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Eadric et. al. (The Paladin and his Friends).


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tleilaxu said:
It's actually quite easy. I'm only on RoM part 1 right now. Every time i see a new word I just plop it down on the word doc. It is actually quite useful too. "Who the hell are Irian and Hembur? Oh, yeah..."

You'll have to post that later. Please.

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Sepulchrave II said:

I do have it, although I'm not comfortable with it yet. I'd be interested in seeing you give it a bash though, Cheiro - I liked your revision of the LeShay, although I preferred it as a 38-level class over a 52-level class. ECL+12 for the Sidhe is based on my notorious 'it feels about right' mechanic. I wonder if you concur?

The sidhe are a solid CR 9, or a pretty vanilla 10. Because of the fast healing, the ECL will be 2 higher. 11 might be a bit strong for a player character, but 12 is very reasonable. Though the plane shift ability could push both CR and ECL a few points higher if interpreted generously.

For example, is the plane of shadow coextensive with the demi-plane? If so, then when a character crosses over, it will be in the same place with regard to the demi-plane. It could then cross back at the same spot (after healing all damage!). Planeshift with an arbitrary plane, in contrast, usually results in a random displacement of 5-50 miles. If crossing over was easy, it could also be used as a shadow walk to travel long distances in a very short time.

If it were this convenient, usable at will as a move equivalent action... 12 might be a little low. And the sidhe have high ability scores too. 32 point buy, then +4 to all stats?

Alertness should not be there, but should be a '+2 racial bonus to spot and listen checks.' Initially, I was going to give them 'Elven Traits' (the whole package), then decided against it, then gave them Alertness (and then decided against it, but forgot to take it out), and decided on the racial bonus (and forgot to put it back in). I wanted the racial bonus to be stackable with the Alertness feat.

Why did you decide not give them the elf package? The leShay have it, after all. Which reminds me- would the LeShay consider the Sidhe to be "poor relations"? How would the Sidhe react to the leShay? Clearly the two peoples are related.

Thanks for your precision, Cheiromancer!

You're welcome!

BTW, I agree with you on the versions of the leShay monstrous class. I am now considering a 40 level version which is "front loaded"- no special abilities after 24th level (though abilities, DR etc. keep increasing regularly).

Oh- and I am thinking about getting a portrait of Shomei next. Would you mind?



The list's a great idea, thanks! I'll definitely add it to my compilation once you get it going in earnest, if you don't mind?


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Cheiromancer said:
Why did you decide not give them the elf package? The leShay have it, after all. Which reminds me- would the LeShay consider the Sidhe to be "poor relations"? How would the Sidhe react to the leShay? Clearly the two peoples are related.

IMHO, the fey==elf association is a bit overrated. If anything, gnomes (with their spells, speak with animal, and sense of humor) seems more fey than elves, who are plagued by being always described as being vanilla übermenschen, celestials and/or melnibonëans :rolleyes: So I like Sep's approach of sidhe.


Registered User
tleilaxu said:

Nehael aka Lady Despina – A former succubus, now difficult to classify. The catalyst for all recent problems in Wyre. Was banished to the Astral Plane when Mesikammi spoke a Word of Chaos. Currently a captive of her former master, Graz’zt.

It might be worth noting that she became an Uediian thanks to Nwm.


Thanks for your hard work, tleilaxu - I really appreciate it. The list is awesome (and much bigger than I thought it would be!). I'll reserve any comments/suggestions until after it's finished.

Why did you decide not give them the elf package? The leShay have it, after all. Which reminds me- would the LeShay consider the Sidhe to be "poor relations"? How would the Sidhe react to the leShay? Clearly the two peoples are related.

Elves play such a minor role in the campaign world - itinerant, forest-dwelling, small numbers, no great civilization (past or present) - that they simply don't come up much. I decided on the idea that perhaps there was a connection between elves and sidhe was more agreeable than there definitely was - somehow, if represented in terms of game mechanics, it sets it in stone.

As to the LeShay - I'm not even sure that I'm going to include them in the campaign mythos. They are rather too godlike for my tastes - the sidhe were originally conceived to fill the uber-elf niche represented in Celtic and Germanic myth. Obviously, the name is stolen.

Oh- and I am thinking about getting a portrait of Shomei next. Would you mind?

That would be splendid!

What sourcebooks do you use ?

I've seen references to Magic of Faerûn, the "splatbooks", the Manual of the Planes, Deities & Demigods, the Epic-Level Handbook, and the Book of Vile Darkness. Maybe the Tome of Horrors (some of the demons/devils are there) ? The feel of Green Ronin's books of fiends is also quite close to Wyre -- there is also the theme of the Fall from a LG choir.

All of those except the ToH - I was eagerly awaiting this book, but found it rather dull in the event and didn't buy it. I use several of the Creature Catalogue conversions, however, that later found their way in.

I've got the books of fiends, and I like 'em - although I've not actually used anything from them yet.


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I'll admit... it kind of got out of hand. I started rereading the threads and just writing down the names of people as I read to keep them straight and kind of snowballed. I'll make the list pretty tomorrow and then throw it out to the masses. My manic phase is done :D


Ok, here's my version of the Sidhe monstrous class. It's not quite the same as Sepulchrave's- this sidhe has elf traits, and its spell-casting is based on level, not a flat score. Things like that.

Adjust to taste...


  • sidhe class.doc
    36.5 KB · Views: 431


Shomei's portrait (B&W, pencil and ink) should be gracing this page shortly. I'm using the following description:

Shomei the Infernal, unsurprisingly, liked devils. She admired their organized nature, their ability to get things done, and had romantic notions about how badly they had been treated in the great revolt. Shomei, although not evil – at least in the conventional understanding of the word – had taken various diabolic lovers, produced a number of half-fiend offspring, and subsequently abandoned them. They were miserable creatures from whom Shomei constantly expected some kind of vengeful attack...

She was a young woman, probably no more than thirty, although her exact age was rather difficult to gauge. She wore a hooded cloak of an indigo so deep than it was almost black. Her dark hair, cropped at the shoulder, framed a face with pointed features which bespoke a fey or elven heritage. In her hand she carried a rod of black iron that hid an unknown potency....

She walked into his drawing room and sat in his favourite leather armchair, resting her chin upon her hands, her rod upright beneath them. She was, as usual, intense and preoccupied.

With the additional description that she usually acts as if she is in a hurry. Rapid-fire questions, etc..

Anything I should add? Any other details about the iron rod?

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