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The bard tries to reason with the 1/2 Dragon. For her efforts, she nearly loses a hand as he begins to snap and bite at people while struggling. She spots the surviving man running for the door- "Stop him!"

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Dairken doesn't hesitate to heed Glamour's order. His hand, releasing from the pommel of his rapier, quickly grabs the back of his chair before him. Vaulting over chair and patron in his way, onto the tables, he leaps from one to the next toward the door. Flipping through the air into a tumble on his last leap in an attempt to bowl over the fleeing man.



Knowing he'll never catch the fleeing man in his heavy armor, Vorik pulls a javelin and readies to throw if the others fail to stop the man. "Halt!" He shouts.

[sblock]Ready action to throw a javelin if it looks like the man will get away. [roll0] [roll1] [/sblock]


[sblock]Dairken 'to hit' roll]
pardon the pun, but Dairken forgot to make a to hit roll, with his rolling maneuver
here it is


Confused at what is going on, Cyric looks about to his companions for clarity. "I thought, sir that this, half-dragon fellow was...the issue? What the HELL is going on here?"

Cyric 23
Tarnemelk 20
Vorik 19
Glamour (the bard) 15
Dairken 13
Torlank (1/2 dragon) 12
Surviving adventurer 6
Slamfist (warforged) 2

The half-dragon continues to thrash about trying to free himself from the goo that has wrapped around his chest and arms. He grows in an unholy manner and stops to suck in his breath.

Slamfist, recognizes what his friend is about to do and pushes many of you away and collapses onto the warrior. Gouts of fire burst out but the warforged has blocked the worst of it with his own body. Glamour screams out in mental agony- "Nooooooo!" as she witnesses one friend murder another.

The man that the half-dragon touched comes to a sudden stop as the elf leaps before him. "Move! They are coming and we are all doomed!"

The bartender suddenly has a club and orders all to leave before any harm comes to his tavern.


"Bless us poor misguided fools." He starts moving toward the door. "What are you are afflicted with my son. Tell us everything you can of the creatures in the cylinder, but do not touch anyone."


Cyric thinks he may have a slightly better idea at what's going on, so moves to block the doorway. "You're infected? Well, if you try and push past me as you walk through, you will spread whatever" he points at the mess at the centre of the room "THAT was."

Cyric readies his scythe, preparing to trip the man if he comes close. "Friend, you don't want to accidentally hurt anyone else and if you leave after what has happened, no doubt there will be a manhunt for you. I will try and trip you over and several of my companions here will help in trying to tie you up to get you cured if we have to, so you might as well just work with us. Besides that, i suspect this enemy you speak of WANTS you to panic to spread the danger! Your alternative is to stick around here just a LITTLE bit longer, get cured and THEN jump on the first boat you can home! Maybe also get modified memory cast on you a couple of times to remove your trauma."

Cyric shrugs matter-of-factly with his next words, "You only have two choices really, either your fear will cause you to TRY and run, meaning the town will probably kill you if we can't capture you OR you can get cured and leave just a LITTLE later than now and NEVER return."

The man stops and cries. "Not again!"

Cyric Spot [16+0=16]

A bright blue beetle about one inch in length skitters from his leg and seems to circle several times as if looking for something.


"Ewwww" Vorik exclaims aloud. "Everyone observe! Weird blue beetle by that guys foot.... Just"; He strikes at it with his scythe, hoping to strike with accuracy "THERE!" [roll0][roll1].

Voidrunner's Codex

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