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Rimilin of the Skin after his second transcendence. Rimilin was originally envisioned as a Conjuration specialist in 3.0, but I lost his full stats a long time ago. By the time he reappeared, the campaign had updated to 3.5; the loss of two schools didn't fit well, and he became a generalist. I think he's a 38-point build, which is pretty solid. Abilities include a +5 inherent bonus to Int and Cha (from magic), and a +2 inherent bonus to Dex and Con (from the Acolyte of the Skin PrC). Approx level 30 PC wealth (4.3M or so), but inherent bonuses and epic spell costs are set against that figure – something I didn't do with the more powerful Cheshnite epic casters, for better or worse.

Robust SR coupled with well-honed counterspelling abilities provide good magical protection (Rimilin can counterspell with any spell of the same school and level as an immediate action as long as he's not flat-footed, and turn a targeted effect back on the caster); Invulnerability Aura epic spell grants very high AC (included in the stat block). Rimilin is a tough nut to crack. If seriously threatened, Rimilin will generally retreat via greater teleport and conjure demons to attack his foes, but may use spells or arcane fire if the option is not available. He's pretty versatile: Master Staff feat takes the onus off of having to prepare any binding spells, and arcane fire is handy (no SR or resistances to worry about). His library is smaller than Mostin's, but rather eclectic with several BoEM spells: Rimilin has dweomers which the Alienist would certainly like to get his grubby hands on.


Half Human/Half-Fiend Wizard 10 / Acolyte of the Skin 10 / Archmage 5; CE Outsider (Augmented Humanoid, Native); CR 29; HD 10d4+30 plus 10d8+30 plus 5d4+15; hp 160; Init +8; Spd 30ft.; AC 57 (+4 Dex, +40 armor, +3 natural; touch 14, flat-footed 53); Base Atk +15; Grp +18; Atk +23 melee (1d6+9, staff of planar might) or +19 ranged (ranged touch, various supernatural powers); Full Atk +23/+18/+13 melee (1d6+9, staff of planar might); SA arcane fire, arcane reach, fiendish glare, glare of the pit, mastery of elements, poison, smite good, spell-like abilities, spells, summon fiend; SQ Darkvision 120 ft., DR 10/good, fiendish symbiosis, immunity to poison, skin adaptation, resistances (acid, cold, electricity and fire 10), SR 35, wear fiend; SV Fort +15 Ref +12 Will +19; Str 16 Dex 18 Con 16 Int 35 Wis 16 Cha 23

Skills: Bluff +20, Concentration +51, Craft (alchemy) +40, Decipher Script +40, Diplomacy +20, Intimidate +36, Knowledge (arcana) +40, Knowledge (history) +40, Knowledge (the planes) +40, Knowledge (religion) +40, Listen +33, Search +40, Sense Motive +17, Spellcraft +77, Spot +35, Tumble +14

Feats: Craft Wondrous Item, Craft Staff, Epic Spellcasting, Improved Counterspell, Improved Initiative, Master Staff, Practiced Spellcaster, Reactive Counterspell, Scribe Scroll, Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Spell Focus (Conjuration), Spell Focus (Abjuration), Spell Penetration

Fiendish Glare (Su): Once per day as a standard action Rimilin can glare at an opponent within 100 ft. and leave them shaken for 10 minutes. Creature must also make a Will saving throw (DC 26) or be stunned for 1 or more rounds. Mind-affecting fear effect.

Glare of the Pit (Su): Once per day as a standard action Rimilin can project 2 rays from his eyes with a range of 100 ft. which each do 8d6 points of damage; the rays may be directed at two separate targets. Ranged touch attack.

Poison (Sp): Rimilin can use poison twice per day (Fort DC 26). Caster level 8th.

Smite Good (Su): Once per day, Rimilin can make a normal melee attack to deal an extra 20 points of damage to good creatures.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day – darkness, poison (DC 20), unholy aura (DC 24); 1/day – blasphemy (DC 23), contagion (DC 20), desecrate, destruction (DC 23), horrid wilting (DC 24), summon monster IX (fiends only), unhallow, unholy blight (DC 20). Caster Level 25th.

Summon Fiend (Sp): Once per day, Rimilin can summon a babau demon for 1 hour. Equivalent of a 6th-level spell. Caster level 25th.

High Arcana:

  • Arcane Fire (Su): Rimilin can expend a spell slot to fuel a burst of arcane fire (600ft. range; 11d6+ 1d6/spell level; ranged touch)
  • Arcane Reach (Su): Rimilin can use spells with a range of touch on targets up to 30 ft. away.
  • Mastery of Counterspelling: When Rimilin counterspells a spell, it is turned back on the caster as if affected by a spell turning effect. If the spell cannot be affected by spell turning, it is instead merely counterspelled.
  • Mastery of Elements: Rimilin can alter the energy descriptor of a sonic, acid, cold, fire or electricity spell. He chooses the modified energy type when he begins casting.

Permanent Magical Effects: Rimilin has the following permanent spells cast on his person – arcane sight, comprehend languages, detect magic, see invisibility, tongues.

Typical Spells Prepared (4/7/7/7/7/5/6/4/5/4 per day; Caster Level 25th; Save DC 22+ spell level, 23+ spell level for Abjurations and Conjurations): 1st – disguise self, disdain the divine, expeditious retreat, shield, true strike (x2); 2nd – blindness/deafness, detect thoughts, invisibility, scrytalk, swift fly, web (x2); 3rd – brutal seething surge, displacement, fly, fireball, haste, slow, suggestion; 4th – assay spell resistance, dimensional anchor, greater enhance magical flow, orb of fire, polymorph, spell enhancer, wall of fire; 5th – baleful polymorph, dominate person, magic jar, reciprocal gyre, scry reverse, sending; 6th – alert bebilith, analyze dweomer, antimagic field, chain lightning, greater dispel magic, true seeing; 7th – banishment, greater teleport, limited wish, plane shift; 8th – binding, discern location, mind blank, moment of prescience, trap the soul; 9th – imprisonment, mage's disjunction, meteor swarm, wish.

