the planetars, exemplars fulfill a number of specialized roles – interpreting and administering Oronthon’s law, acting as channels between the deity and other celestials or mortal worshippers, and overseeing and implementing Heaven’s grand design. They may command large bodies of lesser celestials in this capacity, or may act singly, and answer to Oronthon only (as in the case of Urthoon).

Exemplar solars are found only within the highest choir and, excepting special circumstances, are always within the presence of the Shining God, where they have been since the Fall. According to some, they await the End of Days, when they will lead the descent into the Hells and lay waste to them.

Hit Dice: Unchanged
Speed: An exemplar celestial’s speed increases by 20 ft. for all categories.
AC: Exemplars gain an insight modifier to their armour class equal to their wisdom bonus.
Attacks: An exemplar makes all attacks with an insight modifier equal to its wisdom bonus.
Spell-like Abilities: The caster level of the spell-like abilities of an exemplar celestial is equal to its HD or its previous caster level, whichever is higher.
Spells: All exemplars spontaneously cast spells as a Cleric with a level equal to half of their HD, or equal to the spellcasting level of the base celestial, whichever is higher. They have access to spells from any four domains appropriate to their role and function. Exemplars forego the need to use divine foci in their spellcasting, and need not use material components if the value is less than 1000gp. They are considered to have an XP cushion of 5,000 XP/week when casting spells which have an experience point component.

Special Attacks: If the celestial possesses any extraordinary or supernatural attacks that otherwise permit a saving throw, the save DC against those attacks increases by +5.
Special Qualities: An exemplar retains all of the special qualities of the base celestial, and also gains the following:

* Immunity to fire attacks, and sonic resistance 20. The celestial also gains immunity to cold and acid attacks, if it did not already possess this quality.
* Increased damage reduction of 5/+1 – for example, the damage reduction of an astral deva increases from 10/+1 to 15/+2.
* Spell resistance equal to its CR +12. If the celestial already possesses spell resistance, use whichever score is better.
* Fast healing equal to its Constitution modifier. If the celestial already possesses fast healing, use whichever is better.

Abilities: All ability scores of an exemplar are five points higher than that of the base celestial.
Feats: Same as the base celestial, plus two bonus feats.
Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground
Organization: Same as the base celestial.
Challenge Rating: Up to 10 HD, same as base celestial +7; 11+ HD, as base celestial +5.
Treasure: No coins; double goods; standard items.
Alignment: Same as base celestial.
Advancement: Same as base celestial.

Weaponry: If the base celestial employs weapons, exemplars will typically carry weapons with total enhancement bonuses 3 points higher than the base celestial.

Sample Exemplar Celestial

This example uses an astral deva advanced to 18HD as the base celestial.

Ruma, Exemplar Astral Deva
Medium-Sized Outsider (Good, Lawful)

Hit Dice: 18d8 + 108 (189 hp)
Initiative: +10 (+6 Dex, +4 Improved)
Speed: 70 ft., fly 120 ft.
AC: 37 (+6 Dex, +6 Insight, +15 Natural; touch 22, flat-footed 31)
Attacks: +4 heavy fiendbane mace of disruption +37/+32/+27/+22
Damage: +4 heavy fiendbane mace of disruption 1d8+16 and stun
Face/Reach: 5ft. by 5ft./5ft.
Special Attacks: Spells, spell-like abilities, stun
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 15/+2, SR 33, celestial qualities, fire immunity, sonic resistance 20, fast healing 6, uncanny dodge
Saves: Fort +17, Ref +17, Will +17
Abilities: Str 27, Dex 23, Con 23, Int 23, Wis 23, Cha 25
Skills: Concentration +27, Escape Artist +27, Hide +27, Knowledge (arcana) +27, Knowledge (nature) +27, Knowledge (religion) +27, Knowledge (the planes) +27, Listen +33, Move Silently +27, Sense Motive +27, Spellcraft +27, Spot +33
Feats: Alertness, Cleave, Expertise, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Quicken [Spell-like Ability, Sunder, Weapon Focus (Heavy Mace)

Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground
Orgamization: Solitary; or leading squad (3-5) of astral devas
Challenge Rating: 20
Treasure: No coins; double goods; standard items
Alignment: Always Lawful Good
Advancement: -

Ruma is one of the four devas appointed to guard Tramst and act as his messengers and emissaries.

