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Eadric et. al. (The Paladin and his Friends).


First Post
I have a question about the nature of the campaign Sep. It seems that from the presented realities, the far realms, the green, oronthian reality and so on. It seems the the nature of the universe in which your campaign exists is a cosmic soup where different extremely powerful beings have asserted their own realities. Since Oronthon's ability to shape reality is presumably not infinite, how would he fair versus these creatures like Ghom? Have you bothered to stat Oronthon at all, or would the exercise be meaningless? I mean Ghom would slurp most of the currently designed deities' and demon lords' brains like a mild minestrone.

Also, have you thought of writing a book on the Far Realms? I know that everyone wants you to write something professionally, but demons and devils have been covered so many times. I haven't seen much material on the alien far realms. You've done the best job I have seen of making a plausible, alien reality, and I'd love to see that implied "pantheon" of alien quasi-deities. You could always do the patronage thing ala Wolfgang Bauer. :)

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grodog said:
Have we learned about Shomei being dragged into Hell already? I must have forgotten from one of the more-recent updates if so :(

Shomei died in the confrontation in Afiqhtan, which I think took place in late 2002. That's about where Sep hit writers' block, though I don't think the story hour caught up for a year or so. I'm pretty sure we haven't heard anything about her fate beyond this except that she was indeed in Hell.


I thought she came back from that death, having had a taste of Hell, so to speak, and that's what prompted her discussions with Tramst/Oronthon about her destiny.

Or, am I conflating the two deaths???


grodog said:
I thought she came back from that death, having had a taste of Hell, so to speak, and that's what prompted her discussions with Tramst/Oronthon about her destiny.

Or, am I conflating the two deaths???

You are conflating the two deaths. She was reincarnated by Nwm, but used illusion to restore her old appearance.


A long-standing adversary. Uses Pants's arcanoloth, but with sorcerer replacing wizard casting; sorcerer class levels are associated.

Tholhaluk is a CR28 + elite array + inherent bonuses + gear value (1,000,000gp) – he's a CR30+. All skills considered Class skills, and recalculated SR based on HD+11.

By this point, I'd pretty much assumed that all epic spellcasters would have a gizmo which gave a bonus to their Spellcraft checks – talisman, soul object etc. Many would have made their own, and Craft Wondrous Item / Ring would be pretty common amongst epic casters. Ringmaking and wearing became Tholhaluk's thing – he's got four sub-epic rings which subsume all of the standard stat buffs in addition to a slew of other special powers.

Redundancy between innate immunity to mind-affecting effects, nondetection item ability and mind blank as a known spell is intentional – infallibile proof against magical location alone is worth the spell, from Tholhaluk's perspective; against keyed epic spells, multiple redundancies are always useful. Limited wish and shades give great spellcasting versatility.

NE Medium Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar, Yugoloth)

Hit Dice: 15d8+161 plus 10d4+110 (363 hp)
Initiative: +18
Speed: 60 ft. (6 squares), fly 90 ft. (good)
Armor Class: 42 (+5 deflection, +12 Dex, +1 Dodge, +14 natural), touch 28, flat-footed 29
Base Attack/Grapple: +20/+26
Attack: Claw +33 melee (1d6+6 plus poison) or +33 ranged touch
Full Attack: 3 claws +33 melee (1d6+6 plus poison)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Poison, spells, spell-like abilities, summon yugoloths
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 10/good and silver, evasion, darkvision 60 ft., fast healing 2, freedom of movement, immunity to acid and poison, item mastery, nondetection, partial immunity to spells, resistance to cold 10 and electricity 10 and fire 10, spell resistance 36, telepathy 100 ft., true seeing
Saves: Fort +30, Ref +29, Will +33
Abilities: Str 23, Dex 35, Con 33, Int 40, Wis 37, Cha 40
Skills: Appraise +43, Bluff +43, Concentration +39, Decipher Script +43, Diplomacy +55, Disguise +43 (+47 acting), Escape Artist +40, Forgery +43, Gather Information +47, Hide +40, Listen +41, Knowledge (arcana) +43, Knowledge (history) +43, Knowledge (the planes) +43, Knowledge (religion) +43, Move Silently +40, Sense Motive +41, Search +43, Spellcraft +77, Spot +41
Feats: Additional Item Space (ring), Craft Ring, Epic Spellcasting, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Spell Focus (enchantment), Greater Spell Focus (enchantment), Quicken Spell-Like Ability (greater teleport), Weapon Finesse
Challenge Rating: 30

Tholhaluk is a major player in the daemonic arena, and deals with all but the most influential demon princes and archdevils from a position of strength and confidence. The greatest magnates, he courts carefully with calculated deference.

