• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!


Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
If you are wondering what is taking so long, I have a major decision making process. I posted this elsewhere:

when scribing scrolls the cost is a bit of a surprise
for a base line of knowledge, let me mention pathfinder for a base line. cost per scroll is the same in both:

however the scribing materials cost is what got my attention


and here is the big surprise:

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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Ok, here is the mostly final copy of my character. He still need a bit of cosmetic adjustment, but otherwise is done, I think.

There is a note by the list of spells in the book regarding a need to approve a source, spell compendium, that includes a link to the pdf that downloads. I cannot encourage the act of saving that pdf on your computer, but nor can I personally prevent it.

32 POINT BUY ; LEVEL 5 ; 9,000 GOLD


Ranger Wizard 3/2 [fav. class: Ranger]
neutral neutral
[B]STR[/B]  16  +3  8 PTS  
[B]DEX[/B]  14  +2  6 PTS  
[B]CON[/B]  12  +1  4 PTS  
[B]INT[/B]  15  +2  8 PTS  
[B]WIS[/B]  12  +1  4 PTS  
[B]CHR[/B]  10  +0  2 PTS  
level 4 advance: str +1

[B]Hit points[/B] 3d8+2d4+3 [fc] 8+19+5+3=[COLOR=#00ff00][B]35/35[/B][/COLOR]

[B]Initiative[/B]  +2
[B]AC[/B]  17 = 4 [armour]+2 [dex]+1 [magic]
[B]Touch[/B] 13
[B]Flatfoot[/B] 15
[B]BAB[/B]  +4 [B]Grapple[/B] +7  [B]Rng touch[/B] +6 
[B]Concentration[/B] +4; [B]spot[/B] +4; [B]listen[/B] +4; [B]search[/B] +5

[B][U]Save  base  abil  misc  total  notes[/U][/B]
[B]Fort  [/B] +3    +1    ---   +4
[B]Ref[/B]    +3    +2    ---   +5
[B]Will  [/B] +4    +1    ---   +5
*Ranger: [Fort +3; Ref +3; Will +1]
*Wizad: [Fort: +0; Ref +0; Will +3]


[B]Armor             base mag  ACP spell  wt   type  notes[/B][/U]
[SIZE=3]Mithral chain shirt[/SIZE]  +4   +1   0    10%  12.5  lite  max dex bonus: +6

[B][U]Weapon      Att  Dam    crit    wt   type  notes[/U][/B]
L.bow, comp +7  1d8+3     x2    3 lb  P    range 110 ft
l. sword    +7  1d8+3 19-20/x2  4 lb  S 
Dagger      +2  1d4+1 19-20/x2  1 lb  p/s  range 10 ft
   thrown   +4  1d4+1 19-20/x2  1 lb  p/s  range 10 ft
Club        +2  1d6+1     x2    3 lb  B 
   Thrown   +4  1d6+1     x2   

[B]Human traits[/B] 
Medium: As Medium creatures, humans have no special bonuses or 
    penalties due to their size.
Human base land speed is 30 feet.
1 extra feat at 1st level.
4 extra skill points at 1st level and 1 extra skill point at each 
    additional level.
Automatic Language: Common. Bonus Languages: Any (other than secret 
    languages, such as Druidic). See the Speak Language skill.
Favored Class: Any. 
When determining whether a multiclass human  takes an experience point 
    penalty, his or her highest-level class does  not count.

[B]Ranger traits[/B]
[U]fav enemy: [/U]Undead [seen too many in his "archaeological endeavors"]
[U]Tracking[/U]: Gain as bonus feat
[U]Wild Empathy[/U]: diplomacy to change attitude of an animal.
[U]Combat style[/U]: gain [I]rapid shot [/I]as bonus feat; gain [I]Endurance[/I] as bonus feat

[B]Wizard traits[/B] (
Spells, Cantrips, Bonus feats, scribe scroll

[B]Age[/B]: 17; [B]Height[/B]: 6' 1" [185 cm]; [B]Weight[/B]: 195 lbs [88.6 Kg]