Like all astral devas, Ruma uses his mace 2-handed to gain full advantage of his strength bonus.

Stun: If Ruma strikes his opponent twice in one round with his mace, that creature must succeed at a Fortitude Save (DC20) or be stunned for 1d6 rounds.
Spell-like Abilities: At will – aid, continual flame, detect evil, discern lies, dispel evil, dispel magic, holy aura, holy smite, holy word, invisibility sphere (self only), polymorph self, remove curse, remove disease, remove fear; 7/day – see invisibility, cure light wounds; 1/day – heal, blade barrier. These abilities are as the spells cast by an 18th level sorcerer (save DC 17 + spell level).
Spells: Ruma spontaneously casts spells as a 9th level Cleric with access to the Destruction, Good, Strength and War domains. He need not use a divine focus in any spellcasting, or a material component if its value is less than 1000gp. Save DCs against Ruma’s spells are 16+ spell level.
Exemplar Celestial Qualities: Protective aura; acid, cold, electricity, fire, poison and petrification immunity; sonic resistance 20, tongues. Ruma can plane shift and teleport without error at will as an 18th level sorcerer. He has low-light vision and 60-foot darkvision. He is not subject to death from suffocation or drowning, requires no sustenance or sleep, and is immune to sleep effects. Ruma is immune to disease except supernatural disease.
Fast Healing (Ex): Ruma regains lost hit points at the rate of 6 per round. Fast healing does not allow Ruma to reattach lost body parts.
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): Ruma is never caught flat-footed and cannot be flanked.
Skills: Ruma receives a +4 racial bonus to Spot and Listen checks.

Possessions: Ruma wields a +4 heavy fiendbane mace of disruption.


"Exalted" is a template that may be added to any Solar, Planetar, Ghaele, Trumpet Archon or Astral Deva advanced by at least 50% of its base hit dice. It does not stack with the exemplar template (q.v.), although it may combine with the perfect temporary dignity.

Exalted celestials represent the zenith of development, power, holiness and responsibility within their respective orders. They are charged with tasks of utmost importance: delivering deserving souls from perdition, acting as direct emissaries and messengers of Oronthon’s will, leading great numbers within the celestial host, or dipensing the Bright God’s ire when powerful fiends transgress too far beyond their allotted station.

Hit Dice: An exalted celestial always has maximum hit points per die.
Speed: An exalted celestial’s speed doubles for all categories.
AC: Exalted celestials gain an insight modifier to their armour class equal to their Wisdom bonus, and a deflection modifier to their AC equal to their Charisma bonus.
Attacks: An exalted celestial makes all attacks with an insight modifier equal to its wisdom bonus.
Spell-like Abilities: The caster level of the spell-like abilities of an exalted celestial is equal to its HD or its previous caster level, whichever is higher.
Spells: All exalted celestials spontaneously cast spells as a Cleric with a level equal to 10 plus half of their HD, or equal to the spellcasting level of the base celestial, whichever is higher. They have access to spells from any four domains appropriate to their function. Exalted forego the need to use divine foci in their spellcasting, and need not use material components if the value is less than 1000gp. They are considered to have an XP cushion of 15,000 XP/week when casting spells which have an experience point component.
Special Attacks:
* If the exalted celestial possesses any other extraordinary, supernatural or spell-like attacks that otherwise permit a saving throw, the save DC against those attacks increases by +10.
* Smite Evil (Su): An exalted celestial may Smite Evil as a Paladin with a level equal to the exalted’s HD. It may use this ability a number of times per day equal to its Charisma modifier.
* Exalted Empowerment: All variable numeric damage-dealing spell-like abilities of exalted celestials are considered Empowered. Furthermore, this extra damage is considered holy damage.