Spellbooks/Spells Known:

1st – charm person, comprehend languages, disguise self, disdain the divine, expeditious retreat, grease, shield, true strike, unseen servant, ventriloquism

2nd – arcane lock, blindness/deafness, death armor, detect thoughts, fog cloud, hideous laughter, invisibility, locate object, scrytalk, see invisibility, swift fly, touch of idiocy, web

3rd – arcane sight, brutal seething surge, curse of the putrid husk, displacement, fey ward, fly, fireball, haste, lightning bolt, magic circle against evil, nondetection, phantom steed, rotting curse of urfestra, sleet storm, slow, suggestion, tongues

4th – assay spell resistance, bestow curse, black tentacles, circle of binding, dimensional anchor, fear, fire shield, greater enhance magical flow, orb of fire, phantasmal killer, polymorph, solid fog, spell enhancer, stoneskin, suppress lesser, wall of fire

5th – baleful polymorph, call nightmare, contact other plane, dominate person, fabricate, forbidden speech, imprison possessor, mage's private sanctum, magic jar, overland flight, permanency, reciprocal gyre, scry reverse, sending, spiritwall, summon monster V

6th – acid fog, alert bebilith, analyze dweomer, antimagic field, chain lightning, freezing sphere, geas, greater anticipate teleportation, greater dispel magic, planar binding, shadow walk, teleport tracer, transfix, mage's transformation, true seeing

7th – banishment, delayed blast fireball, finger of death, forcecage, greater arcane sight, greater scrying, greater teleport, limited wish, magnificent mansion, phase door, plane shift, sequester, synostodweomer, vision

8th – binding, chains of antimagic, dimensional lock, discern location, evil weather, flensing, greater planar binding, greater prying eyes, mark of death, mind blank, moment of prescience, screen, trap the soul.

9th – astral projection, doorway to elsewhere, imprisonment, foresight, gate, mage's disjunction, meteor swarm, one step beyond, summon monster IX, wish


+5 evil outsider bane quarterstaff of planar might (ivory, shod with untarnished steel, intricate silver inlays); +30 Spellcraft talisman (bronze; a complex geometric device or seal); piercing ligature of focus; blasting stone.

Piercing Ligature of Focus
This headband of intellect +6 is a fine chain of bronze links; tiny spikes penetrate the scalp and hold it in place when it is worn. It grants a +20 circumstance bonus to all Spot, Listen and Concentration checks (156K, CL 8th).

Blasting Stone
This polished, lens-shaped black sapphire is set in a within a rim of mithral barely thicker than wire. It grants the bearer an additional +6d6 points of damage with arcane fire attacks and spells with the chaotic descriptor which do hit point damage (196K, CL 18th).

Epic Spells

Invulnerability Aura (DC 74) [666K. Armor (+14); increase by +36 (+72); +400% duration (+8); 10 mins casting (-20)]
• Grants a +40 armor bonus for 5 days.

Freedom of Supernatural Movement (DC 50) [450K. Ward (+14); nullify dimensional anchor (+6), nullify dimensional lock (+14), nullify forbiddance (+10), nullify quiescence of the spheres (+18); personal (-2)
• Rimilin is not subject to dimensional lock, dimensional anchor, forbiddance or the epic spell quiescence of the spheres. Developed in response to Mostin's battlefield control spell. 1 min casting; 24 hrs duration.

Demonthrall (DC 84) [756K. Compel (+19), ward (+14); strict compulsion (+10), +10 Save DC (+20), +10 spell penetration (+20), nullify mind blank (+14), 1-action (+20); effective only against tanar'ri subtype (ad hoc –20), burn 1300 XP (-13)]
• Dominates a demon with the tanar'ri subtype for 20 hours. Mind blank is ineffective against demonthrall; the target is entitled to a Will save (DC 42).

Ouster (DC 80) [720K. Banish (+27); +36HD (+18), 1 action (+20), +10 Save DC (+20), +10 spell penetration (+20); 25d6 backlash (-25)]
• Banishes up to 50HD of outsiders (Will DC 43 negates); +10 on CL check to penetrate SR.

Iron Tower (DC 58) [522K. Conjure (+21), Fortify (+14), Fortify (+14), Life (+27); cylinder (+2), 20-ft. radius (+4), +300ft. high (+40), +10 hardness (+60), true seeing supernatural ability (+50), telepathic bond supernatural ability (+46); 100-day casting (-220)]
• Creates an abode – a 330ft. tall tower of supernatural iron with hardness 20 – which possesses sapience (Int 11 Wis 10 and Cha 10). The tower is telepathically bonded to Rimilin and perceives its immediate environment to 120-ft. as with a true seeing spell. Instantaneous effect.
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I figured that as I've posted Narh, I'd better post the rider too. It just occurred to me that Narh is like Nahar – Oromë's horse in The Silmarillion. The resemblance is unintentional (although my subconscious probably disagrees) – I was just looking for onomatopoiea.

Visuit is a warrior demigoddess who – at present, at least – is content to follow the direction adopted by the cabals and the Cheshnite leadership, and her own agenda (other than to slay) remains hidden. Visuit is a bhíti – a primordial fear – and, like Ninit, is a goddess in the true sense of the word; as with other Shûthite deities, she has been sleeping for a millennium or so. Accordingly, I placed her divine realm in the Region of Dreams.

