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Eberron "Side Trek" (OOC); Roll Call

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First Post
Branding Opportunity said:
On second (or third) thought, I already have too much on my plate at the moment. I don't want my other games to suffer. Sorry to be such a pest, but I'm going to bow out.

I understand, maybe another time. I was planning a goblin NPC anyway, I think I'm going to steal the "giant wasp mount" idea. :]


First Post
Ferrix said:
Magebred Valenar Warhorse

Sorry, but you can't have a Magebred Valenar Warhorse.

Magebred animals are created by House Vadalis,

House Vadalis is banned from Valenar to keep them from creating Magebred Valenar Warhorse's.

You can have a captured Magebred Warhorse or a Valenar Warhorse.

(No you cannot breed the two, the ancestors would not approve.)


MavrickWeirdo said:
Sorry, but you can't have a Magebred Valenar Warhorse.

Magebred animals are created by House Vadalis,

House Vadalis is banned from Valenar to keep them from creating Magebred Valenar Warhorse's.

You can have a captured Magebred Warhorse or a Valenar Warhorse.

(No you cannot breed the two, the ancestors would not approve.)

I didn't see that in the description of either, where exactly is that?


First Post
Here's the final version of my character. I wasn't sure whether to post it here for approval first or do it in the RG.

Kaelendor Boereastris

Male Elf Clr 2 (Undying Court)/Div 3
Neutral Good

Str 8 -- (0 pts)
Dex 10 -- (0 pts, racial bonus)
Con 10 -- (4 pts, racial penalty)
Int 17 -- (13 pts)
Wis 17 -- (10 pts, 4th level bonus)
Cha 9 -- (1 pt.)

Hit Points 20
AC 10*, Touch 10, Flat 10* (*+4 w/mage armor)
Init +0
BAB +2, Grap +2
Speed 20 – 30 w/o backpack (base 30, 26/53/80)
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +9

+2 Melee, Longsword, 1d8 slashing, 19-20/x2
+3 Ranged, Masterwork Longbow, 1d8 piercing, 20/x3, 100'r

Medium, 5'8" tall, 115 lbs., 140 yrs old
Black hair, Grey eyes, pale white skin

Speaks Elven, Common, Draconic, Gnome, Goblin

+5 Concentration (5)
+8 Decipher Script (5)
+3 Diplomacy (4)
+7 Heal (4)
+8 Knowledge: Arcana (5)
+9 Knowledge: History (6)
+9 Knowledge: Religion (6)
+5* Listen (0, racial bonus)
+5 Search (0, racial bonus)
+10 Spellcraft (5, synergy)
+5* Spot (0, racial bonus)
* +2 when familiar is within arm’s reach

-Aberrant Dragonmark (chill touch, CL 2) 1st level
-Improved Familiar 3rd level
-Scribe Scroll 1st level Wizard bonus

Racename Traits
-Immunity to magic sleep effects, and a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells or effects.
-Low-Light Vision
-Weapon Proficiency: Elves receive the Martial Weapon Proficiency feats for the longsword, rapier, longbow (including composite longbow), and shortbow (including composite shortbow) as bonus feats.
- +2 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks. An elf who merely passes within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door is entitled to a Search check to notice it as if she were actively looking for it.

Cleric Abilities
-Good Aura
-Good Domain: cast Good spells at +1 CL
-Protection Domain: Protective Ward (1x/day, +(Cleric Level) resistance bonus to next save, duration 1 hour)
-Spontaneous Casting (cure spells)
-Turn Undead (3 x/day, +2 to check, 2d6+(Cleric Level) turn damage)

Wizard Abilities
-Specialist School: Divination (Forbidden School: Necromancy)
-Summon Familiar

Cleric Spells Prepared 4|3+1
0th- Guidance, Light, Purify Food and Drink, Resistance
1st- Bless, Detect Evil, Remove Fear, Santuary (D)
2nd- Spell1, Aid (D)

Wizard Spells Prepared 4|3+1/2+1
0th- Detect Magic, Light, Prestidigitation, Read Magic
1st- Mage Armor, Magic Missile (x2), Comprehend Languages (S)
2nd- Scorching Ray (x2), Locate Object(S)

0th- All cantrips
1st- Alarm, Comprehend Languages, Feather Fall, Identify, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Shield, Sleep
2nd- Locate Object, Scorching Ray

Background, Personality, Appearance:
[sblock] Background:
The Boereastris family name is a proud one, whose dedication to the elven community can be traced back through the millennia to before the founding of Aerenal. Throughout the ages, the Boereastris have been politicians, clergy, and scholars, with many of their number continuing to serve after death as councilors of the Undying Court. It was no surprise, therefore, that Kaelendor, a rare third child, entered the priesthood. He excelled in his studies, as was expected of him as a Boereastris, and showed every sign of continuing his family’s tradition of distinguished service to their people.