From his fortress in the blasted no-man's land between Hell and the Abyss, Tholhaluk commands legions of daemonic mercenaries through an intricate network of spiteful vassals who pledge reluctant allegiance to the arcanaloth. Uprisings and outright rebellions are a constant threat, and Xerulko is usually at war with one or more of his subordinates. Tholhaluk is acutely paranoid, and for good reason – he is loathed and mistrusted by his minions, and the target of numerous diabolic and demonic vendettas. Still, he holds his power tenaciously, and with enormous diplomatic finesse.

If confronted, the daemon is a formidable enemy. Where possible, Tholhaluk will begin combat with mage armor, mind blank and detect thoughts in place. Dominate monster is a preferred strategy; spellcasters may be targeted with polar ray. Tholhaluk will not hesitate to disjoin a threat if he deems it necessary – quickly followed by an epic [death] effect. If threatened, he will use a quickened greater teleport to flee. He may strike again five seconds or five centuries years later – in any case, Tholhaluk doesn't forget a slight.

Flight (Su): Tholhaluk can magically fly at a speed of 60 feet with good maneuverability. This is in all other respects similar to a fly spell cast by an 18th level caster. If dispelled, Tholhaluk can resume this effect as free action on its next turn. The haste effect of his ring (see below) increases his flight speed to 90 feet.

Item Mastery (Ex): Tholhaluk is a master of magical items and can use any spell completion item as if hehad that spell on his spell list.

Partial Immunity to Spells (Ex): Tholhaluk is immune to mind-affecting spells and effects.

Poison (Ex): Tholhaluk's claws secrete a dangerous, weakening poison. Anyone struck by his claw attack must make a Fort save (DC 33) or take 1d6 points of Intelligence damage. The initial and secondary damage is the same. The save DC is Constitution based.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will – darkness, desecrate, detect good, fear (DC 27), greater teleport (self plus 50 pounds of objects only), magic missile, major image (DC 28), polymorph (self only), telekinesis (DC 30), unholy blight (DC 29); 1/day - shapechange. Caster level 18th. The save DCs are Charisma based.

Spells: Tholhaluk can cast spells as a 25th-level sorcerer (6/10/10/10/9/9/9/9/8/8; save DC 25+ spell level, enchantments 27+ spell level; caster level 26th). Tholhaluk has a weekly 10,000XP cushion for the purposes of casting spells which have an XP component.

Spells Known:
0 – acid splash, arcane mark, detect magic, detect poison, light, mage hand, prestidigitation, ray of frost, read magic
1st – expeditious retreat, identify, mage armor, true strike
2nd – detect thoughts, obscure object, scorching ray, touch of idiocy, web
3rd – magic circle against good, protection from energy, slow, stinking cloud
4th – confusion, dimensional anchor, phantasmal killer, wall of fire
5th – magic jar, mind fog, mirage arcana, sending
6th – antimagic field, greater dispel magic, programmed image
7th – forcecage, limited wish, plane shift
8th – demand, mind blank, polar ray
9th – dominate monster, mage's disjunction, shades

Epic - Tholhaluk can cast two epic spells per day.

Summon Yugoloths (Sp): Once per day Tholhaluk can attempt to summon 1-2 nycaloths with a 70% chance of success. This ability is the equivalent of an 8th level spell.

True Seeing (Su): Tholhaluk has a continuous true seeing ability, as the spell (caster level 18th).

Given enough time, Tholhaluk can procure any nonepic and nonartifact item: assume that it takes Tholhaluk one day for every 10,000gp of value of any item or items with a combined value of up to 200,000gp.

Tholhaluk's Four Rings

Indomitability: Six diamonds set in an adamantine band. This ring grants a +6 enhancement bonus to the wearer's Wisdom and Constitution, a +5 resistance bonus to all saving throws, and a +5 deflection bonus to AC. (200K; CL 20th).

Practiced Arcany: A single opal set in platinum. This ring grants a +30 competence bonus to Spellcraft checks, adds +1 to the caster level of all arcane spells cast by the wearer, and bestows a +6 enhancement bonus to Intelligence and Charisma. (200K; CL20th).

Elusiveness: Jade and gold. This ring is not considered to occupy a slot; if the wearer also possesses a hand of glory, it cannot function simultaneously with Elusiveness. It bestows the Evasion special ability, freedom of movement and continual nondetection upon the wearer. (200K; CL 20th).

