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Eberron Blood of Vol / Karrn questions



I'm running a game set 3 months after the end of the Last War. One of the players is a cleric of the Blood of Vol, so I've got a few questions. I've got Magic of Eberron at home, but I won't be home until Friday, so I'd like to ask for help in the meantime...

Basically, what exactly is the official status of Blood of Vol in Karrn at this point? I know Kaius turned against BoV, but what is the practical impact of that on the church?

Was the church just dis-established - ie, still can openly exist, but is no longer officially the state religion?

Or is it actively forbidden?

Here's what I said in an email to the character, let me know if there's something I've said that conflicts with Canon:

Hyperlexic said:
As noted, after the current king in Karrn came to power, he outlawed the Blood as an active religion. This was a surprise, as Kaius III was seen as very much following in the footsteps of his grandfather Kaius I, who had raised the Blood to the status of official state religion; the common people had even remarked on how much Kaius III looks like Kaius I, and what a good sign that was. But Kaius III announced that the Blood was banned for being ‘a traitorous organization, challenging the authority of the Crown’. What that practically means in Karrnath:
  • All Blood of Vol priests have to pass a loyalty test (which you have passed)
  • Blood possessions are seized by the state, but church services are allowed in government-held churches if conducted by loyal priests
  • Proselytizing and conversions are forbidden, but current church members are allowed to attend services
  • The Order of the Emerald Claw (essentially a militant order of the Church, like the Knights Templar) is forbidden and disbanded; all Order lands are seized
  • Blood of Vol magic is allowed, but only by approved priests; and the creation of undead is only allowed by army mages (such as yourself)

Also, I'm a little unclear about the history. I know it was founded by Vol quite a while ago (in the war of the Mark, I believe?). However, I'm not so clear when it became the official state religion of Karrn. Is my statement above (that Kaius I) established it as the state religion?

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Hyperlexic said:
Basically, what exactly is the official status of Blood of Vol in Karrn at this point? I know Kaius turned against BoV, but what is the practical impact of that on the church?

Was the church just dis-established - ie, still can openly exist, but is no longer officially the state religion?

The religion still exists, the church still conducts open services, people can still publically be members of the Blood of Vol.

However, it no longer has the backing of the government that it once enjoyed.

Before, royal proclimations would have had a line like, "Declared as law by his Majesty, King Kaius I, lord of Karrnath and Seeker of the Blood of Vol." Government events would have ended with something like, "And may the Blood of Vol protect Karnnath and her people, for we embrace the power of Blood."

Now days, no proclimation would have such a line. Government services would not mention the Blood of Vol, but the Soverign Host (or no religion at all).

Or is it actively forbidden?

Nope, just unpopular in certain circles of power. No one will hunt you down for being a member of the Blood of Vol in Karrnath... but they might give you the cold shoulder.

Also, I'm a little unclear about the history. I know it was founded by Vol quite a while ago (in the war of the Mark, I believe?). However, I'm not so clear when it became the official state religion of Karrn. Is my statement above (that Kaius I) established it as the state religion?

The origins of the Blood of Vol trace their way back to certain necromatic practices during the Giant empires of Xen'drik (40,000 years ago). When the elves fled before the Dragon Devastation, some elves took those practices and started to develop a religious basis to them. The conflicted with what was to become the Undying Court, but at that point it was more philisophical agruments than anything violent.

The line of Vol (a powerful elven noble house) was the leading proponents of the necromatic 'religion' of undead, and they developed their ideas over millienia. Eventually they became so powerful that there was serious fear from the Undying Court about them.

Then the line of Vol and some rogue dragons did something that was too shocking and horrific and a blatant grab for power (or just too forward thinking for everybody else and the best chance for true peace... take your pick) and elves and more conservative dragons banded together and destroyed the House of Vol.

Some elves who believed in the Line of Vol were not destroyed, but were instead exiled to what is today Karnnath and the Lhazzar Principalities. Secretly hidden among these refugees was the Witch-Queen Vol herself... but almost no one knew that.

Fast forward centuries. The elves who had fled/been exiled kept their religion alive, and the humans who came to live in the region with them started to adopt elements of this religion.

During the early days of the Last War, Karrnath nearly fell to a series of misfortunes and natural distaters (perhaps orchestrated by someone), and when Vol secretly came before Kaius I and offered support, the king felt the only way to save his kingdom was to accept Vol's aid. Part of that aid included making the Blood of Vol Karnnath's state religion.