All that changed on the day of his Commencement of the Path of Transition. Walking alongside the other initiates between the bone pillars of the Hall of Forebears, Kaelendor became aware of a peculiar burning sensation in his left side. A particularly dry member of a family noted for stoicism, Kaelendor at first ignored the feeling and carried on. The pain intensified to such a point that Kaelendor actually choked while drinking from the Pool of Eternity. Kaelendor was mortified by the whispers of shock that his breach of decorum caused to echo through the chamber, but he managed to finish the ceremony that made him a full priest of the Undying Court.

As soon as he was alone, Kaelendor tore off his robes to examine the cause of his agony. His blood froze when he saw the angry red swirling symbol seared into his flesh – a dragonmark. Kaelendor knew little about the mysterious skin patterns and their study was not popular in Aerenal, but he was certain it was not one of the twelve recognized marks. The remaining possibilities terrified him, and Kaelendor resolved to keep his mark a secret until he could learn more. By day he was the model elf, coolly and dispassionately carrying out his duties in Shae Cairdal and Shae Mordai. By night, he pored over ancient tomes in a terror, desperately searching for some insight into what he came to think of as his curse.

There was little to find. His ancestors had been quite thorough in their destruction of all records pertaining to House Vol and the Mark of Death; not so much as a single picture remained to help Kaelendor lay to rest his worst fear and he dared not consult with those among the Court who had personally seen it. He also found little information about aberrant marks and the marks appearing among the lesser races; good Aereni were simply not interested in such things. But he did find something worse. In an obscure legal tome was the account of a suit brought by his own great-great-great grandfather, Hoeldan Boereastris, against a colleague for slander. It seems the colleague was attempting to gain political advantage by claiming that Hoeldan was actually the bastard child of Tevren d’Vol, grandfather of the infamous Erandis. According to the account, the accusation was later publicly withdrawn, but Kaelendor was filled with yet more doubt.

Kaelendor hid his fear and his shame while he considered what to do with his career. He caused more than a few eyebrows to be raised when he, a respectable member of a dignified family, volunteered to serve when a position as religious advisor to the diplomatic delegation in Taer Valaestas became available. Most Aereni, and especially Kaelendor’s own family, consider foreign service to be a distasteful, albeit necessary, duty. To put it bluntly, leaving Aerenal was considered tantamount to exile among the barbarians. That those barbarians were elves made it little better, as he had been raised to thing of the Tairnadal as savage rebels, barely cousins at all.

Kaelendor considered joining the ambassador’s party as making the best of a bad situation. He had no greater desire to leave his home than most of his race and he was certain he would find the conditions distressingly primitive. On the other hand, his uncertainty over whether he was indeed a bearer of the taint of abomination made it increasingly difficult for him to endure the company of his peers and even more so of the Revered Ancestors. Moreover, Kaelendor believed that he might find more answers to his dilemma on Khorvaire, home of the dragonmarked houses.

Although the facilities in Taer Valaestas were primitive indeed compared to those at home, Kaelendor made slow and steady progress in his researches into the history of the dragonmarks. He was able to concoct excuses to travel as far as Korranberg to consult the famous library there. These trips, while helpful, were always called distressingly short. In the process of his researches, Kaelendor made some discoveries about himself.

Previously, he had always considered magic to be nothing more than a tool, albeit one that the Elves have superior knowledge of, of course. Even the clerical abilities granted by his devotion were a matter of indifference to him – a sign of his status and success and mildly useful, but little more. The more he studies, however, the more Kaelendor has come to realize the topic of magic engages his intellect on the deepest possible level. He would like to delve deeper into arcane studies, assuming he can balance it with his clerical duties and his dark secret.

Working among humans, khorovar, gnomes, and others, he came to a second realization. The so-called “lesser races” are people too, in their own fashion. Kaelendor is surprised to find a respite from the terrible strain of his secret burden in a genuine sense of caring that he has begun to develop for the people he has lived and studied among for the past few years. His feelings are tempered with a certain amount of uneasiness with (and pity for) beings who must stumble through life without the comfort of the wisdom of the ages to draw upon.