Special Qualities: An exalted celestial retains all of the special qualities of the base celestial, and also gains the following:

* Immunity sonic and fire attacks. The celestial also gains immunity to cold and acid attacks, if it did not already possess this quality. The celestial becomes immune to all disease, including supernatural disease.
* Increased damage reduction of 10/+2 – for example, the damage reduction of a solar increases from 35/+4 to 45/+6.
* Protective Aura (Su): If it did not already possess it, the celestial gains this ability which can be activated as a free action. It acts as a double strength magic circle against evil and a minor globe invulnerability with a 20 ft. radius, identical with the spells as cast by a sorcerer whose level equals the celestial’s Hit Dice. The aura can be dispelled, but the celestial can create it again as a free action.
* Spell resistance equal to its CR +15. If the celestial already possesses SR, use whichever is better.
* Fast healing equal to its Constitution modifier.
* Regeneration equal to its Constitution modifier. If the celestial already possesses regeneration, use whichever is better. Unholy or vile weapons of at least +4 enchantment deal normal damage to exalted celestials.
* Turn or Rebuke Undead (Su): An exalted celestial may turn undead as a cleric of a level equal to its hit dice a number of times per day equal to three plus its Charisma modifier.
* Attunement: All exalted celestials may commune at will with Oronthon as a move-equivalent action.

Abilities: All ability scores of an exalted are ten points higher than that of the base celestial.
Feats: Same as the base celestial, plus two bonus feats. Exalted celestials who qualify will also typically have one or more Epic feats.
Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground
Organization: As base celestial.
Challenge Rating: Up to 20 HD, same as base celestial +15; 21+ HD, as base celestial +12.
Treasure: No coins; double goods; standard items.
Alignment: Same as base celestial.
Advancement: Same as base celestial.

Exalted celestials will possess weapons appropriate to their station – typically in the range of +10 to +15 total enhancement bonus.

Sample Exalted Celestial

This example uses a Planetar advanced to 21HD as the base celestial.

Rintrah, Exalted Planetar
Large Outsider (Good, Lawful)

Hit Dice: 21d8+210 (378 hp)
Initiative: +13 (+9 Dex, +4 Improved)
Speed: 60 ft., fly 180 ft.
AC: 59 (-1 Size, +9 Dex, +11 Deflection, +11 Insight, +19 Natural; touch 40, flat-footed 50)
Attacks: Large +5 flaming fiendbane holy speed longsword +48/+48/+43/+38/+33
Damage: Large +5 flaming fiendbane holy speed longsword 2d6+17
Face/Reach: 5ft. by 5ft./10ft.
Special Attacks: Spells, spell-like abilities, smite evil, exalted empowerment
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 40/+5, SR 44, celestial qualities, fire immunity, sonic immunity, fast healing 10, regeneration 10
Saves: Fort +22, Ref +21, Will +23
Abilities: Str 35, Dex 29, Con 30, Int 32, Wis 33, Cha 32
Skills: Concentration +34, Diplomacy +35, Escape Artist +31, Gather Information +35, Innuendo +32, Hide +33, Knowledge (arcana) +35, Knowledge (history) +35, Knowledge (nature) +35, Knowledge (religion) +35, Knowledge (the planes) +35, Listen +35, Lucid Dreaming +33, Move Silently +33, Sense Motive +35, Spellcraft +48, Spot +33
Feats: Blind-Fight, Cleave, Expertise, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Quicken Spell-like Ability, Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Epic Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Epic Spellcasting

Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground
Orgamization: Solitary.
Challenge Rating: 29
Treasure: No coins; double goods; standard items
Alignment: Always Lawful Good
Advancement: -

Rintrah is the celestial responsible for mortal revelation, appearing to those of great holiness in dreams or visions, or physically – often in disguise, and as one who brings arduous tests or trials.

Although a formidable warrior, Rintrah has struck no blow since the Fall. Nonetheless, he has not forgotten how to fight…

Spell-like Abilities: At will – continual flame, dispel magic, holy smite, improved invisibility (self only), lesser restoration, remove curse, remove disease, remove fear, speak with dead; 3/day – blade barrier, flame strike, raise dead; 1/day – earthquake, greater restoration, shapechange, symbol (any). These abilities are as the spells cast by a 21st level sorcerer (DC 21+ spell level).
The following abilities are always active on Rintrah’s person, as the spells cast by a 21st level sorcerer: detect evil, detect snares and pits, discern lies, see invisibility, true seeing. They can be dispelled, but Rintran can reactivate them as a free action.