Remember, almost nobody knows Vol the lich exists. They worship the ideas the Blood of the line of Vol set up thousands of years ago. For the people of Karrnath, in their nation's darkest hour their king saved their nation by bringing the power of the Blood of Vol and aligning it with the state.

It worked, the nation was spared. In gratitude (and in behind the scenes power plays), the Blood of Vol was named the state religion.


Oops, a few follow ups...

Is the Emerald Claw actually outlawed in Karrn, then, even though the church is just disenfranchised?

And from the Sharn setting guide I believe I know that the Blood is only secretly practiced there. is that a Breland-specific feature?


Yes, the Emerald Claw is considered either mad cultists or Karrn nationals fighing a war that's allready over by most within Karrn after the last war. For their part they are either power hungry cultists or bitter nationalists believing they fight for a country that has forgotten then.


Destil said:
Yes, the Emerald Claw is considered either mad cultists or Karrn nationals fighing a war that's allready over by most within Karrn after the last war. For their part they are either power hungry cultists or bitter nationalists believing they fight for a country that has forgotten then.

Thanks. But what is the actual legal situation in Karrn? Completely forbidden? Or just no longer supported by the state?


Hyperlexic said:
Thanks. But what is the actual legal situation in Karrn? Completely forbidden? Or just no longer supported by the state?

The Emerald claw are an outlaw terrorist group, despire the illicit support they may gain from certain members of the military and nobility.

Hyperlexic said:
Is the Emerald Claw actually outlawed in Karrn, then, even though the church is just disenfranchised?

As others stated, the Emerald Claw is an outlawed terrorist group. While they started as a patriotic order created to promote Karrnath's interests, they hold an extreme view of Karrnath supremacy and quickly spiralled out of government control.

The truth (again, that most people don't know), is that the leaders of the Blood of Vol quickly subverted the Order of the Emerald Claw and employ it as a deniable military force. Being fanatical troops and indoctrinated into the 'worship' of Karrnath, it is easy for the unseen leaders of the Claw to tell their soldiers, "This person is an enemy of Karrnath. Kill him, his family, and all who reside with him. Death to all traitors!" Since the troopers are fanatical, they don't question orders much and thus act as the leaders direct, no matter whether or not their actions actually help Karrnath or not.

While nearly all members of the Emerald Claw are Blood of Vol worshipers, there is no (public) direct connection between the Blood and the Claw. A Blood of Vol priest openly helping a Claw cell is guilty of treason.

However, large section of Karrnath's population is sympathetic to the goals of the Order of the Emerald Claw. Karrnath people are patriotic by nature, and thus the Claw gets a lot of 'quiet' support. Few will be willing to fight along side Emerald Claw troops... but many, many peasants would be wlling to shelter an Emerald Claw agent on the run, or hold weapons for Claw soldiers while they plan an attack, or pass on information to Claw operatives.

In other words, think of every problem terrorist groups offer in our world... that's the threat the Order of the Emerald Claw presents.

And from the Sharn setting guide I believe I know that the Blood is only secretly practiced there. is that a Breland-specific feature?

I don't have the Sharn book, but I think such a thing is for two reasons:

1) The Blood of Vol is linked to a foreign nation, and if you worship the Blood it can be seen as being 'unpatriotic' to Breland. Much like if you're a worshiper of the Sliver Flame some might question your loyalty. Even though you can worship either religion and totally support your homeland of Breland, some might see your religious choice as presenting a conflict of interest. Better to hide your religious beliefs and so avoid the suspicious stares of your neighbours.

2) For those who aren't members, the Blood of Vol is a creepy religion. It deals with death and decay and the cold of the grave and the fight to stay alive in an uncaring cosmos... It's like having a pack of goths living nearby: that sort of thing unnerves some people. If the uninformed will simply misunderstand, better they simply not know.


My own general thoughts...

The Blood of Vol is outlawed in most nations for a few reasons...first of all it is seen as an evil death cult, which isn't really accurate but it is hard to argue the point. Secondly, both the Aerenal nation and the Church of the Silver Flame directly oppose it, so they influence nations and cities to make sure it is outlawed.

My general policy is that in places like Sharn, worship of the BoV or the Dark Six in an organized church is against the law, but no one goes looking for them. If the church stays quiet and doesn't bother anyone then it is left alone. If they start to be public or make noise, then the might of the Flamers and the Sharn Watch (and possibly the Blackened Book) are going to come down hard.


Actually, Thrane is the only place that hastles the Blood of Vol. They're not popular most places, but the Karrnathi district in Sharn has a large and open following of the BoV. At least in the setting as given, you may adjust the degree of religious persecution as you see fit.

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