Speed of Thought and Action: A cluster of sapphires in mithral. The wearer of this ring is under a continual haste effect. He or she gains a +6 enhancement bonus to Dexterity and a +2 insight bonus to Initiative checks. (200K; CL 20th)
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Lovely. A small nitpick: Arcanaloths start as Sor 12 (MM2 p204. He's got 10 levels on top for 22 levels total, plus 1 caster level for casting, so shouldn't he be a 22nd level sorceror and cast as a 23rd? Where are the other 2 or 3 levels coming from?

I'm just imagining this guy as an Ultimate Magus. Ouch!


Greetings Sepulchrave and everyone !!

Sep, I have two small questions, which I keep forgetting to post since last month :p

1) What method or template do you use for your quasi-deity creatures...coz' I'm having a very hard time guessing... :D
2) This question popped up quite recently and it isn't specificaly mine, but rather another vote for something - the ur-human :p

Thanks and I love you storyhour and this thread as well !! :cool:

Yeshe is a badass. A slightly tweaked Paladin of Slaughter (aura of despair sits better than debilitating aura), with Favored Soul and Cosmic Descryer. Uber-epic 50-point build, with +5 inherent bonuses. She gets a bonus feat instead of wings. She also gets the widely-hailed-as-broken Cosmopolitan feat; what can I say – a DM's got to do what a DM's got to do.

It was important that the big 3 – Temenun, Sibud and Yeshe – should be approximately equal in power; their primary defenses are rather different: Temenun's SR is very high, Sibud has comprehensive immunities and Yeshe has incredibly robust saving throws.
Temenun's power is barely enough to assure his pre-eminence, and either Yeshe or the Vampire might displace him. The Rakshasa's magical seniority and deific suavity hold things in a fragile balance.

Yeshe the Binder

Female Human Paladin of Slaughter 4 / Favored Soul 18 / Cosmic Descryer 7; CR 35; Medium outsider (augmented humanoid; native, quasi-deity); Hit Dice 4d10+28 plus 18d8+126 plus 7d4+49; hp 415; Init +9; Spd 40ft.; AC 36 (+12 deflection, +1 Dex, +13 armor; touch 23, flat-footed 35); Base Atk +20; Atk +34 melee (1d10+18/19-20x3); Full Atk +34/+34/+29/+24/+19 melee (1d10+18/19-20x3); SA Aura of despair, aura of evil, detect good, divine grace, divine health, rebuke undead. smite good 1/day, spells; SQ Cosmic connection (1/day), DR 10/epic and 3/-, enduring gate, immunities (ability damage, ability drain, diseases, energy drain, mind-affecting effects, transmutation), naturalization, resistances (acid, sonic, cold and electricity 10; fire 5), SR 32, superior planar summoning.SV Fort +42 Ref +36 Will +44; Str 25 Dex 19 Con 25 Int 26 Wis 35 Cha 34
Skills: Bluff +44, Concentration +39, Craft (masonry) +40, Diplomacy +56, Intimidate +48, Knowledge (arcana) +40, Knowledge (nobility) +40, Knowledge (the planes) +40, Knowledge (religion) +40, Sense Motive +44, Spellcraft +74
Feats: Augment Summoning, Combat Reflexes, Cosmopolitan (Knowledge: the planes), Energy Resistance (sonic), Epic Spellcasting, Improved Aura of Despair, Improved Initiative, Greater Spell Focus (Conjuration), Greater Spell Penetration, Practised Spellcaster, Spell Focus (Conjuration), Spell Penetration, Weapon Focus (glaive), Weapon Specialization (glaive), Widen Aura of Despair

Immortal: Yeshe does not need to eat, breathe or sleep. She does not age. The source of Yeshe's immortality is unknown.

Naturalization: Yeshe cannot be banished or otherwise magically expelled from the Plane of Shadow, the Abyss or from Pandemonium.

Smite Good (Su): Once per day, Yeshe can make a melee attack at +12 against a good creature to deal an additional 4 points of damage.

Superior Planar Summoning: Any summon monster IX or greater planar ally spell cast by Yeshe has its HD cap increased by +8 for the purposes of determining a target's eligibility.

Spells: (Caster Level 25; 6/9/9/9/9/8/8/8/8/7 per day; Save DC 22+ spell level, conjurations 24+ spell level)

1st – command, detect good, doom, entropic shield, resurgence, sanctuary
2nd – enthrall, hold person, undetectable alignment, resist energy, silence, wither limb.
3rd – clutch of Orcus, contagion, cure serious wounds, magic circle against good, speak with dead, wrack
4th – castigate, damning darkness, death ward, dimensional anchor, divination, tongues
5th – commune, plane shift, righteous might, spell resistance, unhallow, true seeing
6th – banishment, forbiddance, greater dispel magic, snare astral traveller, wind walk, word of recall
7th – bestow greater curse, blasphemy, greater scrying, imprison soul, wretched blight
8th – antimagic field, brain spider, discern location, greater planar ally
9th – gate, soul bind, summon monster IX

Rod of excellent magic, +6 adamantine keen wounding speed glaive, Yeshe's scarab, armor of Usil, oneiric distillate of Khaajh

Yeshe's Scarab (Minor Artifact) This: +30 Spellcraft talisman conveys the ability to use telekinesis at will and grants the wearer a +6 enhancement bonus to Intelligence, Charisma and Wisdom. Caster level 30th.