[COLOR=red][Human][COLOR=red] [URL="http://www.d20srd.org/srd/feats.htm#selfSufficient"]self sefficient[/URL] [/COLOR][+2 heal and surv][/COLOR]
[COLOR=black][WZ 1][COLOR=red] [URL="http://www.d20srd.org/srd/feats.htm#scribeScroll"]Scribe scroll[/URL] [/COLOR][create scrolls][/COLOR]
[COLOR=red][CL 1][COLOR=red] [URL="http://www.d20srd.org/srd/feats.htm#pointBlankShot"]Point blank shot[/URL] [[/COLOR]+1 to hit and dam within 30 feet][/COLOR]
[COLOR=black][RN 1][COLOR=red] [URL="http://www.d20srd.org/srd/feats.htm#track"]Tracking[/URL] [/COLOR][use survival to track][/COLOR]
[COLOR=red][RN 2][COLOR=red] [URL="http://www.d20srd.org/srd/feats.htm#manyshot"]Many-shot[/URL] [/COLOR][shoot two arrows at max attack][/COLOR]
[COLOR=black][CL 3][COLOR=red] [URL="http://www.d20srd.org/srd/feats.htm#preciseShot"]Precise shot[/URL][/COLOR] [shoot into melee w/out penalty][/COLOR]
[COLOR=red][RN 3] [COLOR=red][URL="http://www.d20srd.org/srd/feats.htm#endurance"]Endurance[/URL] [/COLOR][+4to swim, +4 con check for running,forced march, 
                 hold breath,other checks][/COLOR]
[CL 6] 
meta magic[silent spell, still spell;combat casting]
general [spell focus, skill focus: surv;alertness; stealthy]
combat [weapon focus: bow]
[[2(CLASS)+3(int)]*3]= 15 skill points
[[[6 + 2] *4] + [6 + 2] *2] [rngr] + [[2+2]*2] [wzrd] + [4+4] [race] 
    = 32+16+8+8= 64 sp

[B][U]Skills           Rank  Abil ACP  Misc Total  Notes[/U]
Acrobatics        0     2    0     --   +2
Appraise *        3     3    --    --   +6
Bluff             0     1    --    --   +1
Climb*            2     3    0     +2   +8 [climbers kit]
Concent*          3     1    --    --   +4
Craft* (Alcm) *   1     3    --    --   +4
Decifr scrpt*     3     3    --    --   +6
Diplomacy         0     1    --    --   +1
Disable Device    0     2    0     --   +2
Disguise          0     1    --    --   +1
Escape Artist     0     2    0     --   +2
Fly               0     ?    0     --   +
Handle Animal*    1     1    --    --   +2
Heal*             2     1    --    2    +5  feat  
Hide*             3     2    0     --   +5
Intimidate        0     1    --    --   +1
Jump*             3     3    0     --   +6
 Knowledge:  *
     (Arcana)     3     3    --    --   +6
     (Dngnrng)    3     3    --    --   +6
     (Engnrng)    3     3    --    --   +6
     (Geography)  3     3    --    --   +6
     (History)    1     3    --    --   +4
     (Local)      3     3    --    --   +6
     (Nature)     3     3    --    --   +6
     (Nobility)   1     3    --    --   +4
     (Planes)     1     3    --    --   +4
     (Religion)   2     3    --    --   +5
Listen *          3     1     0    --   +4
Move Silent*      3     2     0    --   +5
 Perform          0     1     0    --   +1
Profession *      0     1     --   --   +1 
Ride*             1     2     0    1    +4
Search *          3     2     0    0    +5
Sense Motive      0     1     0    --   +1  
Sleight of Hand   0     2     --   --   +2    
Spellcraft *      4     3     --   2    +9
Spot*             3     1     0    0    +4
Stealth           0     2     0    --   +2  
Survival*         3     1     0    3    +7     feat, class   
Swim*             1     3     0    --   +4  
Use Mag Dev       0     1    --    --   +1 
Use Rope          0     2     0    0    +2[/B]

[U][B]Equioment              cost     weight   Knotes[/B][/U]
LongBow, comp +1       2700 gp   3 lb
Arrows                    3 gp   1 lb
Long Sword               15 gp   3 lb
Dagger                    2 gp   1 lb
Club                   ---  gp   3 lb **
Mithral chain shirt +1 2100 gp  12.5 lb
explorer's outfit                  wearing
**handy haver sck      2000 gp   5 lb
rope, silk 100 ft        20 gp  10 lb **
waterflask                1 gp   4 lb ** 
climber's kit            80 gp   5 lb **
spell comp pouch x 2     10 gp   4 lb **/2.0 lb
sun rods x 10            20 gp  10 lb **
bulls eye lamp           12 gp   3 lb **
oil x 3                  0.3 gp  3 lb **
[U]   Arrows                 3 gp   1 lb **[/U]
Total                  6966.3 gp 65.5 lb Encumberenced weight:   27.5
scroll & scribe   2000 gp

cash:  33.7 gp

budget 9000 GOLD

[B]Background[/B]: Claims to be an archaeologist, but really isn't much more then
a mercenary and fortune hunter. Seen enough of the undead to have grown 
into a hatred. Also has some dealings with shapeshifters to have a great 
mistrust, not so much as to prevent him from using their tactics.

spell book
Spells with an * indicates it is from Spell Compendium and requires approval for that source as yet.