I pegged Visuit's CR at around 50; although tricky to gauge, and it could well be higher. In any case, it's wise to avoid a straight melee with her. Her gear is truly outrageous, but she is a deity, after all. Top notch artifacts, them.

I left her SR at (32+ DvR), which might seem a little on the low side compared to some of the other, more recent entries; divine immunities and extreme saving throw bonuses mitigate against that somewhat. I've upped the DCs against her attacks to the more usual 10+ HD/2 + relevant modifier, and added the divine bonus (+1) to that. Greater teleport SLA is gone and replaced with a supernatural shadow walk ability.

Visuit's appearance is suitably terrifying, as one would expect from a chaotic evil war deity.

The Butcher

Symbol: A Torrent of Blood
Home Plane: Dream
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Portfolio: War, Dissolution, Violence
Worshippers: Warriors
Cleric Alignments: CN, CE, NE
Domains: Destruction, Madness, War
Favored Weapon: Falchion

Fighter 20 / Blackguard 10
Medium Outsider (Chaotic, Evil)
Divine Rank: 1
Hit Dice: 20d8+260 (outsider) plus 20d10+260 (Ftr) plus 10d10+130 (Blk) (1110 hp)
Initiative: +16
Speed: 60 ft.
Armor Class: 58 (+16 armor, +8 Dex, +9 deflection, +1 divine, +14 natural), touch 28, flat-footed 50
Base Attack/Grapple: +35/+66
Attack: +62 melee +6 cold iron speed unholy vampiric falchion (2d4+47/15-20)
Full Attack: +62/+62/+57/+52/+47 +6 cold iron speed unholy vampiric falchion (2d4+47/15-20)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Smite good, sneak attack, spell-like abilities, spells, rebuke undead
Special Qualities: Aura of Despair, dark blessing, divine aura (10 ft., save DC 45), divine immunities, DR 20/lawful and epic and 3/-, immortal, remote communication, resistance to fire 6, salient divine abilities, SR 33, understand, speak and read all languages and speak directly to all beings within 1 mile, shadow-walk.
Saves: Fort +51, Ref +46, Will +44
Abilities: Str 54, Dex 26, Con 36, Int 25, Wis 24, Cha 28
Skills: Balance +56, Climb +76, Handle Animal +40, Intimidate +63, Jump +94, Knowledge (arcana) +38, Knowledge (geography) +38, Knowledge (the planes) +38, Listen +61, Ride +66, Sense Motive +61, Spot +61, Survival +38 (+42 on other planes), Tumble +68
Feats: Cleave, Combat Brute, Combat Reflexes, Dark Speech, Devastating Critical (falchion), Dodge, Dire Charge, Epic Weapon Focus (falchion), Epic Weapon Specialization (falchion), Extra Smiting, Great Cleave, Great Smiting, Greater Weapon Focus (falchion), Greater Weapon Specialization (falchion), Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical (falchion), Improved Initiative, Improved Sunder, Leap Attack, Mounted Combat, Power Attack, Power Critical (falchion), Overwhelming Critical (falchion), Ride-By Attack, Shock Trooper, Superior Initiative, Weapon Focus (falchion), Weapon Specialization (falchion)

Divine Immunities: Ability damage, ability drain, acid, cold, death-effects, disease, disintegration, electricity, energy drain, mind-affecting effects, paralysis, poison, sleep, stunning, transmutation.
Salient Divine Abilities: Increased Damage Reduction, Irresistible Blows (falchion)
Domain Powers: Once per day Visuit can make a single Wisdom-based skill check or a Will saving throw with a +25 modifier to the roll; she may also smite her enemies once per day gaining a +4 bonus on the Attack Roll.
Spell-Like Abilities: Visuit uses these abilities at will as an 11th level caster. The save DCs are 20+ spell level. blade barrier, bolts of bedevilment, confusion, contagion, disintegrate, divine power, earthquake, flame strike, harm, implosion, inflict critical wounds, inflict light wounds, insanity, lesser confusion, magic vestment, magic weapon, maddening scream, mass inflict light wounds, spiritual weapon, phantasmal killer, power word blind, power word kill, power word stun, rage, shatter, touch of madness, weird.

Other Divine Powers

As a demigod, Visuit treats a 1 on an attack roll or a saving throw normally and not as an automatic failure. She is immortal.

Senses: Visuit can see, hear, touch and smell at a distance of one mile. As a standard action she can perceive anything within one mile of her worshippers, holy sites, objects or any location where her name was spoken in the last hour. She can extend her senses to up to two locations at once. She can block the sensing power of deities of her rank or lower at up to two remote locations at once for 1 hour.
Portfolio Sense: Visuit instantly detects any event which involves one thousand or more people and is related to her portfolio.
Automatic Actions: Visuit can use any skill related to her portfolio – even those she has no ranks in – as a free action, provided that the DC is 15 or less. She can perform up to two such free actions in a round.
Create Magic Items: Visuit can create magic items related to her portfolio without the requisite item creation feat provided she meets all other prerequisites for the item, and the item's market price does not exceed 4,500gp.
Divine Aura: As a free action on her turn, Visuit may choose to emanate or suppress an aura of daze, fright or resolve with a radius of 10ft.
Shadow Walk (Su): Visuit can shadow walk (as the spell, caster level 30th) as a supernatural ability.

