Eberron: The Machine of War(FULL)


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Human Sorceress, native to Sharn, possibly some sort of royalty/nobility or from a dragonmarked house? She'd be Charismatic with leadership skills and interested in gaining power/prestige. I could work up a much more detailed description if I were at home with my ECS, but sadly, I am not. =)

If this sounds remotely interesting, let me know.

*edit* At home with my books now, and a new idea Has struck. Related, but still, new.

Human Sorceress, born into the Maruk Ghaash'kala, in the Demon Wastes. Her parents, a human male warlord(Ftr/Pal) and a female human cleric, not wanting their daughter to grow up in the wastes, and knowing Eldeen is not far enough away, have the child smuggled all the way to Breland, into the city of Sharn to be educated, and kept safe. They still take care to send her information, and as her education nears completion, have begun to debate, in part with her, over what she should do next. They are not terribly keen on having her come back to the wastes, unless she feels the call, and while she loves them, it has not moved her heart to do so yet. She has discovered some strange magical abilities, however, which seem spontaneous and natural, possibly relating to her heritage, and since they have just begun to manifest, she has not yet been able to ask her parents about them.

Let me know if that grabs you, or if I should come up with something else. :D
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I don't know if you're full here or not, but if you've got room, I'd like to play a Shifter Fighter ; perhaps from a Shifter 'clan' of sorts that can trace it's ancestry directly back to the Wererats of lore. I think that'd be pretty awesome.

Edit : I'm not intimately familiar with the Eberron setting, so I could go into greater depth about the concept after reading a bit more about the region this'll take place in and a bit more about the war.


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I'm accepting all applications until Monday night at midnight central standard time. Then I will look at all characters posted. You may post stats if you want, but it is not needed yet. It's not a first come first serve thing. Sorry if I gave that impression.


First Post
Background:Iohr is a young native to Sharn, born into a vast family of 'purebred' shifters - as purebred, at least, as a race of diluted lycanthropes can be. Although the species has slowly become more human, the Iohr family has made efforts to maintain what's left of their racial purity. The family has existed beneath notice of the city, members of it's dark underworld for ages. Only those who can prove a direct, 'undiluted' ancestry that reaches back to Wererats are allowed into the family ; on the few occurences a member has broken this rule, both they, their spouse, and their children were slain. For the most part, inbreeding between far cousins in used to keep the bloodline 'pure.'

Iohr Exicon is young, and the Treaty was signed when he was just sixteen years old. He's been trained in some family basics - how to move about unnoticed, how to get what is rightfully theirs, and how to manipulate people. Although he's now only eighteen years old, he has begun to hire himself out for a variety of purposes to those in the know - from simple spying to grab-and-run. Despite being brought up in a family of evil-doers, Iohr Exicon is good in his heart - he doesn't like to hurt people, and only does what he does out of necessity. If he's not skilled and capable, his family might see him as a threat to the gene pool - and eliminate him.

Personality: Iohr is inquisitive and quick-witted, and goes out of his way to make 'friends' with anyone he can. He's alert, on his toes all the time, and reluctant to share any information - it's worth good money, and charity doesn't help to get anyone anywhere.

OOC Stuff
Iohr would be a Longstride Shifter [just as the rest of his family], and would begin play as a Rogue. He would adventure A] to fulfill contracts, and B] to prove his worth to his family, and hopefully be looked upon with respect. And proving that he's capable in all kinds of rough situations is just the way to do that...

Eventually, I'd plan to go into the Investigator prestige class.
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I just realized of course, duh, that as a first level character I'm not going to be raising anything, anytime soon. Silly me. Still, the character concept of a slightly deranged, if well-meaning necromancer still works. And after all, he still has to pay is bills (especially his bar tab) ...


The man with the probe
Valahandra Da'briel

[B]Name:[/B] Valahandra Da'briel
[B]Class:[/B] Cleric
[B]Race:[/B] Elf (Valenar)
[B]Size:[/B] Medium
[B]Gender:[/B] Female
[B]Alignment:[/B] LG
[B]Deity:[/B] Spirits of the Warriors of Xen'drik: 
Valahandra, Lady of the Silverblades