Spells: Rintrah spontaneously casts spells from the cleric list and from the Law, Good, Travel and Mysticism domains as a 20th level cleric (save DC 21+ spell level). He need not use a divine focus in any spellcasting, or a material component if its value is less than 1000gp, and is considered to have an XP cushion of 15,000 XP/week when casting spells which have an experience point component. Furthermore, he may cast 2 epic spells per day from the following list: peripety, ruin, dreamscape, greater spell resistance, spell worm, epic mage armour, rain of fire, soul scry.

Exalted Celestial Qualities: Protective aura; acid, cold, electricity, fire, petrification, poison and sonic immunity; tongues. Rintrah can plane shift and teleport without error at will as a 21st level sorcerer. He has low-light vision and 60-foot darkvision. He is not subject to death from suffocation or drowning, requires no sustenance or sleep, and is immune to sleep effects. Rintrah is immune to disease including supernatural disease.

Fast Healing (Ex): Rintrah regains lost hit points at the rate of 10 per round. Fast healing does not allow Rintrah to reattach lost body parts.

Regeneration (Ex): Rintrah has regeneration 10. Unholy or vile weapons of at least +4 enchantment deal normal damage to Rintrah.

Smite Evil (Su): Eleven times per day, Rintrah may smite evil as a 21st level Paladin. All extra damage is considered holy damage.

Exalted Empowerment: All variable numeric damage-dealing spell-like abilities possessed by Rintrah are considered Empowered. Furthermore, this extra damage is considered holy damage.

Turn Undead: Rintrah may turn undead as a 21st level cleric up to fourteen times per day.

Attunement: Rintrah may commune at will with Oronthon as a move-equivalent action.

Possessions: Rintrah’s weapon is a Large +5 flaming fiendbane holy speed longsword.
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First Post
Holy wow and a half.

Sep, you do have a sourcebook here. With incredible writing skills you're beyond stunning. Start adding in your game design skills, and we're left in awe.


Thanks for sharing the templates, Sep. As usual they're good stuff :D

Did you mean for the spell-like abilities to be cast as a sorceror or a cleric (like their spell abilities)? Just checking, since I wasn't sure if they would both be clerical in nature, or if you had a particular pupose in differentiating the divine vs. arcane powers such as a celestial's "inherent powers" (arcane?) vs. those added by the templates (divine) or something like that.

from Rintrah:

Spell-like Abilities: At will – continual flame, dispel magic, holy smite, improved invisibility (self only), lesser restoration, remove curse, remove disease, remove fear, speak with dead; 3/day – blade barrier, flame strike, raise dead; 1/day – earthquake, greater restoration, shapechange, symbol (any). These abilities are as the spells cast by a 21st level sorcerer (DC 21+ spell level).

The following abilities are always active on Rintrah’s person, as the spells cast by a 21st level sorcerer:
detect evil, detect snares and pits, discern lies, see invisibility, true seeing. They can be dispelled, but Rintran can reactivate them as a free action.

Thanks for the clarification!

Excellent, Sepulchrave! Purely excellent :)

Any chance to see Shomei's stats any time soon? The Infernalist is one of my favorite characters in the story, she seems very interesting-especially that rod of hers...

Did you mean for the spell-like abilities to be cast as a sorceror or a cleric (like their spell abilities)?

Spell-like as sorcerer: I'm not sure why this convention is observed (for many creatures with spell-like abilities), but it is.


First Post
Sepulchrave II said:
Spell-like as sorcerer: I'm not sure why this convention is observed (for many creatures with spell-like abilities), but it is.

Because they know a limited number of spell-like abilities, and they don't need to prepare them. If psionics were included in core books, they would probably use psion instead of sorcerer (since psions have spell-like abilities, rather than spells).


Probably because Spell-Like abilities are native things written into the soul and thus being cast with the Charisma modifier makes sense. The as an X bit mainly only serves to say what Ability Modifier the DC is based on.

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