This caring has a downside. Not only are the other races extremely short-lived, but in Khorvaire, those brief lives are often violently cut even shorter. Just a few weeks ago, Dovem Bonadar, a gnome librarian whom Kaelendor had begun to trust and feel close to above all others, was killed under mysterious circumstances. Almost immediately thereafter the Ambassador released Kaelendor from active duty to “take time to reflect.” Kaelendor is unused to the intensity and rapid pace of politics, intrigue, and conspiracy that are an everyday fact of life in Khorvaire, but he is certain that there is a veiled message in his superior’s orders. For now, he is content to observe the world and its strange, violent inhabitants, and wait to see what adventures fate has in store for him.

Personality and Appearance:
[sblock]At 5’8”, Kaelendor is rather tall for an elf, but he has an emaciated frame and clammy pallor that often made him the envy of his fellow seminary students. His personal manner is aloof and distant; his liking for the people of Khorvaire has yet to overcome decades of training. He almost never appears in public without the Vhul Mordaes Thal, the traditional face paint and shroud of the priestly class. His voice is powerful, but he only speaks when he has fully considered what he wishes to say and pauses often as if carefully choosing his words. Contemplative and imperturbable, few would realize the agonizing terror of himself that he wrestles with daily.[/sblock]

[sblock]Cleric’s Vestments (worn, 6 lb.) 5 gp

Longsword (belt left, 4 lb.) 15 gp
Wand of Color Spray (belt right, --) 750 gp
Wand of Cure Light Wounds (belt right, --) 750 gp
Spell component Pouch (belt front, 2 lb.) 5 gp
Belt Pouch (belt right, .5 lb) 2 gp

Masterwork Longbow (left shoulder, 3 lb.) 375 gp
Quiver w/20 arrows (right shoulder, 3 lb.) 1 gp
Backpack (center back, 2 lb) 2 gp
Bedroll (below backpack, 5 lb.) .1 gp

Ring of Protection +1 (left index finger, --) 2000 gp

Waterskin- water (backpack, 4 lb.) 1 gp
Trail Rations- 3 days (backpack, 3 lb.) 1.5 gp
Traveler’s Outfit (backpack, 5 lb.) 1 gp
Traveling Spellbook - 31/100 pages used (backpack, 3 lb) 15 gp
Journal (as spellbook) – 0/100 pages used (backpack, 3 lb) 15 gp
Traveling Papers (backpack, --) .2 gp
Scroll of Identify (x2) (backpack, --) 250 gp
Scroll of Levitate (backpack, --) 150 gp

Coins- 125 gp, 1 sp, (pouch, 2.5 lb.)
Vials black ink (x2) (pouch, --) 16 gp
Inkpen (pouch, --) .1 gp
Identification Papers w/Portrait (pouch, --) 5 gp

Backup Spellbook – 31/100 pages used (left at embassy, 3 lb.) 15 gp

Total weight carried: 40 lb. (25 lb. in backpack)
Total cost of gear: 4374 gp, 9 sp

Familiar (baboon - Tystalol):
CR--; medium animal; HD 3; hp 10; Init +2; Spd 40, climb 30; AC 15, touch 12, flatfooted 13; Base Atk +2; Grap +4; Atk Bite +4 melee, 1d6+3 piercing; Full Atk Bite +4 melee, 1d6+3 piercing; Space/Reach 5ft/5ft; SA; SQ Low-light vision, scent, grant Alertness fest to master, improved evasion, empathic link w/master, share spell effects w/master; AL N; SV Fort+3, Ref+4, Will+1; Str 15, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 7, Wis 12, Cha 4.
Skills and Feats:Climb +10, Listen +5, Spot +5; Alertness


Guess I just found it, a single sentence in the description of House Vadalis in the organizations section, saying that they had tried to steal a herd of Valenar horses and pissed off the Valenar. Although it's not actually spelled out that they don't exist, just explicit animosity between the two.


First Post
solkan_uk said:
Okay, I haven't been on here in quite a while - how do you do the little character sheet box?

Just use CODE and /CODE tags.

On a related note, anyone know how you create the hidden text with the Show button? I tried
, but that just turned the text black.


First Post
reedu21 said:
Just use CODE and /CODE tags.

On a related note, anyone know how you create the hidden text with the Show button? I tried
, but that just turned the text black.
{sblock}{/sblock} (using [], not {}, of course)


First Post
Ferrix said:
Guess I just found it, a single sentence in the description of House Vadalis in the organizations section, saying that they had tried to steal a herd of Valenar horses and pissed off the Valenar. Although it's not actually spelled out that they don't exist, just explicit animosity between the two.

It also mentiones on page 124 that Magebred animals are created by House Vadalis

Voidrunner's Codex

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