[B]Str:[/B] 14 +2 (6p.)     [B]Level:[/B] 1        [B]XP:[/B] 0/1000
[B]Dex:[/B] 16 +3 (6p.)     [B]BAB:[/B] +0         [B]HP:[/B] 9 (1d8+1)
[B]Con:[/B] 12 +1 (6p.)     [B]Grapple:[/B] +2     [B]Dmg Red:[/B] XX/XXXX
[B]Int:[/B] 12 +1 (4p.)     [B]Speed:[/B] XX'      [B]Spell Res:[/B] XX
[B]Wis:[/B] 15 +2 (8p.)     [B]Init:[/B] +3        [B]Spell Save:[/B] +X
[B]Cha:[/B] 10 +0 (2p.)     [B]ACP:[/B] -1         [B]Spell Fail:[/B] XX%

                   [B]Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B]              10    +3    +0    +3    +0    +0    +0    16
[B]Touch:[/B] 13              [B]Flatfooted:[/B] 13

                         [B]Base   Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]                      2    +1          +3
[B]Ref:[/B]                       0    +3          +3
[B]Will:[/B]                      2    +2          +4

[B]Weapon                  Attack   Damage     Critical[/B]
Double Bladed Scimitar    +3      1D6+3     18-20x2
  Two Weapon Fighting    +1/+1 1D6+2/1D6+1  18-20x2
Light Crossbow            +3       1d6      19-20x2
Dagger (10')             +2(3)    1d4+2     19-20x2

[B]Languages:[/B] Common, Elven, Draconic

Elven Racial Abilities
-Immunity to magic sleep effects, +2 save vs enchantment spells or effects.
-Low-Light Vision: 120'
-Weapon Proficiency: longsword, rapier, longbow, and shortbow.  Double Scimitar is considered Martial
-+2 bonus to Listen, Search, and Spot checks.
-An elf who merely passes within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door is entitled to a Search check to notice it as if she were actively looking for it.
Turn Undead (3/day, D20, 2D6+1)
Domains: War (Bonus Feats), Good (Good spells CL+1)

Domain: Martial Weapon Proficiency (Double Bladed Scimitar)
Domain: Weapon Focus (Double Bladed Scimitar)
1st: Two Weapon Fighting

0 Level: 3, DC 12
Detect Magic

1st Level: 2+1 DC 13
Domain: Protection from Evil
Divine Favor

[B]Skill Points:[/B] 12       [B]Max Ranks:[/B] 4/2
[B]Skills                   Ranks  Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
Knowledge: History         2    +1          +3
Knowledge: Religion        2    +1          +3
Concentration              4    +1          +5
Diplomacy                  2    +0          +2
Ride                       1    +3          +4
Spot                       0    +2    +2    +4
Listen                     0    +2    +2    +4
Search                     0    +1    +2    +3

[B]Equipment:               Cost  Weight[/B]
Double Scim	        125gp	15lb
Studded Leather	         25gp	20lb
Light Crossbow	         35gp	4lb
10 Bolts	          1gp	2lb
Identification Papers     2gp	
Dagger	                  2gp	1lb
Backpack	          2gp	2lb
Bedroll	                  1sp	5lb
Holy Symbol, Wood	  1gp	
1 Day Trail Rations	  5sp	1lb
Waterskin	          1gp	4lb
[B]Total Weight:[/B]54lb      [B]Money:[/B] 3gp 3sp 10cp

                           [B]Lgt   Med   Hvy  Lift  Push[/B]
[B]Max Weight:[/B]                58   116   175   175   875

[B]Age:[/B] 129
[B]Height:[/B] 4'9"
[B]Weight:[/B] 92lb
[B]Eyes:[/B] Blue
[B]Hair:[/B] Silver
[B]Skin:[/B] Pale
Valahandra is striking, with long silver hair and pale skin. Her deep blue eyes have a penetrating gaze. While beautiful, Valahandra has a strangely powerful presence, that can be almost disturbing. Often, it seems as though there is more than one person in her body, and as a result she often seems cold and distant.

From birth, Valahandra has always been associated with her namesake. Her unusual silver hair and pale skin linked her with the Lady of the Silver Blades forever. Her parents took these as a sign, and had her raised as a vessel to channel the power of Valahandra.

Valahandra was raised by the Keepers of the Past, and taught of great elven warriors of Xen'drik. She was taught that the spirits had great power, and through deed and emulation, these spirits could live again and grant power. Valahandra studied hard and trained hard, trying to do her best to live up to the legend of her namesake. Valahandra worked to master the double bladed scimitar, emulating her namesakes fighting style.