Special Attacks and Qualities

Aura of Despair (Su): Enemies within 10 feet of Visuit suffer a –2 penalty to all saving throws.
Detect Good (Sp): Visuit can use detect good at will as a spell-like ability. CL 5th.
Devastating Critical: Creatures who sustain a critical hit from Visuit's falchion must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 58) or die.
Irresistible Blows (SDA): Visuit resolves her melee attacks with her fachion as touch attacks. Creatures struck must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 49) or be stunned for 1d10 rounds. When Visuit uses her falchion she ignores hardness and the weapon is considered adamantine for the purposes of ovecoming damage reduction.
Rebuke/Command Undead: Twelve times per day, Visuit can channel negative energy to rebuke or command undead as an 8th-level cleric. DvR1 grants her a +1 bonus on the check.
Sneak Attack: Flat-footed or flanked opponents are subject to 4d6 points of extra sneak attack damage from Visuit.
Smite Good (Su): Five times per day, Visuit can make a normal melee attack against a good creature with a +10 bonus to hit which deals an extra 20 points of damage if successful.
Virtual Size Increase: Because of her magical bracelets (see below), Visuit is considered Huge for purposes of combat-related opposed checks which apply a modifier based on size, such as bull rush, grapple and trip. Her grapple modifier reflects this.

Spellcasting: Visuit casts spells as a 10th-level blackguard (5/4/4/3 per day; Save DC 19 + spell level; caster level 5th). She gains a +1 bonus on all caster level checks due to her divine rank; Visuit may cast any spell on the blackguard spell list spontaneously without preparing a spell slot.


Visuit has three items. All are major artifacts.

Visuit's Sword is a +6 cold iron speed unholy vampiric falchion of archaic design. The sword is sentient (Int 2, Wis 30, Cha 30; Ego 44) and communicates through semiempathy. As a full round action, the wielder can use it to slice a hole in the fabric of reality, opening a portal to any other plane of existence. The portal remains open for 3 minutes: treat this power as a gate spell, but no concentration is required and the wielder cannot use it to conjure entities. Visuit's sword also has a special purpose: Censure Servants of the Sun (this ability is effective against worshippers of any deity which has 'Sun' as a portfolio element). Creatures who are targets of the sword's special purpose are subject to damnation (an epic spell effect) unless they make a successful Will saving throw (DC 50), Damnation is a mind-affecting Enchantment (compulsion) effect. Caster level 30th where appropriate.

Visuit's Bracelets are bracers of relentless might which grant to the wearer the ability to perceive and directly influence events on other planes. The wearer's senses extend into all coterminous planes to their normal limit (in Visuit's case, one mile). Natural weapons and weapons wielded by the wearer gain the ghost touch special ability, and any spell or spell-like ability used by the wearer is considered to be under the effect of the Transdimensional Spell metamagic feat. As a standard action, the wearer of the bracelets may make a grasping gesture toward a target on a coterminous plane within 100ft. of her position: a creature so targeted is subject to a make manifest spell (heightened to 16th-level), and is dragged onto the plane of the bracelet's wearer unless he or she makes a Will saving throw (DC 34). Caster level 30th.

Visuit's Armor is a suit of +8 adamantine heavy fortification full plate armor which incurs no armor check penalty and entails no maximum Dexterity bonus; the wearer of Visuit's armor suffers no penalty to speed. Visuit's armor is etched with runes of great power. The wearer may activate or suppress the runes at will as a free action on his or her turn; each round when active, the runes randomly manifest a power within a 60ft. radius of the armor's wearer. Roll 1d6 to see which power the runes activate in a given round:

d6 Result

1 Symbol of death (Fort DC 34)
2 Symbol of fear (Will DC 34)
3 Symbol of insanity (Will DC 34)
4 Symbol of pain (Fort DC 34)
5 Symbol of stunning (Will DC 34)
6 Symbol of weakness (Fort DC 34)

Symbol effects are heightened to 16th-level; caster level 30th, where appropriate.
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I actually laughed out loud when I read her statblock haha. She's kinda taurosdung if she ever gets into melee with someone lol. The amount of punishment she can take is off the scales as well.

True deities are in a whole new league. (as they should be)

I absolutely *love* the armor with the symbol function btw, I can just picture it in my mind how she would look in battle between like thousands of magically compelled mortal infantrymen just plowing through with a spray of blood creating a red mist for hundreds of feet around the carnage.


No Trouble at All
The feel is wonderful, and the artifacts wonderful combinations of color and power.

It seems like the statblocks of divinities by the system are often a combination of "incredible!" and "why bother?". In the latter category: The domain SLAs at CL11, for instance. The blackguard abilities at CL5. The once-per-day smite for a whole +4 to hit. In the former: Fort SV 58 or die on critical. Oh, and did we mention crits are 15-20? And if you don't die, maybe you're stunned?

I'm wondering if divinities should instead be built from scratch from something like Upper_Krusts's CR measurement system. But then, that'd also be a lot more work, and worries over balance, etc.

I think it's good that she perhaps has a weakness in the low SR. Maybe if needed someone like Nwm can use that hole...

Excuse tardiness in answering questions :heh:

Cheiro said:
What are the stats for Ur-human?

Same as a human, but more 'Urrr!' Ancient and primal and all that.

Moleculo said:
It seems the the nature of the universe in which your campaign exists is a cosmic soup where different extremely powerful beings have asserted their own realities. Since Oronthon's ability to shape reality is presumably not infinite, how would he fair versus these creatures like Ghom?

Oronthon's ability to shape the Oronthonian reality is arguably infinite. Whether the pseudonatural infinity is bigger than the Oronthonian infinity is conjectural - Mostin certainly thinks so.

Re: Tholhaluk
Quartz said:
I'm just imagining this guy as an Ultimate Magus. Ouch!