Armor of Usil (Major Artifact): This baroque +5 adamantine greater fortification full plate armor was forged by elder titans. It confers +6 enhancement bonus to Str and Con and a +5 resistance bonus to saving throws

Oneiric Distillate of Khaajh (Major Artifact): The essence of Khaajh – the Shuthite goddess of prophetic dreams who failed to predict her own demise – captured within a shard of Abyssal jet. The bearer of the distillate may use any of the following spell-like abilities at will: astral projection, demand, dream, dreamscape, nightmare, sending, telepathic bond, vision. Caster Level 30th. The bearer's Charisma determines the DC.

Epic Spells
Yeshe can cast 3 epic spells per day; she has multiple iterations of stat buffs, various superb dispellings and a wide range of epic summons.

The Pillars At Khu and Yeshe's Binding Suite
The Pillars at Khu were destroyed long ago, and even their exact location is debated – presumably Yeshe, having made them, would remember where they were.

I wanted different methodologies to be available for those conjuring powerful extraplanars, and the summon seed wasn't cutting it. Finding an arbitrary non-balance with epic spells is always fun :/

Yeshe's method would be through specially constructed circles – pristine areas formed from raw magic – which would then serve as the basis upon which subsequent magic could be worked. Like verdigris tsunami, Yeshe's conjure edifice cheats by applying an area factor to the conjure seed; in fact, the whole suite 'cheats' in order to bypass normally prohibitive Spellcraft DCs, and becomes the mechanical basis of a kind of epic goetia which relies on deceit as much as force of will in order to gain compliance from called entities.

Not counting the initial investment of XP for a suitable site, to call and bind a named demon – such as Pazuzu – costs Yeshe over 7000XP, which seems reasonable enough.

Conjure Edifice (DC 84): conjure (+21), fortify (+17); change area (20ft. radius) (+2) increase area by 100% (+4), permanent (x5); extend casting to 30 days (--80), burn 5600XP (-56).

Yeshe evokes thirty slender adamantine pillars in a circle with a diameter of 80ft. – each pillar is around 60 feet high, and each is exquisitely carved in multiple likenesses of ugras as depicted in Cheshnite lore. To succeed at the task, Yeshe must make a DC 40 Craft check. Use of the fortify seed allows the edifice to subsequently receive an additional tied effect from unhallow, and to act as a reception site for the gate shroud.

Impressing the Edifice: the edifice is unhallowed, and an inward-focused magic circle and dimensional anchor are tied to it. It now acts as a thaumaturgic diagram.

Gate Shroud (DC 84): conceal (+17), delude (+14), ward (+14); nullify augury (+4), commune (+8), divination (+6), true seeing (+10), and foresight (+16); +20 Save DC (+40), +20 spell penetration (+40); extend casting by 10 mins (-20), use pillar edifice (ad hoc –20), burn 4500XP (-45).

Illusion (figment). This spell prepares an edifice for a subsequent casting of a gate spell; for 200 minutes any gate spell cast at the location of a gate shroud is perceived by the target creature in the most favorable way – unique beings usually under no compulsion to respond to the gate will desire to do so unless they make a Will saving throw (DC52). If the target creature is in possession of the ability to otherwise perceive the true nature of the gate's purpose, or the gate shroud itself through augury, commune, divination, true seeing or foresight, that ability is suspended for the duration of the spell.

(Creatures gated into the edifice are confined within it in the same manner as a planar binding. This allows a more leisurely casting of the next spell):

Dominate Ugra (DC 84): compel (+19), ward (+14); nullify protection from evil, magic circle against evil (+4), and mind blank (+14); +20 Save DC (+40) +20 spell penetration (+40), stricter compulsion (+10); extend casting 10 mins (-20), burn 3700XP (-37).

Compulsion [Mind-Affecting]. Any creature who is the target of this spell is dominated for a period of 20 hours. Creatures protected by protection from evil, magic circle against evil or mind blank have these protections suspended for the purpose of dominate Ugra. Creatures receive a saving throw (Will DC 52) to resist the effects of dominate Ugra; Yeshe gains a +20 bonus on her caster level check to penetrate a target's SR.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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