One night, Valahandra had a vision. She saw a woman, much like herself, fighting giants while other elves fled on ships. The vision shifted, and she saw the woman again, standing between some sort of strange aberration and the gate to an elven city. There was no mistaking the Silver Double Bladed Scimitar of the Lady of the Silver Blades. The vision shifted once again, and this time the Lady was speaking to a crowd, calling for warriors of the elves to stand strong in the face of the coming onslaught.

Valahandra was sure what the vision meant, and she spoke to the Keepers about them. She was told she was becoming impatient, to continue her training and the Keepers would tell her what to do. Valahandra was sure she had been chosen to be a vessel for the Lady, but she knew the Keepers would be cautious. Valahandra continued to have vision, and began to manifest magical powers, but these she kept those to herself and tried to continue training.

Valahandra had a disturbing vision one night. Again, she saw the Lady fighting off hordes of unknown creatures, but things were different. The Lady looks much like her, or perhaps she had matured into looking like the Lady, but this was her first striking realization of this. The vision shifted again, and she saw the Lady setting out at night, off to find her destiny and fight an oncoming foe. Valahandra woke, and knew what she needed to do. She gathered her things, and set out quietly to find her destiny, much like the Lady in her visions.

Sharn seemed like the place to be to find her true cause, with all that goes on, so Valahandra found her way to the city of Towers, looking for where her destiny will take her.

Valahandra, Lady of the Silver Blades
Domains: War, Good, Law, Protection
Favored Weapon: Double Scimitar
Legendary Warrior of Xen'drik, Valahandra is also known as the Lady of the Silverblades. Valahandra is worshiped by elven warriors, paladins and clerics who seek the purity of rightious combat and strength in conviction. Her silver Double Scimitar is a symbol of the need for purity and conviction in all directions of life.
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Here's my dwarven barbarian character that was last seen in the Parallel Lines game that ground to a halt back in January. As he is a hired hand of House Deneith, he goes from job to job working as a bodyguard and thus can easily move over into an excusion for House Cannith. As he was 1st level in that other game too, I can even keep his continuity going for you. Check the link above if you want to see the character in action. Here he is:

[B]Name:[/B]       Massif Dardungren
[B]Class:[/B]      Barbarian
[B]Race:[/B]       Dwarf
[B]Size:[/B]       Medium
[B]Gender:[/B]     Male
[B]Alignment:[/B]  Neutral Good
[B]Deity:[/B]      Dol Dorn     

[B]Str:[/B] 16 +3 (10p.)     [B]Level:[/B]    1     [B]XP:[/B] 0
[B]Dex:[/B] 14 +2  (6p.)     [B]BAB:[/B]     +1     [B]HP:[/B] 16 (1d12+4)
[B]Con:[/B] 18 +4 (10p.)     [B]Grapple:[/B] +4     [B]AP:[/B] 5
[B]Int:[/B] 10 +0  (2p.)     [B]Speed:[/B]   30'
[B]Wis:[/B] 12 +1  (4p.)     [B]Init:[/B]    +2
[B]Cha:[/B] 06 -2  (0p.)

                      [B]Base  Armor  Shield  Dex  Size  Misc[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B] 18              10     +4     +2     +2   +0    --
[B]Touch:[/B] 12
[B]Flat:[/B]  16

                      [B]Base  Mod  Misc[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]  +6              +2    +4   --
[B]Ref:[/B]   +2              +0    +2   --
[B]Will:[/B]  +1              +0    +1   --

[B]Weapon:               Attack  Damage  Critical[/B]
Dwarven Waraxe         +4     1d10+3     x3
Handaxe                +4      1d6+3     x3
Javelin                +3      1d6+3     x2

[B]Languages:[/B] Dwarven, Common

Darkvision 30' (Dwarf)
Stonecunning (Dwarf)
Stability (Dwarf)
Weapon Familiarity (Dwarf)
+2 save vs. poison (Dwarf)
+2 save vs. spells (Dwarf)
+1 to hit vs. orcs & goblinoids (Dwarf)
+4 to AC vs. giants (Dwarf)
+2 to Appraise on stone/metal items (Dwarf)
+2 to Craft on stone/metal items (Dwarf)
Fast Movement (Barbarian)
Rage 1/day - 9 rounds (Barbarian)

Power Attack

[B]Skill Points:[/B] 16      [B]Max Ranks:[/B] 4/2

[B]Skills:               Ranks  Mod  Misc[/B]
Read/Write              2
Craft (Smith) +4        2     +0   +2
Listen +5               4     +1   --
Spot +3                 4     +1   --
Ride +6                 4     +2   --