Mulissu was rebuilt as an ultimate magus. I'll post her next.

Erevanden said:
What method or template do you use for your quasi-deity creatures...coz' I'm having a very hard time guessing...
DvR0; max hp/die; DR10/epic; deflection bonus = Cha modifier; resist fire 5; immunities - ability damage/drain, energy drain, [mind-affecting] effects, disease, polymorph); SR 32; immortal.

Greybar said:
It seems like the statblocks of divinities by the system are often a combination of "incredible!" and "why bother?". In the latter category: The domain SLAs at CL11, for instance. The blackguard abilities at CL5. The once-per-day smite for a whole +4 to hit. In the former: Fort SV 58 or die on critical. Oh, and did we mention crits are 15-20? And if you don't die, maybe you're stunned?

Deities are quirky if you use the official rules; I see them as having a bunch of abilities which are useful in dealing with regular mortals (bestowing favours, impressing devotees, piddly charm person at will etc.), and a much smaller range of useful abilities when dealing with epic characters or other divinities. I've actually come to kind of like the low CL for non-magic focussed deities; Visuit isn't going to use contagion if she gets into a serious fight - she's going to hit things with her sword. But she might use contagion on a hapless mortal as a punishment. Or for fun. Not everything a deity does (especially a DvR1 demigod) needs to be earth-shatteringly powerful.

CR50 seems like a lot, but when compared to the 'CR35' Cheshnite leadership, the real difference isn't so big - especially when epic spells are consdered. But CR breaks down entirely by level 30, anyway, and it's all educated guesswork.

Now I really must post Mulissu - she's particularly illustrative of the point.
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Mulissu Reimagined

Rebuilt after her self-directed reincarnation by Teppu at CR32, modified again after Complete Mage came out; sylph-derived sorcerer spellcasting neatly shores gaps in a prohibited school bar by being a dedicated arsenal of Abjuration effects (Mulissu's regret for previously eschewing the Abjuration school for the purposes of specialization is well-known). Her metamagic versatility is very high – the large numbers of sorcerer slots also act as a sink to metamagick prepared lower-level wizard spells through the augmented casting special ability, and the Improved Metamagic epic feat adds even more flexibility. Expanded spell knowledge provides a number of spontaneous attack and utility spells. Mulissu's original spell collection was lost when her pocket paradise was overrun by demons; subsequently, the savant gained access to Jovol's coveted hidden cache of spellbooks.

Against a single electricity-vulnerable target, Mulissu can burn all of her prepared 10th-level spells to deal 96d6 points of damage in 1 round, no save – which ain't too shabby. Most of her other higher level slots see more utilitarian spells, whilst her main armamentarium is based around electrically-substituted empowered orbs of acid which can be freely admixed, maximized or quickened by burning sorcerer slots. When magically outfitted for battle with the epic buffs metallection and sublime mind in effect, and with a mantle of egregious might the Save DCs against Mulissu's spells rise to 44+ spell level (more for electrical evocations, although finger of death, implosion and dominate monster start to look very attractive). Epic attack spells (holocaust of lightning, glance of thunder) are very XP and backlash intensive, and reserved for extreme situations.

Mulissu uses a tweaked Creature Catalogue sylph as the base, as the MMII version is kind of screwy – this lends to an unusual type/subtype combination when her elemental perfection is applied. Retained her original modest 58-point buy (cough). +5 inherent bonuses.

Mulissu is 'legal' in the sense that epic spell development costs are set against her equipment value total (as an ECL35 PC), but XP costs for development would otherwise place Mulissu several ECLs higher. Included in her inventory are items retrieved from Iua and one subsequently crafted; her sapphire and ring have been upgraded to epic legacy-item status (sapphire costed at around 1.0M gold). As usual, multiple buff effects are folded into relatively few items. Mulissu's SR is figured as HD+18, as per CC sylph. She's a solid CR35.

Despotrix of Fumaril

Female Sylph Evoker 7 / Air Savant 10 / Ultimate Magus 10; NG Medium Elemental (Augmented Fey, Air); Hit Dice 3d6+18 plus 27d4+162; hp 256; Spd 30 ft.; fly 130 ft. (perfect); Init +11; Armor Class 39 (+8 armor, +11 Dex, +5 deflection, +5 natural; touch 26, flat-footed 28); Base Atk +14; Grp +17; Atk +14 touch or +25 ranged touch; SA Spell-like abilities, spells; SQ Arcane spell power +4, augmented casting, darkvision 60ft., energy focus, energy penetration, elemental perfection, expanded spell knowledge, immunities (electricity, paralysis, poison, sleep, stunning), low-light vision, not subject to critical hits, SR48; SV Fort +24 Ref +29 Will +35; Str 16 Dex 33 Con 22 Int 42 Wis 26 Cha 35

Skills: Bluff +48, Concentration +39, Craft (alchemy) +49, Craft (engraving) +49, Decipher Script +49, Diplomacy +54, Gather Information +29, Intimidate +50, Knowledge (arcana) +49, Knowledge (local) +49, Knowledge (the planes) +49, Knowledge (nature) +49, Knowledge (nobility) +49, Knowledge (religion) +49, Listen +18, Perform (oratory) +28, Sense Motive +45, Spellcraft +83, Spot +18, Use Magic Device +45 (+53 scrolls)

Feats: Craft Wondrous Item, Empower Spell, Epic Spellcasting, Improved Metamagic (-1), Improved Spell Capacity (10th), Maximize Spell, Energy Admixture (electricity), Energy Substitution (electricity), Great Fortitude (B), Greater Spell Focus (Evocation), Iron Will (B), Multispell, Quicken Spell, Rapid Metamagic, Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus (Evocation), Widen Spell

Elemental Specialty (Ex): When Mulissu casts any prepared arcane spell with an energy descritptor which deals damage, the descriptor changes to [electricity] and the spell deals electricity damage

Augmented Casting: Mulissu can sacrifice a spell or spell slot in one arcane spellcasting class to grant a metamagic enhancement to a spell cast using her other arcane class. The level of the spell or spell-slot sacrificed must equal or exceed the level of the metamagic enhancement; only spells of 5th-level or lower can be augmented by this ability. Mulissu can apply the benefit of any metamagic feat she knows in this way. She may use this ability 8 times per day.