below is an online copy of the spell compendium PDF

[sblock=level 0; 24 pages]
Acid Splash (PH p196) – Orb deals 1d3 damage.
Arcane Mark (PH201 p201)– Inscribes a personal rune (visible or invisible)
Dancing Lights (PH p216)– Creates torches or other lights.
Daze (PH p217)– Humanoid creature of 4HD or less loses next action.
Detect Poison (PH p219) – Detects poison in one creature or small object.
Detect Magic (PH p219)– Detects spells and magic items within 60’.
Disrupt Undead (PH p223)– Deals 1d6 damage to one undead
*Electric Jolt (SpC p78)– Ranged touch attack deals 1d3 electricity damage.
Flare (PH p232)– Dazzles one creature (–1 on attack rolls).
Ghost Sound (PH p235)– Figment sounds

*Launch Bolt (SpC p131)– Launches a crossbow bolt as if from a light crossbow up to 100’ + 10’ per level
Light (PH p248)– Object shines like a torch.
Mage Hand (PH p249)– 5 pound telekinesis.
Mending (PH p253)– Makes minor repairs on an object.
Message (PH p253)– Whispered conversation at distance.
Open/Close (PH p258)– Opens or closes small or light things.
Prestidigitation (PH p264)– Performs minor tricks.
Ray of Frost (PH p269– Ray deals 1d3 Cold damage.
Read Magic
(PH p269)– Reads scrolls and spellbooks.
*Repair Minor Damage (SpC p173)– Repairs 1 point of damage to any Construct
Resistance (PH p272) – Subject gains +1 resistance bonus on all saving throws.
*Silent Portal (SpC p190)– Negates sound from door or window.
*Stick (SpC p206)– Glues an object weighting 5 pound or less to a larger object
Touch of Fatigue (PH p294)– Touch attack fatigues target


[sblock=level 1]

*Accelerated Movement (SpC p7) – Swift. Balance, Climb, or Move Silently at normal speed with no penalty on skill check.
Animate Rope (PH p199)– Makes a rope move at your command
*Arrow Mind (SpC p15) – Immediate. You threaten nearby squares with your bow and fire without provoking attacks of opportunity.

Comprehend Languages (PH p212)– You understand all spoken and written languages.

Detect Secret Doors
(PH p220)– Reveals hidden doors within 60’.

Expeditious Retreat (PH p228)– Your land speed increases by 30’.

Feather Fall (PH p229)– Objects or creatures fall slowly.

Grease (PH p237)– Makes 10’ square or 1 object slippery.
*Guided Shot
(SpC p108)– Swift. You ignore distance penalties with your ranged attacks for 1 round.

Identify (PH p243)– Determines properties of a magic item.

(PH p246)– Subject gains bonus on Jump checks.

*Low-Light Vision (SpC p134)– See twice as far as a Human in poor illumination.

(Eb p113)– +5 Competence bonus on one Craft check.

Magic Missile (PH p251)– 1d4+1 force damage; +1 missile per two levels above 1st(max 5 missiles)
Mount (PH p256)– Summons riding horse for 2 hours per level.
Mage Armor (PH p249)– Gives subject +4 armor bonus.

*Orb of Acid, Lesser (SpC p151)– Ranged touch attack deals 1d8 Acid damage + 1d8 per two levels beyond 1st
(max 5d8).
*Orb of Fire, Lesser (SpC p151)– Ranged touch attack deals 1d8 Fire damage + 1d8 per two levels beyond 1st(max 5d8).

Repair Light Damage
(Eb p114)Restores 1d8 + 1/lvl (max +5) points of damage to a Construct.

Shield (PH p278)– Invisible disc gives +4 Shield bonus to AC and blocks Magic Missiles
Shocking Grasp (PH p279)– Touch delivers 1d6 per level (max 5d6) of electricity damage.

True Strike (PH p296)– Add +20 insight bonus to your next attack roll.

Unseen Servant (PH p297)– Invisible force obeys your commands.

[sblock=level 2]

SPELLS - Wizard
DC 13 + level

[B][U]level :     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9[/U][/B]
[B]base:       4   2   0  [/B]
[B][U]int mod:    0   1   1   1[/U][/B]
[B]total:      4   3   x   x

Level 0

Level 1

Level 2

spell list



I think i'm just going to have to stop being mr nice guy here and kill the man. Trying to understand the disease IS a priority, but not if it spreads. :/


Oh scott! Thank god you're here by the way! I don't know what's happening.:.-( Come endure the suffering with us please! Cyric doesn't know what to do either! He's more meat shield than magic! He's really not magical enough to do much. All he can really do is hit things and hope they get better!

Still looking for more players. Right now we have a cleric and a rogue with a possible wizard coming in.

At this point the group arrived at Yrlag, and while trying to learn rumors and answers to their questions they have found more additional questions and few answers. They face a half-dragon warrior that is going insane currently. A possible insect / disease infestation also.

Voidrunner's Codex

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