[B]Equipment:                Cost  Weight[/B]
Backpack                   2gp     2lb
Bedroll                    1sp     5lb
Belt Pouches (2)           2gp     1lb
Flint & Steel              1gp     0lb
Lantern, Hooded            7gp     2lb
Oil (3)                    3sp     3lb
Rations (4 days)           2gp     4lb
Waterskin                  1gp     4lb
Whetstone                  2cp     1lb

Dwarven Waraxe            30gp     8lb
Handaxe                    6gp     3lb
Scale Mail                50gp    30lb               
Shield, Lg Metal          20gp    15lb

[B]Total Weight:[/B] 78lb
[B]Money:[/B] 38gp 5sp 7cp

History: If you move throughout the Mror Holds, you will find thousands upon thousands of well-settled and urban areas filled with dwarven, gnome and human occupants. However, as you reach some of the deeper areas underneath the towering peaks... areas which begin to encroach upon orcish clans... those areas can be pretty deadly indeed. The dwarven Dungren clan has lived for hundreds of years in one small section of caverns that leads further towards several of those orcish outposts, and they have spent their lives keeping watch. These dwarves have lived a simple martial lifestyle, fighting and defending their caverns from humanoid attack. Every child who is raised in this community is taught from an early age whatever skills would be necessary to survive in this environment. Massif Dardungren is one of such children.

The third son of two honest, good-hearted parents, Massif grew up wanting to follow in his father's footsteps of combat and defense of the clan. An extremely healthy boy, Massif would spend hours upon hours running, lifting, and practicing his weaponship so that upon his graduation into adulthood he would assume his place alongside his father and brothers patrolling the tunnels of their clan's lands. This was the life had had chosen for himself, as it was the life most of his male family had chosen for themselves for several generations. However, upon his ascension to manhood, his plans were changed by a most unlikely source. With two sons having already joined as defenders of the clan, his father decided that Massif might better serve both the clan and himself by in fact LEAVING the caverns from which he had grown up, and instead plying his trade as a protector to other people who would pay handsomely for his services.

Needless to say, Massif was not pleased with this idea, as he had never any desire to leave the warm embrace of the Dungren clan. However, his respect for his elders was strong enough that when select members of the Defenders Guild under the auspices of House Deneith arrived to collect a number of the younger dwarven warriors to add to their protection staffs, Massif went without complaint. Thus began his stint as a member of the Defenders Guild, working as a bodyguard and protector for anyone who was willing to pay the Guild's fees. Thus far he has worked as a bodyguard for a noble and his family in Karrnath, has journeyed with a trio of wizards looking for dragonshards in the Q'barran jungles, and has made numerous forays into the Mournland with various relic hunters. Most recently he helped protect an airship flying from Aundair back to Karrnath that got assaulted by magical forces that wiped the memories of many involved.

Massif tends to be quiet and unassuming, however when it appears as though the people around him are acting in a manner that he finds stupid or foolish, he will willingly point that out to everyone else around him. This has given him the reputation of being somewhat of a whiner, but in truth he just does not suffer fools gladly. As long as everyone acts to the best of their abilities, he won’t put up much of a fuss. The one advantage of his getting riled up is that he can easily channel that rage into his fighting, and once he’s worked up it is hard for anything to knock him back down.

If you were to speak to Massif, he would tell you he is just putting in his time with the Guild and House Deneith until he is able to return home and rejoin his family. However, based on the money the House and Guild are undoubtedly paying the Dungren clan for the "loan" of several of their warriors, it might very well be some time before the clan asks for him to come home. So until that happens, he will travel where the House asks him travel and protect whomever it is that is willing to pay the fees.

Appearance: Massif is a little shorter than your typical dwarf, but also a little wider. His dark, gold skin ripples over thick, meaty muscles, and his long blond hair is pulled back into dozens of thick ponytails. His face belies his unhappiness with being away from home as his lips are in a perpetual scowl and his brown eyes are constantly narrowed. Thus he appears much less attractive than he otherwise might. He is always dressed very simply in various earthen colored tunics that he makes no effort to keep clean. His body is unpierced as he finds that particular affectation to be somewhat silly, but he has no problems wearing rings, amulets, or other types of jewelry. In fact, a very large medallion bearing the symbol of the Defenders Guild hangs prominently around his neck.
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