Elemental Type: Mulissu does not need to sleep, eat or breathe. She is treated as an elemental, but may be raised, resurrected or reincarnated.

Permanent Magical Effects (Sp): The following effects are always active upon Mulissu (caster level 20th, where appropriate) – arcane sight, comprehend languages, detect magic, read magic, see invisibility, tongues.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will – invisibility, levitate; Caster Level 30th.

Typical Wizard Spells Prepared

Mulissu casts spells as a 23rd level evoker (Abjuration and Illusion barred, 4/8/8/8/8/7/7/7/7/6/3 per day, CL 27th. Save DC 26+ spell level; 28+ spell level for [electricity] spells or evocations, 30+ spell level for electrical evocations). She gains a +4 bonus on spell penetration checks when using spells with the electricity descriptor. Mulissu can prepare and cast an extra evocation spell of each level every day. Her spellbooks are very extensive – assume access to any PHB wizard spell, plus those listed below.

1stebon eyes, magic missile x2, enlarge person, identify scrier, magical performance, obscuring mist, ray of enfeeblement, spontaneous search

2ndalter self, chain of eyes, detect thoughts x2 (DC28), whispering wind x2, seeking ray x2, wings of air

3rdalter fortune, blink, clairaudience/clairvoyance, deeper darkvison, halt (DC29), haste (x2), magic circle against evil, slow (DC29)

4thassay spell resistance x2, fireball (electrically-substituted, empowered) x2 (DC33), lightning bolt (empowered) x3 (DC33), know vulnerabilites (DC30), wall of fire (electrically-substituted) (DC34)

5thorb of acid (electrically-substituted, empowered) x5, sending, teleport, wall of force

6thanalyze dweomer, contingency, true seeing, disintegrate (DC32), mage's lucubration, flesh to stone (DC32), probe thoughts (DC32), interplanar telepathic bond

7thcontrol weather, finger of death (DC 33), forcecage (DC 35), greater fireburst (electrically-substituted, maximized) (DC35), greater scrying (DC 33), reverse gravity, synostodweomer, limited wish

8thdelayed blast fireball (electrically-substituted, empowered) (DC37), disintegrate (maximized) (DC32), mantle of egregious might, mass charm monster (DC34), moment of prescience, passage of lightning, teleport (quickened), utter thrall (DC34)

9thchain lightning (electrically-admixed) (DC36), dominate monster (DC35), foresight, gate, implosion (DC 37), shapechange, time stop

10thorb of acid (electrically-admixed, electrically-sustituted, quickened) x2, meteor swarm (electrically substituted, empowered) (DC39)

Sorcerer Spells Known

Mulissu also casts spells as a 17th-level sorcerer (6/9/9/9/9/8/8/8/6 per day; CL 21st; Save DC 22+ spell level, 24+ spell level for evocations, 26+ spell level for electrical evocations). Mulissu knows 1 extra sorcerer spell of level 1 through 5 by virtue of her expanded spell knowledge ability.

1st – disguise self, magic aura, protection from evil, serene visage, shield, true strike; 2nd – aiming at the target, bear's endurance, blur, deflect, greater alarm, resist energy; 3rd – anticipate teleportation, energy vulnerability (DC25), great thunderclap (DC27), lightning bolt (DC29), magic circle against evil; 4th – celerity, charm monster (DC26), condemnation, dimensional anchor, stifle spell; 5th – baleful polymorph (DC27), indomitability, mage's private sanctum, reciprocal gyre, zone of respite; 6th – antimagic field, greater dispel magic, seal portal; 7th – antimagic ray, banishment (DC29), energy absorption; 8th – dimensional lock, mind blank


Resilient pebble, crystal ball with telepathy, bracers of armor +8, circlet of the tyrant, obsidian steed, gloves of storing, ring of aery power, sapphire of mutable coruscations.

Ring of Aery Power: this diamond and platinum +30 Spellcraft ring bestows freedom of movement and the Evasion special ability upon the wearer, grants a +6 enhancement bonus to the wearer's Dexterity and increases any flight speed by 30ft. (this is an enhancement bonus). (290K, CL 20th).

