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[Eberron] Raider's of Xen'Drik


Lurker (sort of)
Hobbes Shifter Barbarian 2, Search+1, Spot-1, Listen+5 - Flat-Footed: 14

Upon hearing the call to arms from “X” I will abandon the excellent food before me, then sprint to my cabin as fast as possible. Finally we get some action and where am I to be found, eating, I knew I should have kept a better watch out for that. Especially when I know most predators like to hunt a night when their prey is at it weakest. From now on I will remain on deck at night keeping a look out as I am pretty sure I can see farther than most people on board and I will have to remember to keep my sword with me at all times. When there I will hastily grab my sword and sling my bow and quiver over my shoulders. At which point I will hastily make my way up onto deck by way of the felinoids bouncing head.

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Ulytash (24/24hp, AC 12, FF 10) Search, Spot & Listen +1

Unarmed and unarmored, Ulytash runs to his cabin and grabs his sword and rushes for the deck hoping that he can get there before anyone is seriously hurt.


Takis - Druid 2, Search +2, Spot +8, Listen +8, Flatfooted AC 17

Takis knows he's no match in close combat, especially unarmored. He runs for his sling and slingstones, then heads off to provide any aid he can.


Rezzin will move to the cabin, throw on his leather armor, attach his buckler, then pick up his spiked chain and move above deck (however many rounds that takes).

Lobo Lurker

First Post
Those of you rushing to get armor and weapons will arrive back at the battle in 3 rounds (something of a discount for armor wearers). This includes: Xarut, Groswen, Hobbes, Takis, Rezzin, & Ulytash (& Rik?). As you rush towards your cabin, you see a trio of dark-skinned elves emerging from the captain's quarters. Two are almost naked and heavily tattoed. The third is dressed in some exotic green robes with some golden jewelry... she looks old.

Marianna drags Jherod bodily from the galley and forces him back to his quarters. "Now's time to earn your upkeep she shouts at you!"

X & Plate hack bloodily into thier opponants and one of the sahuagin falls. (OOC: Plate - if your DR is 3 then yes, you took one point less damage). They move more or less back to back so as not to get flanked by thier attackers.

The captain and crew of the Lunar Fury pour out of the galley and take up belaying pins or daggers and engage the attacking sahuagin. Several recieve grievious wounds for thier efforts.

For thier part, the sahuagin tear into the crew like sharks to the slaughter. Men & Half-elves scream in pain before being viciously cut down. The two left fighting Plate and X jab furiously (1d20+4=10, 1d20+4=13) with thier tridents and thier fearsome maws snap at you. Neither trident nor tooth is able to cause either of the warforged any damage though.

LT looks down from the pilot house and shouts out to Plate & X. "Fear not the water-fleshed monstrosities, for you are steel and wood and stone. You cannot tremble in the face of your enemies because you are made of stronger stuff than mere flesh! Your arms will not tire and your will be as strong as the steel from which you are forged!" Both of you feel oddly comforted by LT's oddly subversive words and you redouble your efforts (Inspire Courage: +2 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +2 morale bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls).

Tor L'Tha

First Post
X, Barbarian, Search +0/Spot +2/Listen +0, Flatfooted AC 18 HP 26/30

“BEAST DIE!!!“ X sahuagin hit dice 2 =6 He misses awfully what becomes the reason for his Rage.

Ooc:how many round do i have normaly with rage? Is it 5? I know with the feat i got +5 rounds. Making it 10 rounds of rage?


Guest 11456

Plate, Warforged Fighter 3 : Atk +11; AC 18; HP 36/38

Feeling more powerful because of LT's words, Plate swings her large blade at the beast before her and hits (1d20+11=29) it. The sahuagin is literally cut in half by the damage (2d6+9=15) from the fierce swing.


Mortachi Human Cleric Search+1, Spot/Listen+2 FF AC 15

Mortachi makes his way up to the deck from the Galley behind the captain and the crew. Seeing the darkness of the ship he quickly draws a dagger still greasy from the shark he was dining on seconds before. He takes his holy symbol in hand and begins a short prayer that ends with a sudden glow of light from the dagger illuminating the fight before him.

Lobo Lurker

First Post
End Round One.

Rik, Rezzin, Takis, Hobbes, Ulytash, Xarut & Groswen: [finding and donning armor & weapons as quickly as possible]

Plate cleaves her foe in two, leaving one scared looking sahuagin. Noting his sudden danger, the lone remaining sahuagin facing off against X retreats a step and croaks, as if for help. In response, a massive 4 armed sahuagin steps forth from the crowd battling the crew and charges plate (1d20+13=18, 1d20+13=20, 1d20+13=32, 1d20+13=20). His claws find purchase on her armor plating and he tears into her (1d6+5-3=4, 1d6+5-3=5, 1d6+5-3=3). Her heavy chassis protects her some from the viciousness of the attack, but she is still shredded (12 damage total).

The foul beast grins at plate... a grin that quickly turns into a shriek of pain as a bolt of green-colored fire lances out from the cabin area of the ship to strike the large beast's side.

Meanwhile the crew, emboldened by Mortachi's LIGHT spell and obviously having practiced this, bull rushes the sahuagin in a single action under the captain's direction. "Just like we practiced lads! On three... THREE!!!!" 3 of the sahuagin go tumbling over the side of the ship.

Noting that the crew really isn't cut out for fighting sahuagin, LT draws his sword and with a bellow charges into the midst of the sea devils. A splintering cracking sound is heard as Glass arrives from the aft of the ship and hurls himself from the roof of the cabins to the main deck below.

As Mortachi watches an evil looking trident, gleaming with eldritch light slowly coaleces in front of him and jabs him! (1d20+9=21) The blow is painful (1d8+2=5) but far from debilitating.

End Round Two

Hobbes 19
Unknown Thing 17
X 16
Plate 16
The Crew 15
Xarut 14
Rik 13
Groswen 12
Rezzin 10
The Sahuagin 10
Takis 7
Ferrix's PC 6
Mortachi 4
The Clockwork Ten 2

Voidrunner's Codex

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