Resilient Pebble: This unassuming, mottled grey rock is set in iron and occupies the amulet slot. It provides a +5 resistance bonus to all saving throws, a +5 natural armor bonus and a +5 deflection bonus to armor class (160K, CL 20th)

Sapphire of Mutable Coruscations: This perfectly spherical gemstone is the size of a walnut, and can be seen to swirl with all shades of blue, yellow and white. Mulissu has unlocked many of its secrets - she typically wears the sapphire around her neck on an adamantine chain, although the stone itself occupies no item slot.
The sapphire grants its owner a +8 enhancement bonus to Intelligence, and allows him or her to summon an air elemental monolith of maximum hit points once per day. The elemental serves unfailingly for a period of one hour. The owner of the sapphire of mutable coruscations can also channel stored spell energy and use the sapphire to spontaneously cast any of the following spells: prismatic aura, prismatic bow, prismatic deluge, prismatic eye, prismatic mist, prismatic ray, prismatic sphere, prismatic spray, prismatic wall; either a prepared spell or an unused slot may be channelled into the sapphire of mutable coruscations in this fashion. (CL20th, 1M)

Circlet of the Tyrant: Fashioned by Mulissu after her ascension to power in Fumaril, this narrow gold band bestows a +6 enhancement bonus to the wearer's Wisdom and Charisma and grants a +20 competence bonus to all Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate and Sense Motive skill checks (200K, CL20th)

Unique Nonepic Spells

Passage of Lightning
Conjuration (Teleportation) [Electricity]

Level: 8
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal and touch
Target: You and touched objects or other touched willing creatures
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None and Will negates (object)
Spell Resistance: No and Yes (object)

You and up to one other creature per three caster levels are borne by a discharge of magical lightning to a location with which you have at least passing familiarity: you must have scried the target area or visited it at least once. The destination point may be on any plane. The passage of lightning seeks out interstices between planes, and is not subject to effects which specifically target astral movement; it is, however, subject to spells which otherwise block interplanar travel such as dimension lock and forbiddance. An atmosphere of some kind must be present at both the departure and destination points to successfully cast a passage of lightning.

You, and creatures whom you bring with you may carry gear which does not exceed maximum load. Large creatures count as two additional creatures, Huge creatures as four additional creatures etc. for purposes of this spell.

Instantaneous Elemental Tempest
Conjuration (Summoning) [Air]

Level: Sor/Wiz 9
Components: V,S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: One mile; see text
Effect: A one mile radius sphere centered on you, a 20 ft./level radius sphere centred on you, and a 20 ft. radius sphere centred on you; see text
Duration: Concentration (maximum 4 rounds)
Saving Throw: See text
Spell Resistance: Yes; see text

This spell creates a potent zone of magical cyclonic activity with a radius of one mile centred on the caster. Three distinct regions exist within the elemental tempest, and the power of the spell increases towards the centre.

• The tertiary zone, which extends out to the full one mile limit, is characterized by hurricane-force winds which render normal missile attacks useless and cause siege weapons to incur a penalty of –8 on attack rolls. Medium-sized or smaller creatures are blown away, large creatures are knocked down and huge creatures are checked unless they succeed at a Fortitude saving throw.

• The secondary zone extends up to 20ft. per caster level, and is characterized by all of the above effects; in addition, the seconday zone is shot through by lightning. Every round that a creature stays within the secondary zone, he or she is 50% likely to be struck by lightning and suffer 1d6 dice of damage (d6s). A successful Reflex save halves the amount of damage sustained

• The primary zone, with a radius of 20ft., is an area of intense electromagnetic activity, and is characterized by plasma vortices, unusual lightning phenomena, and bizarre atmospheric conditions. Conditions in the tertiary and secondary zones do not prevail within the primary zone, but creatures within this area automatically sustain 1d8 points of electrical damage +1 point per caster level (max +25) every round, with no saving throw allowed.

Epic Spells

Dispelling Blast

Spellcraft DC: 75
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 300 ft.
Area: 100-ft. radius burst
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
To Develop: 675,000 gp; 14 days; 27,000 XP. Seed: Dispel (DC19). Factors: +30 on dispel check (+30 DC), change from target to 20-ft. radius area. (+10 DC), increase area by 400% (+16 DC) 1 action casting (+20 DC). Mitigating Factors 20d6 backlash (-20 DC).

All ongoing spell effects within a 100-ft. radius burst are dispelled as if struck by a targeted dispel magic, and the properties of magic items are suppressed for 1d4 rounds. Mulissu must succeed at a dispel check (1d20+40) for each object or ongoing spell effect. She suffers a –15 penalty on her Spellcraft check when casting this spell.

Glance of Thunder
Evocation [Sonic]

Spellcraft DC: 90
Components: None
Casting Time: 1 swift action
Range: 1200 ft.
Effect: Ray
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes
To Develop: 810,000 gp; 17 days; 32,400 XP. Seed: Energy (Sonic) (DC19). Factors: quickened (+28DC), no verbal or somatic component (+4DC), increase damage to 30d6 (+40 DC), ray (+4), increase damage die to d20 (+40 DC). Mitigating Factors: specialist school (-5 DC), 40d6 backlash (-40 DC)

As a swift action, Mulissu glares at target creature within range. It suffers 30d20 points of sonic damage (average 315); Mulissu must succeed at a ranged touch attack to strike the target.

Conjuration (Summoning) [Air][Cabal]

Spellcraft DC: 71
Components: V, S, Ritual
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: 75 ft.
Effect: One summoned advanced air primal (Ha'uh)
Duration: 1 hour (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
To Develop: 639,000 gp; Seed: Summon (DC14), Fortify (DC17). Factors: increase target CR by 48 (+96 DC), increase duration by 2900% (+58 DC), grant +19 additional SR (+38 DC), +20 on opposed check to dispel (+40 DC). Mitigating Factors: elemental specialty (-5 DC), ritual spell (-187 DC; 1 x 9th, 1 x 8th, 2 x 7th, 5 x 5th, 12 x 4th level spells)

This spell summons Ha'uh – an advanced (128 HD) air primal for a period of 1 hour. When Ha'uh manifests, its spell resistance automatically increases to 62; attempts to dispel Ha'uh treat Mulissu as a 47th-level caster. The spell requires the participation of 21 other spellcasters of various power and ability

Ha'uh appears where Mulissu designates and acts immediately on her turn. It attacks any enemies or performs other actions to the best of its ability. The summoning ends if Ha'uh is asked to perform actions inimical to its nature.

Advanced Primal Air Elemental; Colossal Elemental (Air, Extraplanar); CR 50; HD 128d8+1152; hp 1728; Init +24, Spd Fly 100 ft. perfect; Armor Class 64 (-8 size, +16 Dex, +48 natural); Base Atk +96 melee; Grp +140; Atk +124 melee (8d6+28/19-20); Full Atk 2 slams +124 melee (8d6+28/19-20); SA Air mastery, whirlwind; SQ DR 10/-, Immunities (paralysis, poison, sleep, stunning), not subject to critical hits, spell resistance 42; SV Fort +53 Ref +74 Will +49; Str 68 Dex 43 Con 28 Int 10 Wis 13 Cha 13
Skills: Listen +134, Spot +134
Feats: Alertness, Awesome Blow, Blinding Speed (x2), Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Devastating Critical (slam), Dodge, Epic Will, Flyby Attack, Great Cleave, Great Fortitude, Great Strength (x20), Improved Critical (slam), Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Attack, Iron Will, Mobility, Lightning Reflexes, Overwhelming Critical (slam), Power Attack, Spring Attack, Superior Initiative, Weapon Focus (slam)

Air Mastery (Ex): Airborne creatures take a -1 penalty on attack and damage rolls against Ha'uh.

Devastating Critical: Creatures who suffer a critical hit from Ha'uh's slam attack must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 102) or die.

Whirlwind (Su): Ha'uh can assume the form of a whirlwind once every 10 minutes for up to 64 rounds. A Reflex save permits creatures to resist or escape Ha'uh's whirlwind effects (DC 102).

Holocaust of Lightning
Evocation [Electricity]

Spellcraft DC: 85
Components: V,S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 1200 ft
Area: 100 ft. radius burst
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex half
Spell Resistance: Yes
To Develop: 621,000 gp; 13 days; 24,840 XP. Seed: Energy (Electricity) (DC19). Factors: 1 action casting time (+20 DC), increase area by 400% (+16 DC), increase damage to 40d6 (+60 DC), increase damage die to d20 (+40 DC), specialist school (-5 DC), elemental speciality (–5 DC). Mitigating factors: 40d6 Backlash (-40 DC), burn 2000 XP (-20 DC).

Creatures within a 100-ft radius burst suffer 40d20 points of electricity damage (average 420); a Reflex save (DC 40) halves the damage.


Spellcraft DC: 73
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 minute
Target: You
Duration: 20 hours
To Develop: 657,000 gp; 14 days; 26,280 XP. Seed: Fortify (DC17). Factors: grant additional +29 bonus to ability score (+58 DC). Mitigating factors: personal (-2).

Mulissu gains a +30 enhancement bonus to Intelligence for 20 hours.

Momentary Suspension

Spellcraft DC: 67
Components: None
Casting Time: 1 swift action
Target: You
Duration: 5 rounds of apparent time; see text
To Develop: 603,000 gp; 13 days; 24,120 XP; Seed: Transport (DC 27). Factors: temporal (+8 DC), quickened (+28 DC), no verbal or somatic components (+4 DC)

As a swift-action spell with no components, Mulissu moves herself into another time stream (as time stop). She gains 5 rounds of apparent time.

Mulissu's Paling
Evocation [Force][Cabal]

Spellcraft DC: 75
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: 2 miles
Area: 2-mile radius, centered on you
Duration: 100 hours
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
To Develop: 675,000gp; 27,000 XP; Seeds: Energy (weather) (DC 25), Energy (DC 19), Lock (DC 29), Ward (DC 14). Factors: change energy to [force] effect (ad hoc +10 DC), nullify disintegrate (+10), nullify mage's disjunction (+16), nullify Mulissu's paling (special; +18 DC), add 6 additional targets (+60 DC), change one target to area (+10 DC), +50 on opposed caster level check to dispel (+100 DC), increase duration by 800% (+16 DC). Mitigating Factors: 10 min casting (-20 DC), specialty school (-5), burn 2400 XP (-24), ritual spell (-187 DC; 1 x 9th, 1 x 8th, 2 x 7th, 5 x 5th, 12 x 4th level spells)

Mulissu erects a spherical magical barrier with a radius of two miles. The perimeter is experienced as a wind of impenetrable density: this is actually a [force] effect equivalent to a wall of force. The area within the sphere is subject to a dimensional lock (as quiescence of the spheres). Upon casting, Mulissu and up to five other targets designated by her are not subject to the spell and freely pass into and through the warded area, either physically or through teleportation or similar effect. Mulissu also designates a single 20-ft. radius 'hole' within the paling which is not subject to the dimensional bar. This area can be closed with a nonepic dimensional lock or opened, as the needs of Mulissu dictate. When open, entities can be conjured into the 'hole' and gates opened there.

Mulissu's paling, in whole or in part, is not subject to disintegrate or mage's disjunction. Epic spells incorporating the dispel or destroy seeds treat Mulissu as a 77th-level caster for purposes of opposed checks. Mulissu's paling must be renewed every 100 hours. Mulissu suffers a -15 penalty on her Spellcraft check to cast this spell, as it contains seeds from the Abjuration school.

Sublime Mind

Spellcraft DC: 75
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 minute
Target: You
Duration: 20 hours
To Develop: 675,000 gp; 14 days; 27,000 XP. Seed: Fortify (DC23). Factors: grant additional +9 insight bonus to ability score (+54 DC). Mitigating factors: personal (-2).

Mulissu gains a +10 insight bonus to Intelligence for 20 hours.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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